Lost Shores Scav Hunt Completely Done How to

Lost Shores Scav Hunt Completely Done How to

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Silentstorm.7531


If you haven’t done it by now completely know you can even with the bugs. This was a little more running around than the last content patch with the mad king. But nevertheless it was simple the bugs made it harder and longer than it had to be. At the end you get a karma pot and 5 commendations you can use at a vendor. I show where that is too at the end. The vendor has Lions Arch gear you can get.

Lost Shores Scav Hunt Completely Done How to

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Silentstorm.7531


Ill be doing phase 2 as well whenever it cuts on that is……

Lost Shores Scav Hunt Completely Done How to

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Silentstorm.7531


Phase 2 vid inc eventhough I’m not sure what that zerg was supposed to do lol

Lost Shores Scav Hunt Completely Done How to

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Jia Shen.4217

Jia Shen.4217

Hopefully this info will still be helpful with phase two now. This info was too late to do anything about it before the phase two kick off event began. Right now the NPCs are MIA and I can only assume the info we have is correct that they have a fix incoming and we will be able to do all of phase one again since the whole phase was broken the whole time of the phase.

Lost Shores Scav Hunt Completely Done How to

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Silentstorm.7531


Well they said you can still complete Phase 1 even after phase 2 starts. From what I seen in phase 2 it shouldn’t effect phase 1 anyway. Unless of course you didn’t start it at all.

Lost Shores Scav Hunt Completely Done How to

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: skullmount.1758


Except that I don’t see the dude in Kessix hill (the largos one). Are we still able to do that line?

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Lost Shores Scav Hunt Completely Done How to

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Silentstorm.7531


I believe I read as long as you were on the 3rd quest you can still do it. Unless the massive number of people playing this weekend crashed it.

Lost Shores Scav Hunt Completely Done How to

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Hsinimod.5784


No, you can’t do largos.

Phase 1 was bugged, so they only let Noll carry over into phase 2. So you had to get up to Noll before stopping.

The Mystic Forge hunt for the Quaggan, Hylek, and Largos was patched late at night (1 am or so EST). So it was not carried over.

Now, maybe they are available as a courtesy (as they should be), but I doubt it since the forum warned us (the red note at top when looking at the forum) that only Noll and on would be carried over.


Playing Devil’s Advocate since 1990.

Lost Shores Scav Hunt Completely Done How to

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Jia Shen.4217

Jia Shen.4217

Why wouldn’t they carry over both lines since both were broken. I haven’t been able to do any of them since the event went live on friday. The quaggan never showed just some random guy with flavor text not the one you need to give the items to and rescue. And it’s phase 2 and noll is nowhere to be found. I have the map thing for him but how are we supposed to finish the line if he is MIA? So far the only thing I was able to do was todays noon event and even that was bugged out so we only got to do the DE chain once on the island. The DE in LA triggered and ended as soon as it started so we all missed that part. This whole event has been one big disaster of bugs and broken.

(edited by Jia Shen.4217)

Lost Shores Scav Hunt Completely Done How to

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Silentstorm.7531


They gave a warning that you had to be out of the first 3 steps before phase 1 started

Lost Shores Scav Hunt Completely Done How to

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Havana.8625


When do we get to start phase two of the scavenger hunt?

“We don’t need to make gear treadmills”
Colin Johanson on how arenanet measures success.
(Please no gear treadmills, Colin!)

Lost Shores Scav Hunt Completely Done How to

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Silentstorm.7531


Not sure of that or if they even have a part 2

Lost Shores Scav Hunt Completely Done How to

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Silentstorm.7531


I looked around a little while all i could gather was the zergfest was it. ith a few minor new interesting eventson the isle.