Dear all of those that are claiming “this is a free game, stop complaining about free content.”
First off, I just want to say that believe it or not, we did pay for this game. I’ve never considered myself entitled to anything more than I paid for but after some of the posts I’ve seen, I need to say this.
This is not a free game. It is buy to play. A game you and I paid for; and for some of us, continue to pay for, with gems to buy content that we consider to be interesting. It’s a system that works for everyone. However, I repeat. This is not a free game. The content they continue to implement is paid for by the initial sales of the game coupled with the gem store. I don’t know about you, but I’ve bought some gems in my gametime. The minute they decided on this model, any and all future free (so not expansions and the like) content is covered by these costs. If they wanted to charge, I would pay.
Secondly, why are you telling me to “stop complaining about free content” when I did not receive all of said content? I’m sure you’ve seen the post about stopping one-time events. I am in Australia and for us it was 6am Monday, and some of us do have things to attend to (however I understand that the RL>MMO argument is stupid). Upon logging in when I could, at around 2pm (GMT+10) I resigned to the fact I missed it. Such is life. But then I checked the forums and realized that some overflows were still running. So I asked for an invite, got ferried in, and ferried several people in, in what I think is one of the Guild Wars 2 community’s finest hours since release. Proud of a lot of you guys.
I completed the “protect the Lionguard demolitions team” event. I reclaimed the waypoint southeast of the karka nest three times, somehow getting back in after a game crash that multiple people in my party experienced. I fought the Ancient Karka’s ridiculous number of reinforcements twice, loaded rocks into vents and destroyed webbing. And as we begun the final battle that had been building for over 2 hours, we were given our reward. A new build. A new build that I downloaded in about 5 seconds. We were given a 3 minute warning. I’m not sure but I’ve never seen a Legendary or Champion go down in less than 5. I didn’t get all the content- especially the important content of an extremely useful item (the 20 slot bag of course, I never had any illusions about my luck with the precursors).
My point here is I see the extremely condescending posts from those fortunate enough to live in a convenient timezone (from what I gather, Europe since it was evening there, and the US since it was Sunday) and repeat this thing like four times. They tell me that I should stop complaining and that this is free content the devs didn’t have to implement.
You’re right, they didn’t. And perhaps, maybe they shouldn’t have. But they did. I was there for the intro event. Nothing notable happened except a massive cluster (expletive) and laggy server- no rewards. The Mad King one was a nice but youtube-recorded cutscene. Suddenly, we’re giving out 20 slot bags? I paid the same as, if not more than, a lot of people playing ($200 AUD collectors). I did as I was asked and lured the thing back to its nest. Why did such a p*ss small build have to be pushed then and there?
I went off on a lot of tangents that probably belonged in another one of the threads, for that I am sorry (and hope this isn’t merged or infracted+deleted) but my point stands. Stop telling people to “stop complaining about free content” for a game they paid for and did not receive. What you need to say is “stop complaining about free content only some people were able to claim.”
PS – I know they promised “compensation” for those who disconnected but there was no real definition as to who is covered. Did you have to kill the boss, and then DC? Did you just need to have completed a suitable amount of the event then DC? Is that just for the initial runs of the event, or is it anyone who got screwed by disconnects and similar? However this is largely irrelevant as this thread targets you, not Arenanet.