POLL: Increase Wurm Phase 2 Timer to 2:30 ?

POLL: Increase Wurm Phase 2 Timer to 2:30 ?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Taisia.2813


Dear ANet, being from the original team in Deso who killed the Giant Wurm, I’d like to firstly thank you for preparing such an intelligent and exciting encounter for us!

It is absolutely a blast to play through, to learn the tactics and beat the odds in such an organic encounter. The Macro and Micro Management of Resources and Timing adds an element of excitement that I’ve yet encountered in any MMO to date.

So over all kudos on a job well done!

However, to be frank, phase 2 of the encounter where you have to kill the heads in stark contrast feature none of these great aspects and remains a frantic and somewhat cruel “Gear check” for dps. Also it is simply a “ROLL OF THE DICE” and the DPS is dependant on one factor: Will the wurm head fidget away from the group or stay near a wall.

Also as I’ve reported there is a bug that keeps you from damaging the heads 10 seconds into the 2 minutes allocated.

Here I’d like to do a small poll to ask people if they would vote to have this timer to 2 minutes 30 seconds. It would still be challenging but less RUTHLESS as it is right now. The goal for this would be to allow a bigger portion of the gamers to enjoy this content.

So what would you guys say to such a change? Voice your opinions (if anet goes along with it of course)

POLL: Increase Wurm Phase 2 Timer to 2:30 ?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Soren.9316


No. We asked for the harder content so keep it hard. Deso has proven it can be done now it’s up to the rest of the player base to figure it out

IGN: Soren the Always Lost
Gaiscioch Family [GSCH]

POLL: Increase Wurm Phase 2 Timer to 2:30 ?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Curdy.3269


with two real minutes should be enough, I’m more upset about overflows and the way they spread ppl so much

POLL: Increase Wurm Phase 2 Timer to 2:30 ?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: mallas.9836


No. We asked for the harder content so keep it hard. Deso has proven it can be done now it’s up to the rest of the player base to figure it out

The fight relies on you to not have constant 15 mil hps on the wurms because of the scaling bug (last BG fight before this post it was about 5 changes during the burn phast, 1.3 mil to 15 mil). If you get past phase 1, you ALSO have to get lucky that 1 (2 usually) of the heads aren’t running around like crazy for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Blackgate last night got Dead, 1%, 2%. One was running around the other 2 stuck in place for a bit or in Crimsons case, for like 40+ seconds.

Lets also mention the timer starts before you can start, 10 seconds worth.

Fix all the problems especially that 10 seconds you can’t touch it but lose. All known by Anet, lets see what they fix. That will alleviate some of the problems with the 2 minutes. Since this was made for the top 10% of servers (which is somewhat odd since there is no real gear progression), do not change the timer. Just needs to allow for that extra 10 seconds which i assume was not meant to tick down until it was vulnerable.

POLL: Increase Wurm Phase 2 Timer to 2:30 ?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Rezz.8019


I want it to stay the way it is. I think 1m50s is more than enough. Just have to adjust your builds and actually be useful. As I told someone already, this is easy.

POLL: Increase Wurm Phase 2 Timer to 2:30 ?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Cletus Van Damme.2795

Cletus Van Damme.2795

As you say you gotta hope it flops into a wall.

Phase 1 aslong as you dont encounter the many bugs is fairly cool, phase 2 is a boring dps race taking another look at that would be great. It does look great flopping around though.

Magumer Ranger

POLL: Increase Wurm Phase 2 Timer to 2:30 ?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Dash.7108


2:30 isn’t needed but a true 2:00 is.

POLL: Increase Wurm Phase 2 Timer to 2:30 ?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Phoenixlin.8624


2:30 can be good for all participants. With fake 2:00, a DPS check is almost necessary. Thanks to that genius in Anet, you lose 10 seconds or more because of the animation of wurm and for the rest of the dps race, every single player have to be a zerker+all increase damaged traits. So even all 150 players in the map follow commanders’ instructions, there is still a %49 chance for a fail because of not DPS geared people.

But of course I’d like to try a true 2:00 attempt before any time increase =)

POLL: Increase Wurm Phase 2 Timer to 2:30 ?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: WilliamDaBloody.2591


The event was completed with the current timer so there is no need to increase it like proposed.

In general, no nerfs please, especially no ninja nerfs like they happened on Teq’s HP.

The event is fine as it is, just fix the weired scaling bugs and the 2:00 minute timer to real 120 seconds.

The event should stay as hard as it is, so that it requires 150 dedicated and organized players that cannot be sure they succeed everytime.

For the next larger scale open world encounter: increase the complexity of the mechanics instead of making it harder by adding a timer instead of proper mechanics.

(edited by WilliamDaBloody.2591)

POLL: Increase Wurm Phase 2 Timer to 2:30 ?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: LuckyTortle.1529


I would have to agree with the majority on this. I think that fixing the dumb scaling bug and allowing the full 2 minutes for the final dps would be just fine. I’ve been with Blackgate attempting the Wurm event for the entire time that it has been out, and we have been dealing with some pugs but if everyone is willing to learn and alter builds etc. we have no trouble getting those wurms down to less than 10% each time we get to phase 2. We’ve also nailed our strategy and almost always reach phase 2 unless some unfortunate scaling happens which cause the burns to do next to no damage.

Northern Shiverpeaks [NERF]

POLL: Increase Wurm Phase 2 Timer to 2:30 ?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: guardian.6489


I personally had a theory that heads moved away from whatever direction that DPS from coming the most from but this proved to be false after testing it in a few runs. It would be nice is Anet turned my theory into an actual mechanic since the head RNG phase is really frustrating as it currently is.

Retired Leader of TTS

POLL: Increase Wurm Phase 2 Timer to 2:30 ?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Taisia.2813


So the consensus seems to be “give our real 2 minutes” and “fix the weird hp scaling”

POLL: Increase Wurm Phase 2 Timer to 2:30 ?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Crystal Reid

Crystal Reid

Game Designer


We’d like to get the invulnerability bug fixed first before changing any timers or balance of this phase, and so that is currently in progress.

We’re still investigating the scaling issues.

POLL: Increase Wurm Phase 2 Timer to 2:30 ?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Taisia.2813


We’d like to get the invulnerability bug fixed first before changing any timers or balance of this phase, and so that is currently in progress.

We’re still investigating the scaling issues.

Awesome to hear you’re on it Crystal)

POLL: Increase Wurm Phase 2 Timer to 2:30 ?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: aspirine.6852


I dont care, this is not the kind of content I prefer.

POLL: Increase Wurm Phase 2 Timer to 2:30 ?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: King xiuras.3615

King xiuras.3615

Great to hear Crystal!
We are getting tired of trying to kill it without result (FSP)…
But i still vote for more time for killing the heads. 2:00 min isnt enough to kill it, it keeps moving + it does too much DPS which isnt the same as tequatl…

Khalar Bladestorm – Pugmaster of AoA – Dungeon Master – Event Comander of AoA

POLL: Increase Wurm Phase 2 Timer to 2:30 ?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: ntsan.3106


Well lets just nerf the zerker to get even more challenging!

POLL: Increase Wurm Phase 2 Timer to 2:30 ?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Phoenixlin.8624


I see what you did there =d

POLL: Increase Wurm Phase 2 Timer to 2:30 ?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: lekyii.9856


Well we(TxS) almost did the wurm with the 2:00 fake minutes and in a overflow(If im not wrong Overflow have a lower player cap than a Main Server) so i think is totally possible but its really frustrating to fail for 10 seconds and have to wait another 2hours.


(edited by lekyii.9856)

POLL: Increase Wurm Phase 2 Timer to 2:30 ?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


The wurm does very little DPS if you’re on the side and can dodge when it begins to flop.

POLL: Increase Wurm Phase 2 Timer to 2:30 ?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Witchking.4380


Whats the goal of having a proper discussion about being able to choose variety of armour if there is going to be a DPS check that REQUIRES berserk armour for everyone?

POLL: Increase Wurm Phase 2 Timer to 2:30 ?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Hammerguard.9834


No. We asked for the harder content so keep it hard. Deso has proven it can be done now it’s up to the rest of the player base to figure it out

It’s not even about being “figured out”. TTS have figured out how to consistently get into phase 2 but the problem is phase 2 is unreasonable. The execution level needed of every player is absurdly high.

… I still want tengu.

POLL: Increase Wurm Phase 2 Timer to 2:30 ?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Shakki.3219


Desolation had the Wurm 6 times ytd in stage 2 and failed at 10% of the Wurm heads… kitten Timer :P

Reaper – Anguîsh

POLL: Increase Wurm Phase 2 Timer to 2:30 ?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Ohoni.6057


Bug or no bug, the timer is still too short. The timer should really be removed entirely, or made like thirty minutes or so.

“If you spent as much time working on [some task] as
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”

POLL: Increase Wurm Phase 2 Timer to 2:30 ?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: pzyonix.1645


I don’t think 2:30 is needed.
I have helped organising things on FSP, mostly for the Crimson squads. (Love you all, epic job everytime consistently now!)
2:00 TRUE minutes would be enough.

-And maybe increasing the radius of the triggerbox where people can stand to get eaten by Amber Wurm as most of the time I hear the complaint that it’s not hungry and only gobbles up a fraction of the players underneath the red arrow.

POLL: Increase Wurm Phase 2 Timer to 2:30 ?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

Crystal, please fix the 10 second Invulnerability bug today? Getting so close each time, only to be a few seconds away from victory makes me /cry. We need those 10 seconds if we can’t get lucky with a head getting stuck against a wall. *note – you can leave that buggy last part in.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

POLL: Increase Wurm Phase 2 Timer to 2:30 ?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Hammerguard.9834


What also bugs me is the scaling in phase 2. In the desolation video you clearly see all three heads literally drop straight to 0 after the 15-20% mark. While we have rarely had it happen the same way, and when it does, it’s not nearly as big a drop. So what, did deso only manage to kill the wurms because of some crazy lucky scaling bugs?

… I still want tengu.

POLL: Increase Wurm Phase 2 Timer to 2:30 ?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Crystal Reid


Crystal Reid

Game Designer

Crystal, please fix the 10 second Invulnerability bug today?

I wish it was that simple, but the fix needs to go through proper implementation and testing before it can go live. Unfortunately we won’t be able to roll this out until the next patch, but it is coming along with several other bug fixes to the edge cases causing the event to stall and break.

POLL: Increase Wurm Phase 2 Timer to 2:30 ?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Smooth Penguin.5294

Smooth Penguin.5294

Thanks Crystal for the response.

As for the scaling bug Hammerguard mentioned, if that’s what happened in the case of Deso’s World First kill, I’ll feel a little cheated. I’m still happy that their group was able to defeat it. But the competitive side of me is upset that we’ve been trying so hard to get that last few percentage of HP down, only to miss it by a sliver.

In GW2, Trading Post plays you!

POLL: Increase Wurm Phase 2 Timer to 2:30 ?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: fabipm.4359


Crystal, please fix the 10 second Invulnerability bug today?

I wish it was that simple, but the fix needs to go through proper implementation and testing before it can go live. Unfortunately we won’t be able to roll this out until the next patch, but it is coming along with several other bug fixes to the edge cases causing the event to stall and break.

So basically it will still remain almost impossible (only one success for now) because of this bug right ? And you don’t even know when it will be corrected.
Thanks for releasing such content that is not doable (except if you are very lucky putting the head against a wall). Not to mention the crazy scaling issues.
Half of your release is bugged and not doable. Good score !

(edited by fabipm.4359)

POLL: Increase Wurm Phase 2 Timer to 2:30 ?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Taisia.2813


Thanks Crystal for the response.

As for the scaling bug Hammerguard mentioned, if that’s what happened in the case of Deso’s World First kill, I’ll feel a little cheated. I’m still happy that their group was able to defeat it. But the competitive side of me is upset that we’ve been trying so hard to get that last few percentage of HP down, only to miss it by a sliver.

Being there I can assure you it was no bug. We always kept to the “3 groups from beginning to end tactic” so the number of people fighting one wurm never escalated to cause such a discrepancy in the Wurm head’s health. It was stationary and most of the group was alive so we nuked it down quite quickly.

POLL: Increase Wurm Phase 2 Timer to 2:30 ?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Phoenixlin.8624


Well, I don’t think increasing timer from 2:00 to 2:10 is not a hard fix to implement.

POLL: Increase Wurm Phase 2 Timer to 2:30 ?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

Crystal, please fix the 10 second Invulnerability bug today?

I wish it was that simple, but the fix needs to go through proper implementation and testing before it can go live. Unfortunately we won’t be able to roll this out until the next patch, but it is coming along with several other bug fixes to the edge cases causing the event to stall and break.

So basically it will still remain almost impossible (only one success for now) because of this bug right ? And you don’t even know when it will be corrected.
Thanks for releasing such content that is not doable (except if you are very lucky putting the head against a wall). Not to mention the crazy scaling issues.
Half of your release is bugged and not doable. Good score !

She said it’d roll out with the next patch. That comes out next Tuesday.

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!