Read: Playing to Win.
Guide: How to play a Mesmer in dungeons.
Upon hearing that Rox is 1 mission away from joining the Stone warband.
Wow. Such surprise. Very intrigue. Did not know Braham had a thing for big cats.
Norn = Kodan = Bear that loves Cats
Imagine the kids…
I got the impression it was an ad hoc warband feeling, and not a sexual thing. He and Rox are both outsiders to an extent and have been depending on each other in battle for quite some time now.
Charr + Norn = corn! their kids would be candycorn! oh the horror we’ve been eating people all along! (perhaps an assumption too far?)
I got the impression it was an ad hoc warband feeling, and not a sexual thing. He and Rox are both outsiders to an extent and have been depending on each other in battle for quite some time now.
I don’t think it’s a sexual thing either, but BROham’s tone really gives the vibe of some jealous lover.
Norn turns into Snow Leopards for a reason.
Yah, I wasn’t really a fan of Braham’s reaction in this story instance. If they’re just supposed to be friends and comrades (which I think and hope they are) he’s getting awfully whiny and emotional about the whole thing. “Wah, you like them better than me /pout”. Also, the whole line about her being “special” just made me cringe.
Actually, aside from the parts with Taimi which were kind of fun, I wasn’t a fan of the whole story instance at all. Aside from Braham whining over Rox, you’ve also got Kasmeer sobbing like child over a stuffed bear. Which I just find silly unless Kasmeer is much younger than I assumed she was.
Not to say that all the story bits with these characters need to be happy-go-lucky fun times, but they’re laying on the sappy emotions a little thick here, and it seems out of character when these were the people cracking jokes at the threat of a looming tower of doom.
I don’t think this is a boy-girl thing. Friends can get jealous or feel rejected whatever the gender. I also don’t mind Braham acting immature since he is young and inexperienced.
I can understand why he feels as he does. Roxx is basically dismissing him completely in favour of people who she doesn’t know and who will treat her as a nameless newbie.
Of course, that’s what charr like. They like to be a part of a greater whole, like a cog in the war machine that is their legion. It’s the exact opposite to the norn mindset, where one person is their own nation.
Braham has passed beyond that, somewhat, in that he clearly values his companions and wants more of a group legacy than an individual one. Roxx, however, seems very quick to dismiss the personal connections and is like “yeah, whatever”, so I can see why he is upset. Roxx values her pet devourer more than him, I would suspect.
a lot of brahams friends were killed during the molten facility stuff, so yeah, I get more of the impromptu warband vibe and not so much a romantic thing
Charr + Norn = corn! their kids would be candycorn! oh the horror we’ve been eating people all along! (perhaps an assumption too far?)
I almost choked while drinking water, that is amazing xD
On the OP, well it’s a kitten friend nothing more, don’t worry I’m sure Rox will choose wisely in the end. Or who knows maybe she will join Ryrtlock and Broham will be stuck with Taimi :P
It’s probably Braham feeling like he’s being abandoned by yet another of his close friends (after feeling estranged from his mother, some of his friends dying to the Molten Alliance, and then getting dumped by Otillia), and it hits home for him.
But that said, I would not be opposed to a Bra-Rox pairing.
wait. a warband wouldn’t allow a norn in, but I get the strangest feeling that’s going to happen with braham.
I get the feeling Rox will earn her warband membership, decide Braham is a lot more fun (or be wooed by his puppy dog eyes), and go off on adventures with him instead, turning Rytlock down at the last minute. Classic ‘the grass isn’t always greener on the other side’ character arc, potentially!
EDIT: I don’t think an interracial pairing is on the cards, no matter what the fans say xD Platonic relationships can be just as fun, and male/female characters don’t get them that often since romance tends to pop up by default in those dynamics.
wait. a warband wouldn’t allow a norn in, but I get the strangest feeling that’s going to happen with braham.
Depends on the charr in question, back in the day, Rytlock gave Logan a Blood Legion amulet that symbolically made him a part of Rytlock’s warband. If a human is able to join a charr’s warband (even symbolically), I don’t see why a norn, whose race gets along more better with charr than humans do, can’t.
wait. a warband wouldn’t allow a norn in, but I get the strangest feeling that’s going to happen with braham.
Depends on the charr in question, back in the day, Rytlock gave Logan a Blood Legion amulet that symbolically made him a part of Rytlock’s warband. If a human is able to join a charr’s warband (even symbolically), I don’t see why a norn, whose race gets along more better with charr than humans do, can’t.
Oh. well ok then. that could work then
wait. a warband wouldn’t allow a norn in, but I get the strangest feeling that’s going to happen with braham.
Well, you do become a “honorary” member of a warband in one of the Norn stories if I recall.
It’s not unheard of, just very uncommon. In general the fives majors races seem to be rather forward thinking and open-minded.
I do stress the in general part however.
I get the feeling Rox will earn her warband membership, decide Braham is a lot more fun (or be wooed by his puppy dog eyes), and go off on adventures with him instead, turning Rytlock down at the last minute.
And it will have been Rytlock’s plan all along for Rox to find her own way through life. He was just teaching her to be independent.
I think that Rytlock will officially welcome Rox into the Stone warband, and then put her on “reconnaissance” duties that allow her to keep adventuring with Braham and the others. After all, Rytlock and the other members of his warband rarely do anything together anymore, according to Logan’s dialogue; they are all high-ranking officers of the Legions, and their responsibilities means they wouldn’t have the time to personally see to every incident themselves.
I am very certain that Rox will join the Stone Warband.
In one of the early announcement webpages for an update several months ago, she was called “Rox Whetstone”. (I believe it was the Tequatl update). I am pretty sure this was a little publishing accident. Remember, the entire Living Story was already written in January of 2013.
As you know, charr adopt a second name that contains the name of their warband. Which is why, as a gladium, Rox does not have a second name. She lost that when she lost her original warband. The accidental use of the name “Whetstone” was an unintended spoiler indicating that Rox will indeed join the Stone Warband.
I am very certain that Rox will join the Stone Warband.
In one of the early announcement webpages for an update several months ago, she was called “Rox Whetstone”. (I believe it was the Tequatl update). I am pretty sure this was a little publishing accident. Remember, the entire Living Story was already written in January of 2013.
As you know, charr adopt a second name that contains the name of their warband. Which is why, as a gladium, Rox does not have a second name. She lost that when she lost her original warband. The accidental use of the name “Whetstone” was an unintended spoiler indicating that Rox will indeed join the Stone Warband.
Rox wont be able to join the warband cause Braham will be the one killing scarlet thus impressing taimi enough and becoming her new(hero)obsession and depriving rox from the feat.
just something that i thought could happen after listening to them in EoTM for a while.
Well, Marjory and Kasmeer are the romance, but I’d say that Braham and Rox are more the Bromance.
Charr + Norn = corn! their kids would be candycorn! oh the horror we’ve been eating people all along! (perhaps an assumption too far?)
Thanks to this Norn Elite skill, love can bloom given 30 seconds.
Probably more like 25, as very awkward things can happen when the timer expires.
In further irrelevant news, the father of said corn would be pop-corn!
Its still early to tell if its more like sibling love or romantic love but we can all agree on something. There is more to those 2 then what’s being shown on the surface.
I think that Rytlock will officially welcome Rox into the Stone warband, and then put her on “reconnaissance” duties that allow her to keep adventuring with Braham and the others. After all, Rytlock and the other members of his warband rarely do anything together anymore, according to Logan’s dialogue; they are all high-ranking officers of the Legions, and their responsibilities means they wouldn’t have the time to personally see to every incident themselves.
Right, because welcoming her into the warband would also make her not a Gladium. It removes that shame from her. Given that all the other members are all High ranking, busy, Charr she would have to be given mostly solo assignments anyhow, so why not.. Its a perfect plan.
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