Opinion: this weekend should be called a “Stress Test”

Opinion: this weekend should be called a “Stress Test”

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Emma J.1940

Emma J.1940

I’ve read and agreed with a lot of comments on the forum about lost shores event.
Well done Anet love the game shame about the problems this weekend.

Some one else has mentioned that this weekend should be called a “Stress Test” and that we should ask Anet to replay event again next weekend when the bugs are fixed and we can all play it as it was ment to play.

Many thanks to responding players and Anet.

Edited by Moderator: No petition threads

(edited by Moderator)

Opinion: this weekend should be called a “Stress Test”

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: White Raven.4368

White Raven.4368

With the amount of problems that hit.They should put their hands up and say “ok,this is screwed up.Lets do it all again once we have sorted it all out.”It is the only way to recover from such a faceplant.

Desolation [LOST]Lost in Socks Guild.

Opinion: this weekend should be called a “Stress Test”

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Nihilus.3015


Yes this would be awesome but its not happening. I won’t be looking forward to 1 time events anymore.


Opinion: this weekend should be called a “Stress Test”

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Mr Quinn.9815

Mr Quinn.9815

once bitten, twice shy …

… not signed

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Opinion: this weekend should be called a “Stress Test”

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Prev.4879


I tried to find the correct thread to post in, which doesn’t seem to exist.

Yeah lag was so awesome it was an event in it’s own right. Yay! I was there. Noll bugged. I didn’t get beyond that so far. Still, I’m glad to be playing an MMO where the devs try to do something different. One time events seem to be hard beyond belief to get right. Here’s one vote that Anet keeps trying.

One of the deadly qualities about MMO’s is the sameness and eventual tedium. Holiday events are huge because they break that a bit. I admire the attempt to do something different. Was it a magnificent failure? I don’t know, don’t think it was that bad. Glad I was there and excited to participate. I hope Anet learns and keeps plugging away on the one time occasional events. Let’s put everyone in the server in one 10 foot space. — That can be safely checked off the experiment list. Probably.

Opinion: this weekend should be called a “Stress Test”

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: mbridg.4069



Not only the fact that Noll is bugged and keeping the event quest chain from proceeding, but how about the fact that nothing eludes or clues you in to the fact that Noll must be fought first before anything else can be done.

Opinion: this weekend should be called a “Stress Test”

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Anneal.9637


I was busy messing with and looking in forums about bugged event quests and I missed the world event. I was looking forward to that, let’s call a mulligan.

Opinion: this weekend should be called a “Stress Test”

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Continents.4013



Is there any chance that we can call this weekend a “stress test” event and then have the updated one next weekend?"

I call “Do Over!”

Opinion: this weekend should be called a “Stress Test”

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Electro.4173


Seriously doubt its going to happen since it wouldn’t make much sense in regards to the game world, but I would appreciate it all the same.

Opinion: this weekend should be called a “Stress Test”

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Donari.5237


Next weekend is Thanksgiving weekend. I hope the ANet staff can have a chance to do family stuff. I’ve seen far more bollixed mass events in other games, with far less concern over fixing things.

So I haven’t killed a single karka yet (those things are invisible to me so far), and I do want to get my monthly done. Eh! I think what has been done is amazing and I trust ANet to help those who got blocked by bugs, as they did with the ongoing Witch Hat and with extending events in the past.

Patience. Good things will come in time.

Opinion: this weekend should be called a “Stress Test”

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Lord Rager.8543

Lord Rager.8543

I dont mind bugs in the game too much, most are hard to find even on TS. Once they go live, the players can do a ton of things that they didnt except. Overall, this event was a great idea on paper but came out wrong. Should have instance that part of LA with less people allow on per overflow.

Keep trying and dont give up anet, you will get it right…….when its ready

Commander The Tallest Rager
Darkhaven Asuran Guardian
S O T D Warband [SotD]

Opinion: this weekend should be called a “Stress Test”

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: toafarmer.8401


What makes you think that it would work next week?

Opinion: this weekend should be called a “Stress Test”

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: CarzorStelatis.5396


This. The reason the event didn’t work is the same reason Guild Wars 1 big events always lagged (it was just less of a problem because GW1 events didn’t involve combat). Anet don’t spend enough of the millions of dollars we paid them on adequate server capacity. Re-running the event won’t solve that.

EDIT: That was suppose to quote rtommaso’s post immediately above mine