Times for Event starts

Times for Event starts

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Siliconmana.3816


Although aware that it must be difficult for developers to make times that suit all US and Oceanic players for such events, it seems 12pm PST is an odd time. Not only would many west coast US players still be at work/school for starting event, for us here in Aus without DST, it’s 6am…..then final event is Monday. Just a suggestion that later PST would still be reasonable for US players and better for Oceanic players also.
Missed Halloween events for same reason. Please consider for future events.

[KnT][KnM] – Blackgate

Times for Event starts

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: BlakThornArrow.2389


i dont really get the timezone thingy , i live in europe so when can i expect the event to start>?

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Times for Event starts

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: supergica.8652


If you’re in central europe (germany, france, itally, austria etc.) is at 9 PM. If you’re in east europe (ukraine, romania, bulgaria, greeece, etc) it’s 10 PM.
And it’s only the last day that matters (sunday, when everyone is at home) when the one-time event is. The other events don’t matter because they are repeatable for a whole day.

Times for Event starts

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: SolomonKain.7081


8PM GMT matey.

I also dont understand why, given the regional servers, the event could not be staggered as more convenient hours for each region, but it wont really impact me unless the server dies under the strain of the guest memberships.

Times for Event starts

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Anne Bathory.8150

Anne Bathory.8150

I think the event times are fine. They’re a west coast company so I personally think it would be weird if they used any other time zone than their own. Also, having it at noon seems fine to me as well. Some people will be there and some people will not. I get to play today’s event but have work Saturday and Sunday so I won’t get any of that. They can’t possibly make it at a time when everybody can log in.

Times for Event starts

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: DragonTwin.8156


Indeed, they should pick the times where most people benefit from the event. I take it they have researched the times wherre most players are online and took those times to held the event. Also for me this is good since i live in Europe and this is in the evening hours.