On future events...

On future events...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Dear ArenaNet. The next time you plan on releasing an event, please don’t do it until you’re 100% sure it’s not going to be a miserable slog of lag, broken quests, and waiting around forever for events.

On future events...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Manoa.5897


100% agreed. I’ve been a huge advocate for this game due to their “when it’s ready” philosophy. Well…I don’t know what happened with that philosophy because this event was NOT ready and is a huge disappointment. I realize there will inevitably be some bugs…it happens in all games. But with the amount of broken content with this event, it seriously feels like a stress test and not a live environment. This isn’t the polished content I’ve come to expect with Guild Wars 2. The event just feels way too rushed (both in implementation and the time it’s offered).

ArenaNet, you really need to consider extending out the timeframe you offer said content to allow time for bug fixes. ‘Cause bugs ARE going to happen and you need adequate time to fix those bugs. And three days just nearly isn’t enough time to implement bug fixes AND give players enough time to complete the event content. This event should have been offered over the course of a week…not three days.

This event really reflects poorly upon ArenaNet and Guild Wars 2. And I’m quite saddened that it coincided with the free trial weekend. I’m actively encouraging those that I invited for the free trial weekend to skip the event content and focus on the rest of the game since it’s far more polished. Which shouldn’t be the case.

Chaos Spatulai [Chef] | Paragon City Elite [PCE]
Henge of Denravi

On future events...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Micerbeats.9607


It does sorta stink that it happened the way it did, but the gameplay and creativity of it was awesome! I am so excited for the rest of the weekend. Yes, there were major bugs, but it does not subtract the respect I have for Anet.

On future events...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Arosa.2647


They should make lots of overflows with less people. Doing events with other 809k people is unplayable. I hope we dont have to play turns on the new map (but i think we will ._. ).

[DA] Disaster Area | [HiNe] Hijos de Némesis
Togame la Estratega – Engineer
Marga Sorin – Druid

On future events...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Wikk.5610


Sadly, I have to agree with you Manoa. I bought this game a couple of weeks ago, I’ve been leveling slowly but surely (just hit 44 last night). I really enjoy the game, but this event has totally turned me off of it. If I had been invited for this trial weekend and judged the game by the event, I wouldn’t have bought it at all. It has just been a giant mix of frustration, lag, and broken quests.

I don’t see any reason why it couldn’t (or shouldn’t, even) have been dragged out over the course of this coming week so things could be fixed and people could have time to enjoy everything.

On future events...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Omaris Mortuus Est.2738

Omaris Mortuus Est.2738

I agree, this has been a complete shambles!

People have been wasting their time trying to do these quests, and if they have been lucky to start them they still cannot finish them!

You can bet a lot of those who got the trial invites now know to hold off from buying the game. Anet’s just been shooting itself in the foot over and over and hasnt learnt a single thing from all the mistakes it’s made since beta started.

The game is great and WvW is fun, but things like this can completely ruin the game!

Macros, you can use them as long as they arent macros.
Remember to buy the officially endorsed GW2 Steel Series Keyboard, it supports macros!
WvW, we only care if it affects the servers we play on.

On future events...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: MasterYoda.8563


Event with less confusion please on where to go and up the rewards for the entire quest chain/s, the 5 Commendations reward is a joke after the teleporting cost involved. Address the games current issues before rolling out more content instead of band aid fixes/distractions from the real issues plaguing the game.

Game Security Lead “Closing this thread,
your account,and your 384 other accounts”
GG Anet

On future events...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Smooshie.7689


Agree too .. my participation in this event has primarily been logging into different characters to see if bugs were fixed or porting from place to place to try and complete something.

On future events...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: HiddenNick.7206


I agree… It’s just sad. Nothing more… I was really excited about the event and it appears as it could have been fun but it just isn’t working.

My advice is: do PTR stress tests before events… There is no other way

On future events...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Dware.4259


Lots of people in Lions Arch asking what to do.


On future events...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: neon.1236


I think it is great for Anet to give us regular updates. It keeps players happy.

I think it is not a good idea to do a one time event, and guarantee that a huge proportion of the population of the servers will be online at the same time, with predictable consequences… lag, etc

I would suggest that they include an option in the main event NPC to view an archive of the event. Similar to GW1 when we play Ascalon missions, it tells us that we are reliving an event that is past. In GW2, if we replay a past event, people who did not originally take part still get the rewards, while people who already played the event can do so, but don’t get any reward/reduced reward.

The other option would be to allow people to view the cinematics, like in GW1 where we can talk to the NPC before the missions to view the cinematics whenever we want.

I’m not sure if those have been suggested before, if so please merge the thread.

I think that would help aleviate the fact that people will wait a certain time to login all at the same time. It will also allow people who cannot be online at the kickoff to still enjoy the event.

On future events...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Tralmek.2537


Presuming the rationale behind this event was to coincide with the invite-a-noob weekend, it’s not working out so well. It’s just introducing the new players to a series of broken quests and massive lag.

Events shouldn’t be tied to that sort of thing, especially when they’re untested on a mass audience. Furthermore, such events shouldn’t be released for just one weekend with a series of timers that make it incredibly difficult for people to play all three days in order to fully complete the event. Especially not when the system for adding these kinds of events is obviously not working properly, leading to the stalls in the events.

I think this could be prevented in the future in a few ways:

1) Don’t hold an “invite-a-noob” event on the same weekend you release an untested event
2) Avoid confining an event chain to just a single weekend
3) Develop a system that allows dynamic events to be created “out of the box” so future event releases do not experience so many bugs at the outset
4) Avoid deadlined chain events (ie noon Friday to noon Saturday, then it ends and next one starts noon Saturday to noon Sunday, etc). When those are bugged or on incredibly short deadlines like the Lost Shores event series it causes players a great amount of frustration, because they feel they are being deprived of game content.

Funny story of a Charr who out-drank a Norn.
It didn’t happen.
Now run off and play with a ball of yarn, kitty.

On future events...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Maidere.3519


Lagfest is the main problem for me, just logged off during the phase 2 cause it takes several minutes to cast a single spell. Looks like a netcode/server problem to me, it happens every time huge crowd gathers up on a small area (or maybe it depends on amount of ppl in location). Honestly, I’m glad to buy gems for every event but it came too far. For me those events in fact dont even happen.

I do understand that most likely you wont be able to fix it before the day 3, but for the future events – please FIX YOUR SERVERS AND NETCODE.

On future events...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Hyperdimensional Keichan.7526

Hyperdimensional Keichan.7526

I think the worst part of all of this is the way that Anet has been ignoring the obvious criticism for lag, bugs, poorly optimized performance, etc. and has instead just kind of plowed on through to the rest of the event as if nothing is wrong.

I can handle Anet screwing up, because to err is human, but I can’t handle them trying to ignore that they screwed up and ignoring the playerbase who’s been following their kitten game for so long.

My guildmates and I tried to play the event yesterday, and after constant crashes, disconnects, and a lot of broken armor due to invisible, unresed, lag-teleporting karka, we gave up after it ended (that is, the world event in Lion’s Arch), and none of us have made any effort to continue playing the new content, since it’s clear to us that we’ll be fighting an uphill battle to do so.

I was really excited for this, too… I guess it’s back to Blazeridge Steppes until they (maybe) patch the new content…

On future events...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: miniL.7361


Anet is trying really hard, and you guys have great ideas, problem is you are pushing to hard. Giving hardcore players new challenges as they go fast. TBH fudge them, they can play multiple games or get a life cause the rush on events and content is really breaking the game to 90% of the player base that are a little less hardcore or even casual players.

Weekend combined with friend invites was not a great success as they are low level yet do indeed get lots of high levels and big mob events in their area. Next to that the lag and bugs are really annoying, test things more, and take another month before throwing an event/content out there, most people can wait a little longer.

Worst thing in this case was how overflow and normal server arent alined in time with phase 2. People could already get aboard the ship and go to the new world, making people miss the event, or dying cuz they get kitten by way 2 much mobs (veterans mostly as well).

Take your time when throwing special events at us, and please make sure when adding content you do it in great fashion and everything is actually ready!

On future events...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: TheUnNamedHero.4167


And to think that the refer a friend trial is during this event. Way to leave a bad impression on all those people who WERE interested in buying your game.

2012 Halloween Tower Champion
The Lost Shores should have stayed lost.

On future events...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: ThaArchivist.3579


I am glad Anet is trying to put content out the door every month but if it is going to be of this quality … then please don’t.