So... for those of us that work...

So... for those of us that work...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Lucid.7310


The event starts at 3PM EST, I usually leave the office around 4PM, and get home around 5PM. Where will I be headed to meet up with people experiencing the event that is already 2 hours in?

So... for those of us that work...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: GSSBlunaspike.4153


The event starts at 3PM EST, I usually leave the office around 4PM, and get home around 5PM. Where will I be headed to meet up with people experiencing the event that is already 2 hours in?

I think Anet has forgotten who pays their bills. I will give them a hint, it’s not the kids using mom/dad’s credit card.

I"m off, but I feel so bad for people that continue to be screwed over by “one time events”, and missing things. We live in a culture that promotes the unemployed, a government that actively pays them to stay unemployed (even provides them health benefits to stay unemployed), I wish that this place was different.

I hope for Christmas there are no “one time events”. Sure we may not be at work, but we also have families.

So... for those of us that work...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Chrissle.8690


The event starts at 3PM EST, I usually leave the office around 4PM, and get home around 5PM. Where will I be headed to meet up with people experiencing the event that is already 2 hours in?

I think Anet has forgotten who pays their bills. I will give them a hint, it’s not the kids using mom/dad’s credit card.

I"m off, but I feel so bad for people that continue to be screwed over by “one time events”, and missing things. We live in a culture that promotes the unemployed, a government that actively pays them to stay unemployed (even provides them health benefits to stay unemployed), I wish that this place was different.

I hope for Christmas there are no “one time events”. Sure we may not be at work, but we also have families.

Ever considered the fact that ANet might have more european players than american and that´s why it´s in the evening in europe and afternoon in USA? You didnt think this was only an american game right? And if they have more european than american players then yes they are thinking about who is paying their bills.

So... for those of us that work...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: PhaNTaSiZe.4215


What I think sucks is that they aren’t making this a week-long thing… it’s only on the so-called “weekend”. Well not everyone works Mon-Fri and has the weekend off, my weekend is Weds-Thurs… so this whole event takes place during my work week :/ I wish they’d be considerate of people like me also.

Commander Sammie Winchester/Ian McKellan
Leader of Gods Dont Cry [GDC] on SBI

So... for those of us that work...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: GSSBlunaspike.4153


The event starts at 3PM EST, I usually leave the office around 4PM, and get home around 5PM. Where will I be headed to meet up with people experiencing the event that is already 2 hours in?

I think Anet has forgotten who pays their bills. I will give them a hint, it’s not the kids using mom/dad’s credit card.

I"m off, but I feel so bad for people that continue to be screwed over by “one time events”, and missing things. We live in a culture that promotes the unemployed, a government that actively pays them to stay unemployed (even provides them health benefits to stay unemployed), I wish that this place was different.

I hope for Christmas there are no “one time events”. Sure we may not be at work, but we also have families.

Ever considered the fact that ANet might have more european players than american and that´s why it´s in the evening in europe and afternoon in USA? You didnt think this was only an american game right? And if they have more european than american players then yes they are thinking about who is paying their bills.

Maybe they do. I know most of the people here that played have quit (almost everyone I know). So yes, it’s a very real possibility. Of course that also means for one of the events you guys will be playing at around midnight your time on Sunday, while USA gets to play at prime time.

So... for those of us that work...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: buki.3108


Likely won’t be much to miss anyway :P probably a bunch of enemies to fight… maybe a cinematic, but that’s it.

So... for those of us that work...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Biglab.1732


Theres a reason they chose this time for this event people you seem to forget. This is their highest login point for the NA servers thus they are going to make this the time of the event it only makes sense they also made it Sunday when more people have off than normal that’s the reason why so you cant say Anet is screwing up the time they chose was reasonably the best time.

So... for those of us that work...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Siliconmana.3816


Made a thread about this also. Many players on US servers are Oceanic. Times don’t work here either.
Seems to me that since there’s EU servers, US and Oceanic times could have worked much more favourably for all had they made it a few hours later. Events start at 6am Sat. here. It’s difficult for devs to make times to suit all yet it seems a little more thought could have balanced times better for all concerned. Of course not everyone can be pleased by one off events. Seems to me it would be even better if they at least repeated the events a few times during the day.
MIssed out on all Halloween events here too as did other Australians. We just lose interest.

[KnT][KnM] – Blackgate

So... for those of us that work...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: PhaNTaSiZe.4215


Well thats the thing… one-time events are lame altogether. By definition, it means not everyone gets a chance to experience it b/c obviously there are people who work on weekends. Thats why they should do a week-long thing where certain major events happen more than once, and maybe make it so that you are only eligible to do it once (so the no-lifes who play 24/7 cant spam it), or make it so you can only receive xp/rewards once… something like that. That way no matter what day(s) you have off, you get to experience the content

Commander Sammie Winchester/Ian McKellan
Leader of Gods Dont Cry [GDC] on SBI

So... for those of us that work...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Kana.6793


The event starts at 3PM EST, I usually leave the office around 4PM, and get home around 5PM. Where will I be headed to meet up with people experiencing the event that is already 2 hours in?

I think Anet has forgotten who pays their bills. I will give them a hint, it’s not the kids using mom/dad’s credit card.

I"m off, but I feel so bad for people that continue to be screwed over by “one time events”, and missing things. We live in a culture that promotes the unemployed, a government that actively pays them to stay unemployed (even provides them health benefits to stay unemployed), I wish that this place was different.

I hope for Christmas there are no “one time events”. Sure we may not be at work, but we also have families.

Ever considered the fact that ANet might have more european players than american and that´s why it´s in the evening in europe and afternoon in USA? You didnt think this was only an american game right? And if they have more european than american players then yes they are thinking about who is paying their bills.

Maybe they do. I know most of the people here that played have quit (almost everyone I know). So yes, it’s a very real possibility. Of course that also means for one of the events you guys will be playing at around midnight your time on Sunday, while USA gets to play at prime time.

All the events start at 8pm for me (here in the UK). So that’s perfectly fine for people who have a job.

And yes, there are 3 more EU servers than NA ones. GW has always had a strong European following.

So... for those of us that work...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Rhys Kitikion.3724

Rhys Kitikion.3724

Ever considered the fact that ANet might have more european players than american and that´s why it´s in the evening in europe and afternoon in USA? You didnt think this was only an american game right? And if they have more european than american players then yes they are thinking about who is paying their bills.

Despite that they may be thinking of those who are paying their bills (which um.. since its a buy one play forever thing anyways..). There is a flaw in their thinking.

Instead of doing the event say.. at the same time.. EVERYWHERE in the world..

They have a time they do it on the European servers when there are the most people online for Europeans…. so.. 18:00-19:00 GMT/UTC ish..

Then they have a time to do it on the “American” servers when there are the most people online in that region… so.. 02:00-03:00 GMT/UTC ish..

The only thing this still doesn’t solve is the issue where the people in the Oceanic region still get screwed, since say like Australia’s prime time is roughly 11:00-12:00 GMT/UTC (Please correct me if I am wrong on my time zone stuff). The only way to solve that is to give them their own servers, which I may think might never happen :/

So... for those of us that work...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: GSSBlunaspike.4153


Ever considered the fact that ANet might have more european players than american and that´s why it´s in the evening in europe and afternoon in USA? You didnt think this was only an american game right? And if they have more european than american players then yes they are thinking about who is paying their bills.

Despite that they may be thinking of those who are paying their bills (which um.. since its a buy one play forever thing anyways..). There is a flaw in their thinking.

Instead of doing the event say.. at the same time.. EVERYWHERE in the world..

They have a time they do it on the European servers when there are the most people online for Europeans…. so.. 18:00-19:00 GMT/UTC ish..

Then they have a time to do it on the “American” servers when there are the most people online in that region… so.. 02:00-03:00 GMT/UTC ish..

The only thing this still doesn’t solve is the issue where the people in the Oceanic region still get screwed, since say like Australia’s prime time is roughly 11:00-12:00 GMT/UTC (Please correct me if I am wrong on my time zone stuff). The only way to solve that is to give them their own servers, which I may think might never happen :/

Some people used to put money into the game by buying keys/items/costumes etc. That is what actually keeps the game going, not box sales. Box sales might get some of the money spent on development back, but it’s those continued micro transactions that make continued production possible.

Considering that we have yet another massive money grab in the form of gambling, I would say consumers are speaking pretty clearly about spending money on the game. Dwindling player numbers, and people like me that refuse to pay anymore because of Halloween should send a clear message that we don’t like the current way things are going.

So... for those of us that work...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Aye.8392


The event starts at 3PM EST, I usually leave the office around 4PM, and get home around 5PM. Where will I be headed to meet up with people experiencing the event that is already 2 hours in?

I think Anet has forgotten who pays their bills. I will give them a hint, it’s not the kids using mom/dad’s credit card.

I"m off, but I feel so bad for people that continue to be screwed over by “one time events”, and missing things. We live in a culture that promotes the unemployed, a government that actively pays them to stay unemployed (even provides them health benefits to stay unemployed), I wish that this place was different.

I hope for Christmas there are no “one time events”. Sure we may not be at work, but we also have families.

Do you complain about other entertainment industry events or do you only have a problem with it from a game? If the symphony gives one free performance of the Nutcracker Suite during the Christmas season do you decide they are actively promoting the unemployed? What if your favorite musician gives a concert in your town at a time that you can’t attend — do you hope that they’ll cancel the rest of the tour; maybe never offer another live show? Should no movie ever release on Christmas Day because many of us spend all day with our families?

The movie analogy is probably the best one here since the new content will persist after the event, it’s just the release of the content that is one time only.

Online gaming falls into the realm of entertainment, and the entertainment industry offers one time events as a normal part of business. I’m a long time Guild Wars player and fan, and this time around I have to miss ALL of the events. For myself I hope they keep having this type of thing so I have a chance to participate next time around.
Sorrows Furnace

So... for those of us that work...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: rgrwng.4072


thankfully i have the day off, but i remote in to my computer from work sometimes to checkout things. Connection is bad doing so, so most of the time i am on a delay from home screen to work screen.

So... for those of us that work...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: XGhoul.7426


There’s also been a perfectly logical explanation given by Anet, if you ~still~ don’t understand why it is that time, then I’m speechless. Get over it.

So... for those of us that work...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: TabMorte.5297


The event today is not a one time only event chain, it’s just the beginning of the assault on lion’s arch and you’ll have all weekend to experience it so relax. (I’m at work and can’t play too!)

Golemancy 101: total and complete catastrophic
failure is still a monumental success, assuming
losses remain within acceptable parameters.

So... for those of us that work...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Ryuujin.8236


There’s also been a perfectly logical explanation given by Anet, if you ~still~ don’t understand why it is that time, then I’m speechless. Get over it.

This ^

And in case you’ve missed the many many threads, the answer is concurrency. 8pm UTC is when they have the most players online from all round the world online simultaneously ad thus the largest audience for a one time event exists.

While it’s frustrating to be living on the edge of the bell curve, that is life. Science has at least tried to find the centre of the universe, and they’re not entirely sure where it is yet, but it’s almost certainly not you

The Ashwalker – Ranger
Garnished Toast

So... for those of us that work...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Lucid.7310


I am not debating the timing, I am wondering where I can meet up with the horde of players 2 hours post event start. I missed out on the entire Halloween event, got to 80 prior… haven’t logged in since as the only thing left is gear grinding. If there’s an event, i’d like to log in and try it. If the resounding answer is that 2 hours post event start I am going to miss it period, I won’t worry about getting home ASAP and just wait till the Christmas event… if there is going to be one.

So... for those of us that work...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: buki.3108


Question of the day: Will ANet be able to have the event running at the time they stated?

Gonna go with precedence here and say no.

So... for those of us that work...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Guppy.6541


It’s very likely since Anet is located in the west coast – 12PM PST works well for them to start – right within business hours.

So... for those of us that work...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: buki.3108


So…. you guys at work aren’t missing anything as speculated. Kill a bunch of mobs, 10 second lag. Boring.

So... for those of us that work...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: CrusaderRabbit.7460


Still wanted to be a part of it

So... for those of us that work...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: buki.3108


I’m pretty sure it will be an on-going DE. It will be more fun when you get home since you can actually do damage x_x… so much lag dmg doesn’t register.

So... for those of us that work...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Danikat.8537


For what it’s worth you’re mainly missing dying from lag.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

So... for those of us that work...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Jia Shen.4217

Jia Shen.4217

So far anyone missing it isn’t missing much since unless you have a uber bleeding edge PC you can’t even render the event since it is in LA with 100s of people and mobs and skill effects I’ve been standing in one place for the last 15 minutes pegged at 1-2fps and my system renders everything in the game with at least 30-45fps. I feel so cheated it isn’t even funny. I’m actualy able to be here for it but can’t even participate because they didn’t bother to reduce the pop cap LA to reasonable amounts of people. Heck other “group events” in the game don’t cripple my system this bad and re still renderable and run at 15 fps so I’m actually able to participate. Instead I have to use my imagination and pretend what everything looks like. Not that I don’t like using my imagination. These events are too early in the release and they should have taken a step back seen that this was not going to function well and delay the release of it until after the new year so they could do it right. Official statements make this fact clear yet they went ahead with it anyways to satisfy the small minority of players who rushed through all the content in the game and can’t go do something else and come back. I can only hope there are tons of gameplay videos of the event so I can experience it second hand. As soon as the event ended I was back up to 30fps in LA.

(edited by Jia Shen.4217)