Precursors?!? That would have been nice....

Precursors?!? That would have been nice....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Evil.7529


I think it is cool some people benefited greatly from the large chest rewards of the final event, but are those who dc’ed really gonna get a chance at getting a precursor? What about those that were forced to miss getting such items completely? That is a large amount of money for people to miss out on, not even considering the precursor chance. People are getting 10 to 20 gold from selling the contents of the reward chest. After doing the first events for nothing but karma but having to work today I do feel pretty slighted. There was no suggestion given the awards would be such a big cash infusion compared to all other in game money making mechanics. I feel like I am way behind those people who were off work with nothing to do. The 20 slot bag, earring, and cash sure would have been nice. Why make the reward so imbalanced with previous and current in game events?

Precursors?!? That would have been nice....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Evil.7529


I hope there are permanent events left in place that offer a similar unique chance to be so well rewarded I guess is what I’m saying.

Precursors?!? That would have been nice....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: knives.6345


One time events are okay if they wouldn’t cause so much unfairness.

I will take 0.00001% chance of getting a Precursor over 0% chance of getting it because I can’t join the event for whatever reason.

Either go ahead and make one-time events in the future but don’t include game-changing loots or make one-time events that ALL people can participate.

Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici

Precursors?!? That would have been nice....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Aretak.3826


Did it legit on my 3 lvl 80’s and got nothing particularly good. One of my friends IRL logged on for the first time since release just for the chest and got Dawn.

The involvement of so much RNG was bad enough, but the fact that they were apparently using it as the main method of solving the precursor issue is just…

Precursors?!? That would have been nice....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Latorn.4209


Precursors should always have been drops from incredibly difficult bosses, something like level 10 FoM or something IMO. Not random.

Precursors?!? That would have been nice....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Evil.7529


I agree but you can’t use a one time too bad so sad approach. I don’t mind trying hard for something, but missing a one time window with no chance to make it up after kinda reeks. Make a permanent event that is difficult with a equal chance to get a lucky precursor or a few exos. Otherwise those with commitments feel shunned and at a disadvantage in their opportunities.

Precursors?!? That would have been nice....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Lutheran.9687


I see a lot talk about Precursors and I think it isn’t so much there are these events you can get them at that it is the only way to get them. I feel sorry for everyone who could not be a part of the event or disconnected during the event. But, I have to wonder is it really that people are upset that they were in the event or that they want to be handed a precursor regardless because believe me that even of they gave everyone a chance those who still didn’t get one will still complain about those who did.

Everyone hates RNG. I do too, but if there were other methods outside of RNG then I believe there wouldn’t be much of a fuss about it.

Precursors?!? That would have been nice....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Leamas.5803


Precursors should always have been drops from incredibly difficult bosses, something like level 10 FoM or something IMO. Not random.


Precursors?!? That would have been nice....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Evil.7529


There is no other event in the game, or dungeon that offers such rewards or even a chance remotely close. That is the issue.

Precursors?!? That would have been nice....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Pinkus.2860


There is no other event in the game, or dungeon that offers such rewards or even a chance remotely close. That is the issue.


Pinkus – Webmaster

Precursors?!? That would have been nice....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Manoa.5897


One time events are okay if they wouldn’t cause so much unfairness.

I will take 0.00001% chance of getting a Precursor over 0% chance of getting it because I can’t join the event for whatever reason.

Either go ahead and make one-time events in the future but don’t include game-changing loots or make one-time events that ALL people can participate.

^^100% this.

I was unable to make the event today due to a family commitment. I was quite disappointed when earlier announcements indicated the one-time event finale was going to an event chain. I was totally okay with missing a one-time cut scene. But it’s totally disappointing to miss out on playable content because it’s only offered for several hours. I resigned myself to the fact that I’d be missing out on some neat content and got past it…or so I thought.

Now I learn that the chest rewards had a chance for legendary precursors…WOW. I now seriously have no words to express my severe disappointment at how the timing and rewards for this event was handled. It rewards the lucky few who can make the event with hefty rewards and leaves the rest of us who couldn’t make the event due to family commitments, work commitments, time zone differences, etc., etc. high and dry. I hope this does not become a pattern. I’d rather not see the creation of haves and have nots due to these sort of event rewards.

Chaos Spatulai [Chef] | Paragon City Elite [PCE]
Henge of Denravi

Precursors?!? That would have been nice....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: phantomdust.4729


Argh. When I saw people linking precursors and not knowing what they were I almost had a heart attack.

Precursors? Really? What about all the items and materials I’ve wasted over the months trying to get them myself.

Precursors?!? That would have been nice....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: StevenMah.9854


Argh. When I saw people linking precursors and not knowing what they were I almost had a heart attack.

Precursors? Really? What about all the items and materials I’ve wasted over the months trying to get them myself.

lol!! Sorry, I lol-ed at this. I feel your pain.

Precursors?!? That would have been nice....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: phantomdust.4729


There is no other event in the game, or dungeon that offers such rewards or even a chance remotely close. That is the issue.

Yeah, I know. I agree, this is the issue.

I would be really disappointed to hear if they try to justify doing this by saying that it was a one-time event.

Precursors?!? That would have been nice....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Medazolam.3058


Precursors will be easier to get in the future, confirmed many times now. Will be a quest type scavenger hunt.

Precursors?!? That would have been nice....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: phantomdust.4729


Precursors will be easier to get in the future, confirmed many times now. Will be a quest type scavenger hunt.

That’s cool, and I’m interested in seeing it being rolled out.

But it isn’t that right now, so that’s the problem.

Precursors?!? That would have been nice....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: yellow stang.5618

yellow stang.5618

Luckily I was able to attend today’s event, after missing the first two due to work and family committments. As far as the awards being excessive, not sure that I agree. At least in my case with a Level 50 character, I got the 20-slot bag, a level 62 exotic pistol, a level 62 Berserker’s exotic mace, 2 rare level 47 weapons, and some trinkets. I can’t use the mace with any of my chars, so I put it on the Trading Post – at the time it was selling for 80 silver or so… a few hours later it was down to 30-40 so mine hadn’t sold. Now it’s down even more.

Yes, the pistol is really nice and I will save that for myself when I get to level 62. But there’s no way I got 10-20 Gold from the event. More like 1 gold… which I think is fair considering the 2.5 hour effort involved.

Since these are one-time world events, maybe there’s really no easy way for A-Net to make them accessible for every player.

Precursors?!? That would have been nice....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: raudence.7961


can anyone confirm whether or not the can get loot from the ancient karka chest, the 2nd time they’ve defeated it on the same character?

Precursors?!? That would have been nice....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: RedDeath.2980


Having over 400 hours of play time now in little only 52 days I’m greatly disappointed that they would give such a HUGE reward chance to those that had the fortune to make the event. Its been said before- if you have a one-time event don’t make the rewards so kitten huge or you’ll make them memorable alright- infamous is the word.

Precursors?!? That would have been nice....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: TheUltimateBackStabber.4863


They mentioned before the Lost Shores that they are trying to bring the prices down from the precursors and you see, the prices dropped
This was only one time you was able to get a precursor from the chest, I think.
I wasn’t even able to participate because I had to sleep from my parents after 1 hourin the event.

Asuran race is the best… +
Fluttershy #1 :)

Precursors?!? That would have been nice....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Rizalee.4593


gave everyone a chance those who still didn’t get one will still complain about those who did.

Still would have been nice to get to the chest, and a CHANCE at a precursor… Didn’t even get that, and that is my issues, not that I was not “Handed” a precursor, that I just wanted a Chance to open the chest, and maybe get one.. if not at least get something for the 2+ hours I spent on the event.

~ Rizalee – Human Mesmer ~
~ Rizzae – Asura Guardian ~
Tarnished Coast Server

Precursors?!? That would have been nice....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Seren.6850


the events are still going on in overflows, not sure if it was intended. So go get it done.

SoS original -“They mostly come out at night … mostly”
[FIRE] Serene Snow, Warrior

Precursors?!? That would have been nice....

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Deskrin.5873


There is no other event in the game, or dungeon that offers such rewards or even a chance remotely close. That is the issue.


def this!!