Hi! Ehmry Bay player here. I just wanted to offer some thoughts on these two in particular… I feel like we struggle on these two the most for several reasons and it’s helpful to document why going forwards.
Warden 2
This is the second-most likely warden to wipe on. I don’t think this is entirely your fault though. The thing is he’s a little too fast for an enemy you have to lead onto mines. If you run in circles, he keeps up with you, and it is very hard to actually get a mine between you and him. The best solution, for me, has been to dodge roll through him so he has to turn around.
…But what players actually tell newbies to the event is simply “kite it” without elaboration how to kite it or what they mean. A newbie is going to interpet “kite it” to be "run away from it in a circle until you can get a mine between you and it. That won’t happen. So I think players have a very counter-intuitive expectation how you actually want them to lead it into the mines. Perhaps that is just me.
Warden 3
This is the one that, in my experience, Ehmry wipes on the most. There’s a few reasons for this that I don’t think are players’ fault.
1. Not showing AOE circles for the bombs
This is a big one. Especially considering all of the other AOE, it is very easy to miss when you’re in a bomb’s range or not. Not everyone is good at dodging, and alot of the fails here are user error, but the odds are really stacked against you in this one because you can’t see everything you’re supposed to be dodging at once.
2. Dead before Loading
This, IMO, is one of the biggest ones. As a rule, the players don’t wait for everyone to get in before attacking the Warden. That means players 3, 4, and 5? Really easy for them to be dead before the game even finishes loading their screen. I can’t count the times I arrive 5th in a room with a circle on top of me and then I’m downed and that’s the end of that.
Please, in the future, if you’re going to use a set-up like this? Don’t let people start the Warden fight until everyone who is going in is in. Otherwise you get a mess where arriving 5th is a crapshoot whether you live or die.
3. Making the AOE a oneshot
This isn’t a problem, in and of itself, but combine it with 2 and the results are very unintended. I’m pretty sure the reason the other Wardens don’t wipe 4-5 lanes in a row are because the loading players can only be picked off one in a time by Warden attacks. It is the mass-AOE nature of Warden 3 that makes it really imbalanced. At least one room is going to have a straggler or two arriving late – and that room gets mauled so the whole lane fails.
On the whole, I love this event, I just wanted to offer my thoughts on why Warden #3 is such a pain. There really should have been some kind of buffer before the fight starts so a room can actually get together before the battle begins. Like a holding chamber where people show up, and if you don’t have a room full of 5 after 10 seconds, -then- open the door and let them in. As it is, it really punishes everyone but the first arrivals.
Especially considering you need all five rooms to win and you weren’t able to add any way to help a struggling room. Lanes, in my experience, constantly fail 4/5 completion and the above is why I think it happens.
Hope this is helpful for the future and thanks for a really neat event concept I know you can improve!