Lost Shore Event - No Reward [merged]

Lost Shore Event - No Reward [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Cathgar.7581


Bugged Noll and Quaggon, couldnt finish event and when the patch came, couldnt finish Quaggon, she was discontinued.
Final event, got the karka down to 1/2 hp. Got disconnected.
Couldnt even get back into the event until it was over, so i got no loot or no idea what happens at the end.
BIGGEST waste of time and effort for nothing.
They need to treat this as a trial run, and prepare better for rerunning the event.
You got loot? Good on you for being one of the rare few who didnt have all these problems happen to you.
As for me and the thousands of other who got screwed over by this event, it would only be fair to get some sort of compensation.

I doubt that the “rare few” got rewards. A huge number of people got rewards. I’m pretty certain the “rare few” were the ones who had problems with it. Maybe I’m wrong, but I haven’t seen any indication that thousands of people were screwed over by the event. Of course, we could find out, if they did the event again. I don’t think they will, though.

Your joking right?
Go read facebook or look at the near on 400 page thread in this forum, a bit more than a rare few.

Lost Shore Event - No Reward [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: drifter.8453


the event did not give EVERYBODY a precursor. I just wanted to throw that out there. A couple of lucky people got one. So don’t think all those that participated got one.

Lost Shore Event - No Reward [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


Or look for the crash reports. I know I sent one.

What about those of us that didnt “crash” but just got DC-ed. I was in the middle of getting all the loot from the chest. Managed to pick up the “Karka Box” before i was kicked and by the time the game allowed me back in the chest was gone

Lost Shore Event - No Reward [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Recently.1043


The simplest solution is to reactive the event. They don’t need to figure out who did or did not get dced. You can’t loot the chest more than once, so people that already successfully completed it won’t flood the overflow servers either.

Call me when this game gets fixed…. if it ever does….

Lost Shore Event - No Reward [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: vince.5937


This should have been a week-long event, not a 2 day bug fest. The event needs to be rerun, especially considering that Phase 1 is still broken.

vince.5937 — Tarnished Coast — Les Saintes
R.I.P. City of Heroes, 2004-2012
Long Live Atlas Park 33

Lost Shore Event - No Reward [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Necrid.6247


apparently other players could get the reward more than once – logging in with their 2nd lvl 80 – and taking advantage of their internetspeed and us disconnecting.
Very, very frustrating…..

Lost Shore Event - No Reward [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Scone Expenditures.1097

Scone Expenditures.1097

Bugged Noll and Quaggon, couldnt finish event and when the patch came, couldnt finish Quaggon, she was discontinued.
Final event, got the karka down to 1/2 hp. Got disconnected.
Couldnt even get back into the event until it was over, so i got no loot or no idea what happens at the end.
BIGGEST waste of time and effort for nothing.
They need to treat this as a trial run, and prepare better for rerunning the event.
You got loot? Good on you for being one of the rare few who didnt have all these problems happen to you.
As for me and the thousands of other who got screwed over by this event, it would only be fair to get some sort of compensation.

I doubt that the “rare few” got rewards. A huge number of people got rewards. I’m pretty certain the “rare few” were the ones who had problems with it. Maybe I’m wrong, but I haven’t seen any indication that thousands of people were screwed over by the event. Of course, we could find out, if they did the event again. I don’t think they will, though.

Read the forums. That should clear this up.

Lost Shore Event - No Reward [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: badend.4182


I grinded away on this event for over two hours to get nothing and I’m pretty sure my log would show it, so can I have the rewards that I should have earned now?

Lost Shore Event - No Reward [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Scone Expenditures.1097

Scone Expenditures.1097

Bugged Noll and Quaggon, couldnt finish event and when the patch came, couldnt finish Quaggon, she was discontinued.
Final event, got the karka down to 1/2 hp. Got disconnected.
Couldnt even get back into the event until it was over, so i got no loot or no idea what happens at the end.
BIGGEST waste of time and effort for nothing.
They need to treat this as a trial run, and prepare better for rerunning the event.
You got loot? Good on you for being one of the rare few who didnt have all these problems happen to you.
As for me and the thousands of other who got screwed over by this event, it would only be fair to get some sort of compensation.

I doubt that the “rare few” got rewards. A huge number of people got rewards. I’m pretty certain the “rare few” were the ones who had problems with it. Maybe I’m wrong, but I haven’t seen any indication that thousands of people were screwed over by the event. Of course, we could find out, if they did the event again. I don’t think they will, though.

Your joking right?
Go read facebook or look at the near on 400 page thread in this forum, a bit more than a rare few.

Thankyou. Exactly my point.

Lost Shore Event - No Reward [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Andred.1087


Uhm… OP… are you new to MMO gaming?

They have logs for everything. It wouldnt take much work seeing who was where when and who did and didnt get loot.

All they need to do to solve it and give everyone that participated rewards is send them a chest in the mail including random drops aswell as the bag/accessory. Only thing they might not be able to account for are food buffs. But they should have a log of positions, time, equipment, event stage, crashes, effort put in (deaths/damage/revives/heals). They should also be able to see the reason why people d/ced and such, if it was loss of connection or regular logout.

Its basic stuff they also use to catch exploiters, cheaters, hackers and bots. If it can be used to weed them out and punish them it should be used to reward people that run into bugs and such aswell.

I got my loot and all, had no isses whatsoever except with culling and some minor ms lag. I still think the unrewarded should get their rewards if there was login issues, crash issues and disconnects. My friend had d/c’s at start but managed to get back into it and stick with us till the end and recieved a nice precusor.

To answer your first question, albeit irrelevant and condescending, I am not. In fact, my wariness comes from what I know about network programming, and the difficulties associated with identifying the cause of a disconnect.

Maybe you’re right. Maybe they do have logs indicating precisely why people disconnected (whether it was a server error, or they lost their connection for some completely different reason, or they just quit the game). In that case, it would make this easier.

I do hope the unrewarded can get their rewards, but I don’t think it’s as simple as many people make it out to be.

“You’ll PAY to know what you really think.” ~ J. R. “Bob” Dobbs

Lost Shore Event - No Reward [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Goldrock.9076


yeah that can be annoying kinda wish on big events like this they should have sent a chest or somethin via mail syetem would have been better especially after you hit the finish and it counted.

Lost Shore Event - No Reward [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Ewon.5903


Have done event twice now with no reward. First got DC’d at the end and the second I died on ramp and got res’d after the chest had disappeared. Totally p’d as I put effort and time into both to get nothing. Totally gutted but will try once again I guess (3rd time lucky) most likely to get a right kitteny thing :/

How are you going about doing the event multiple times? I can see maybe an extra time in the beginning due to overflows going at different times, but how are you planning to do it a third time?

Lost Shore Event - No Reward [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Darkwolf.2463


Yea Ewon have now realised it’s “one time” event so now have missed out on it did try logging back on in the hope an overflow may’ve been still doing it :’( thought maybe it would repeat read wrong makes it all very sad!

Lost Shore Event - No Reward [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: SneakyErvin.3056


Uhm… OP… are you new to MMO gaming?

They have logs for everything. It wouldnt take much work seeing who was where when and who did and didnt get loot.

All they need to do to solve it and give everyone that participated rewards is send them a chest in the mail including random drops aswell as the bag/accessory. Only thing they might not be able to account for are food buffs. But they should have a log of positions, time, equipment, event stage, crashes, effort put in (deaths/damage/revives/heals). They should also be able to see the reason why people d/ced and such, if it was loss of connection or regular logout.

Its basic stuff they also use to catch exploiters, cheaters, hackers and bots. If it can be used to weed them out and punish them it should be used to reward people that run into bugs and such aswell.

I got my loot and all, had no isses whatsoever except with culling and some minor ms lag. I still think the unrewarded should get their rewards if there was login issues, crash issues and disconnects. My friend had d/c’s at start but managed to get back into it and stick with us till the end and recieved a nice precusor.

To answer your first question, albeit irrelevant and condescending, I am not. In fact, my wariness comes from what I know about network programming, and the difficulties associated with identifying the cause of a disconnect.

Maybe you’re right. Maybe they do have logs indicating precisely why people disconnected (whether it was a server error, or they lost their connection for some completely different reason, or they just quit the game). In that case, it would make this easier.

I do hope the unrewarded can get their rewards, but I don’t think it’s as simple as many people make it out to be.

But you see it is, unless Anet is using stoneage servers and programming. It worked perfectly way back in DaoC even. Then there is WoW where retroactive rewards were very common due to bugs or other things and then ToR. This game is 8 years younger than WoW, a brand new MMO of 2012. They should have all of that covered.

Maps probably have grid locations, grid locations probably get logged. We have combat logs ingame, there is surely something on their side too. Your character gets downed, rezzed, defeated, or helping others in similar situations, this should be logged somewhere.

Items should also be logged, its been like that for ages in MMOs, your whole character is logged, heck even your QB setup is logged in most games.

If this was 10 years ago it would be a different thing for an inexperienced company, but this is Anet, who has already done GW, an MMO.

There is no excuse as to why unrewarded players should not get the reward retroactivly. We didnt just pay for the software, we payed for CS aswell among other things.

Let Valkyries guide me to my destiny.

Lost Shore Event - No Reward [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Kurai.2839


I’d agree with having a look at the game logs (even though I guess it’s not as easy as said). I didn’t send a crash report either because I just wanted to get back into the game as soon as possible. I spent 4+ hours in the final event, and then got kicked out just when the final boss went down. When I managed to log back in I just saw the chest despawn.

To be honest, the fight was still somewhat enjoyable to me, even though there was a LOT of lag in between and I had a huge total repair cost but the fact that many people spent a long time in there and didn’t get anything in the end made it really disappointing to me.

Lost Shore Event - No Reward [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: leyfinder.5480


very disappointing, 3 hours of battling to see the chest disappear, not very happy to say the least, why wasn’t the chest there for anyone who had taken part in the event, I don’t know why it needed to be on a time limit certainly not such a short one, add this to the whole event, its just a game so not feeling good about it is not why I play.

Lost Shore Event - No Reward [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Runzu.8523


I had a family issues and had to afk for a moment at the top of the hive. I died there and tried rezzing from the Owain’s Waypoint. It never connected. At all. I waited for about 3 minutes.The game then froze and I had to close it using Task Manager. When I reconnected, I ran but I didn’t make it in time. I had missed everything.

I spent nearly 3 or so hours fighting all the things with my friends. I was in the overflow I think and if you’ve seen an Sylvari Elementalist running around by Adani, that was me.

I don’t really expect anything from Anet, to be honest. All the trouble they’ve had just running the event, I find it unlikely. Still, it would’ve been nice to have seen the ending and gotten some loots, if only to recoup the money spent from waypoints and repairing armor. :/

Mo’ People, Mo’ Allies, Mo’ Mayhem, Hell Yeah

Lost Shore Event - No Reward [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Atomictrex.1406


The big issue here is they designed this around the case that people would exploit the chest. If it was up to long a single player could have switched between their alts to get multiple rewards. This means they could potentially do the event once and get a precursor for each alt.

Mailing would have been a good solution but probably technically it wasn’t feasible to do given the time they took to build the event. So they put in this solution without thinking of the edge case of of “What if the chest vanishes before the player reaches it.”, “What if the Player DCed”, “What if the player was dead and not ressed until after the chest vanished”. Basically bad design based around what I assume were technical limitations and fear of exploiters. So how do we fix this/get rewarded? I think what we’re doing is good, but I’d recommend everyone who had this issue submit a custom support ticket as well. The more issues they see the more pressure they will have to solve this problem.

Lost Shore Event - No Reward [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Namor Tong.2605

Namor Tong.2605

Well i’ll try this again! your actual forums are messed up too! wow!!! go figure can’t design a game with basic principals like chest…get loot…ok done! well that’s messed up cause there’s a ton of people who didn’t get anything and sted are typing at a forum that bugged out as well! make sense to me…take away the problem turn off the computer, same what most of the people will do with this game if you do not get your collective head out of your lead programmer’s A*S.
I was at the event 4 hrs. got to the chest tried to open it, had room in inventory and got nothing, chest dissapeared!!!…WOW REALLY?
So What is anet gonna do? proly nothing, so here’s my answer…as many people play deny them money…start demanding this game be fixed, and get loud about it.
They do not care, it’s quite obvious they’d rather release a new area to appease the kiddies who have a serious ADD problem, and the looks at the events it sure runs like them too, there’s little to no narriation or things to tell you what to do, or how to do it. you have to chase after forums, and wiki nothing in game…seriously? Your so far off on this game. I played gw1 for 8 yrs and would like to considder myself loyal, but with all the bugs with this game it’s hard to do, i’ve had numerous (blue screen of death) and game freezes, horrible lag, and anet just say’s oh it’s cause we have had so many ppl playing…really? then buy another server! you people made millions and can’t figure that out? if not RENT THEM for events…w/e you need to do! You People were paid money for a game that is BROKE! it does not work, i cannot go a day without having some dc’, blue screen, lag issue, or game issue…we as consumers need to look at gw2 as a bad investment and the company that put it out! and don’t buy any other games from them if they wanna do these type of business practices. I’m seriously pissed about the “rights” we have as a consumer and the illegal practice of bait and switch…that’s what this event is all about…give them something to appease them. If Anet wishes to contact me, i wish they would…i’d seriously give them a piece of my mind. but in reality they have all this “forum” crap as computer automated and no one actually talks to anyone. The basis of this being not like any other game…well they got that right…it’s not like any other game, cause the other games work! People are being way to sympthetic to anet they promised a game that works. I personaly want my chest, that’s serious bs to be there for 4 hrs and not get anything, and hardly any drops fighting any of the creatures leading up to the “Boss”.
I want this event done over, and i want to be able to see the fellow players fighting, not lag till you die and 40 mins later it show up…that’s your problem fix it.
There is another legal matter which ANET doen’t want to admit to, they took our money, and didn’t provide the game as described. and with the event, i believe it would be admitted with most people that it’s more like bait and switch than release of new material for the game…fix your mess ups first!

Lost Shore Event - No Reward [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: dreamranger.2758


i didn’t got anything at last !! after the cutscene !! i got crashed .. so please do somthing !!

Lost Shore Event - No Reward [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Martin Kerstein.3071

Martin Kerstein.3071

Head of Global Community

Lost Shore Event - No Reward [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: DancingPenguins.9875


Lost Shore Event - No Reward [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Aletheides.5693


You can add me to the list. When we got to the end parts of the Ancient Karkan event the ability lag and rubber-banding were so bad that people crashed or were forced to relog left right center. Problem is everyone and their mother had the same problem so the login server were congested. Result? Most of us never got back in. The rare people who did logged in to a finished event. We all missed out on the rewards for the 2.5 hours+ we put into the event.

While repeatedly clicking the login button i could hear the few guildmates who didnt get kicked out of the game and miss the rewards get FANTASTIC rewards. Five. FIVE legendary precursors in my Teamspeak channel alone out of a handful of people… Add to that the 20 slot bag, ring and exotics.

For someone who has tried to get his hand on a precursor for months now, to miss a chance on one like this, really is too much to bear….

ArNet should send an epic chest in the mail to everyone who participated in that event and didn’t get to loot the chest. Makes sure everyone had a fair chance on the Precursor roll.

Lost Shore Event - No Reward [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: xiv.7136


You can add me to the list. When we got to the end parts of the Ancient Karkan event the ability lag and rubber-banding were so bad that people crashed or were forced to relog left right center. Problem is everyone and their mother had the same problem so the login server were congested. Result? Most of us never got back in. The rare people who did logged in to a finished event. We all missed out on the rewards for the 2.5 hours+ we put into the event.

While repeatedly clicking the login button i could hear the few guildmates who didnt get kicked out of the game and miss the rewards get FANTASTIC rewards. Five. FIVE legendary precursors in my Teamspeak channel alone out of a handful of people… Add to that the 20 slot bag, ring and exotics.

For someone who has tried to get his hand on a precursor for months now, to miss a chance on one like this, really is too much to bear….

ArNet should send an epic chest in the mail to everyone who participated in that event and didn’t get to loot the chest. Makes sure everyone had a fair chance on the Precursor roll.


A chance at a precursor is what the chest was all about.

They should send one by mail to everyone who didn’t get to loot the chest.

I like pizza

Lost Shore Event - No Reward [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Atomictrex.1406


Thanks for the quick reply. Will this also apply to people like myself who participated in the event without DCing but just couldn’t make it to the chest in time to collect their reward?

Lost Shore Event - No Reward [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: medusa.3091


I have seen the announcement from the devs that they are looking into the issues of players not getting loot due to disconnecting. What about those of us who missed out because we got killed, and were trying to run back from the waypoint, which was next to impossible with all the respawns etc, and the chest disappeared by the time I got to it. Why didnt they put a waypoint in the boss cave so we could get back easier for the chest. Nowhere near enough waypoints in the zone. Cost me a fortune in repairs and paying to rez at the start point, and I got no reward whatsoever, then I had to endure all my friends bragging about the loot they received. Seriously, can’t it be done better than this? Hours of effort and then nothing at the end of it. It is extremely frustrating, and I will not take part in future events like this one if they cant do any better, its just not worth it.

Norn Ranger Tamarn

Lost Shore Event - No Reward [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Rowan.5064


Beyond disconnects, there were also several of us who went thru the whole 3 hours and died while trying to rez others in that last wave after wave of baby face-hugger karkas. Most waypointed and could not make it back in time for the final scene. Many others were rez’d just in time to see the chest disappear. We even got medals for the event, but no chest.

A suggestion here ANet: make the final event chest delivered either thru the mail or like the personal story or Daily achievement chest. If a person got the medal they should get the chest (and that is 1 way for you to know who should get the chest for this event too). You could even rank the chests like the medals – 1hr, 2hr, 3hr participation. That way those who d/c at the end or even part way thru and couldn’t make it back still get their participation rewarded too.

Lost Shore Event - No Reward [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Goldrock.9076


I hate to break it to the people qqing about no reward anet did great they added a pvp map for people who like pvp,and a dungeon and the donations for the loot hounds and the dynamic event for people who like the immersion and dynamic events so really nothing wrong with that whatsoever yeah i understand the frustration they already said they will give you guys something my guess it will be a package via mail when they get it worked out. every game has their flaws and this one is no diffrent.

Lost Shore Event - No Reward [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: lin.6487


i was there for 1:15min till i have to go to work and the boss karka still got like 80% hp… so i went to work thinking is 1 day event thing… but came home every one who got the loots and stuff said “never spawn again”…. 1:15mins wasn’t enough for the event? people have jobs and stuff. this made me kinda sad.

p.s so many d/c and lags too.

Lost Shore Event - No Reward [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Iarkrad.8415


I expected to dc at by the end. I didn’t even go to the event because of this reason, as well of the fact that the Lost Shores itself was extramly underwhelming. Kitten you all for selling your souls to the Karka.

Btw, fractals was actually good and probably the best dungon, but ascended gear offset that compleatly and then some, enough to also offset the beautiful enviorment of the southsun cove as well.

No more non cosmetic world event rewards. We haven’t forgotten the Ancient Karka.

Lost Shore Event - No Reward [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Ramirez.6510


Pretty dissappointed here. Another sob story, i guess. Stuck it through lag infested, no gear, heavy reapir bills to receive a phone call my my mother (recently widowed -was not going to ditch her) only to miss 15 minutes and event over. Wow, not good times.

Lost Shore Event - No Reward [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Lionaeron.5724


the event did not give EVERYBODY a precursor. I just wanted to throw that out there. A couple of lucky people got one. So don’t think all those that participated got one.

No just enough for the price of precursors to drop 200-300 gold in a matter of an hour.


Lost Shore Event - No Reward [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Lionaeron.5724


I hate to break it to the people qqing about no reward anet did great they added a pvp map for people who like pvp,and a dungeon and the donations for the loot hounds and the dynamic event for people who like the immersion and dynamic events so really nothing wrong with that whatsoever yeah i understand the frustration they already said they will give you guys something my guess it will be a package via mail when they get it worked out. every game has their flaws and this one is no diffrent.

How about fixing the bugs than compounding them with crappy events that only anger people, in all honesty i couldn’t care anymore you can keep your Bugwars 2.


Lost Shore Event - No Reward [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: wildcode.5403


Just to add to this, I saw some people saying they got the chest 2-3 times by cycling charactor selection screen and ending up on a different overflow server. While others got nothing. I got 5g worth of stuff from the chest but there are others who got 300G + worth of stuff from the chest

Lost Shore Event - No Reward [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Ekove.4586


It’s supposed to be random, if everyone got a rare item then no item will be rare anymore. Honestly I think the bag and trinkey are already worth it, 15g worth of stuff for 2-3 hours? anything extra is a bonus.

Now the problem is I got a disconnect TWICE before it finished.

Lost Shore Event - No Reward [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Tiger Ashante.1792

Tiger Ashante.1792

My post above was originally posted in a different thread, relating to not getting rewards, then I received a message from the moderator that it was deleted and merged into this one.
I just want to clarify, i spent about an hour and a half in the event chain, first in the cave, then we went to fight this champion. The lag progressively got so bad, i could see that not just me, but most players in our group couldn’t do much and we were just being killed off. After about 30-40 minutes of this, i was laying dead once gain and ported to the wp near the ship so i thought i may as well leave for LA and retry, maybe get a different, less laggy overflow but then the game totally locked up on the loading screen that all i could do is reboot the pc. when i logged back in, i was in LA and i didn’t see the point going back then. So even though i did most of the event, i never got to finish it and get my reward. I lost count on the repair and wp costs. So yea very disappointing.
Just wanted to also mention that i was kicked off the server once before during the champ fight but to the char select screen and was able to get back in and when i did get back, the lag was just as bad if not worse than before.

(edited by Tiger Ashante.1792)

Lost Shore Event - No Reward [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: SyphumRM.5462


Found this issue very frustrating. Especially during the last event battling the Ancient Karken, disconnected several times. Disappointing unable to see final seconds of a several hour event. But again thank to your team for looking into awarding players.

Lost Shore Event - No Reward [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Warden.1745


And what about the people who’s server got bugged and all process was halted during the end of 2nd event (after over 2 hours of playing) and not the last event?

Lost Shore Event - No Reward [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


Or the people who got a second chance only to have it smashed in theirs faces aswell?

Lost Shore Event - No Reward [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Katai.6240


Should we file a bug report for this? How will ANet know who participated and who didn’t?

Lost Shore Event - No Reward [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: SyphumRM.5462


Good question. Hope that Arena Net Team can get it figured out.

Lost Shore Event - No Reward [merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Black Lotus.1794

Black Lotus.1794

Thank you for giving us some information that you are looking into the issue, and an opportunity to get some rewards. I was very disappointed to of been disconnected several times and then unable to get back on at all until well after the event had concluded.

The idea for a world changing and stunning event is a great idea, however I was concerned for the “One Time Only!” aspect of it. This increased the desire to have as many people as possible participate in the event, but seems to of been difficult for the servers to handle. This aspect is also quite limiting for some of your community. I know of several people who voiced their regrets in missing the event due to prior responsibilities, such as work. I almost feel punished for being a 27 year old gamer.

I have enjoyed your products ever since I first saw Lineage 1. After going through Lineage 1, Lineage 2, Guild Wars 1, City of Heroes, City of Villains, Aion, and now Guild Wars 2 I would hope that people, such as myself, who have followed your company’s products for so long would not be dismissed so easily.

Part of me looks at this event and says, “Why be disappointed you missed out? It is just a game.” Another part cares about the virtual representation of myself in Tyria, and thinks “I am sad I missed out on the bragging rights for felling such a foe, the loot missed out on, and the bragging rights for being there and part of the community that came together to fight off the invader. Perhaps we can try again.”

I can only hope that those who missed it get another chance at it, those who were there and unable to get on are rewarded or given the same chance, and those who farmed the event and got multiple drops due to jumping overflow maps, (filling spaces that others would of cherished greatly) do not speak for all of us.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Lacey Lotus (Darkhaven)