Beware: Marionette skill bug

Beware: Marionette skill bug

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Qaelyn.7612


I was fighting the marionette when suddenly I couldn’t use any skills. Press the button and it flashes but nothing happens. You can still move around, but that’s it.

Asked guildies and they said it’s a known problem. Tried a few things but the only one that worked was getting downed.. after I was rezzed up I was fine.

Thought folks might want to know in case it happens to them.

EDIT: I’ve also been told that swapping weapons from the Hero panel works. Have not confirmed personally.

(edited by Qaelyn.7612)

Beware: Marionette skill bug

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Mars.6319


It’s not a problem that is specific to the Marionette. It can happen in other parts of the game. I have noticed the problem most often when I am moving, pressing F to try to loot, and instead find myself interacting with an item like a banner or summoned weapon but not picking it up because I am moving as I am pressing F while trying to loot.

I think it happens more often during large events like these because you are more likely to have banners and summoned weapons laying about given the large number of players that are in a small area. You also need to spam F so that you do not miss out on any loot drops. And finally there is also a lot of movement meaning you may often be moving, pressing F and come near enough to a summoned weapon that the server thinks you have picked it up but your client does not thus locking you out of using any of your abilities.

Sometimes picking an item up and dropping it can fix it but the last time it happened to me I had to get downed and rally in order to fix it.

Beware: Marionette skill bug

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Fallout.1798


One thing I would strongly recommend for everyone having this problem, which mainly seems to happen from spamming your f key to aoe loot, is to custom set your aoe loot key function. Go to the game options, control options tab (aka the hotkey settings). Aoe loot is listed at the very bottom of the hotkey list. Custom set this to be something other than your interaction key.
I would recommend looking at your hotkey settings anyway because a few of them are not set to anything by default. Changing these you may find to be a big help for you.

Stormbluff Isle
[AoD]- Commander Vars Wolf

Beware: Marionette skill bug

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: BrunoBRS.5178


it usually happens to me on WvW, but i’ve seen it happen on the marionette fight too.

LegendaryMythril/Zihark Darshell

Beware: Marionette skill bug

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Axialbloom.8109


It is to do with moving and (failing at) picking up items or failing to pick something up because someone else picks it up at the same time. Anet really need to fix it.

Beware: Marionette skill bug

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: possessed.2036


It happened to me during the platform fight in the marionette. There was nothing to pick up or loot it just bugged out of nowhere.

Beware: Marionette skill bug

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Elrey.5472


Happened to me while defending in phase 1. I decided that i would try to get me killed to fix that, so i did removed my armour to my inventory, then i did move to enemies and tried to hit them… and i didn’t expected to shot arrows, but my character did.

I believe removing my armour did fix that. Needs more feedback about that.

ES Wiki Sysop. Vanquiser of the Marionette, Lover of the Aetherpath.
Aens / Ellantriel / Nao To Mori / Saelyth. Commander
Guias de Raids en español / Spanish raiding guides

Beware: Marionette skill bug

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Qaelyn.7612


Edited OP to add: I’ve also been told that swapping weapons from the Hero panel works. Have not confirmed personally.