Possible strategy for Marionette

Possible strategy for Marionette

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: JGBarbarian.3579


There will be a time when most players will know all the boss fights (or phases) and this won’t be required, but until then I thought of this strategy.
It requires 2 coordinated guilds or groups; G1 needs to know fights 2 and 4, G2 needs to know fights 4 and 5.

Lane 1: new players with a commander to explain the easy fight 1.
Lane 2: G1
Lane 3: G2
Lane 4: new players (just defend correctly)
Lane 5: new players ^

The fight goes like this:
Fight 1: Lane 1 succeeds (since it is an easy fight)
Fight 2: G1 succeeds (since they know what to do)
Fight 3: G2 ^
Fight 4: lanes 4, 5 and 1 fails (probably), then G1 succeeds on lane 2
Fight 5: G2 succeeds on lane 3

The idea is to have 2 groups of players that knows the fights and how to use them for maximum gain. Putting one of those on lane1 would be a waste since the first fight is so easy. The strategy is a bit close on time but for what I have seen is doable.
I am enjoying this fight a lot and wanted to share this thought. Sorry for typos, not my mother language

Possible strategy for Marionette

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Liston.9708


Once the debuff wears off g1 and g2 can move… Lane 2 to 5 and lane 3 to 1

YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→YB→most likely YB