GWO reviews the Wurm bosses
WoW devs NEVER tell ya how to beat their bosses. The best groups do then publish videos and guides. Too much complaining, these fights are amazing.
WoW has instanced bosses. Think for a moment what that means. That means you can choose who is going to fight the boss alongside you. Just as importantly, that means you can choose who is NOT going to fight the boss alongside you. You don’t have to worry about some random guy being AFK in a turret…a turret upon which the entire fight (and the hour(s) spent waiting for the fight) hinges.
QFT. While I find these new mechanics awesome and I do like organisation over TeamSpeak (player cooperation ftw), there are always people who don’t come to TS or don’t read the chat, so event completion purely depends on which overflow one ends up in with what kind of people, which kills the fun. Possibility of learning from one’s mistakes is low as well, because if we cannot choose who to play with, during the next event there will again be AFKers and new people who haven’t tried and learned from errors. The way to avoid that is to camp in the same overflow, which is hours of waiting – not how most people want to spend their gaming time. Sadly, doesn’t seem like Tequatl feedback was taken into consideration.
[DV] – megaboss community
- Don’t spam trash mobs all over the arena, along with circles of death and hundreds of players!
This is the main one IMO. With the game having no taunt mechanic there is no way to pull the mobs to a side and focus them down, instead they ramble around after whoever they fancy targeting based on whatever opaque aggro mechanic ANet gave them.
Never mind that even the lowly at level trash mob has enough health to tie down just about anyone for a pointless amount of time if they are not running zerker to the hilt.
My tank bomber engineer watched one of the pirates eat bomb after bomb after bomb.
Watched? Shouldn’t you have killed him instead?
I was trying to, but i am not zerker built…
Why would you need to be ‘zerker to kill someone? That makes no sense. I’m mostly PVT (from WvW) and don’t have trouble.
- Don’t spam trash mobs all over the arena, along with circles of death and hundreds of players!
This is the main one IMO. With the game having no taunt mechanic there is no way to pull the mobs to a side and focus them down, instead they ramble around after whoever they fancy targeting based on whatever opaque aggro mechanic ANet gave them.
Never mind that even the lowly at level trash mob has enough health to tie down just about anyone for a pointless amount of time if they are not running zerker to the hilt.
My tank bomber engineer watched one of the pirates eat bomb after bomb after bomb.
Watched? Shouldn’t you have killed him instead?
I was trying to, but i am not zerker built…
I personally believe the Cobalt Wurm, now that it’s not bugged, is the easiest one to defeat. We had him down the most during the fight, since you don’t have to have them all at once. It does get progressively harder as more mobs spawn however. Best to have a smaller group keep them busy, while people run kegs.
- Don’t spam trash mobs all over the arena, along with circles of death and hundreds of players!
This is the main one IMO. With the game having no taunt mechanic there is no way to pull the mobs to a side and focus them down, instead they ramble around after whoever they fancy targeting based on whatever opaque aggro mechanic ANet gave them.
Never mind that even the lowly at level trash mob has enough health to tie down just about anyone for a pointless amount of time if they are not running zerker to the hilt.
My tank bomber engineer watched one of the pirates eat bomb after bomb after bomb.
Watched? Shouldn’t you have killed him instead?
I was trying to, but i am not zerker built…
Why would you need to be ‘zerker to kill someone? That makes no sense. I’m mostly PVT (from WvW) and don’t have trouble.
Oh i managed it, eventually. It just took way to much time for what was a filler mob and not the boss.
- Don’t spam trash mobs all over the arena, along with circles of death and hundreds of players!
This is the main one IMO. With the game having no taunt mechanic there is no way to pull the mobs to a side and focus them down, instead they ramble around after whoever they fancy targeting based on whatever opaque aggro mechanic ANet gave them.
Never mind that even the lowly at level trash mob has enough health to tie down just about anyone for a pointless amount of time if they are not running zerker to the hilt.
My tank bomber engineer watched one of the pirates eat bomb after bomb after bomb.
Watched? Shouldn’t you have killed him instead?
I was trying to, but i am not zerker built…
I personally believe the Cobalt Wurm, now that it’s not bugged, is the easiest one to defeat. We had him down the most during the fight, since you don’t have to have them all at once. It does get progressively harder as more mobs spawn however. Best to have a smaller group keep them busy, while people run kegs.
I was not talking about the boss! I was talking about some random add that spawned within the event area that i tried to take down to buy the keg carriers some space. And not some bronze, silver or gold either, just a lowly gray boring mob.
Here’s our breakdown of the fights…
•Kill Abominations
•Get 20 people with debuff
•All 20 move to the spot with the arrow
•All 20 get eaten by worm
•All 20 get a harpoon
•Kill it
•Note: It may help to have everyone get the debuff at the near the same time
•Everyone Run through toxin clouds
•Run to platform of the same color
•Charge all platforms
•Kill it
•Note: teleporting removes toxin
•Get 20 people to gather at explosives depot
•All 20 people all pickup explosives at the same time
•All 20 move to the spot with the arrow
•Wait for boom
•Kill it
•Note: Can’t use teleport skills or fall into water while carrying explosives
Since the culling patch, any problem with invisible enemies is usually a network issue on the players end, more so than a PC spec. I’ve yet to see an invisibility problem in the game anymore.
Could have fooled me. In fact it seems more is invisible than on launch on the same pc.
I swear ANet has put in some overly sensitive anti-modding stuff, meaning that the client have to clear every last loaded file with the server before loading.
I have again and again see things not show on screen until tens of seconds after the loading screen goes away, but with no noticeable HDD activity or other indication that things are still being loaded into RAM.
Yeah, something is clearly amiss with the way the game loads things now. It’s not just all the invisible enemies (that could be just due to having way too much on screen), but also interface elements that load extremely slowly.
For example: if I start the game, and I want to access the sound options. It takes up to 10 minutes for the sliders to appear. I can’t adjust my volume unless I keep that window open for a very VERY long time. And nothing is happening mean while. No harddisk activity. It’s just that the client seems to verify things extremely slowly now.
We had our try at the Wurm bosses, but the final verdict does not look good. I enjoyed the new Tequatl battle (even though it scales badly), but this is a whole new can of wurms, pun intended.
Simply unplayable. See our live review of the battle in the picture below. No one was able to hurt a single one of the wurms, because the performance was so bad, and the mechanics so poorly conveyed.
Apparently lessons not learned:
- Make content playable on lower spec CPU’s. FPS matters.
- No more one-hit kill mechanics!
- Explain the mechanics of the battle in-game, instead of trial and error.
- Make it scale for lower amounts of players
- Don’t spam trash mobs all over the arena, along with circles of death and hundreds of players!
- Platforming + heavy performance issues = Unplayable
- Team Speak is NOT a GW2 feature. Stop designing content around it.
Agreed. The first time(Teq 2.0) I could excuse due to lack of experience. That being said, they still should have fixed it.
This time, it’s just incompetence, or some combination of incompetence and pride.
WoW devs NEVER tell ya how to beat their bosses. The best groups do then publish videos and guides. Too much complaining, these fights are amazing.
But WoW has a beta test for those bosses. Those raid groups do the content weeks ahead of the actual release. GW2 has no beta testing. The patch goes live and in two weeks it’s gone again.
Do you have proof that GW2 has absolutely no beta testing? I’ve seen videos of people testing the new WvW map and it’s not even out yet. Also, the wurm is permanent, it’s not leaving in 2 weeks.
I honestly can not think of a single LS release that hasn’t had major bugs on day one. Anet doesn’t test their stuff, and if they do, they’re not testing well at all.
Since the culling patch, any problem with invisible enemies is usually a network issue on the players end, more so than a PC spec. I’ve yet to see an invisibility problem in the game anymore.
Could have fooled me. In fact it seems more is invisible than on launch on the same pc.
While i’ve seen a slower loading UI on occasion (mostly the TP taking a few seconds to load), I don’t have any issue with invisible enemies. You’re picture there screams to me of a network issue on your end or your ISPs, i’ve never seen that happen.
It’s clear ArenaNet is not making the game we want to play.
ArenaNet is not listening, so the only thing to do is to not spend any money on gems, drop this game as soon as Wildstar or TESO comes out and let the game die quickly.
It’s clear ArenaNet is not making the game we want to play.
ArenaNet is not listening, so the only thing to do is to not spend any money on gems, drop this game as soon as Wildstar or TESO comes out and let the game die quickly.
Who’s this “we” you’re speaking of? You certainly don’t speak for me, so please don’t put out false blanket statements as fact.
I was just going to say that… I’m thoroughly enjoying the new content.
Another point that I think is unforgivable, is the gigantic clusterf*** that these events are, but then combined with the absolutely broken targeting!
Good luck trying to target the boss with this still broken targeting system, when surrounded by players and trash mobs. I predict the situation below. And the irony, is that there is not a single dev response in the ‘Targeting-Still-Broken-Please-Fix-It’ topic in the bugs sub forum. Not a single one! A problem that has plagued the game since release!
Ambient creatures have white text and are 1 hit. I tried tabbing around a bunch of ambient’s in Queensdale and was unable too.
I agree with everything the OP said. 100% It nicely summarizes everything that’s wrong with the current direction of GW2’s content design. I am stunned that despite the mostly disastrous feedback Tequatl got, they are designing more content in its spirit.
Marionette is hard, but not impossible when people know the mechanics of defenders well. The Wurms however are just riddiculous. I don’t know what ANet were thinking when they designed it. Unplayable indeed!
I think the idea for the Wurm is pretty sound; the mechanics are nice but they are waaaaay over the top. I’ll do the Achievements I realistically can, and then leave it. Players probably need to realise that “ludicrously hard content” is what this game lacks. If noone beats the wurm, does it really matter? At least players could stop complaining there was no challenge in GW2.
Ideally, for me, I’d like to see the wurm become a little more manageable. Tequatl I used to do weekly with our server, for a while, but now I just can’t be bothered with the hour or more of setting up our server needs to manage it. The wurm is even more ridiculous in this respect…and in it’s current form I’ll likely just ignore it.
I was just going to say that… I’m thoroughly enjoying the new content.
That’s me for the first day if you discount the constant waiting around for spawns… there’s only so much of it I can take though.
(edited by Sarie.1630)
I have a relatively powerful system and I still get loading lags, even with a Solid State Drive(SSD is a swear word?)
I like difficult content and I like the Tequatl encounter but I still think that Anet is reaching for too much.
Trying to get 100s of people together in an open world Meta to do coordinated tasks with very little tools is a difficult task.
I feel bad for small server populations.
This is another example of Anet creating content that their engine cannot handle.
I am sure that eventually we will be able to kill the wurms with about as much difficulty as Teq on BG but that is BG.
If/When Anet decides to make all meta bosses like this, people in lower population servers will not even bother.
I do teq about once a month because I dont find it rewarding and I have to sit afk in the main server for over an hour.
I will bet that this becomes the same as Teq. Large guilds will only do the raid with TS and coordination while small guilds/servers will never even get to enjoy the content.
Anet really needs to think about the overflow system with this type of open world raiding.
I am in BG but I can’t even do the events sometimes because of this system.
intel 335 180gb/intel 320 160gb WD 3TB Gigabyte GTX G1 970 XFX XXX750W HAF 932
Attempted Wurms last night. Went with Amber group. Wurm refused to eat anyone despite standing on the little arrow with the buff. Lost the encounter with Amber at 100%.
The only problem right now is, everyone is trying it. It isn’t designed for mindless zergs. It’s like other worldbosses in other games. Only these are available after reaching a certain level. But because wurm is only added to already available content, everyone will just rush to it right after release.
This content will stay so it can be hard. The marionet is easier because it is limited.
But where should they draw the line?
Should I be able to play these big events with a computer from the 90s?
Line drawn
As long as the user’s system is reasonably better than this there shouldn’t be a problem.
The only problem right now is, everyone is trying it. It isn’t designed for mindless zergs.
The problem is not that the zergs are mindless. Dedicated people on TS are trying to get this to work, and still fail. I think that is a bit ludicrous. Getting 20 people to all drop their kegs at the same time?
The marionet is easier because it is limited.
Not much easier though. We just did an organized effort for AG. We had experienced WvW commanders on TS, organizing all the players, and STILL we failed the marionette event as well. So much for casual content. Does all content have to be this hard, and require this much coordination? How will this remain fun after completing it once? It’s such a hassle, and it’s also trial and error on top of that. So the first couple of times are a lot of organization for nothing.
On our server (IoJ) the four times I joined in with the Marionette event we failed, but at least it was kind of fun and interesting, and you got some drops for your trouble. It’s definitely doable.
However, there is no way the wurm event will be close to being doable on most servers. It seems this event is geared only for the 1-2% of the player base, that is the ones who are in specialized guilds. If you’re lucky enough to have some kind of contact with them when your playing you may just get it done, or if you happen by chance to be on the map the specialized guilds have choosen, you may just get it done, but for the other 98% of the player base – No wurm achievements for you!!!
My three times trying to kill the amber wurm with guild members:
- Kill the champ, get the buff, stand under the red arrow, nothing happens
- Most players under the arrow are downed
- Most players can’t get the buff because of the 20+ champs and weird targeting
- Once inside the wurm harpoon grabbed, weird targeting and nothing happens
- Not one drop from any creature downed. Absolutely nothing.
Aren’t these events suppose to be fun? I’ve never seen so much rage around an event. Most of it stemming from the realization that no matter what you do, how hard players work together organizing it, the event will always fail.
Please Anet, you are losing active players over events like this.
Since the culling patch, any problem with invisible enemies is usually a network issue on the players end, more so than a PC spec. I’ve yet to see an invisibility problem in the game anymore.
Could have fooled me. In fact it seems more is invisible than on launch on the same pc.
While i’ve seen a slower loading UI on occasion (mostly the TP taking a few seconds to load), I don’t have any issue with invisible enemies. You’re picture there screams to me of a network issue on your end or your ISPs, i’ve never seen that happen.
My game does it as well from time to time, usually when I first log in into Lions Arch, than multiple times there after. I have perfect latency in GW2, WoW, Lotro, and any other online game I play.
I suppose you’re going to say it’s a network issue on my end as well, even though Ping Test after Ping Test says it’s fine, or it’s my ISP?
Just because it doesn’t happen to you doesn’t mean it’s not an issue with a game, and not on our side.
The only problem right now is, everyone is trying it. It isn’t designed for mindless zergs.
The problem is not that the zergs are mindless. Dedicated people on TS are trying to get this to work, and still fail. I think that is a bit ludicrous. Getting 20 people to all drop their kegs at the same time?
The marionet is easier because it is limited.
Not much easier though. We just did an organized effort for AG. We had experienced WvW commanders on TS, organizing all the players, and STILL we failed the marionette event as well. So much for casual content. Does all content have to be this hard, and require this much coordination? How will this remain fun after completing it once? It’s such a hassle, and it’s also trial and error on top of that. So the first couple of times are a lot of organization for nothing.
Between you and me… I find content more fun when there’s a real risk of failing… it makes success for satisfying. Old style scripted fights with add-ons screaming what to do when… once you learn the dance they become mindless time consuming hassles. This, to me, is so much better.
This event is much easier than Teq was. The dps requirement is significantly lower.
Any failure is simply due to incompetence at this point. JQ Gets cobalt down to ~5% every time now, and amber is typically brought down to at least 70% as well. And amber is only that high because it takes people 12 minutes to start listening and then it is easy to get him to 70% in the last 3 minutes.
Never been over to crimson myself, i’ve seen him down to 80% but not sure on the mechanics there.
The only coordination will be getting the 3 heads down at equal timing, not sure how much time variance you have, but I give it another 2 days before the major servers manage it, at most.
This event is much easier than Teq was. The dps requirement is significantly lower.
Just because it is doable doesn’t mean it is good And dps requirements aren’t really a difficulty indicator, just an indicator of what gear you brought…So Teq is actually a lot easier.
I think once more people understand the mechanics for Amber wurm, we’ll have it beaten. The other two are really easy and just involves running around a lot.
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI
My experience with the wurm fight went like this:
- After a lot of standing around doing nothing, the event finally kicks off.
- Follow the Asura. So far, so good.
- We have arrived somewhere. A wurm appears.
- I see a barrel on the map. Okay. I get it. Carry barrels to the wurm. I’ve done this before, with beanstalks. I can do this. I got this.
- I carry a dozen or so barrels to the wurm. So does everybody else. No damage.
- Our wurm remains at 100% health. I glance at the HUD. The other wurm teams aren’t doing any better.
- More barrels. What else am I going to do? I find out that you can’t touch water or you’ll lose the barrel. That’s inconvenient, especially when the water is very shallow.
- Halfway through the fight, people start yelling about a red arrow. I look at the map, no arrow. I look on the ground, no arrow. I scan the air, no arrow. Then someone starts yelling about a black spot on the ground. I don’t see it. I see AoE circles, players, PARTICLE EFFECTS GALORE, but no indicators of what to do. ANet, are you absolutely sure that you’re tested this on lower graphics settings?
- I decide that I’m not helping. I give up with the barrels and just shoot stuff. Someone has to do that as well, right? Am I helping now? I don’t know.
- Someone starts yelling to “put barrels here!” and jumps around in a pretty much random spot away from the wurm. That… makes no sense.
- I realize there is only 20 seconds left on the clock. I’m relieved that this will be over in a sec and I can go to bed and think about all the other things I could have done tonight.
- Final standing: our wurm 100%, the other two at 100% and 97% (I think that was the red one)
Made me pretty cranky.
The Marionette fight before went better – just a shame that I was stuck in a lane and didn’t even get to see the puppet once. So for me it was kind of boring. Oh well, still better than the wurm fight. And sadly, that is the best I have to say about the boss fights.
Yes, yes, and yes. You put my feelings into much better words than I would have.
Any failure is simply due to incompetence at this point.
Lets all train hard to we can become leet…
Did anyone really expect that mass group event problems other than the Teq event’s “AFK players on the 6 turrets” failure point would be eliminated?
Did anyone expect that this was anything other than content aimed at the demographic that: (a) likes events requiring coordination across a large group of players; and (b) likes events with mechanics that have to be figured out?
If you aren’t in that group, this wasn’t for you. There is no mandate that every piece of content released must be for everyone, or even that it must be for you. Players who play only WvW know this phenomenon pretty well.
I tend to agree that a lot of the technical problems that hinder events of this type could be solved if the events were not in the open world. However, ANet based its game model on the idea that — other than dungeons and solo/small group story vignettes — everything PvE takes place in zones where massive numbers can participate at once. They’re married to this concept.
ANet is not going to change that philosophy. They’re basing success on metrics. When the player-base flocks to the events (because it’s new content, has achievement points and the possibility of new rewards), metrics are going to tell them the event is a huge success, no matter how many complain, or how many ignore the event after doing it during the period it’s featured in LW.
Any failure is simply due to incompetence at this point.
Lets all train hard to we can become leet…
What do you want, an auto-leet feature?
The problem is really not the general design of the wurm battles – I like, those, too. What’s frustrating is that this is content designed for a very large, very coordinated group as open world content.
Well, that and the countless mobs (which drop no loot) and the horrible targeting…
Any failure is simply due to incompetence at this point.
Lets all train hard to we can become leet…
What do you want, an auto-leet feature?
No, what i want is a over the counter pill i can down so that i can forget that GW2 ever existed!
On our server (IoJ) the four times I joined in with the Marionette event we failed, but at least it was kind of fun and interesting, and you got some drops for your trouble. It’s definitely doable.
However, there is no way the wurm event will be close to being doable on most servers. It seems this event is geared only for the 1-2% of the player base, that is the ones who are in specialized guilds. If you’re lucky enough to have some kind of contact with them when your playing you may just get it done, or if you happen by chance to be on the map the specialized guilds have choosen, you may just get it done, but for the other 98% of the player base – No wurm achievements for you!!!
My three times trying to kill the amber wurm with guild members:
- Kill the champ, get the buff, stand under the red arrow, nothing happens
- Most players under the arrow are downed
- Most players can’t get the buff because of the 20+ champs and weird targeting
- Once inside the wurm harpoon grabbed, weird targeting and nothing happens
- Not one drop from any creature downed. Absolutely nothing.
Aren’t these events suppose to be fun? I’ve never seen so much rage around an event. Most of it stemming from the realization that no matter what you do, how hard players work together organizing it, the event will always fail.
Please Anet, you are losing active players over events like this.
Well said, Misty. I attempted this event last night as well. I did not expect success, but I was at least hoping it would be fun, but it was not. Far from it. I found myself extremely irritated by the entire event. I’m hoping that some guides will come up on the weekend and I may try it again, but not until then and let all the bugs hopefully get fixed. I also wonder why these events are geared toward a few specialized guilds/servers rather than actual “typical” (?) players.
Everyone talks about Teq and compares this to Teq. Here’s the thing. On my server, no one I know of does this. I tried it a couple times when it first got changed. It was utterly impossible. I gave up, but was eventually invited to do it by one of these specialized guild members and beat it ONCE. I have never done it again, mostly due to the horrible time/loot ratio. Also, it is not fun. The wurm event is not fun. It’s frustrating, impossible to see anything, lag-inducing (and I have an extremely competent gaming computer, thankyouverymuch), and unrewarding.
For me, all this LS is doing is driving me further away from it, or ever trying any other LS content again. And I’m seriously tired of these specialized guildies throwing out that the rest of us just want loot for nothing or that we just want to spam 1. I love challenge and I like to try new stuff. But ANet is SUCKING THE FUN OUT completely.
One thing could be changed and it could solve everything.
Take the timer away. Gives everyone all the time in the world to learn the encounter and solve together rather than fighting each other and having huge negativity
The thing with interface not loading properly has nothing with your ISP to do at all. And nothing with your computer. I know plenty of people who has this problem, and we all have had the same computer and same ISP since start. These loading screen + interface problems occurred some months back, and everyone got same trouble around the same time. It’s the game, nothing else.
Applyin Raid mentality on Open World Events… fail for the majority of the lvl players base.
I still don’t understand why this content isn’t instanced for smaller guild raiding? Fun mechanics, cool idea; derailed by overflow issues and pugs. At least they got the set time rotation down though for this boss.
This event is much easier than Teq was. The dps requirement is significantly lower.
Just because it is doable doesn’t mean it is good
And dps requirements aren’t really a difficulty indicator, just an indicator of what gear you brought…So Teq is actually a lot easier.
I think this would be a pretty good fight in an instanced 20 man raid. No fight in this game will ever be well done as long as they insist on making everything an open world zerg train.
From my experience, I have only known very (let me bold this) LARGE guilds (aka TTS) to do the Tequatl fight in an efficient manner. And it took a lot of organizing, and time from people to get that going. Granted, servers were beating him during the month of that release.
Now I have gone across servers around prime time to see if they are doing it. I have only seen a couple of times, and I know TTS will fill up a map to start an OF to get people in.
So I can’t say how many people are beating Teq, but I haven’t seen many open world completions. If the ratio for servers beating Teq daily are good, then I must be fooled somewhere.
I ran with both TTS and BG late last night (11PM EST) to complete both Marionette and The Wurms. With TTS we beat Marionette by a close call, due to one lane collapsing inside, but we managed it. Unfortunately the “cheer” achievement was bugged in OF so we couldn’t do that, but at least we got the chest.
On the terms of the Wurms however, it’s been highly unsuccessful. And we had majority of BG in TS and collaborated on what to do. I think the wurms averaged around 95 percent health, even though our Commanders were highly informational.
In my humble opinion, if a large open world event such as this fails more than it completes, then it’s not fun, and not successful content.
It shouldn’t be a wipe, but it shouldn’t be broken across the backs of players either.
Instanced, 5-16 man bosses sound like a better time.
considering that all the bosses are almost being defeated on the first day of release I think invalidates most of your arguments. Although it is true, when people stop doing him and TTS can fill of with its members the bosses will probably get killed more easily. I don’t see how you can question the format based on the quality of your pc especially with pc prices dropping significantly 50% recently.
Ok, seriously Anet. What the heck is going on in the below screenshot? Where is the boss, and how do I target him? I can’t click on him, and C targets the closest useless forest creature. Tab selects everything but the boss.
And where is our commander. Where is Angry Bearded Hobo? I targeted him just to be able to see him in all this mess. But still he is nearly impossible to see! And where do we go? Where do we stand when we have the lure on us? I know there’s supposed to be a little red arrow underneath this insane mess.
Was it really designed to be this way?
Oh, and thanks moderators for removing my post that used the word clusterkitten. Seriously? Could have simply edited out the asterixes that I included (not to circumvent the filter, but to censor myself, and still the post got infracted and removed).
I’ve been seeing this argument about how the content isn’t challenging, it’s in coordination, which is very true, but how much coordination is needed?
With all of the players trying this content, please remember there is vast variations in the type of knowledge, skill level, and play type everyone has. Challenging content is good, but more specifically I would say it’s great for instanced areas, such as dungeons, fractals, etc. Those areas require team preparations, and organized roles to achieve said area.
In open world when you bring content such as the above into an area that is first come first serve, you can only do your best to organize the players. You don’t choose those players, they are there with you, whether they listen or not.
So when content requires precise coordination to complete, and you’re in the open world with many other players, it becomes a far stretch to complete in the timely manner required. The response that TTS can do it, or large servers can do it every so often is really invalid because you have to respect that it’s open world and many players are roaming around. The maps where these bosses have been installed are not even end game maps, but more so character building maps (or were).
I want to conclude with one more thing. These “coordinated” bosses in the open world have just been introduced to many players, so this is a whole new level of game play compared to the older bosses. There was no building to this point, it went from bosses like "Shatterer to “Tequatl”. That’s a full swing on the spectrum. You don’t “zerg” these bosses, which is great, but there has to be an introduction to content like this.
Building a boss with the same mechanics but a lower player requirement would be a better way to introduce a new style of content, or even better a large instanced environment.
Throwing player who are used to spamming skills into now “highly coordinated” events just creates mass confusion and trolling from players who are used to said content.
But at the end of the day, I guess it’s irrelevant.
Ok, seriously Anet. What the heck is going on in the below screenshot? Where is the boss, and how do I target him? I can’t click on him, and C targets the closest useless forest creature. Tab selects everything but the boss.
And where is our commander. Where is Angry Bearded Hobo? I targeted him just to be able to see him in all this mess. But still he is nearly impossible to see! And where do we go? Where do we stand when we have the lure on us? I know there’s supposed to be a little red arrow underneath this insane mess.
Was it really designed to be this way?
Oh, and thanks moderators for removing my post that used the word clusterkitten. Seriously? Could have simply edited out the asterixes that I included (not to circumvent the filter, but to censor myself, and still the post got infracted and removed).
My first impression from that screenshot is that you’re running the wrong resolution, crowding everything in. The stuff on the right of the UI… mine only takes up a fraction of what yours is and I can see a whole lot more horizontally and vertically.
It really feels like this is reverse-zerg content. In other words, it’s the players getting zerged, and thrown into a giant mess of particle effects and enemies everywhere.
Like Antara says, you don’t pick the people with you in the map, and you shouldn’t have to. With some coordination you should have a fair chance to succeed… but you don’t. Just look at how much coordination is required. We had experienced WvW commanders at it today, and it was a mess. Even while we knew what to do, it was almost impossible to target the right enemy, and to see where to go.
When I say this fight is a mess, I mean it quite literally.
My first impression from that screenshot is that you’re running the wrong resolution, crowding everything in. The stuff on the right of the UI… mine only takes up a fraction of what yours is and I can see a whole lot more horizontally and vertically.
If we could adjust the UI (like in GW1) this would not be a problem. But the real problem here is all the overlapping models and particle effects.
I’m sure devs think I just like to bash their content, and hard work, which is entirely not the case, I try very hard to like every piece of content and work to understand it, which I will with these two events as well, but I state my opinions to help. So hopefully it’s not taken personally, because I’ve been too fond of this community for far too long to just troll.
Yes, and I also want to make sure it’s perfectly clear where I stand on this. I really do want to like the content. I am a commander on Aurora Glade, and today I helped beat the marionette for the first time on our server, together with several other really good commanders (And it was a lot of fun, thanks to Angry Bearded Hobo for organizing it).
And we also had several tries at the wurms. But I’m not blind to what is going on. The marionette is epic, and has nice mechanics. But it is also way too hard for casual play, and has some unfair aspects that makes it a bit too easy to fail.
And the Wurms have interesting mechanics, if you can see what is going on. If! And also, requiring 20 people to do something simultaneously, and to also kill all three wurms within 1 minute of each other, while on a timer? That is absurd.
(edited by Mad Queen Malafide.7512)