Love the Fractals

Love the Fractals

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: FallenAdvent.5904


Gotta say though, My favorite 2 are the Cat-Golem Rave & the Colossus.

The Colossus felt like a breathtaking mashup between God of War & Shadow of the Colossus.

Fantastic overall A-Net, There may be problems with the other event pieces. But this dungeon is hands down a win in my book. Would love to see some more Fractals appear as time goes on.

(edited by FallenAdvent.5904)

Love the Fractals

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Shinya.8014


agreed !
I just wonder how to get into the lost shores xdd

Love the Fractals

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: DreamyAbaddon.3265


I love the Fractcals Dungoen!
I just hope they remove the Gear-treadmill it comes with it.

Really a shame such a fun challenging content is heading towards Gear-grinding.
I just hope this doesnt turn out to be a content that prevents players from playing it due to possible “Gear check” issues.

They should really think about removing the Acendend Gear and add something much better for us.

Love the Fractals

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Claudius.5381


I did only

a) the aquatic thingy: not as bad as underwater fights usually are, but I don’t like the luminous-plant-poison mechanic. Still an ok fractal.

b) the dredge fractal: Nice ideas, a bit chaotic, but I really liked to empty out a lava bucket on a boss Nice dungeon.

c) The Colossus: Great looking, not too difficult, if you know what to do (which I didn’t at first…). My favourite so far.

I am really looking forward to the next runs.

Love the Fractals

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Transit.4158


The fractals is my favorite dungeon by far so far, beautiful and varied environments with challenging gameplay. I played the winter one, the colossus and the dredge. I had a great time figuring out with my team how to make it work etc, and we aced them in the end. Very much looking forward to going in many times again.

The only negative thing I can think about it is that presumably there will be “agony” the further in we get, and I don’t like the idea of having to grind for certain gear just to keep playing.

Love the Fractals

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Gwalchgwn.1659


The blizzard storm, I loved the concept of getting warmth They should’ve make it a bit more difficult though, so that you could actually die from freezing if you don’t do it right..

Ring of Fire
GL – “The Afternoon’s Watch” [OATH]

Love the Fractals

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: FallenAdvent.5904


agreed !
I just wonder how to get into the lost shores xdd

Lost shores will be added ~Noon (12:00 PM) server time

I love the Fractcals Dungoen!
I just hope they remove the Gear-treadmill it comes with it.

Really a shame such a fun challenging content is heading towards Gear-grinding.
I just hope this doesnt turn out to be a content that prevents players from playing it due to possible “Gear check” issues.

They should really think about removing the Acendend Gear and add something much better for us.

I personally don’t mind a bit of grind. And honestly, I was getting some amazing drops

(4 Onyx Cores, 2 Destroyer Cores, and 5 Charged Cores in 2 runs. Plus enough Yellows to get ~6-7 ecto [forget how much I ended up with]) No MF gear, Just high and dry damage. (Maybe I’m just lucky) Which made the dungeon profitable, and I plan on replacing Cursed Shore farming with this.

The one thing to keep in mind. Nothing comes without a price, And the greater things will come with greater sacrifices. Alot of people keep complaining (And actually, Your complaint was at least thought out, Unlike most) about the gear treadmill, but in reality, You would not be half as satisfied when you get the gear as if you actually had to work for it.

When it comes down to it. People are complaining about not being able to get top tier gear in the first 3 months of game release. I, personally, am working to get my Legendary and my Ascended pieces. Ya, It will take time. But Top Tier gear isn’t supposed to be cakewalk, Its supposed to test you.

Right now, You can get away with pure rare gear and be fine with 90% of groups. So gear check right now isn’t as much of an issue.

The highest I see Gear Checks going right now is someone wielding Full Exotic, Which is a simple feat. You could have full exotic within a week if you worked at it. 2 weeks if you did it casually. And if you really dedicated (No-Life’d) yourself (Like some guys in my guild did) You could have it in a couple hours to a day.

(edited by FallenAdvent.5904)

Love the Fractals

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Eli The Yahoo.9782

Eli The Yahoo.9782

Agree, This dungeon is amazing – even tough i havent finished the hammer quest yet

Love the Fractals

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: FalconDance.1637


Only been in one fractal so far and didn’t finish (one guildie dc’d, another was called away with a real life emergency).

BUT I really liked it! Different, challenging without being crazystupid hard. We’re looking forward to playing in the fractals as a possible future guild activity.

BirchFlower [RBW] – Sylvari ranger, Isle of Janthir
Lili BirchFlower, Adjutant, Royal Black Watch

Love the Fractals

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: FallenAdvent.5904


Ya, Its gets a bit difficult when anyone DC’s or leaves, But ANET has posted that they are looking into remedying the issue. So expect a patch that makes it act similar to a normal dungeon soon

Love the Fractals

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: TYHE.6435


Hi. I just wanted to express how I love the Fractals of the Mists dungeon. And I’m not the only one, others in my guild also like it very much. It’s fun, interesting and briliantly designed. So far the best feature of the new Lost Shores content and also one of the best experience in the whole game ;] I personally also like the jumping puzzle on the isle, it’s funny and seems so hard xD

(edited by TYHE.6435)

Love the Fractals

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Looria.8019


Gotta say the most breathtaking part was with the fires and the huge ice wall. It reminded me so much of the wall in the Game of Thrones