Audio in the Secret Lair (maybe spoilers)
origin of the madness…. well man, enough for you. You are already losing your mind, you don’t need to see the origin to get to the madness realm (xDD i couldn’t help it).
As much as i think that you are just trying to find something that isn’t there, i gotta say also that you’re also making me wonder if there’s really something that we missed. Please tell me if you find something in the audio :P
Aens / Ellantriel / Nao To Mori / Saelyth. Commander
Guias de Raids en español / Spanish raiding guides
Nah, I’m not really finding anything to do with voices. It mostly seems to match the interference on the monitor, plus there’s some other workings, like if a motor of some description is powering it (which is a possible interference source). Other interference could just be atmospheric; it’s probably quite cold down there.
There’s a couple of parts of the audio interference which could be voices, but I can’t discount it is just interference. Even if I can’t match some of it up directly to the visual source, (other than it being similarly looped).
Eh, move along now. Most likely nothing to see here.
That said, she has pointless sound integration if she just wanted a visual.
I haven’t heard that audio myself yet (since I have one journal left to get before I can unlock console) but I believe it’s just noises. Even RL at times I think I hear voices mixed with a noise generated by fans, motors and things like that. At times it’s just your brain messing the sounds pattern (e.g. fan makes regular sound patterns that could be messed if a minor different sound might interfere, giving illusion of voices). At times I have realized it’s just your brain trying to find a known sound in middle of different noises. If you think your hear voices in a noise, you surely will begin to hear things like voices in it.
I haven’t heard that audio myself yet (since I have one journal left to get before I can unlock console) but I believe it’s just noises. Even RL at times I think I hear voices mixed with a noise generated by fans, motors and things like that. At times it’s just your brain messing the sounds pattern (e.g. fan makes regular sound patterns that could be messed if a minor different sound might interfere, giving illusion of voices). At times I have realized it’s just your brain trying to find a known sound in middle of different noises. If you think your hear voices in a noise, you surely will begin to hear things like voices in it.
Exactly so.
It would be another fun layer to the whole thing, however! Plus I have been wearing my tin foil hat for this outing.
Hehe yeah. But yes, some kind of hidden message would be cool. Love puzzles like these.