So why do people still fail marionette?
There are a lot of casuals. I remember saying that we needed good dps from warden 3 onwards, and I got people asking me what dps was. The platform I ended up on had a staff camping guardian who evidently thought he had high dps.
DPS is an acronym I frankly had to look up/figure out, too (though some time ago) – just because you are used to throwing around abbreviations to any and everything, don’t assume everyone who just wants to play the game will understand them, too Additionally, not everyone on your server – particularly when you land in overflow – may be a native speaker. Also, just because someone doesn’t know the term DPS, doesn’t mean they can’t grasp the concept when it is explained to them.
People asking what something means are good people! They are actually interested in learning and use the map chat to communicate and to soak up information! What really kills these event are people afking, disabeling map chat and not speaking up when they don’t know what to do.
Lastly, please stop throwing around the term ‘casual’ as a means to convey ‘uninformed and unskilled’. I identify myself very much as a casual player, but I am a decently skilled player carrying my own weight in fights and regularly help organizing the big world events I take part in.
When you want to say ‘players who have no idea how to play their profession efficiently’, just say ‘unskilled players’.
Most of the Guardians I see around. They of course wield exclusively staff.
Your picture doesn’t make sense. If you put a light field on top of a fire field, the fire field takes precedence for blasts and you will still get might.
Anyway, failures come almost exclusively from warden II in my experience. One single person who is stupid and has aggro will cause that lane to fail.
For Marionette there is a very large margin for error you are allowed to fail 4 times. that means that 80% of the map has to fail on one of the chains.
80%? No… If 1 out of the 5 platforms fails every time, then everyone fails. So it takes just 20% of the players present to doom the event despite the other 80% succeeding.
I’ve done the two events a handful of times each. No one has talked about strats in map chat at any time. Results have varied. The best results was in an overflow where we got 4/5. Other than that, most of the time there are too few people total and/or too few people who know what to do.
I understand that people have how-to videos, diagrams, guides, etc etc etc. I do tend to research and read about things for games. I have many friends who have the attitude that they want to spend the time in game and not doing reading/research outside of game.
As for this, I have done very little research outside of the game. I started out looking at Dulfy’s guides and such but I’m tired of doing that for temporary events. I’m wasting my time that I could spend playing a game. If it was something that in the long term would be useful, then ok. For 2 weeks use or less, forget it.
80%? No… If 1 out of the 5 platforms fails every time, then everyone fails. So it takes just 20% of the players present to doom the event despite the other 80% succeeding.
Unfortunately it takes a lot less than 20%. For warden II a single person can cause it to fail. For other wardens, one person knowing what they’re doing might not be able to make up for 2 or 3 people messing it up and/or dying. The entire half hour event can be failed by single digits worth of people.
I keep seeing the excuse “we only had 3 people on our platform” for the reason for failing. Not sure if they’re making excuses for lack of personal effort or if they’re Queensdale zerglings outside of their comfort zone.
3 seemed to be fairly common for me with an occasional 4th.
Why wont people stack by the regulator in warden 5?
Why wont people stack by the regulator in warden 5?
Because they are first timers that panic at anything that is a little bit of challenge and don’t see map chat.
Why wont people stack by the regulator in warden 5?
Because they are first timers that panic at anything that is a little bit of challenge and don’t see map chat.
stacking on the edge and pressing 111111 isnt any kind of challange
and i dont believe mesmer with twilgiht should panic lol…and that what just happened on SFR. 4 platforms killed their warden 5, and on 1 platform there was this mesmer camping with twilight and other guardian camping with scepter…fail..same range noobs screwed at next attempt 4/5. ppl begged them to go stack in meele, but they had to screw event for 80-100 other ppl. it feels like they’re doing it on purpose.
its to easy to fail
I saw a total fail on a reasonably populated overflow today. Not even one chain was severed. Similarly, I haven’t seen a win on piken square in a few days now and things are getting worse.
I am starting to think that the good times of marionette are over (
I am starting to think that the good times of marionette are over (
I see the same on my server. There is less and less people that made the previous events a win, and new people are generally inexperienced (and are there only for achievements, so even if they get experienced they will leave not to return). There’s also just less people in general – it’s hard to get 20 people per lane now, when a week before 20 was considered a minimum. As a result today the event ended in many fails, and the one success we managed to get we achieved by only a narrow margin.
When the next LS starts, there will be even less people present, so i guess we should be prepared to mostly fail this from now on.
And that’s from a server that was consistently completing it many times a day till now.
Population requirements of those events must be looked into, and significantly reduced. And the sooner it happens, the better.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
(edited by Astralporing.1957)
People are still bringing bear/bows and mm necros and wondering why they are failing the events.
There are a lot of casuals. I remember saying that we needed good dps from warden 3 onwards, and I got people asking me what dps was. The platform I ended up on had a staff camping guardian who evidently thought he had high dps.
DPS is an acronym I frankly had to look up/figure out, too (though some time ago) – just because you are used to throwing around abbreviations to any and everything, don’t assume everyone who just wants to play the game will understand them, too
Additionally, not everyone on your server – particularly when you land in overflow – may be a native speaker. Also, just because someone doesn’t know the term DPS, doesn’t mean they can’t grasp the concept when it is explained to them.
People asking what something means are good people! They are actually interested in learning and use the map chat to communicate and to soak up information! What really kills these event are people afking, disabeling map chat and not speaking up when they don’t know what to do.
Lastly, please stop throwing around the term ‘casual’ as a means to convey ‘uninformed and unskilled’. I identify myself very much as a casual player, but I am a decently skilled player carrying my own weight in fights and regularly help organizing the big world events I take part in.
When you want to say ‘players who have no idea how to play their profession efficiently’, just say ‘unskilled players’.
I agree with most of what you say, but you have missed my point I think. I am not saying that a casual player will be bad in terms of skill level and willingness to learn. I am saying that it will take longer to explain things because they will be less familiar with common gaming jargon (dps is a concept in a lot of games like this, and is used by gamers speaking in English whether or not it is their first language). What I am also saying is that casuals will be less likely to be aware of the relative damage of their weapons choices.
I am not condemning casuals for this, it’s just that it becomes a problem on warden 3 which can become a race to do enough damage before time runs out. For a casual who hasn’t looked into his build but just done what he feels comfortable with in world exploration there isn’t a lot to indicate that by just hitting 1 on your guardian staff you will be handicapping your team.
I don’t know that my server ever successfully completed Marionette. I had to guest to complete it once, only once, in 20 attempts on various servers and overflows.
My opinion, it fails because people do not listen to commanders in map chat, and because you get an inadequate number of people or wrong combination of people on usually one pad, and people fail to rez while downed. When dead it is already too late.
Every one of my 19 failed attempts it was almost always one pad who failed.
Ascenion of Elements
Sylvari Ele main
People are still bringing bear/bows and mm necros and wondering why they are failing the events.
If they are falling the events, then there were other, much more important factors to it than build choices. And bearbow, for that matter, is a much better choice (if played well) than a staff guardian. I know at least one person that does use lb/gs+bear for this event and is doing really well. Have seen some MM necros that also seemed to not be a disadvantage to their groups.
In the end the platform fights win or lose based mostly on player numbers, and understanding of warden mechanics, not on builds and skills they use.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
If their goal is to teach people how to play their classes better and they want to avoid frustration, they should look into having the bosses damage scale up based on the HP remaining on said boss.
Spawn in learn the mechanics in 20 seconds, manage your dodges/aegis/etc. You start getting punished (stuns/debuffs) in the last 50% of the boss if you take a telegraphed hit. You go down or critical in the last 25% if you take a telegraphed hit. You know basic enraging mechanics.
Stop throwing low skilled players in the deep end, expecting them to have a sudden epiphany mid-fight(or mid-load depending on their computer) on how to play their class better. All that does is frustrate the other 149 people on the map.
Give people time to learn the encounter, then ramp up the difficulty(tension).
I do think that this boss was a massive step(no pun intended) in the right direction for Open World Bosses, but there is room for refinement.
80%? No… If 1 out of the 5 platforms fails every time, then everyone fails. So it takes just 20% of the players present to doom the event despite the other 80% succeeding.
Unfortunately it takes a lot less than 20%. For warden II a single person can cause it to fail. For other wardens, one person knowing what they’re doing might not be able to make up for 2 or 3 people messing it up and/or dying. The entire half hour event can be failed by single digits worth of people.
I agree with you. The most frustrating thing about marionette is that it depends heavily on a couple of bad players. I have seen people talking about coordination in this fight, however the tactics are straight and simple enough. Unlike other boss events, the majority good players could not make up for the brainless ones.
People are still bringing bear/bows and mm necros and wondering why they are failing the events.
If they are falling the events, then there were other, much more important factors to it than build choices. And bearbow, for that matter, is a much better choice (if played well) than a staff guardian. I know at least one person that does use lb/gs+bear for this event and is doing really well. Have seen some MM necros that also seemed to not be a disadvantage to their groups.
In the end the platform fights win or lose based mostly on player numbers, and understanding of warden mechanics, not on builds and skills they use.
Not when you have three bear/bows on one platform. No matter how much dps the other players have, it won’t be enough to counter the lack of dps from bear/bows. But, hey, they were still standing at the end…. Frankly, there’s little difference from having a bear/bow and no player at all in your group for the wardens, your anecdotes aside. MMs are only really useful for warden 5, and even then, just for a short time before they are wiped. And yes, I’m not defending staff guardians either.
(edited by DaShi.1368)
For Marionette there is a very large margin for error you are allowed to fail 4 times. that means that 80% of the map has to fail on one of the chains. finally all the champs have key strategies in which you can kill them without any significant problem. The only exception is probably the 3rd champ which has a lot of one hit kills.
The event as a whole has a large margin of error (provided no lanes are leaking,) but the fights on the platforms have a very small margin of error. I understand that there are key strategies to beat each warden. My post was about how those strategies can and do fail even with experienced players. It’s easy to slip up and sometimes very difficult to recover in time. Add in a continued influx of players new to the event and the fact that one or two people can doom an entire lane and you understand why the success rate on Mari is so wonky.
It’s the weekend, and the real casual players are playing and just don’t have a clue.
Was beating it a few time during the week—-but Sat-not once -just a couple of severed chains.
I usually do lane 2….But Ive seen so many guardians go down in the second boss
Usually the first to go down is usually the guardians …they try to meelee it when the boss is stuned and they miss tat timing to dps and they go down.Ive seen this so many times.Then som one trys to rez him and he goes down.Thats when the troble starts…now you hav two man down….. since two man down the dps is now way low and the clocks ticking… you hav 3man left and if the other party members arent zerker gear youll probably end up in tat 10~15sec margin. or the other portal member trys to rez the two downed player and he goes over.
Guardians should always bring sceptor for range…period
I’ve seen some bad guardians as well. One was actually quite brilliant though. On Warden 2, he managed to kite the warden perfectly around every bomb.
I’ve seen some bad guardians as well. One was actually quite brilliant though. On Warden 2, he managed to kite the warden perfectly around every bomb.
Sounds like an intentionally fail. I’ve seen some people who intentionally tried to fail the champs, just to make the event longer and grab more key pieces.
I think there are two things that contribute to ME failing at a platform event fighting a warden (not talking about the complete group fail or lane fail – just me)
- My loading time to the platform is around 8 to 12 seconds in which I can’t contribute to the fight. Until I can react, I am often hit at least once by either the warden or the marionette attack (that’s why I probably still at one out of five of those evasive achievements). How do I know? I enter with full health and see a dent in the health globe when I am on the platform.
- Out of dodges. Some wardens + the marionette knock down, move you around whatever. Eventually you will run out of dodges, especially when you have to dodge twice because 95% of the platform is covered by orange circles. Recovering from damage etc. takes a while, which might cause you to lose a few necessary seconds to destroy the generator in the end.
+ The skill lock bug. I’d say that about 20% of my loading from or to a platform result in a skill lock right now. I know it is not a complete skill lock, as I can still use skills without an animation (e.g. Arcane Wave) and pick up loot with “F”.
Still keeps a volume of Kurzick poems ;)
+ The skill lock bug. I’d say that about 20% of my loading from or to a platform result in a skill lock right now. I know it is not a complete skill lock, as I can still use skills without an animation (e.g. Arcane Wave) and pick up loot with “F”.
Looting with “F” key is the cause of the skill lock bug.
Try rebinding your AoE Loot key to something other than the action key.
I think just that the large majority has died off and doesn’t participate often. Especially after they do it their one time a day. On my server its not uncommon that we have to just stack the first lane, or first and second because not enough people to clear it all out.
I think the people that have experienced it a lot have gave up or guest to more populated servers. So a lot of people you run into is new to it, at least in my case.
Haven’t seen a overflow in a 3 days now coming in at peak times. :S
Its a shame though, because I really like the fight. And do think it brings the community together. But people are impatient and its easy to get upset when you constantly fail on lane 2 forever. >.>
No matter how much dps the other players have, it won’t be enough to counter the lack of dps from bear/bows.
You can solo 2, 3, 4 with a bunker guardian. If their dps is not a problem, then bearbows will do fine as well without need to be carried. As long as they understand the boss mechanics.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
No matter how much dps the other players have, it won’t be enough to counter the lack of dps from bear/bows.
You can solo 2, 3, 4 with a bunker guardian. If their dps is not a problem, then bearbows will do fine as well without need to be carried. As long as they understand the boss mechanics.
Seriously, this is the most desperate defense of bear/bow I’ve ever seen. Please show anyone soloing 2, 3, or 4 with a bunker guardian.
I’ve seen some bad guardians as well. One was actually quite brilliant though. On Warden 2, he managed to kite the warden perfectly around every bomb.
Sounds like an intentionally fail. I’ve seen some people who intentionally tried to fail the champs, just to make the event longer and grab more key pieces.
Yeah, that’s what I think as well.
The marionette itself is a good piece of content. The whole concept is good and the only thing it could really do with is to allow people to help wiped platforms.
However, the content is flawed due to how it is accessed. Having content that needs almost an entire zone of players to complete it properly isn’t ideal when the zone is used for other things. It’s a fairly low level zone so you’ll have a huge range of players there, some of them just wandering through doing events and hearts others might be there for guild bounties, etc. The point is, unless everyone in the zone is there only for the marionette it’s very difficult to get enough people.
It would be good if we could queue a party of 5 for the event once the 5 min timer started. Once there are say 20 parties ready they get sent to their own instance of the event. This would really help minimise the amount of people not prepared or wanting to participate in the event.
I like the ANet are doing these world bosses and mechanically they’re really fun. I hope they manage to get a system in place that helps alleviate the problems we’re having with the marionette.
(edited by LordHogFred.3691)
The point is there aren’t anymore team games where skilled players carry the game.
In this Event noob players will 100% carry down the team and experienced players too.
They should allow more experienced players to carry the game for those who can’t.
It has come to the point where the number of inexperienced and poorly geared players has tipped the balance of the event towards repeated failure.
I watched helplessly today as a player made a choice between finishing a champion that was on 5 percent health and rezzing someone who was dead. By their gear and class, it was clearly someone who had panicked and who chose to rez the player because they were more comfortable when someone else was making the decisions. Even our shouting from the other platform wasn’t enough to shake them out of this choice in time, despite there being another player desperately tanking the champ and needing support from them to land the finishing blow.
I`m also seeing teams that actually follow the required plan, but whose gear and spec are too poor to actually bring the foe down in time. People are shouting “lead it into the mines” and all the usual things, but the champion is actually stunned, its just not getting enough incoming damage to take it down in time.
The effective players are moving from lane to lane as best they can, but even though they are killing their champs, they cant remove the ineffective players who are bringing everyone down.
Warden 3 is only 1 hit kill if you are full zerker.
Those of us who are mainly wvwvw players live just fine against warden 3. Especially us active defense guardian folk. Face tanking that guy is fun.
I’d do it more if I could actually get that stupid lightfoot achievement…
It seems that over the past few days the failure rate for fighting warden 3 has increased. Every one of my runs has either failed completely or failed more than 1 lane on warden 3. I think people will agree that warden 3 is the overall hardest boss and wipes out the most platforms. People NEED to stay at a range of the boss, and stay away from the bombs. The bombs explode after around 5 seconds of them being placed.
[AoD]- Commander Vars Wolf
People NEED to stay at a range of the boss, and stay away from the bombs.
People blindly running away from it is also a bad thing. It’s not until it starts its melee sequence with the spinning and smashing that you need to move away, and all that takes is a simple dodge backwards. Every other time it’s going to either leap, which you just stand there and dodge, or spawn mines. Running away from the leap is how you can easily get other people killed since most people don’t seem to pay attention.
I’ve yet to kill the Marionette. I always end up in overflows with hardly anyone in them. There. That’s why people still fail.
Just don’t be rude to someone who is downed/dead, particularly if they have actually countered the champs mechanics.
In my experience, 9 times out of 10 the champ will target one player until they are either downed or dead. 10 times out of 10 it seems he targets my Ptv warrior.. I don’t know why, he just does. My zerk ele can kite around for ages and barely ever has to avoid the champ in some way.
It’s a lot of heat to take for one person with some of the Wardens mechanics. It doesn’t cause a fail usually, but as above, you don’t have to abuse them either.
The point is there aren’t anymore team games where skilled players carry the game.
In this Event noob players will 100% carry down the team and experienced players too.They should allow more experienced players to carry the game for those who can’t.
I’ve been on platforms that have won despite having terrible players who simply couldn’t grasp the mechanics. I have seen platforms that have been carried by one player. I’m not good enough to carry a platform, but it can be done. The times my platform has failed have largely been caused by a large number of players getting downed at one time. Platform 2 almost always has someone going straight back on it, but it’s still doable provided the rest of the group are alert.
My best estimate is that a platform of 5 will be very close to failure with two bad players and three players who understand the mechanics reasonably well. If I’m on a platform with two bads I just hope that there is someone there who is better than me.
I don’t quite understand all the disdain against a guardian with a staff. Personally, I find it an ideal second weapon (set) against the second warden (which I usually go against since I’ve figured that’s where my contribution can have the largest effect). Since the warden will flip between invulnerable and vulnerable states in any case, it’s a perfectly good strategy to whip up a staff when the warden goes invulnerable, and stack might and swiftness, with a side heal, on the team while kiting the warden into its mines.
To the title question of the thread: there is a constant outflux of players who got the stuff done and find something more worthwhile to spend their limited time on, and an influx of inexperienced players who must learn the mechanics from the start. The significance of this dynamic is exacerbated by the “expectancy effect” – if there’s a reasonable chance of failing the event then less people will find it worth their time, and by staying out lessen the chances even further. If the initial chance is below a certain threshold this positive feedback mechanism then very quickly drives the chance all the way to effective zero. In the context of GW2 this could also be called the “Tequatlization effect”.
I don’t quite understand all the disdain against a guardian with a staff. Personally, I find it an ideal second weapon (set) against the second warden (which I usually go against since I’ve figured that’s where my contribution can have the largest effect). Since the warden will flip between invulnerable and vulnerable states in any case, it’s a perfectly good strategy to whip up a staff when the warden goes invulnerable, and stack might and swiftness, with a side heal, on the team while kiting the warden into its mines.
This is a reasonable strategy, although trying to get might stacks on everyone is tricky and the heal is rarely going to make a difference for this encounter. The problem is with people on boss 3 who only stick with staff. I’m not saying that staves don’t have their uses, it’s just that dealing damage to a single opponent is not one of them.
There are a lot of casuals. I remember saying that we needed good dps from warden 3 onwards, and I got people asking me what dps was. The platform I ended up on had a staff camping guardian who evidently thought he had high dps.
There’s definitely a problem with ignorance and people not knowing how to play.
So I’m going to tell you how. On warden 5, AoE is actually a necessity so the staff guardian would have done exactly what he was supposed to.
Easy mistake to make. You get all your builds and information from a forum and take it as law. The real players actually learn and adapt to the game.
“I duu wat I wan’ beeach. Eef Ur authoraata”
They just don’t care to learn and use their pre-existing toons to fit the Champion’s mechanics.
(edited by Zeivu.3615)
I don’t quite understand all the disdain against a guardian with a staff. Personally, I find it an ideal second weapon (set) against the second warden (which I usually go against since I’ve figured that’s where my contribution can have the largest effect).
That is the correct use of the staff. It is also a good option to switch to the staff once you killed your warden and destroyed your regulator, since this is one of the few weapons that can actually fire through the platform walls and can sometimes reach a warden on a platform next to you if he is close by.
Unfortunately, the most common use of the guardian staff is to dps throughout the whole fight. Which just doesn’t work that well.
So I’m going to tell you how. On warden 5, AoE is actually a necessity so the staff guardian would have done exactly what he was supposed to.
Using hammer or GS is a much, much better option there.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
(edited by Astralporing.1957)
If you’re an experienced player, position yourself in Lane 3. That’s where it often goes wrong imo…The chain is not severed, people start blaming eachother in chat (because yeah, sure, you have time to do THAT in combat! <_<) and it goes downhill from there on. That’s the experience I had with all failed attempts. (oh and please stop arguing with the commanders in game, that just makes everything more confusing for others….)
So yesterday, we finally put that maroinette down and I ended up cheering too late for the achievement…
I think bigger guilds can defeat her more easily with some organization, try to make arrangements in you guild and rally your players, and place experienced players on the hard sports. Sure you’re going to have people running around like headless chickens, but there is no way you can prevent that from happening so you better take precautions and organize yourself.
Besides, I wonder how often she goes down now… more and more people are beginning to understand the mechanics , so she is bound to go down more often . I wonder wat the statistics are on that matter.
Target Ally – Asura Engineer lvl. 80
Freiya the Valkyrie – Norn Ranger. lvl 80
I can give you few hints (as an elementalist).
Champ 1:
- It is possible to attack him with “storms” even if you are in front of him. Ech meteor or ice shard that hits from behind will deal damage.
Champ 2:
- Equip Mist Form before you enter the platform. If you are sylvari, you can also equip Take Root. If you draw aggro of the champion, use one of these skills and stand still. The champion will stop on you and place a mine under him that will stun him instantly. When the timer on his stun is running out, you can push him on another mine before he start spinning (using Air 3 on staff for example).
Champ 3: You don’t really have to dodge too much, his bombs explode after a delay, so you can just run away. You can also equip Mist Form or Arcane Shield (or both) if you don’t feel comfortable. Meteor Shower and Ice Bow are very powerfull tools.
Champ 4: Equip Ether Renewal. Stay close to the regulator, there is a safe spot that marionette attack can not hit you. Be carefull when you see him facing you, his scream attack is the real damger here. Dodge it immediately. You can easily tank few stacks of Torment (dark pools that are either close or far stacks it) using Ether Renewal to clean conditions. The main difficulty here, is that champion attacks are marked the same way as marionette attacks and that might confuse some players, but once you learn it, it’s pretty easy.
Champ 5: All you have to do is to stack on the regulator (with everyone else) so the mobs will stay in one place. I know that his charge attack deals a lot of damage, but it won’t oneshot you, so you can just use Arcane Shield if you are low on health and then use healing skill. If everyone stack there, he will die in few seconds and won’t do any harm to you.
If you’re an experienced player, position yourself in Lane 3. That’s where it often goes wrong imo…The chain is not severed, people start blaming eachother in chat (because yeah, sure, you have time to do THAT in combat! <_<) and it goes downhill from there on. That’s the experience I had with all failed attempts. (oh and please stop arguing with the commanders in game, that just makes everything more confusing for others….)
So yesterday, we finally put that maroinette down and I ended up cheering too late for the achievement…
I think bigger guilds can defeat her more easily with some organization, try to make arrangements in you guild and rally your players, and place experienced players on the hard sports. Sure you’re going to have people running around like headless chickens, but there is no way you can prevent that from happening so you better take precautions and organize yourself.
Besides, I wonder how often she goes down now… more and more people are beginning to understand the mechanics , so she is bound to go down more often . I wonder wat the statistics are on that matter.
I was quite optimistic earlier on in my thread. But I did Marionette 8 times during this weekend and had only 1 success, a much worse quota than before. In my experience already Warden 2 is prone to failure. So I am in lane 2 now usually to help out with him. To my horror, when I went afterwards to lane 5 I had to confront warden 3. And in the worst run this weekend I had to fight warden 1 in lane 2 and then warden 1 again in lane 5. On Desolation. With enough players. I really cannot fathom why.
It is of course only anecdotal evidence but it seems to me the marionette players are getting worse instead of better. I mean how can one fail warden 1 with 5 people? With this really, really big arrow screaming: That is the direction I face, please hit me from behind?
Besides, I wonder how often she goes down now… more and more people are beginning to understand the mechanics , so she is bound to go down more often . I wonder wat the statistics are on that matter.
I don’t know the general statistics, but on my server (that was doing Mari consistently since beginning) it’s getting worse and worse. There are more fails now, and even wins are usually very close. While it’s true that some people gather experience, it’s countered by the fact that lot of them got their achievement set, and got bored with the event. The average experience and coordination definitely goes down fast with each day now.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
Why wont people stack by the regulator in warden 5?
Because most players have never even seen Warden 5? I’ve only done it once and while I had a vague understanding of the “strat,” reading it and actually understanding how the thing works aren’t the same.
Granted we did win, but it was a close thing.
Seriously, this is the most desperate defense of bear/bow I’ve ever seen. Please show anyone soloing 2, 3, or 4 with a bunker guardian.
My main is a “properly” played ranger: sword, spotter, full berserker, mostly ascended gear. But if I’m on warden III I whip out a bow. And while I keep the snow leopard out, a bear is probably a better pet for this one. I’m not sure if the bear can tank the warden, but I assume so, especially with the invulnerability skill.
Bearbows are a smart choice for Warden III. Although since 1 bad player will cause Warden II to fail, you might wind up with a problem of tons of bearbow rangers on Warden II and not understanding the mine mechanics. I’ve seen this exact scenario more times than I’d like to recall.
Has nothing to do with them playing a bearbow, it’s again people not understanding the mechanics.