Story Appreciation Thread

Story Appreciation Thread

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Tranquillity.8697



I think that the storytelling so far was horrible…. like really really bad.
But now i want to say thank you for the Lions Arch instance and Scarletts Lair in this patch!
The Lions Arch instance was pretty cheesy but i can live with that. At least it delivered some story and backround information on the characters.
Scarletts Lair was very interresting. I think i spent 15 minutes in there just watching every single drawing!

PLS keep up this work!

Now there’s one more thing you really need to work on. The player character still feels like an unimportant observer. In the main story, we observed Trahearne saving Tyria and now we are observing all the LS-characters.
We need a little more recognition for all the things we are doing.
Hell we are doing ALL the work! And yet we are beeing treatet like children in every dialoge.

Get this fixed and keep up the interresting Story you are delivering with this LS-uptade and Tyria will be a better place!

Thank You

[Elona Reach]

Story Appreciation Thread

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Steel Fenrir.2791

Steel Fenrir.2791

I wish the LS NPCs would get more “personal” with you. Like sparring with Rox or Braham, or dating Marjory or Kasmeer ahem. Plus could you make them as journey companions PvE wise, just like in GW1? I do think it would be OP, and strange seeing many other Marjories following other players. Still, maybe some sidequests with the LS NPCs, or even minipets (sounds kinda desperate/sad really)? How about a mercenary system, I mean they could join you, but others would see the name as “kitten Necromancer Mercenary” rather than Marjory?

Story Appreciation Thread

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: hedix.1986


Storytelling has improved greatly, starting with Nightmare’s End. There’s still room for more improvement (connecting LS to existing lore in the game), but at least this patch gave us a story instance to catch up with NPCs and Scarlet’s Lair – my fav bit of LS since the Bazaar. It’s nicely designed, there are so many details to look at, and it’s an excellent fuel for speculation. Thank you, Anet.
Best of all – the story components are in the game this time. And I really appreciated what Rox said in the instance when asked if she took down Tequatl on her own. She admitted that there was “a small army there”. Omg, did we just get some recognition in this game?!

Though, not sure if I like Taimi’s idea of a Scarlet being a good guy all along – it certainly wouldn’t serve Anet to end a story arc with an OP Sylvari that steals the show (Trahearne 2.0).

[QQ] – ex RoS, current Piken Square
[DV] – megaboss community

(edited by hedix.1986)

Story Appreciation Thread

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Yep, the story has definitely improved. I really like the inclusion of Scarlet’s lair, and all the clues that are left there. I also really enjoyed the dialogues at the beach. More of that please in future content.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”