No time to participate/different time zone [merged]
So it appears as if the forum mods are great at merging threads but utterly terrible at communicating with us. This company is a real “one-way street” when it comes to player support!
Pretty much. There have been so many threads started that are slightly similar which get lumped together, even though not properly related.
And during this entire time, not one announcement from an Anet employee. Even to say that they are discussing the issue. Communication, even just ‘We are taking this on board, and understand your concerns’ to let us know they are at least reading some of the posts would be nice.
There was an official reply of sorts here:
This was ArenaNet’s official statement on WvW “nightcapping”:
We feel that everyone should have the ability to contribute no matter what time of the day it is. How we’ve came to this conclusion is that no player’s time is more valuable than another. Everyone has different off peak hours for whatever reason. Players should not be punished or unable to experience and view the same content as everyone else because they play at a different time. They too are paying customers.
Sadly they seem to have forgotten this philosophy already…
So it appears as if the forum mods are great at merging threads but utterly terrible at communicating with us. This company is a real “one-way street” when it comes to player support!
Bear in mind that forum moderators (or even Community Coordinators) are usually not people with the authority to make decisions about these sorts of matters. That is left up to the senior members of the development team, and they usually need at least a day or two to really discuss all available options, the pros and cons of each (including coding complexity, how much time it would take to implement a solution, short and long-term effects on the game’s economy etc.) and then finally come to a decision.
So the forum mods are basically just doing their jobs at the moment, which is to compile multiple threads into singular ones and try and keep the place organised. They don’t have any answers for us, because they’re not part of the decision-making loop. Getting mad at them won’t help anything.
This was ArenaNet’s official statement on WvW “nightcapping”:
We feel that everyone should have the ability to contribute no matter what time of the day it is. How we’ve came to this conclusion is that no player’s time is more valuable than another. Everyone has different off peak hours for whatever reason. Players should not be punished or unable to experience and view the same content as everyone else because they play at a different time. They too are paying customers.
Sadly they seem to have forgotten this philosophy already…
Players should not be punished or unable to experience and view the same content as everyone else because they play at a different time.
Well, we just got punished.
Pretty sure no ANet staff will post a response to this, or if they do, it has something like “Thanks for the feedback.” context.
Why do Anet sell this game globally if they do not intend to cater to their global audience? Final event at 6am on a Monday morning for Oceanics? Same thing happened with the Halloween event. Don’t know why you can’t instance the events so that everyone around the world can experience it.
As it stands right now, you’re alienating a chunk of your customer base based on your “concurrency” figures. Until it’s fixed, I’m out. I hope fellow Oceanics follow my lead, then just maybe, you’ll address the issue.
Hey dude, if you’re going to copy/paste what someone else has said on Facebook, at least put the source below your copy/paste. It was me that wrote the above on the Facebook page when Anet said they were looking into the disconnections.
Don’t forget, that in regards to concerns about one time events (after Halloween) the response was:
‘The reason we chose the times that we did, when concurrency is at its peak, is precisely because it offers us the highest chance for the largest number of people to attend. By definition though, because concurrency rises and falls, that means it’s impossible for us to choose a time that offers us a chance for everyone to attend.’
Do they really have more players on a Sunday in NA than a Saturday? I am of intent disbelief that their numbers are lower at that time, or around that time. I would love to see some figures to back that up, but I know I never will.
I understand the ‘12pm PST = most players online’ logic behind holding these ‘one-time events’, but why have them as a one-time event in the first place?
Is it that much more detrimental to the game and the player base if say for example these events repeated every 4~6 hrs for a 24hr period with the chest reward lootable only once per character per day (exactly the same way Jumping Puzzle chests work)?
Wouldn’t that then if not solve at least alleviate the issue of ‘fairness’ for all players across all timezones? Since all players would have a better chance of experiencing these events with no extra glut of items/rewards since the chest is coded to only be lootable once per character per 24hrs.
They should have stuck to the GW1 event formula, it worked so much better. Although I feel the chest should only have been lootable once per account since people in certain timezones were able to do it multiple times.
My other question is why have it at 12pm PST on a Sunday? If it was on a Saturday, then it would be the weekend in all timezones, surely that would give more numbers….
Edit: And once per 24 hours per account, not character, to avoid creating new characters to run the area again.
i agree mostly, but chest lootable once per account.
Agree. GW1 event formula was great. “Don’t fix what’s not broken” is good advice for GW2 “special” events. In GW2, it felt like they were more “exclusive” events than special world events for all the possibility of me attending them.
They were afraid of the loot chest I suppose, but I don’t see how they could not have implemented a once-per-account restriction.
I used the once per character as an example only because that’s how they already have it coded for all the chests in Jumping Puzzles.
But I agree with the once per account makes sense to me if you are taking into consideration how ‘epic’ these event rewards have a chance to be.
My question is mainly focused on the viability of future events being repeatable within a set amount of time, ie. 24hrs, 48hrs, etc. and how not to allow such events being exploitable/farmable just because it is repeated so that more players can experience said events.
thanks for nothing =/ i was pretty upset with the Halloween event, it wasnt a very big thing… just simply run around and talk to ghosts and write it down, and then in the very end you kill the MK thinking it was going to be something awesome (which it was, dont get me wrong) but guess what the end result was for me? toilet paper… thats probubly the worst loot i have ever gotten, even more so from a 1 time only event boss.
which you could do repeatedly by the way…and now the lost shores event.. i worked pretty much all weekend and my fiance had to tell me about it, all i heard was “dont do it, its bugged” or “wasnt worth the time” which honestly didnt surprise me due to the last 1 time only event. now i love the game and i love the design team, but please… i would rather you not come out with fresh idea’s or events if they are going to be crap. the skins of the shoulder pads were all the same if they are cloth/medium/heavy either way, and the events i heard had nothing but bugs.
the FINAL event literaly was a 1 time only thing, so because of hearing and experiencing being able to kill the MK many times that day, i didnt think anything of it. but THIS EVENT was very much so.. a one time deal. and then after hearing about all the people who had issues with DC’ing and not being able to loot kinda made me upset. and to finish it off, so many people got exotics like the precursors you need for the legendaries. which only makes the people mad who are really working hard for them. im pretty upset with the way these events turned out, like i said i love the game and i think its amazing, but the events… are a major piss off.
long story short. come out with less events that are kitten, and make sure you keep the game awesome.
Sincerely, a pissed off gamer with a life outside the game.
Honestly, if you want to play, you play! Have you not heard of the gamer phrase “sleep is for the weak” it has been coined for a reason. In my time zone, the event started at 1:30am and, the overflow server I was in, managed to finish it at 4am. I stayed up, I had a blast, I got okay’ish loot (being lvl 54, I received lvl 62 weapons). But I’m part of the progression of the story and I’m happy. Stop whining and man up!
Everything that’s wrong with this community. Stop whining and man up? Really? So what about the “boys” who have to take their kids to school in the morning, or the “boys” who actually have to work for a living? Haven’t heard such an elitist and arrogant comment in a while.
Call me arrogant or whatever, I managed to get to work, maybe 20 mins late, but was still there. I got a total of 4 and a half hours of sleep. I’m still tired. My decision to sacrifice my sleep was completely worth it. Notice how you are the only one who has addressed my comment, while the others remain silent. Because deep down, you and everybody else know that what I am saying is correct. In my college days, I used to set alarms for 5am raids and make sure I sleep early so I can wake up for them. This is the forethought you should have if you are serious about gaming and want to live a balanced life. If you are so hell bent on spending time with your family, you must be receiving ample love and support from them and should be really happy with that. If you cherish them so much, why are you arguing about such a small pixel related issue. They are definitely more important.
Now the argument about not having kids can be raised, yes I don’t have kids, but guess what, when I have, I kitten well will get off the comp to tuck them into bed and will have no regrets if I miss a dungeon.
thanks for nothing =/ i was pretty upset with the Halloween event, it wasnt a very big thing… just simply run around and talk to ghosts and write it down, and then in the very end you kill the MK thinking it was going to be something awesome (which it was, dont get me wrong) but guess what the end result was for me? toilet paper… thats probubly the worst loot i have ever gotten, even more so from a 1 time only event boss.
which you could do repeatedly by the way…and now the lost shores event.. i worked pretty much all weekend and my fiance had to tell me about it, all i heard was “dont do it, its bugged” or “wasnt worth the time” which honestly didnt surprise me due to the last 1 time only event. now i love the game and i love the design team, but please… i would rather you not come out with fresh idea’s or events if they are going to be crap. the skins of the shoulder pads were all the same if they are cloth/medium/heavy either way, and the events i heard had nothing but bugs.
the FINAL event literaly was a 1 time only thing, so because of hearing and experiencing being able to kill the MK many times that day, i didnt think anything of it. but THIS EVENT was very much so.. a one time deal. and then after hearing about all the people who had issues with DC’ing and not being able to loot kinda made me upset. and to finish it off, so many people got exotics like the precursors you need for the legendaries. which only makes the people mad who are really working hard for them. im pretty upset with the way these events turned out, like i said i love the game and i think its amazing, but the events… are a major piss off.
long story short. come out with less events that are kitten, and make sure you keep the game awesome.
Sincerely, a pissed off gamer with a life outside the game.
Honestly, if you want to play, you play! Have you not heard of the gamer phrase “sleep is for the weak” it has been coined for a reason. In my time zone, the event started at 1:30am and, the overflow server I was in, managed to finish it at 4am. I stayed up, I had a blast, I got okay’ish loot (being lvl 54, I received lvl 62 weapons). But I’m part of the progression of the story and I’m happy. Stop whining and man up!
Everything that’s wrong with this community. Stop whining and man up? Really? So what about the “boys” who have to take their kids to school in the morning, or the “boys” who actually have to work for a living? Haven’t heard such an elitist and arrogant comment in a while.
Call me arrogant or whatever, I managed to get to work, maybe 20 mins late, but was still there. I got a total of 4 and a half hours of sleep. I’m still tired. My decision to sacrifice my sleep was completely worth it. Notice how you are the only one who has addressed my comment, while the others remain silent. Because deep down, you and everybody else know that what I am saying is correct. In my college days, I used to set alarms for 5am raids and make sure I sleep early so I can wake up for them. This is the forethought you should have if you are serious about gaming and want to live a balanced life. If you are so hell bent on spending time with your family, you must be receiving ample love and support from them and should be really happy with that. If you cherish them so much, why are you arguing about such a small pixel related issue. They are definitely more important.
Now the argument about not having kids can be raised, yes I don’t have kids, but guess what, when I have, I kitten well will get off the comp to tuck them into bed and will have no regrets if I miss a dungeon.
Well, not everyone is like you.
I can’t work well with less than 5hrs of sleep. I feel groggy.
So, congrats for your skill in staying awake.
Call me arrogant or whatever, I managed to get to work, maybe 20 mins late, but was still there.
Oh yeah? So what would you have done if the event had started 1 hour before work? You’d been what? Several hours late? Took a sicky?
Admit it, if the event had started in the middle of your work day, you’d be the one complaining.
Call me arrogant or whatever, I managed to get to work, maybe 20 mins late, but was still there.
Oh yeah? So what would you have done if the event had started 1 hour before work? You’d been what? Several hours late? Took a sicky?
Admit it, if the event had started in the middle of your work day, you’d be the one complaining.
If it started one hour before work, I would not have participated. The same way I did not take part on Friday and Saturday. Would I be angry? For a while. Would I whine about it? I’ve gone past that, this is not my first MMORPG, especially not the first that is governed by the US timezone. Would I quit the game due to this? NO
If it started in the middle of work, that’s another story. Based on my luck, if it wasn’t a heavy work day, I have the freedom of doing what I want. I have gamed from work before and my boss (the CEO) doesn’t really mind, as long as I complete work, meet deadlines, etc. Given that I don’t have kids, I would take part, and work 2 to 2 and half hours more, if work needed to be done. As long as it wasn’t an emergency or the likes. Yes, I have the benefits of flexibility from the work I’m doing and this may be just my case. If I was doing something else, and the event was during work hours, I’d probably miss it and in that case refer to what I have said in the previous paragraph.
….A whole lot of stuff telling us how awesome Deutero is and how he is better than all of us…
I’m sorry – I’m not as awesome as you. Unfortunately for me I had to work a 12 hour shift in a hospital today helping sick people get well. And guess what? The whole duration of the event was during that time. Even with three weeks notice of exactly what was happening I couldn’t take time off the way you can. After a 12 hour day I really enjoy coming home and being able to relax and play something I enjoy, like GW2.
Am I upset about missing the event? Meh… I’ll get over that – but a couple of things upset me a significant amount.
1. kittens on these forums telling me I am less of a human being because I actually had to do something other than play a computer game at a specific time. Who the hell do you think you are?
2. Not even getting the opportunity to be on a level playing field. Every single person that is kittened off about missing out has paid the same amount for this game as the people that were lucky enough / special enough or simply chosen by the devs by virtue of where they live to do the event. Yep it’s just loot, but the fact that there was a GUARANTEED 20 slot bag and decent trinket is just ridiculous. Add to that an outside chance of getting a decent exotic or a precursor and you are going to have peeved people who didn’t even have the chance to do this.
If you’re going to have a one off event that a decent chunk of the player base will not be able to attend why throw ridiculous amounts of loot at people? Especially when the devs have previously said (refer to the nightcapping thread – you know the one I mean) that no players should be disadvantaged based on where they live. How can they say that with a straight face and then organise an event like this?
Oh and one more thing that really grinds my gears;
3. No decent response or acknowledgement from anyone at Anet. I’ve seen what they have responded so far and they may as well have said nothing. So disappointed in a team I had a huge amount of respect for and a lot of faith in.
As an Aussie this is just disgusting Anet. I did not have chance at all to attend the event (like 1 – 4am local time).
I had work in the morning.
I have many Aussie friends who all missed out due to the timezone difference. There are whole guilds in my server who have Aussie only members who completely missed out on this event. One time events really have no place in an MMO. Who at ANet thought this was a good idea needs to have their head stapled to a karkas kitten
I’m bewildered by the immediate response Anet had when Hurricane Sandy hit the East Coast and decided to rectify the issue of Halloween event completion/achievements for dare I say a ‘fraction’ of GW2 players; compare that to the attention given to players’ grievances towards timezones outside of North America….
A simple response while busily merging complaints instead of sticking your head in the sand would be much appreciated.
As I posted before, this months gem money went to buy Xcom. I am taking a break from GW2 as long as they are going to continue with these ridiculous one-time events. I loved Halloween. Halloween was one of my very favorite events. But, Lost Shores is the worst event I have experienced in an MMO. It is so horrendous that I am actually stopping my support for GW2. The handling of Phase 3 goes beyond taking two steps back. I do not know how many customers are as disappointed as myself, but there must be enough to warrant a response.
Time frame issue:
IMO, choosing the best time when an event will start should not be scaled to “when the majority of people is online”. I think the best time to scale it is “When the majority of people CAN online”.
• Ok, some people says that. WTF, event start when i’m at the office or in school..!! No, thats not a correct reason to complain. You play a game, the game has its own advantage and disadvantage to your real life time slots. You are not the only one who are plays it. “You play it WITH players AROUND THE WORLD”. If you want to be in the game with YOUR prefer TIME (With the reason stated above). I think you need to play offline game instead.
• Guild Wars 2 is an International Game. People around the world plays it. Not only European or US. We also have Asia and other parts too. Anet should think a time frame that “The majority of players can be online”. This time, not at the office or in school. But “AWAKE”. Our world is round people, some part of it people are sleeping, and the other part is awake and playing the game. We must choose a much humane time frame to start an Event not forcing some players to wake up at 4:00-5:00am in the morning to play and not miss the event.
One obvious thing to me would have been to have such an event on a ‘Saturday’ instead… which would have meant Sunday morning for people in Asia/Oceania.. It wouldn’t have solved everything, or even made everyone happy, but it would have reduced the amount of grief at little or no cost for sure. (most people wouldn’t be a work/school/etc and even if it were at 3-4am in the morning they would have been able to sleep in on the sunday)
I do admit this is hindsight, so I’m not going to say get all worked up and go all; ‘but they should have thought of it!’… but I figured I’d mention it as a… suggestion? recommendation? idea…? for the future…