(edited by Shanaeri Rynale.6897)
Lessons learned and not learned
Wait wars indeed. Ignoring the content until some external timers appear. :>
William S. Burroughs
The new red circles (orange circles) were spiffy. Can we have those as a replacement for the old red circles (current red circles)?
The new circles are nice, and its not too hard to figure out the ones from the shield mobs and how they work.
Its good to see a good world boss fight which can split up the zergs.
For the Overflow issues well i think they should let us decide an overflow server from a list just like the ones from GW1
I do like the multiple people fighting on seperate platforms, increasing the tension. But I agree, there is no real reason to hang around aside from filling out the map, and clicking the towers every 4-7 minuets. But even farming for toxic spores was more fun because it was fighting, or looking for something. All through out sitting there the whole map was trying to think of a way to cercomvent the tower, by combining our inventory, or by calling out and warping to eachother, all of witch would really be cool, fun ways to build community. But later did we find out that it was just for the instance. And now im just loged out for an hour till the boss spawns.
Lesson not learned: people don’t want to spend a half hour doing pre and boss fights to kill 30 champs without any drops.
people dont wanna wait 2 hours. just think about that kitten anet we have better to do with our time.
Lessons not learned
- Wait wars 2..
This is the big thing for me. Especially for this patch, being the first after Wintersday. You wait 7 weeks between patches and the patch they choose to release is one which forces players to wait to play the new content when all they want to do is get stuck into the new content! Mean. Mean and unnecessary.
I’m sort of glad to know I can go have a leisurely dinner break, actually. As long as there’s not a window, it always happens top of the hour each two hours, I can make sure to be there. Plus they are staggering Wurm and Marionette so you needn’t choose between them.
As someone said in another thread.
If you don’t wait in the map, you risk missing it.
So to do it, you have to wait in the map.
That means you can’t do anything but wait, which is kinda sad.
Edit: On top of that you get a black screen during the fight and have to restart the game to end up in an overflow…
Edit: On top of that you get a black screen during the fight and have to restart the game to end up in an overflow…
I just got that in Bloodtide Coast.
I’m trying very, very hard not to swear.
Edit: On top of that you get a black screen during the fight and have to restart the game to end up in an overflow…
I just got that in Bloodtide Coast.
I’m trying very, very hard not to swear.
Yeah.. same here… It went really well for us…
As someone said in another thread.
If you don’t wait in the map, you risk missing it.
So to do it, you have to wait in the map.
That means you can’t do anything but wait, which is kinda sad.Edit: On top of that you get a black screen during the fight and have to restart the game to end up in an overflow…
It’s the first day, everybody is trying to do it. Give it a few days and you’ll be able to just go on the hour. Heck, even today I posted in guild chat when the 5 minute timer popped and was able to ferry in a few guildies (didn’t hit hard cap).
Even if not, it starts at the same time everywhere, including overflows, and you’d have to be really unlucky to get an empty overflow.
Tarnished Coast – Dissentient [DIS]
All classes
It also seems to share the same timer as Teq. So basically a server needs to pick what world event it wants to try and rather than waiting an hour between major world bosses we have to wait for 2 hours and pick one……
I take it back if I’m wrong but the only 2 times it’s spawned so far it’s been at the same time as teq…
As someone said in another thread.
If you don’t wait in the map, you risk missing it.
So to do it, you have to wait in the map.
That means you can’t do anything but wait, which is kinda sad.Edit: On top of that you get a black screen during the fight and have to restart the game to end up in an overflow…
It’s the first day, everybody is trying to do it. Give it a few days and you’ll be able to just go on the hour. Heck, even today I posted in guild chat when the 5 minute timer popped and was able to ferry in a few guildies (didn’t hit hard cap).
Even if not, it starts at the same time everywhere, including overflows, and you’d have to be really unlucky to get an empty overflow.
The problem isn’t missing it because others are there.
The problem is missing it because you have no idea when it is.
As someone said in another thread.
If you don’t wait in the map, you risk missing it.
So to do it, you have to wait in the map.
That means you can’t do anything but wait, which is kinda sad.Edit: On top of that you get a black screen during the fight and have to restart the game to end up in an overflow…
It’s the first day, everybody is trying to do it. Give it a few days and you’ll be able to just go on the hour. Heck, even today I posted in guild chat when the 5 minute timer popped and was able to ferry in a few guildies (didn’t hit hard cap).
Even if not, it starts at the same time everywhere, including overflows, and you’d have to be really unlucky to get an empty overflow.
The problem isn’t missing it because others are there.
The problem is missing it because you have no idea when it is.
When? It spawns every odd hour, so that’s pretty easy to figure out…
As someone said in another thread.
If you don’t wait in the map, you risk missing it.
So to do it, you have to wait in the map.
That means you can’t do anything but wait, which is kinda sad.Edit: On top of that you get a black screen during the fight and have to restart the game to end up in an overflow…
It’s the first day, everybody is trying to do it. Give it a few days and you’ll be able to just go on the hour. Heck, even today I posted in guild chat when the 5 minute timer popped and was able to ferry in a few guildies (didn’t hit hard cap).
Even if not, it starts at the same time everywhere, including overflows, and you’d have to be really unlucky to get an empty overflow.
Overflows ARE the problem.
Uncoordinated, from different servers, no TS, lots of afks and on europe servers, a language barrier.
I’d have no problem with overflows if they’re server-wide, not continent-wide, so that communication is still possible. But as it is, overflows almost guarantee you that you’re going to fail.
Also, on Elona Reach you still have to be there a hour earlier if you want to kill Teq, sometimes even earlier. If you’re lucky and someone dc’s, you can get his place, but “right mouse button > scroll down > left mouse button > spacebar > repeat” isn’t fun either.
World bosses with such an amount of coordination NEED seperate instances, simple as that.
Good list Shanaeri Rynale. Though I would also add generally better story telling to the positive list due to the story instance. Also lack of rewards from mobs and general unrewarding content to the negative, due to the countless champion/elite mobs that drop nothing and the fact you get zero reward if you work hard but your server failed anyway.
yay, new content
>log in
>check mail, still can’t put my marker on the map when it shows me where to go, so annoying
>go where it showed me
>of course, not allowed on the server i payed money to transfer to
>nothing happening here
>everyone standing around clueless
>wait for 45 minutes
>still nothing happening
>look at “meta” achievements
>sprockets as a reward?
>/wiki sprocket
>i take it they mean the crafting material, not the trophy
>didn’t use these when they were last introduced, why would i use them now
>home instance nodes are disappointing, never needed to use any of them, useless
>will wait another 30 minutes before i log out and play something else
I made a post outlining these issues with Teq, as many others did. I would have been happy if Anet had simply come out and apologized in advance saying:
“We are very sorry for not having a fix for overflows and server caps when organizing difficult mega events worked out yet, but we are working on a solution! We hope to have it rolled out in X months, but it’s very possible it will take longer than that. Thank you all for being patient, cool, and awesome players!”
Would that REALLY be so hard, Anet? Admit you are wrong, fess up, and let us know what the status is? It’s not like that would give any living story away, and admitting faults is generally considered a mature thing to do. The CDI is a big step in the right direction, but they really need a dev blog, where they mention WEEKLY or BI-WEEKLY non-spoiler things and give status updates on parts of the game they are aware are DEEPLY in need of improvement such as this. All this tight-lipped secrecy and ambiguity is just making players more angry and untrusting. If the promises on the following 3 updates fall through and we don’t at LEAST get a single new PERMANENT zone and PERMANENT dungeon/instance, I think I will have lost all faith in the Living story’s ability to “provide expansion-like content”. Forever.
Devs are a bunch of nubs, Don’t expect anything more than the shower of kittene patches we get every month.
They have no clue about PVE and ABSOLUTLELY no clue about PvP.
Not learned:
-individual goals conflicting with group goals
If I need to defend 5 gates, I’m never going to go to one I already defended, regardless of how badly they need me there. It’s not as if I want to do the event more than 5 times.
Lets add a bit more to your post Shan.
Lessons not learned.
- RNG rewards. (Weapons, gear)
- Crappy meta achievement award. I have never used watchwork sprockets and I’m not about to start.
- No Quality Assurance. (Its currently bugged on desolation and is being farmed.)
- Unclear directions as to where to go.
Not learned:
At least 20% of any open world zerg are going to be useless — griefers, afks, or just undergeared, underleveled, or underskilled. In playtesting (assuming it’s even done) an event with 100 people, assign 20 to actively try to wreck the event. If you can’t make it work, it isn’t going to work in-game for most groups, without resorting to tricks like overflow abuse and external programs to provide the kind of coordination that isn’t supported in-game.
undergeared, underleveled, or underskilled.
This could well prove to be a massive problem. I entered a portal earlier to fight the Regulator champion. Ours went down, then I looked around… downed or dead people lying over the other platforms.
L35s in L10 gear who haven’t even distributed all their trait points can access this event, enter the portals, and screw it up for everyone. Equally L80s who haven’t learned what red circles mean can do the same.
It’s a minefield.
Not learned:
At least 20% of any open world zerg are going to be useless -- griefers, afks, or just undergeared, underleveled, or underskilled. In playtesting (assuming it’s even done) an event with 100 people, assign 20 to actively try to wreck the event. If you can’t make it work, it isn’t going to work in-game for most groups, without resorting to tricks like overflow abuse and external programs to provide the kind of coordination that isn’t supported in-game.
In my honest opinion,
This is the one big issue to me.
Both of these encounters are fun to attempt and the challenge is certainly there. I would do them even for no loot and no achievements. I don’t mind the wait times, I’ll just do something else and go to the overflow when they’re about to spawn.
But the problem comes with random people especially in the overflow. People that do not attempt to do the mechanics or contribute to fight and just auto attack or perhaps not even that.
You attempt to explain the mechanics to them, they don’t listen.
You turn on the commander tag to get them to follow, they don’t follow.
You ask them to revive at closest WP when dead, they don’t move.
I’m doing everything in my power to succeed yet, we’re still failing because xXxArthorDaLegendxXx doesn’t want to participate and contribute to the event. If I fail something because my guildmates or friend aren’t up to par, I will take responsibility for that because I choose them to be my friends. But I will not take responsibility for some random player who just shows up, wants free loot, and will not contribute.
That’s the biggest problem in this game and that needs to be addressed.
[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall
Dear Arena Net, please lose your fear of exploring instances as an option. Thank You =)
So far, events where few AFKers or people not listening/reading can prevent the entire event from succeeding, have been an excellent example of behavioural biology.
[DV] – megaboss community
Not learned:
At least 20% of any open world zerg are going to be useless — griefers, afks, or just undergeared, underleveled, or underskilled. In playtesting (assuming it’s even done) an event with 100 people, assign 20 to actively try to wreck the event. If you can’t make it work, it isn’t going to work in-game for most groups, without resorting to tricks like overflow abuse and external programs to provide the kind of coordination that isn’t supported in-game.
This. A thousand times this.