preview eqipment on the trade broker
I would like that too.
Currently, you can visit to get ingame links for most ingame gears. Copy, and paste it in chatting window to get the preview of the gear. You better whisper to yourself when do this to avoid bothering people around. For exmaple, /whisper ChaoticKyubi.1067
They have it on the wish list. They know, but yeah I’m a little disappointed we aren’t getting preview in the TP with this patch.
I like to tinker with clothes and such for a unique look. At the moment I’m really disappointed about a nice set of boots for a human female Ele.
I would really like this option, too.
But what really annoys me is that you can’t preview a weapon in “combat” mode. I think that should be added, too, or it is and I’ve missed it somewhere? In the preview window there should be a button to toggle between drawn out weapons and sheathed weapons. Cause some weapons have awesome skins or might look awesome in combat mode, but when I preview it, it is not all that appealing.
You should never buy something based off of the icon.