Got a touch of lag in Lions Arch? you wanted to vent on forums but were afraid to incase the lag spread to the forums and your interwebs locked up?
FEAR NOT! whilst you are inevitably stuck on this page due to contagious lag I have found some interesting solutions to fill the gap. So without further a do – here is a list of things to do when you’ve lagged out:
1. Vent frustration on a stress toy:
With all the furious clicking you may or may not have been doing whilst battling lag, your mouse is not safe in your hands anymore. To avoid unneccessary replacement of vital computer equipment, take out frustrations on that nearby stress toy.
2. Alphabetise your book collection:
It’s hard to stay angry and frustrated whilst doing an activity that requires organisation.
By taking away that impulse to write threatening hate speech on a game developers personal blog and channeling it into doing something useful ( when is a full alphabetised book shelf Not useful? -gafaw!) – you can be sure that you’ll be able to find the novel of choice for future lag issues.
It’s also quite rewarding for people like me who happen to use banknotes as bookmarks and forget about them.
3. Show your other half some random unplanned affection:
Seriously – pro tip – my girlfriend was so surprised when i decided to actually sit in the same room as the x factor.
She became concerned when i stayed for x factor USA and was close to tears when she didnt believe i would sit through “i’m a celebrity get me out of here” just because my game was laggy.
After much comforting and carefully concealed loathing for the shows in my immediate vacinity i was amazed that i could compromise my tv watching values for this girl and the bonds of love were strengthened. (AHWW)
4. Look up the release dates for future games you were keen to see released before guild wars 2 was available:
OMG! Heart of the swarm is going to be released on 13th March 2013 – awesome.
5. Go through old lottery tickets:
I won £2.20 2 weeks ago – still havent claimed it. Think i’ll treat the missus to coffee out.
6. Take up home brewing:
You can brew your own beer/wine (spirits too but could be illegal in certain countries).
home brewing is a great way for those of us that find chemistry and maths interesting now but not when we were in school. I know what i’m buying my future children XD
7. Steve Mcqueen a wall with the stress toy:
You could bounce the previously mentioned stress toy on a wall and see if it comes back to you. It took me all of 2 tries to realise that this was a very dull and wasteful addition to this list.
8. Go outside or down the pub:
I don’t often go to be honest. I like to every once in a while when friends or family visit but thats just me. It’s also very yucky and cold out. However you may be young enough or drunk enough to not care about things like the weather so yay go you! enjoy the pub.
9. do a little of what ever it was you were procastinating about:
When has anyone that has played an MMO not procrastinated about doing something. I play more than i should – i know this – which means by playing more than i should ive put of doing something i should have or better yet there was something that would have been a better use of my time.
So that bit of art i kept saying i’d finish? – Done!
10. make your own lag list:
kitten it helped me work out what i was going to do this evening – really – lists can be awesome
TL;DR – I made a list – not a very good one – i was bored because the game lagged during an event – i typed all this out because typing helps me think. I hit post instead of delete – - my spelling can be very off the mark at times.