Precursor Drop Rate From Event Chest

Precursor Drop Rate From Event Chest

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Minami Kaori.2548

Minami Kaori.2548

Half of my guild got precursors. It wasn’t them being lucky to get one, it was me and only a few others who were unlucky in not getting one.
That’s a bitter bite to swallow, Anet.

Precursor Drop Rate From Event Chest

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Adam.4103


One person in my guild got a precursor as did two from the overflow I was in that I know of one of them was Dusk. There’s no way the drop rate was that low when just about everyone had a guild member or several who got one.

Adam The Vanquisher

Precursor Drop Rate From Event Chest

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Ordibble.3092


Here’s another meme for everyone. It seems that half the dropped precursors mentioned by people are Dusk. Does that mean that if there were say a 10% chance to get a precursor, there was a 5% chance to get Dusk? Or maybe it is just that Dusk is the one everyone remembers. being silly here – please don’t take this seriously.

Having said that, I know for a fact that the only two precursors linked in my overflow were both Dusk, although this doesn’t mean there weren’t other precursors that weren’t linked. Of those two, I know that one isn’t listed yet because the person who got it doesn’t have the gold to do so.

Precursor Drop Rate From Event Chest

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Schlaxi.2674


All your observations have a far too small sample size to be statistically significant ;-)

As an educated guess from what I have seen and heard, the chance should have been between 10 and 20% to receive a precursor

Officer & Event Coordinator @ [Reno] Renovatio –
Server: Elona Reach [DE]

Precursor Drop Rate From Event Chest

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Jetser.2486


Showing up on the market is not the same as dropping.

Precursor Drop Rate From Event Chest

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Iruwen.3164


Major problem would probably be that most people just don’t have enough gold to pay the listing fee. There are actually people in LA trying to rip them off by telling them that they have the gold and will list the item for them.

Iruwen Evillan, Human Mesmer on Drakkar Lake