Whole event too rushed

Whole event too rushed

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: kateuk.7538


Don’t get me wrong I thing the event itself is a good idea, but there just isn’t enough time. Some of us have real lives and commitments, and just can’t be online all that much. On Friday I tried to take part in the karka invasion of Lion’s Arch, but it was too laggy, I couldn’t do anything, couldn’t hit anything, even map chat took minutes before it appeared on my screen. (And yes I have a reasonable gaming PC). It didn’t help having the free trial the same weekend either. On Friday my friends couldn’t get online, they go the message “login server no available”. On Saturday they just wanted to learn the game mechanics in the starter zones, so I went to help. So I completely missed phase one, it was over way too quick and I had no chance to do it as I had limited online time. I did go on the ship to the new area, and enjoyed that, even though as some people have mentioned, there was no loot. But I feel that the whole thing is being squeezed into too short a time span. I enjoyed the Halloween event, there was time the bugs to be ironed out and for me to get a back item with a couple of alts. A week or so is good, but a weekend isn’t long enough. Please next time make it last longer and give us a chance to do it! And don’t make it a free trial weekend at the same time, that puts more pressure on the servers and people on the trials aren’t really interested in the events.


Whole event too rushed

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Vinny.6924


I managed to interact with all the npcs that gave out the items, yet I have no idea what to do with them. Just sitting in my inventory.

How do I convert these into the backpeice everyone is taking about? Or what the hell do I do with them?

Commander Ahria – Warrior – Stormbluff Isle

Whole event too rushed

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Barfoi.9537


So, is the event going too quickly, or did it lag — which is it? ;P

Whole event too rushed

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


It was a bit too rushed, my work schedule had me working for most of the event. If the events would last about two weeks then it be ideal for everyone to get to do. Another game I played learned this the hard way and their one-time-only event complaints went down dramatically and threads like this one doesn’t exist.

Also I think ANet should have spent a lot more Q&A time with this and it would have been fantastic instead of receiving generally negative reviews.

Whole event too rushed

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Samfisher.7942


Also fix your kitten dynamic events. Every new thing that pops out as new content has failed incredibly in the consistency of the events actually working at all.

Ezendor [SYN] – Synapse, Ranger
Sea of Sorrows

Whole event too rushed

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Diviner.7405


For me, the thing that felt rushed was the new map itself.

First off, its small, which is fine except there is literally almost nothing to do.

The first big chain was cool and all, but after that there is nothing. Sure, there is a few DE here and there, but they do not lead to anything awesome are just the standard “kill enemy X” or “turn in loot Y,” and they just do not lead to any awesome chain. They are also all really far apart so half the time you are just running across a ghost area with mobs that are annoying to deal with. No NPCs fighting and no players doing anything.

I thought this was supposed to be a battle to take the island, not a ghost town area. This was supposed to be Orr 2.0, but instead feels like a half finished Orr (which Orr itself not felt completed as well). Orr at least felt like battle was sort of going on…

After you done all the events like once and the JPs, there is literally no reason to come back besides mat runs. All the other maps still do it better.

Add more event chains, add more NPCs running around, and make it feel like your fighting for something.

Whole event too rushed

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: BurnedToast.3781


I’m guessing that there will be more to do after the whole event is “finished” and the zone is officially open all the way.

Just a guess though, because it does seem a bit empty and, I hate to say it, pointless right now consider how much it was hyped up.

Whole event too rushed

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: kateuk.7538


I meant that the time scale isn’t long enough. I have work, dogs to walk, family to look after, lots of things to do at weekends that I don’t get time to do in the week and game time is limited. I would prefer it if the event itself lasted a week or more and each phase at least a couple of days not a few hours. I’m sure I’m not the only one.