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Thanks Anet! We're cheering for you!

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: LeelooMultipass.9742


Seriously, it’s quite clear that the wonderful individuals at ArenaNet have been (and are still) breaking their backs trying to make this event as great as possible. To put a patch out at 1:00 AM PST…that’s dedication.

They need to know that throughout all the bugs and errors, we dedicated players have never lost faith, knowing that they will NOT disappoint. They learn from mistakes and consistently listen to us while we whine and complain about wanting more. Amazingly patient people, each and every one of them.

Of course no one is perfect but that’s just human nature. They’re humans after all…at least…I assume so.

ArenaNet will not disappoint! <3 Thanks for all the hard work!

Thanks Anet! We're cheering for you!

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Crusartas.9502


Your arguments are invalid. I lost my faith and am disappointed.

Thanks Anet! We're cheering for you!

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Vinny.6924


Your arguments are invalid. I lost my faith and am disappointed.


Along with almost everything thag happened with the last patch left me with a very bad taste in my mouth.

Commander Ahria – Warrior – Stormbluff Isle

Thanks Anet! We're cheering for you!

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: DavidGX.1723


GuildWars 2 is so new and unique, they don’t test anything! So fresh.

Thanks Anet! We're cheering for you!

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Lend.7250


I do apreciate all the hard work they put up in these events, and i seriously hope we get to see more of then.

However i cant help to feel frustrated with the amount of bugs, specially the lag fest that happened yesterday on La during the start of the Event. That didnt happened on Halloween, at least not on the Scale we saw yesterday.

Still i am gratefull to see that they keep launching new builds every now and then wich means they are working hard to fix it.

Keep up the good guys, and Ty.

Thanks Anet! We're cheering for you!

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Hsinimod.5784


Giving points on innovation and good intentions can’t make up for the fact that the content is fully bugged.

For Halloween, you could ignore 1 part and do something else while waiting for the patch. Plus, we had more time.

This content is rushed, not everyone can sit around waiting for it to work, and every single part is bugged. The 2 scavenger hunts, the fractals, the world events…. all bugged.

Noll prevents completion.
Gukumatz (the Hylek) won’t give another bowl if you interact with the Ice Guns.
The Fractals will either not reward completion, or kick you out.
The world events will not let you loot mobs you have been hitting (but will certainly let you die and cost you money).
And the crippling lag.

The event looks WONDERFUL. Too bad it just doesn’t work. I can see a lot of hard work went into it. I wish they finished the event though before putting a time limit on the broken content.

Playing Devil’s Advocate since 1990.

Thanks Anet! We're cheering for you!

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Hsinimod.5784


The worst part….

We have to report “I can’t interact with…. XXX” bugs every. single. time.

There are many instances where you have either an item from an NPC or dialogue with an NPC, something happens that causes you to drop the item or dialogue, and the NPC has no option to reset.

You think after 6 and a half months of reporting these bugs, someone would take the time to double check that we could reset. Just 1 darn employee.

Nope. Instead we have the same darn issue. Repeatedly.

Playing Devil’s Advocate since 1990.

Thanks Anet! We're cheering for you!

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Claudius.5381


They have very good ideas. They obviously work a lot. Sadly they have more good ideas than good coders, or so it seems.

And while I really enjoyed my first fractal run, I don’t like the ascended gear thingy. Time will tell, which weighs heavier.

But still: I like that ArenaNet tries hard to deliver.

Thanks Anet! We're cheering for you!

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: StygSec.7163



That’s my only complaint about the Event so far. I’ve yet to run into any of the bugs.

Thanks Anet! We're cheering for you!

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Ruby Red.4019

Ruby Red.4019

Your arguments are invalid. I lost my faith and am disappointed.

Plus seems to me it’s the dedicated players they want to get rid of – they clearly prefer locusts.

Thanks Anet! We're cheering for you!

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: White Raven.4368

White Raven.4368

This was a marketing cluster****,lets have a free trial,get everyone in the laggy city or lighthouse together, and show how we can drop a lag bomb on all our paid customers and their guests.

I am not angry like I said before,just amazed that when the games industry is in such trouble other than EA and Activision, a company can show themselves up this bad.

The only thing I am learning from all this is to avoid events like this like the plague and just continue out in the wilds like they were not happening.

Desolation [LOST]Lost in Socks Guild.

Thanks Anet! We're cheering for you!

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Cribbage.2056


I agree, some thanks is needed to the folks working overtime to get this sorted.

On the otherhand, the people who put out untested, buggy rubbish should be sacked. Every patch Anet put out is buggy. At what point is a long term solution to that going to be put in place? As it stands, I am thinking that I will just not play during whatever the next GW2 event is. Better to just not play and stay blissfully ignorant than to listen to their idiotic hype and spend hours on end frustrated and disappointed.

Thanks Anet! We're cheering for you!

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: White Raven.4368

White Raven.4368

Hard work to climb out of a hole that you dug yourself into is not a wise thing to do.

Desolation [LOST]Lost in Socks Guild.

Thanks Anet! We're cheering for you!

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: neon.4863



They probably have very good coders. But even very good coders have bugs in their initial code, which is why heavy quality checking and debugging is necessary. What they seem to be lacking in is the debugging department – either understaffed or not thorough enough.

Thanks Anet! We're cheering for you!

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Cribbage.2056


Neon, right from launch the GW2 event engine has looked flakey. Instead of continuously patching individual events, which they’ve been doing for months, they should address the issues with the engine.

I reckon the number of events I have seen personally that either don’t spawn or get stuck halfway through is in triple figures. That level of bugginess is crazy and shows and obvious underlying flaw that goes beyond individual events.

Thanks Anet! We're cheering for you!

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Gray.9650


are we so far that we actually cheer for fixes of stuff that should work in the first place?

“outstanding work!” – copy&paste events, fluff some text into it and don’t give a crap if it works or not (by now they should able to know what works and what not).

But even very good coders have bugs in their initial code,

events bugging out when they don’t scale and the 50 people around it kill the npc in a millisecond is simply poor design, no matter how good your code is. not to mention half the bugged events are bugged in the same way some normal ones STILL ARE

sorry, but implementing stuff and believing they’ll work is just sad. and we’re not talking about stuff that can be fixed over days/weeks later, we’re talking about ONE TIME events here. If you want to do something like that you do it in a way where you KNOW it works, and not turn into a gamble

Thanks Anet! We're cheering for you!

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Dignarus.3794


I appreciate the hard work but they are making the same mistakes over and over. Not testing under extreme loads and seriously bug testing stuff they are making out to be ‘BIG THINGS’.

In addition, their basic delivery of an event makes me think middle managers and not ‘gamer-oriented’ people are making the final decisions. One 45 minute zergfest is …THE EVENT. No…just no.

This is not a newbie company nor is it a ‘new venture’ into gaming. Basic tried and true rules apply and they are ignoring them. To their…and the players…detriment.

Thanks Anet! We're cheering for you!

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: HiddenNick.7206


Ye… I love gw2 and will definitly stay with the game as long as it goes but… They should create PTR becouse “let’s do one time event without proper testing it and hope it’s going to work” is not a good idea afterall.

Lags and bugs are never epic or fun

Just wanted to give a little advice…