Great Wurm progress
Good lord if I had been there I would have been so disappointed, but it looks like Deso really has a good strat going.
Do the people of that server care to comment on the rumor that you do significantly more damage hitting the wurm from the front as opposed to the sides and back?
There’s a double damage spot.
Can you elaborate a bit more on that? Its kind of an ambiguous post but I assume you are confirming that hitting from the front does indeed do double damage?
Dash,there is no exact spot if it is in front or in the back. Somewhere,around the middle,you hit his stomach and his head at the same time,hence the 2x dmg
Ooooh ok thanks for clearing that up I appreciate it, good luck on your next attempt!
I will be streaming the midnight desolation try at
feel free to join
FSP 0:00 Try
Far Shiverpeaks – Bubblegum Dragons [GUM]
Melvin can you update your original post to reflect our insane 0%, 0%, 10% one?
The picture should be in there right? I can’t put in pictures that I don’t have
Far Shiverpeaks – Bubblegum Dragons [GUM]
The picture should be in there right? I can’t put in pictures that I don’t have
Desolation 22:00
as in a previous post in the thread
Well I hope that pleases you I am going to sleep now so I won’t be updating this thread for the americans, more tries at 10am tommorow!
Far Shiverpeaks – Bubblegum Dragons [GUM]
Well I hope that pleases you
I am going to sleep now so I won’t be updating this thread for the americans, more tries at 10am tommorow!
Thnx Good luck to FSP tomorrow, we’ll go for one more tonight…
I keep hoping to spot myself in these videos like some dork on TV at a football game.
FSP 12:00 still no progress, all heads still hanging around 20-30% at 0:00 timer
Far Shiverpeaks – Bubblegum Dragons [GUM]
Blackgate tried, but no cigar.
Amber: 17% HP
Crimson: 50% HP
Cobalt: 4% HP
23.66% HP on average.
Nearly 96 hrs after Wurm release…
Has anyone beaten this Wurm yet?
Or is everyone going to admit ArenaNet beat them?
Nearly 96 hrs after Wurm release…
Has anyone beaten this Wurm yet?
Or is everyone going to admit ArenaNet beat them?
NEVER! I don’t even care about all the sleep I didn’t get!
Today it will go down… Count on it…
BG made it to 2nd phase yesterday
So the last phase is simply a DPS-check? Hooray.
Simply? If it was simply a dps check,people would already be killing the wurm. Instead,no one did yet.
Ye FSP is really stuck on this last phase, like we think we’re missing a mechanic or something, because a flat dps check just seems so unlikely after a first phase thats so focussed on coordination.
Far Shiverpeaks – Bubblegum Dragons [GUM]
Main problem,as we see it,is the last 2minute timer. Why would they make a 2min timer,and add another 10sec of wiggly wurms being invulnerable? Technically we get 1:50 to kill the wiggly heads,instead of those 2:00. Trust me,that would make a difference.
I think anet test team did this last part with a team in fully ascended gear and deemed it a fitting challenge for the rest of us
Getting closer now on FSP, luring does work but not worth it.
Far Shiverpeaks – Bubblegum Dragons [GUM] Desolation 18:00
Our best try on Vizunah was to put all three around 5% (on friday)
By the way guys, have you ever noticed the strange thing about wurms’ life ?
I mean although DPS seems constant, loss of life seems random. For example : on the SAME burst, the life of the wurm decreased very slowly… then very faster and again slower.
Do you think each wurm is vulnerable to something particuliar ? A special weakness ?
(edited by joeyw.9531)
It is a confirmed random scaling bug. Time to time its hp scaled up and you do less damage or the other way.
I’d like to see a quote or screenshot to be sure that this is a bug, but srsly, something isn’t right with the wurms.
2 Hours ago we nuked the southeast wurm down so fast, we thought it was an ambient creature. After 5 seconds the HP was down to 50% and our leader called a damagestop, but even with more than half of the group stopping, the damage skyrocketed and the wurm survived only 2 seconds.
With the try now we had the opposite. In the first burn phase we droped him to 95% and in the second we dropped the wurm to 20%.
We downed it on Deso ^^ also we streamed
First post should say Blackgate, not Blacktide. Thanks.
Just curious, any NA server is getting close on the wurm besides blackgate? JQ, SoR?
Wurm has died a server killed him and posted it here
good question is what happened to the weekly wurm slayer chest
I loved the way you all cheered, it made me quite happy to see you succeed, Deso. Good job!
Blackgate getting close. Tried at 3AM server time.
Amber 11%, Crimson 33%, Cobalt 9%
Average of 17.66% HP