OFFICIAL: Boss Picture thread
looks so “artistic” lol
From the lowest dungeon to the highest peak we fought with the Ancient Karka of Southsun Cove…
Until at last we threw down our enemy and smote his ruin within the lava field…
(Also, omg reinforcements…)
Nice pics guys!
Snapped this pic during the cutscene, i think the random seed turret completely unharmed by the lava that’s roasting the boss is a nice touch.
“Finally, it is done…”
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more
Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU
Yeah I wish I could have been there. Too bad I got disconnected.
To bad for alot of us PvP.2758. They need to repeat the event.
~Tarnished Coast since the beginning
Too bad it got bugged where I was and the boss never even appeared.
Also, glad to see the devs were playing around on other servers instead of fixing the broken ones, or at least communicating with the players on them.
The rocks did not disappear for me xD. Was kind of funny seeing the Ancient Karka writhing and sinking into the rocks :P
where is a good place to host? i have about 10 screenies of this guy
where is a good place to host? i have about 10 screenies of this guy
you can always just post 10 times. lol…i think?
Didn’t take screens because I’ve crashed so many times while attempting to take one lol, especially in packed and low fps situation, also I didn’t risk to lose the chest.
was great, despite the crazy lag/rubber-banding. though, had there been one more reinforcement phase, i might have left
Had a blast during the event.
Sanctum of Rall
[GSCH] The Gaiscioch Family
Well that looked fun. Real nice its over already for west coast players. I get on at 2:30 pst and told its over. Sit in overflow for and hour and then told I missed it. Not Happy.
Too bad it got bugged where I was and the boss never even appeared.
Also, glad to see the devs were playing around on other servers instead of fixing the broken ones, or at least communicating with the players on them.
Totally agree. Devs are sitting in this thread and posting their screens while two threads below more thann 350 people are angry because disconnects and login server issues.
Communication at its best!
It was…um…there are parts of the experience I would rather not remember. The whole thing overall was great, though.
Thank you, ArenaNet. And thank you to the many many people who helped with fights and with revives.
was great, despite the crazy lag/rubber-banding. though, had there been one more reinforcement phase, i might have left
LOL at the “probably has 3x health” comment in the picture. That’s just what I thought when the last health went….I thought ..if he goes up to full health I’m going to cry!
Sooooo much fun! Thanks ANet, so worth getting the time off. Also, thanks for the Dawn
Warrior of GOLD
(Whiteside Ridge)
thanks for a great time ANet…
now get rid of gear gating.. :P
I am the Sylvari Necromancer with the skull looking staff standing near the bottom of the picture.
This event chain was awesome (although the reinforcements parts could have been much shorter…).
I had a great time! Thank you so much Anet!
I wish I had taken pictures… oh well.
Yippee ki yay!
Great Event!
I only got in right at the end, but still fun.
Zelrok Saegrid (Mes)
Please excuse the nudity of the guy on the left. He had a much harder time of it than my guildmate and myself
Wow, let me post our picture from the Dragonbrand server. Oops, thats right, ours bugged out and we are standing next to the NPC in the cave. I got to hand it to the NPC, though, not many people can stand in place for 7 hours without moving. Developers, instead of congratulating yourselves, maybe you can respond to our post and let us know its OK to logoff since we have been sitting here for most of the day. Nice job Anet!
Shout-outs to everyone on the overflow I was on. May have started out a little ugly, but we all enjoyed it I think. I know I did. GJ ANet on a great finale.
Guardians of the Creed [HATE]
Yak’s Bend