NA server to guest to for Marionette?

NA server to guest to for Marionette?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Qaelyn.7612


I’m on Tarnished Coast and I love our server.. I really do. But we cannot seem to get our act together for this event. I just did 3 tries over 5 hours spent camping in LP main on TC and all 3 were not just fails but horrible ones: 2/5, 1/5, 2/5.

Are there other servers who have figured this out better where I might guest and have better luck? Otherwise I guess it’s the overflow lottery or just giving up on this.

I’ve now tried it I think 16 times with 1 victory and I’m getting a bit fed up.


NA server to guest to for Marionette?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Gloomspanner.5920


I play on TC myself, and anytime I manage to NOT be in an overflow, we take it down. Perhaps you just had a bad run, but TC takes Mary down on a regular basis.

What are you trying these events?

Tarnished Coast: Nevis Klab, thief. Triqqz, elementalist.

NA server to guest to for Marionette?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: tweeve.3782


TC is a large server, you should be able to bring it down. Its probably the time you are playing.

NA server to guest to for Marionette?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Elrey.5472


The marionette is really easy if your server accepts the 2nd rotation tactic. That’s done by allowing a fail on purpose on lanes 4 and 5.

This is how my server (Baruch Bay) killed the last 9 marionetters:
Lane 1 gets 23-27 players
Lane 2 gets 22-25 players.
Lane 3 gets 20-22 players.
Lane 4 gets 15-18 players.
Lane 5 gets 15-18 players.
We usa that strat because it’s unlikely that we’ll get 25 on all paths. You need 15 on each path to defend phase 1, however you need 25 to complete phase 2 easier. So… our server makes sure lines 1 and 2 are in a really good shape and this is what happens:

Line 1 kills their champs (Hit in the back while 1 person tanks. If enemy is chasing someone, don’t run, just stop while others kill it, they dont hit hard).
- Lines 2 kills their champ (They follow a random player, that player must move the champ to the mines. In order to do that easily, everyone stand behind a mine, that way if he decides to choose 1 of you, he’ll hit a mine before reaching you. Once stunned by mine, dps until they move again).
- Line 3 tries to kill their champ (big enemies, they do a spin attack that can instakill melee players, try to be at maximum range unless really need. This enemy can also drop some bombs that stay in the battleground for a few seconds before exploding).
- Line 4 fails their champ.
- Line 5 fails their champ.
They both try, of course, because a suceed there would be awesome, however be expected for the fail.

(Champ 4 are doggies that put a blue area that usually wipes groups. The orange area is a warning, the blue one is the one that wipes so much people there. They also put confussion and you need to cure it or don’t hit while it lasts)
(Champ 5 are humanoid mechanic enemies that split into 2 when they die and charge to enemies. One of the easier ways to deal with them is to stack them up with Guardians GreatSword skill 5 or any other skills that affect groups. Nevertheless, this is just a dps race and can be done by any group, no need zerkers but zerkers will do this phase really faster and easier than others).

Until now you have 3 chains broken and you have the cannon meter at 50% (assuming that defense in all paths has been done perfect), now is time to enter the second rotation.

Lane 1: they kill the 4th champ, the doggies.
Lane 2: they kill the 5th champ, the ones that split.

Optional fix (if lane 3 couldn’t kill their champ in the first rotation, that’s ok, you’ll enter 2nd rotation with only 2 chains broken. At that moment it’s encouraged to complete champs 3-4 with the lines 1-2 and then make 3 players from each of the lines 4-5 move to the lane 3. That way, the 3rd line will have 6 more players to complete the last phase and they will fix their own misstake.

The 2nd rotation strategy has been succesfully done a lot of times. We got 9 marionettes killed in the past day using this strat. Other strats like the ones on dulfy (to go use people from lane 1 to help lane 4) might works for some servers, but it has been a fail to our server, a big fail. So… we’ll stick to the 2nd rotation strat since it works 90% of the times, it’s easier, and you don’t need people running around and screwing things out.

Try to lead it in teamspeak or through map chat. If you can make 100+ players understand this strategy, it’s almost 100% done. Have fun.

P.S. This same strat worked in an overflow the only 1 time that I dropped in overflow 30 minutes before it starts. It takes about that time to make sure that everyone understood what to do (or a bit more since i’m not native english and we had germans and french players also). However we won. It’s all about balancing the lines and knowing how to deal with champs.

ES Wiki Sysop. Vanquiser of the Marionette, Lover of the Aetherpath.
Aens / Ellantriel / Nao To Mori / Saelyth. Commander
Guias de Raids en español / Spanish raiding guides

(edited by Elrey.5472)

NA server to guest to for Marionette?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Qaelyn.7612


I play on TC myself, and anytime I manage to NOT be in an overflow, we take it down. Perhaps you just had a bad run, but TC takes Mary down on a regular basis.

What are you trying these events?

Well I tried them this morning. I realize that that’s not prime time, but the map was full — couldn’t get party members to join — and I can’t get into main in the evening, so what does that leave?


NA server to guest to for Marionette?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Gloomspanner.5920


When you get into the TC main, we generally will have at least 20, if not 25 in each lane. On the rare occasions we don’t, we’ll stack players in 1, 2, and 3 with 15 in 4 and 5. Then lane 1 goes to 4 and 2 goes to five after their portal events. We’ve had multiple occurrences of a “perfect” event (5 for 5 severing chains).

Tarnished Coast: Nevis Klab, thief. Triqqz, elementalist.

NA server to guest to for Marionette?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Qaelyn.7612


When you get into the TC main, we generally will have at least 20, if not 25 in each lane. On the rare occasions we don’t, we’ll stack players in 1, 2, and 3 with 15 in 4 and 5. Then lane 1 goes to 4 and 2 goes to five after their portal events. We’ve had multiple occurrences of a “perfect” event (5 for 5 severing chains).

I was in TC main 3 times in a row this morning. The first time we had 20 or so people, fine, it was early. The other two, the map was full but there were people not participating in the event, and all 3 were miserable failures.

I’m trying again in an OF now.

NA server to guest to for Marionette?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Gloomspanner.5920


Morning is generally a tough time. In the evening is where we really hit our stride. Good luck!

Tarnished Coast: Nevis Klab, thief. Triqqz, elementalist.

NA server to guest to for Marionette?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Donari.5237


I got in TC main for the first time since the patch last night, thanks to the new build. The next marionette fight got me my first win, woot! So I waited for the next one after that which did much worse, alas. I think we only got 2 chains down, and in my lane a zillion champs were charging through the gate.

Otoh map chat was a ton of fun.

Anyway, given how hard it is to even get in main, I feel like main or overflow will have the same mixed bag of people and maybe there’s no magic win promised just because you’re in a full main.

NA server to guest to for Marionette?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Qaelyn.7612


Morning is generally a tough time. In the evening is where we really hit our stride. Good luck!

And if I could get into main then, I’d love to. I’m sitting in LP right now on my engineer Qengi if anyone wants to send me an invite hehe…

NA server to guest to for Marionette?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Qaelyn.7612


Well, I’m trying on TC main again. They won last time (while I was in an OF, not winning, lol). Either I’m a bad luck charm or someday I’ll get this.

NA server to guest to for Marionette?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: zenleto.6179


Well, I’m trying on TC main again. They won last time (while I was in an OF, not winning, lol). Either I’m a bad luck charm or someday I’ll get this.

I just guested to TC and I’ve landed in a pretty full overflow. Which I don’t mind. We can compare how it goes afterwards if you like.

Fire up the Hyperbowl ma, we’re going to town!

Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?

NA server to guest to for Marionette?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

I don’t bother with guesting, my only win so far was with an overflow

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

NA server to guest to for Marionette?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: zenleto.6179


My only win has been on SoS (I think), I guest for the overflows.

Fire up the Hyperbowl ma, we’re going to town!

Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?

(edited by zenleto.6179)

NA server to guest to for Marionette?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Qaelyn.7612


We failed, so I’m 0/5, but at least it was close and was pretty fun to do. I can deal with that, though I still think the difficulty should be pared down slightly.

Also not happy with how many people are on the map but not participating. If you’re reading this and are idling in LP and not participating in the event, please be considerate and go to a different map or overflow. Thanks.

(edited by Qaelyn.7612)

NA server to guest to for Marionette?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

We failed, so I’m 0/5, but at least it was close and was pretty fun to do. I can deal with that, though I still think the difficulty should be pared down slightly.

Also not happy with how many people are on the map but not participating. If you’re reading this and are idling in LP and not participating in the event, please be considerate and go to a different map or overflow. Thanks.

Please don’t tell others how to play or not play.