TTS Almost defeated the Great Jungle Wurm
The only reason I’d want to do this while it’s “hot” is because the majority of the community here only seems to care about what shiny they will get after a fight not the self accomplishment of defeating some of the hardest content the game can throw at you.
I came back WAY after the Teq update but have defeated him multiple times. Yes, I am on BG so throw mud my way. However, unlike a lot of people it’s been my home server since the beginning and to contradict that, I’ve beaten Teq in overflows as well. Not as successful but it happens. I’ve also guested to servers and seen members of TTS there helping out. Just randomly happened but I did see it and that’s why I am all for what these groups or servers are doing.
People keep saying once it’s beaten people “will realize the rewards don’t justify it” but to me that’s a community issue. I doubt guilds like TTS and servers like BG really care what drops off of these bosses. Sure, we fight and hope but if your sole intention of doing these bosses is for loot then they are not for you imo.
I’m on BG and I can assure that that once the novelty wear off, the thing that keeps me coming back (or keeps me from coming back) is the reward.
You are on BG but you are not a “server as a whole”. Meaning, with or without you the server, imo, will continually fight these bosses even after they down them. Sure, you may not come back but others will take your place. There are still OFs on BG for Teq even though people always claim the loot is not worth it. I don’t think all servers have that unfortunately. Thus a guild like TTS was formed and I’m glad players like that exist in this game.
Server – Yak’s Bend
(edited by Nodo.6907)
I can’t believe people are complaining about the Wurm. We’ve been asking for hard content that requires co-ordination since the beta. Now that we have people are complaining.
This is not only the best content Arenanet has released, it’s some of the best content of any MMO.
Best content in any MMO? Highly opinion based.
Only reason anyone is complaining, TBH, is because Arenanet decided to release this as an open-world raid. Releasing it in a raid instance would have solved so many issues that plagues open-world raids. I want hard content, but not hard content that random passerbys can screw up (by not pulling their weight or otherwise).Meh, frankly I’m surprised you guys are even remotely concerned with the difficulty here. If Tequatl is any indication, the rewards for completing Wurm will not be commensurate with the effort required to complete it. Indeed, I suspect the Wurm rewards will be nearly on par with Tequatl while the event itself is several difficulty scales above Tequatl.
What this means is we’ll complete Wurm for a little while for the sake of beating the challenge, but then most players will stop running it altogether. All this talk of coordination will give way to the inevitability of the classic risk/reward analysis: Will the Wurm event be worth doing repeatedly for most players? I suspect not.
I think that’s the real problem here.
Events on this scale are new to Arenanet too. They’ll get the right risk/reward ratio down someday. For now, we’re more interested in showing that we do want this and that we can do this as a community.
The elitism is strong in this boss event.
The simple fact that you have to be invited to the correct overflow server is prooof enough. And then there’s the elitists in this thread saying it’s ok if a content is only doable by 10% of the players.There should absolutely be content that only 10 percent of the players can do.
Then ANeT is ignoring 90% of it’s customer base. Not a very good business model. If ANeT creates content it should be doable by and for all. Hard content is great, but it shouldn’t require hard-capping the zone population. I believe our server finally took down Teq just last weekend. It took that long and a little help to complete it. The event otherwise remains pointless and unused 99% of the time. That means the content that was created was a waste of ANeT effort. A little less ridiculous champ scaling and less reliance on huge numbers would’ve made the Teq encounter a more enduring event. A higher chance of success by players would have kept them coming back. But the failure rate is just too high and it takes too much pre-coordination.
Unfortunately the wurm event will fall even more quickly into this category. Players will guest to other servers that will eventually succeed and never do it on their own server ever again. Our server is still trying to do it, but I believe interest will soon fall sharply. The marionette event is the only new content that is enjoyable so far. People actually enjoy it, even if we fail. Too bad it will go away all too soon.
Was ANET yelled at for Liadra and that hard content? That was presented to the community as something only 10% of players would accomplish, even though more did end up beating her. That was welcomed with open arms and actually even more people cheered on ANET to make more content like that.
As others have said, there is plenty of open world easy things to do in this game. What’s the resistance for something that is actually hard?
If you don’t like it.. then go do the hundreds of other things that are at your disposal to do.
But Liadri was based on individual performance. Not a good comparison. Much like the Mad King’s puzzle – very individual based. You don’t need a maxed out zone and 1 hour of coordination to do such content.
But why not take those individual experiences that people were enjoying and put it on a larger canvas. Look at the Marionette threads for this working exactly like that. People cheering each other on and feeling a sense of gratitude and accomplishment when they are the last alive in an arena and win their fight for the whole community in the battle. Those are awesome moments.
As for the zone.. Who went to Bloodtide Coast before this? Only people heading to the Order of Whispers or doing Map Completion, that’s about it. Otherwise this is a dead zone. There are no dungeons and no timer related world bosses that people would always do. We have so many empty zones, why is a great boss fight like this met with such resistance?
This has made a dead zone fill up with overflows for days now. In my humble opinion, this is awesome.
80 ~Warrior~ Delvoire | 80 ~Ele~ Azalea Avenir
80 ~ Guardian~ Rag Nor | Server ~ FA
The elitism is strong in this boss event.
The simple fact that you have to be invited to the correct overflow server is prooof enough. And then there’s the elitists in this thread saying it’s ok if a content is only doable by 10% of the players.There should absolutely be content that only 10 percent of the players can do.
Then ANeT is ignoring 90% of it’s customer base. Not a very good business model. If ANeT creates content it should be doable by and for all. Hard content is great, but it shouldn’t require hard-capping the zone population. I believe our server finally took down Teq just last weekend. It took that long and a little help to complete it. The event otherwise remains pointless and unused 99% of the time. That means the content that was created was a waste of ANeT effort. A little less ridiculous champ scaling and less reliance on huge numbers would’ve made the Teq encounter a more enduring event. A higher chance of success by players would have kept them coming back. But the failure rate is just too high and it takes too much pre-coordination.
Unfortunately the wurm event will fall even more quickly into this category. Players will guest to other servers that will eventually succeed and never do it on their own server ever again. Our server is still trying to do it, but I believe interest will soon fall sharply. The marionette event is the only new content that is enjoyable so far. People actually enjoy it, even if we fail. Too bad it will go away all too soon.
Was ANET yelled at for Liadra and that hard content? That was presented to the community as something only 10% of players would accomplish, even though more did end up beating her. That was welcomed with open arms and actually even more people cheered on ANET to make more content like that.
As others have said, there is plenty of open world easy things to do in this game. What’s the resistance for something that is actually hard?
If you don’t like it.. then go do the hundreds of other things that are at your disposal to do.
But Liadri was based on individual performance. Not a good comparison. Much like the Mad King’s puzzle – very individual based. You don’t need a maxed out zone and 1 hour of coordination to do such content.
But why not take those individual experiences that people were enjoying and put it on a larger canvas. Look at the Marionette threads for this working exactly like that. People cheering each other on and feeling a sense of gratitude and accomplishment when they are the last alive in an arena and win their fight for the whole community in the battle. Those are awesome moments.
As for the zone.. Who went to Bloodtide Coast before this? Only people heading to the Order of Whispers or doing Map Completion, that’s about it. Otherwise this is a dead zone. There are no dungeons and no timer related world bosses that people would always do. We have so many empty zones, why is a great boss fight like this met with such resistance?
This has made a dead zone fill up with overflows for days now. In my humble opinion, this is awesome.
Haha, I don’t think anyone was ever critical that it’s giving people a reason to return to these zones. It is awesome.
The resistance stems from the fact that these encounters are an enormous time sink when you add up the time it takes to get into a competitive server, wait for the event, complete the event. Some of us have jobs and don’t have ~2 hours for a shot at completion. Some of us consider ourselves competitive players and feel precluded from this content simply because it requires an incredibly long que/wait time to get into the main server or a competitive overflow.
I think what the guy was talking about with regard to Liadri was that he isn’t a player who’s afraid of a challenge. He said he liked Liadri. But unlike Liadri, he’s saying that he basically has neither the time nor the server population to organize a massive event he’d like to participate in.
I think you’re right that the concept of taking the individual challenge and making it large scale is a great idea. But it absolutely fails when you can’t even get into the server to participate. Clearly you and Vols have hours upon hours to kill waiting in main or an organized overflow to happen. But for those of us who log in after 6 or 7pm that isn’t gonna happen. And that sucks.
(edited by Kilandros.2098)
To be fair, this game is designed for casuals in nearly every conceivable way. That this content is unfriendly to casuals because, among other things, it requires them to spend hours waiting for a main server or designated overflow is, in my opinion, a flawed design particularly when the end rewards are likely to be less than commensurate.
I just wanted to touch up on this. The game itself was made for both Casuals and Hardcore. The new Wurm, as Tequatl, was made specifically for the Hardcore crowd. You must be organized in order to win. If a Casual player doesn’t have the time to join the organized “raid group”, then unfortunately this content isn’t for them. But that doesn’t mean they can’t still play this game.
It’s really sad that players keep generalizing one specific event, and make like the sky is falling because not everyone can achieve a victory. Be it high level Fractas, Tequatl, Liadri, etc. People without the time or skill to do content will complain, but don’t realize that they too have the potential to complete everything in GW2. If you don’t have time, yet want to participate, make the time. If you don’t have the skills to succeed, learn to play better and keep trying. And lastly, if you want to complete an elite group event, join the group doing it.
Edit – thank you Mod for updating the title of this thread.
Well the wurm is glitched also with no clear mechanism.
I think what the guy was talking about with regard to Liadri was that he isn’t a player who’s afraid of a challenge. He said he liked Liadri. But unlike Liadri, he’s saying that he basically has neither the time nor the server population to organize a massive event he’d like to participate in.
Time is one thing, but server Pop should not be. Even if there isn’t the masses or coordination, there are servers and communities that are thriving off this right now. Join TTS or DV. Guest to BG or another server actively trying to win. If you’ve found yourself on a map where people don’t care to really win or don’t want to join with their fellow GW2 players in an attempt to win, then put yourself in a position where you are surrounded by those people.
I play on Fort Aspenwood. It’s a large server with plenty of pop. The problem is, they don’t really care to take on World Bosses like this. Teq is never done and these two new events aren’t being done really either. The coordination is just not there. I’ve been to a few Marionette fights on the server and they’ve failed miserably. I have beaten it though.. on an Overflow. It’s exactly why I joined TTS months ago. For a battle like this, I want communication and coordination. It wasn’t near me, so I actively reached out and found it.
Clearly you and Vols have hours upon hours to kill waiting in main or an organized overflow to happen. But for those of us who log in after 6 or 7pm that isn’t gonna happen. And that sucks.
I don’t have hours upon hours. I have a job and children. In rather good timing, my ex took our kids on a vacation and thus gave me one as well I don’t log in until 6-7PM EST as well, but now I’m currently devoting that time to these two boss encounters. Since I bet Marionette, I’m working on Wurm now. This is for the simple fact that I’ve become bored with the daily GW2 stuff I was doing. Daily Dungeon runs for gold, farming champs, crafting all crafts to 500 (2 to go!), Daily Achievements, AFKing in LA, Guild Events. Most of this was becoming a little stale. Wintersday was over for me around Dec. 26th and I’ve been chomping at the bits for something new to do. These two events have succeeded in doing that for me.
80 ~Warrior~ Delvoire | 80 ~Ele~ Azalea Avenir
80 ~ Guardian~ Rag Nor | Server ~ FA
The elitism is strong in this boss event.
The simple fact that you have to be invited to the correct overflow server is prooof enough. And then there’s the elitists in this thread saying it’s ok if a content is only doable by 10% of the players.There should absolutely be content that only 10 percent of the players can do.
Then ANeT is ignoring 90% of it’s customer base. Not a very good business model. If ANeT creates content it should be doable by and for all. Hard content is great, but it shouldn’t require hard-capping the zone population. I believe our server finally took down Teq just last weekend. It took that long and a little help to complete it. The event otherwise remains pointless and unused 99% of the time. That means the content that was created was a waste of ANeT effort. A little less ridiculous champ scaling and less reliance on huge numbers would’ve made the Teq encounter a more enduring event. A higher chance of success by players would have kept them coming back. But the failure rate is just too high and it takes too much pre-coordination.
Unfortunately the wurm event will fall even more quickly into this category. Players will guest to other servers that will eventually succeed and never do it on their own server ever again. Our server is still trying to do it, but I believe interest will soon fall sharply. The marionette event is the only new content that is enjoyable so far. People actually enjoy it, even if we fail. Too bad it will go away all too soon.
Was ANET yelled at for Liadra and that hard content? That was presented to the community as something only 10% of players would accomplish, even though more did end up beating her. That was welcomed with open arms and actually even more people cheered on ANET to make more content like that.
As others have said, there is plenty of open world easy things to do in this game. What’s the resistance for something that is actually hard?
If you don’t like it.. then go do the hundreds of other things that are at your disposal to do.
But Liadri was based on individual performance. Not a good comparison. Much like the Mad King’s puzzle – very individual based. You don’t need a maxed out zone and 1 hour of coordination to do such content.
But why not take those individual experiences that people were enjoying and put it on a larger canvas. Look at the Marionette threads for this working exactly like that. People cheering each other on and feeling a sense of gratitude and accomplishment when they are the last alive in an arena and win their fight for the whole community in the battle. Those are awesome moments.
As for the zone.. Who went to Bloodtide Coast before this? Only people heading to the Order of Whispers or doing Map Completion, that’s about it. Otherwise this is a dead zone. There are no dungeons and no timer related world bosses that people would always do. We have so many empty zones, why is a great boss fight like this met with such resistance?
This has made a dead zone fill up with overflows for days now. In my humble opinion, this is awesome.
Haha, I don’t think anyone was ever critical that it’s giving people a reason to return to these zones. It is awesome.
The resistance stems from the fact that these encounters are an enormous time sink when you add up the time it takes to get into a competitive server, wait for the event, complete the event. Some of us have jobs and don’t have ~2 hours for a shot at completion. Some of us consider ourselves competitive players and feel precluded from this content simply because it requires an incredibly long que/wait time to get into the main server or a competitive overflow.
I think what the guy was talking about with regard to Liadri was that he isn’t a player who’s afraid of a challenge. He said he liked Liadri. But unlike Liadri, he’s saying that he basically has neither the time nor the server population to organize a massive event he’d like to participate in.
I think you’re right that the concept of taking the individual challenge and making it large scale is a great idea. But it absolutely fails when you can’t even get into the server to participate. Clearly you and Vols have hours upon hours to kill waiting in main or an organized overflow to happen. But for those of us who log in after 6 or 7pm that isn’t gonna happen. And that sucks.
DV often kills Teq in the evening exactly because a lot of our members have jobs and families too.
TL;DR: I want Anet to do a reasonable boss that does not REQUIRE a full zone just to be able to complete the event. A world boss that scale from min of 10-15 players to max allowable of the zone.
My feedback for Open World PvE is that IT SHOULD BE AN OPEN WORLD PVE, that can cater to both smaller and bigger population.
I don’t mean, a world boss that can be soloed, I don’t mean world boss that can be 2man or even 5man (we have dungeon for that), and I don’t mean world boss that requires NO strategy nor coordination at all.
But what I mean is a REASONABLE Challenging World Boss, that caters to both smaller and bigger server and/or guild. This will not affect how TTS (or any other server) works, however, this will have a significant POSITIVE impact to the server and to the community in general.
I repeat, I am NOT against TTS nor any specialized guild nor any big/full server out there. I could care less about people getting first skill or whatever. However, I care that players, who logs in at odd times, or at server with low population, can take on a world boss. Guesting, and forcing an overflow" is a work around and NOT a solution: it is a band aid approach.
Going to the “reasonable” World Boss, I would like to see a boss that requires a minimum number of players that scales up or down. That minimum number could be anywhere from 10-15, and maximum is the zone cap.
A world boss that requires a FULL ZONE, is not a good design, as this result in players “forcing an overflow” thereby removing the chance for other players (specially new ones of playing at odd times) to miss the event.
As some of the TTS members said, they have to deny application, that simply means that the world boss is not working as intended, because even TTS can not guarantee a kill when there’s no players around.
What I want Anet to do is make Teq and Wurm (and future World Bosses), a reasonable boss. One that does NOT require 100+ players, however, a boss that presents a great challenge both to low pop and high pop server and/or guild.
If Anet can meet that, then the world bosses truly meet the meaning of “OPEN WORLD” event, because both the new and vet players can join and play the game. I believe Colin mentioned something around the line of “players can jump in and out” of an on-going event. Wurm and Teq definitely don’t fit that category.
So TTS or full server, good job for you guys. But for those of us who just want to encounter this world bosses without needing to rally 100+ players, nor game overflow, nor guest in high pop server, we request a reasonable boss that scale.
So if Anet designed this, we will see that:
Players will not need to guest, or limit guesting for this kind of events
Players will not hate each other in different overflow, nor will they dread that they got into oflow, because they still have a chance.
Players CAN STILL join big guild, no impact to them, they can do what they do
Players CAN STILL guest at full server, no impact to them, they can do what they do
Each server can just focus on, well, playing the way they want
Players can still boast or share their success or world-first or whatever
Players, both new and old, vet or newbie, can join the event without hesitation
Players still need to coordinate with each other
All in all, I see only positive things if Anet can properly scale events
TL;DR: I want Anet to do a reasonable boss that does not REQUIRE a full zone just to be able to complete the event. A world boss that scale from min of 10-15 players to max allowable of the zone.
[Aeon of Wonder]
Maguuma Server
(edited by DeathMetal.8264)
Then ANeT is ignoring 90% of it’s customer base.
lol are you serious?
They added 2 hard bosses in over 1 year, the rest of the (for the most time) fortnightly patches were designed for casuals… So how exactly is ANeT ignoring 90% of their player base?
What I’m saying is don’t knock the guy for airing legitimate complaints—particularly if he’s from an underpopulated server. Since we both agree that PvE isn’t really difficult, and that the barrier to these events tends to be a combination of numbers and coordination, you should empathize with players who want to attempt this content but don’t have the hours and hours this type of stuff tends to take.
Instead you unfairly targeted him for what you perceived as a lack of skill when in reality it could very well be a lack of play time. Many of us with jobs can empathize quite well with that.
Anyway, this is going nowhere, and a Mod should have deleted/locked/Re-titled this thread long ago. Cheers all.
these events take 15-30 minutes, failing the event doesnt count as it taking hours and hours, thats just not beating the game. As people get better, and used to the content, they will be able to show up and beat the event in like 20 minutes, much as I have with tequatl. You are not GUARANTEED a win though, that will depend on the performance of everyone there.
What I’m saying is don’t knock the guy for airing legitimate complaints—particularly if he’s from an underpopulated server. Since we both agree that PvE isn’t really difficult, and that the barrier to these events tends to be a combination of numbers and coordination, you should empathize with players who want to attempt this content but don’t have the hours and hours this type of stuff tends to take.
Instead you unfairly targeted him for what you perceived as a lack of skill when in reality it could very well be a lack of play time. Many of us with jobs can empathize quite well with that.
Anyway, this is going nowhere, and a Mod should have deleted/locked/Re-titled this thread long ago. Cheers all.
these events take 15-30 minutes, failing the event doesnt count as it taking hours and hours, thats just not beating the game. As people get better, and used to the content, they will be able to show up and beat the event in like 20 minutes, much as I have with tequatl. You are not GUARANTEED a win though, that will depend on the performance of everyone there.
In fairness, the time he is speaking of is the time spent waiting on the event itself. I personally have spent over 4 hours waiting in an overflow to make just 2 attempts. That was my choice and I was happy to do it. Others don’t feel that same way. To me, that’s the nature of the beast. All I can do is try to persaude others that they may want to give this a shot. If they refuse to though, that’s their decision.
In the same token, I don’t feel that this event should just pop at an hour and hope that the people are there to take it on. I feel that waiting for this event to take place is all part of the challenge and event itself.
80 ~Warrior~ Delvoire | 80 ~Ele~ Azalea Avenir
80 ~ Guardian~ Rag Nor | Server ~ FA
What I’m saying is don’t knock the guy for airing legitimate complaints—particularly if he’s from an underpopulated server. Since we both agree that PvE isn’t really difficult, and that the barrier to these events tends to be a combination of numbers and coordination, you should empathize with players who want to attempt this content but don’t have the hours and hours this type of stuff tends to take.
Instead you unfairly targeted him for what you perceived as a lack of skill when in reality it could very well be a lack of play time. Many of us with jobs can empathize quite well with that.
Anyway, this is going nowhere, and a Mod should have deleted/locked/Re-titled this thread long ago. Cheers all.
these events take 15-30 minutes, failing the event doesnt count as it taking hours and hours, thats just not beating the game. As people get better, and used to the content, they will be able to show up and beat the event in like 20 minutes, much as I have with tequatl. You are not GUARANTEED a win though, that will depend on the performance of everyone there.
In fairness, the time he is speaking of is the time spent waiting on the event itself. I personally have spent over 4 hours waiting in an overflow to make just 2 attempts. That was my choice and I was happy to do it. Others don’t feel that same way. To me, that’s the nature of the beast. All I can do is try to persaude others that they may want to give this a shot. If they refuse to though, that’s their decision.
In the same token, I don’t feel that this event should just pop at an hour and hope that the people are there to take it on. I feel that waiting for this event to take place is all part of the challenge and event itself.
the overflow waiting dies down as the event becomes old hat, but i do agree the overflow/underflow issues is the main problem.
Not sure what you meant about the event popping, as i understand it, its actually supposed to be that way, the waiting is mostly for organization purposes, it will pop every 2 hours on the dot.
I think this is better than tequatl, which i believe had a window
As some of the TTS members said, they have to deny application, that simply means that the world boss is not working as intended, because even TTS can not guarantee a kill when there’s no players around.
As a leader of TTS I would like to clarify the reason we’ve closed recruitment is because we are at 11 guilds and we don’t have the leadership in place to add more guilds. 5500 people is a lot to manage. That said, we don’t turn locals away from our raids (we usually fight on main and overflow) and we certainly never said we’d gaurentee kills. TTS members banded together because we like doing bosses like Teq and Wurm that provide a challenge both in getting the community to rally together/coordinate and actual boss fight.
Gaiscioch Family [GSCH]
Remember, FTF is on your tail! ;-)
TL;DR: I want Anet to do a reasonable boss that does not REQUIRE a full zone just to be able to complete the event. A world boss that scale from min of 10-15 players to max allowable of the zone.
The Shadow Behemoth exists in Queensdale since Beta. Just head for the swamp with your friends or guild, and you have the content that you’re requesting.
The elitism is strong in this boss event.
The simple fact that you have to be invited to the correct overflow server is prooof enough. And then there’s the elitists in this thread saying it’s ok if a content is only doable by 10% of the players.There should absolutely be content that only 10 percent of the players can do.
Then ANeT is ignoring 90% of it’s customer base. Not a very good business model. If ANeT creates content it should be doable by and for all. Hard content is great, but it shouldn’t require hard-capping the zone population. I believe our server finally took down Teq just last weekend. It took that long and a little help to complete it. The event otherwise remains pointless and unused 99% of the time. That means the content that was created was a waste of ANeT effort. A little less ridiculous champ scaling and less reliance on huge numbers would’ve made the Teq encounter a more enduring event. A higher chance of success by players would have kept them coming back. But the failure rate is just too high and it takes too much pre-coordination.
Unfortunately the wurm event will fall even more quickly into this category. Players will guest to other servers that will eventually succeed and never do it on their own server ever again. Our server is still trying to do it, but I believe interest will soon fall sharply. The marionette event is the only new content that is enjoyable so far. People actually enjoy it, even if we fail. Too bad it will go away all too soon.
They are not ignoring you. It’s your fault and yours alone for not taking the initiative to attempt or complete this content. If you are not good enough, then you do not deserve the rewards.
Happens with Queens Jubilee, happens with Teq, Mari and wurm.
It’s possible for everyone to complete this content. But in the end, only a minority actually do it because they are coordinated and committed to doing it.
I always love how some people ignore the content of the post and go directly at the person instead. Who said “I” haven’t taken the initiative? Didn’t I say my server was still trying to accomplish the wurm event? And wasn’t what I was saying merely an opinion based on observations which most objective folks know to be true?
The Queen’s Jubilee didn’t require 80+ or a maxed out zone to do, BTW.
Oh I’m not ignoring the content at all. I just think you are writing from an incredibly biased and narrow mindset.
I understand that you are bitter that it took you that long to take down Teq, but that is not the fault of Anet, as I said. Yesterday we took down teq with 6 minutes to spare. We had a full server, not hard capped. We had a bunch of players who understood the fight and simple adjusted strategies due to the fire ele nerf. Overall we just lost 1 minute on the timer.
Every single server out there has the capability of defeating Teq. It’s just no one wants to take the initiative to organize such an undertaking. The server I’m originally from has enough players to run two world trains at reset and reach hardcap. Yet they don’t bother doing Teq. That’s not Anet’s fault. That’s the player’s fault. They could do the content if they wanted to, but they’re lazy or unwilling. Yaks Bend even took down teq at reset at least once, we I know they have the capability of doing it.
Love how you make assumptions. Who said I was bitter. I was one of the people who was helping organize our final take down of Teq. I’m one of the commander(there are many) trying to get our server to complete the Wurm. We are very active in the attmepts. But with Teq, after so many failures, people just started guesting to other servers to have a successful Teq run. Many of us joined into see how it was done. And we applied that to our final success – which took until now, due to players just not wanting to come to the ever-failing Teq event.
Now, ever since our success, we finally are getting folks interested in participating. But facts are facts in my earlier statements about the 10%‘ers. The 90% must not be ignored to ANeT’s peril. If fun is not being had everyone involved the game is finished.
Tifa Ran/Ranger with a Pet
Commander WvW – Henge of Denravi
Then ANeT is ignoring 90% of it’s customer base.
lol are you serious?
They added 2 hard bosses in over 1 year, the rest of the (for the most time) fortnightly patches were designed for casuals… So how exactly is ANeT ignoring 90% of their player base?
If you need me to tell you…
Tifa Ran/Ranger with a Pet
Commander WvW – Henge of Denravi
Then ANeT is ignoring 90% of it’s customer base.
lol are you serious?
They added 2 hard bosses in over 1 year, the rest of the (for the most time) fortnightly patches were designed for casuals… So how exactly is ANeT ignoring 90% of their player base?
If you need me to tell you…
Please do tell! Not sure how releasing elite level content is ignoring 90% of their player base. It’s more like us 10% have been waiting for these updates for over year.
Then ANeT is ignoring 90% of it’s customer base.
lol are you serious?
They added 2 hard bosses in over 1 year, the rest of the (for the most time) fortnightly patches were designed for casuals… So how exactly is ANeT ignoring 90% of their player base?
If you need me to tell you…
Please do tell! Not sure how releasing elite level content is ignoring 90% of their player base. It’s more like us 10% have been waiting for these updates for over year.
I explained it earlier, no need to continually answer. Please don’t troll.
Tifa Ran/Ranger with a Pet
Commander WvW – Henge of Denravi
Then ANeT is ignoring 90% of it’s customer base.
lol are you serious?
They added 2 hard bosses in over 1 year, the rest of the (for the most time) fortnightly patches were designed for casuals… So how exactly is ANeT ignoring 90% of their player base?
If you need me to tell you…
That’s ok I didn’t expect you to be able to explain yourself
Then ANeT is ignoring 90% of it’s customer base.
lol are you serious?
They added 2 hard bosses in over 1 year, the rest of the (for the most time) fortnightly patches were designed for casuals… So how exactly is ANeT ignoring 90% of their player base?
If you need me to tell you…
That’s ok I didn’t expect you to be able to explain yourself
Trolling must be your forte.
Tifa Ran/Ranger with a Pet
Commander WvW – Henge of Denravi
Then ANeT is ignoring 90% of it’s customer base.
lol are you serious?
They added 2 hard bosses in over 1 year, the rest of the (for the most time) fortnightly patches were designed for casuals… So how exactly is ANeT ignoring 90% of their player base?
If you need me to tell you…
That’s ok I didn’t expect you to be able to explain yourself
Trolling must be your forte.
No, I am asking you to explain your opinion because it doesn’t make ANY sense!
Most content that was released in the last year was catered to the players base that has been “ignored”
It does not make ANY sense at all what you are saying!
I consider myself a casual player. I play a couple of hours a night, and maybe more on weekends. I don’t have a high ranking, I don’t have a legendary, I’m not a PVE/PVP/WVW god. I joined TTS when they were organizing their second guild, and have enjoyed every minute of it. I have been on at least 60 Teq kills, which may sound like a lot, but in TTS it isn’t. We really do work at making our raids inclusive. We kill Teq on main servers every night. We usually do the fight on servers that have not had a lot of success against Teq, and invite locals to help in the kill. We try new things occasionally and if it works, we incorporate that into our strategy. I enjoy the community of TTS. I have in game friends from Devonas Rest, Sea of Sorrows, Crystal Desert, and many other servers. We are part of a community that bands together to kill big bosses. I plan on trying to take part in the overflow worm fight tonight. Maybe we will get the kill, maybe not, but I will enjoy the time spent fighting alongside my friends from TTS. I normally play casually, lone-wolf style PVE, but I enjoy my nightly raid with a large tight-knit community that is working to improve the gaming experience for all involved. Soren, Kenage, Ahlou, Yroul, Wonderland, you guys rock!
Fort Aspenwood
TL;DR: I want Anet to do a reasonable boss that does not REQUIRE a full zone just to be able to complete the event. A world boss that scale from min of 10-15 players to max allowable of the zone.
The Shadow Behemoth exists in Queensdale since Beta. Just head for the swamp with your friends or guild, and you have the content that you’re requesting.
Since you seem to have read only TL/DR version, i’ll point you to an earlier fragment:
What I want Anet to do is make Teq and Wurm (and future World Bosses), a reasonable boss. One that does NOT require 100+ players, however, a boss that presents a great challenge both to low pop and high pop server and/or guild.
Behemoth of course doesn’t present such challenge. What many people are saying – and what you seem to miss – is that we’re not asking for those bosses to be easy. We are asking for their design to be changed so they’ll become a challenge for both smaller and bigger groups. A challenge really doesn’t need to revolve around finding enough people to do the content with.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
Then ANeT is ignoring 90% of it’s customer base.
lol are you serious?
They added 2 hard bosses in over 1 year, the rest of the (for the most time) fortnightly patches were designed for casuals… So how exactly is ANeT ignoring 90% of their player base?
If you need me to tell you…
That’s ok I didn’t expect you to be able to explain yourself
Trolling must be your forte.
I don’t see how his statement is trolling of any kind. You must have meant something else.
I’ve already explained enough and there is mountains of posts on the forums addressing it. No need to go further.
Tifa Ran/Ranger with a Pet
Commander WvW – Henge of Denravi
There is enough proof that 90% of the player base have not been ignored over the last year. Just click on the “releases” page on the main website.
Instead of keep saying that you have already explained your statement (which you haven’t) you could try and actually answer the question. or just admit that your statement was wrong?
So, back to the task at hand. I’m tired of trolls wishing to argue.
Tifa Ran/Ranger with a Pet
Commander WvW – Henge of Denravi
There is enough proof that 90% of the player base have not been ignored over the last year. Just click on the “releases” page on the main website.
Instead of keep saying that you have already explained your statement (which you haven’t) you could try and actually answer the question. or just admit that your statement was wrong?
The sad part is the “90% of the player base is being ignored” stuff creeps up no matter what Arenanet does.
Super Adventure Box, Halloween, Liadri anyone?
Instead of keep saying that you have already explained your statement (which you haven’t) you could try and actually answer the question. or just admit that your statement was wrong?
Here is where they explained it.
The elitism is strong in this boss event.
The simple fact that you have to be invited to the correct overflow server is prooof enough. And then there’s the elitists in this thread saying it’s ok if a content is only doable by 10% of the players.There should absolutely be content that only 10 percent of the players can do.
Then ANeT is ignoring 90% of it’s customer base. Not a very good business model. If ANeT creates content it should be doable by and for all. Hard content is great, but it shouldn’t require hard-capping the zone population. I believe our server finally took down Teq just last weekend. It took that long and a little help to complete it. The event otherwise remains pointless and unused 99% of the time. That means the content that was created was a waste of ANeT effort. A little less ridiculous champ scaling and less reliance on huge numbers would’ve made the Teq encounter a more enduring event. A higher chance of success by players would have kept them coming back. But the failure rate is just too high and it takes too much pre-coordination.
Unfortunately the wurm event will fall even more quickly into this category. Players will guest to other servers that will eventually succeed and never do it on their own server ever again. Our server is still trying to do it, but I believe interest will soon fall sharply. The marionette event is the only new content that is enjoyable so far. People actually enjoy it, even if we fail. Too bad it will go away all too soon.
So in that logic it’s the 10% that have been ignored the entire time but now have something to hang their hat one.
80 ~Warrior~ Delvoire | 80 ~Ele~ Azalea Avenir
80 ~ Guardian~ Rag Nor | Server ~ FA
Just happened AGAIN for the TTS run.
Please, ANet. Just please. T_T I’m so sleepy. So tired of waiting around 2 hours only for it to bug.
EDIT: And to clarify it didn’t make us lose. But it forced us to have to switch overflows and it’s an EXTREMELY time consuming and stressful process to keep having to do! Great runs get people lost from them during OF switch, people DC, etc.
(edited by Lydeck.5214)
So, back to the task at hand. I’m tired of trolls wishing to argue.
I’m sincerely asking you to explain in detail how ANET is ignoring 90% of their playerbase. No hostility here, no mockery, no nothing. It’s just that I haven’t read or seen anything that makes me think that they’re not listening at all.
Please do explain, and please don’t call me or others asking for the same thing trolls just because your previous statements were unclear, be it because they were improperly explained or because we misinterpreted them somehow. So, please explain your stand.
Nearly 96 hrs after Wurm release…
Has anyone beaten this Wurm yet?
Or is everyone going to admit ArenaNet beat them?
I almost got the winning lotery ticket last night…
Gandara’s attempt was hampered by the absence of some of our guild leaders involved, so we had to make due with what we had.
We got amber down, but missed too many phases and ran out of time there.
Oh well, we’ll do better next time ^^
Yesterday on a good overflow server, we managed to bring down the crimson one to near death in less than 3minutes. Which means with good organisation, we could bring down the three wurms in 3×3min=9min. It is challenging but it is doable. I like it. You can always return to usual PvE farming event if you don’t like the challenge.
In DAoC, there was an ubber boss that no one managed to kill for five years after it came out. Once it got finally killed, it was officially announced on the game’s website. That’s all the fun of MMOs. It’s not gonna be all grey mob easy killing.
This is going to be nearly impossible after the critical damage nerf, i hope you guys are aware of that.
The problem is not downing heads (first phase) as long as one of the groups don’t mess it up.
For instance today we downed all three heads to %2-3ish at first phase but just because we waited Amber guys 10 seconds longer, none of the heads were defeated. Cobalt was the fastest one i guess we had 6 minutes when they reach the %2-3 limit. Then Crimson health downed to same place in 3 minutes. Amber caught us at the end of last 2 minutes and they needed to one last dps phase (which is the most time consuming wurm to hit).
By the way, in an event even 1 second means a lot, putting +10 seconds of animation/invul periods to bosses is definitely NOT a good idea. If you give bosses such mechanics, timer should be stopped in that times. For instance, the attempt I mentioned above is lost because of wurm’s 15 seconds of animation phase. We filled each container at last 25 seconds, and we had only 10 seconds to hit the wurm when animation ended.
(edited by Phoenixlin.8624)
I think this is extremely relevant now:
There is enough proof that 90% of the player base have not been ignored over the last year. Just click on the “releases” page on the main website.
Instead of keep saying that you have already explained your statement (which you haven’t) you could try and actually answer the question. or just admit that your statement was wrong?
The sad part is the “90% of the player base is being ignored” stuff creeps up no matter what Arenanet does.
Super Adventure Box, Halloween, Liadri anyone?
isn’t having a diverse player base such a great thing for Anet when they cator to one side the rest wine about no updates. there are 20+ face roll bosses the addiction of more doesn’t mean crap as content.
For one, every server has more then 125 people and can fill a map to attempt these bosses you ignoring this means that Anet is not ignoring any of there player base because they could all attempt the content.
Although wurm had and still has a lot of glitch from launch once removed he is probably no harder then teq. The current one is that his life randomizes between 1mil and 100milion which makes it random how much damage you do in a dps phase. This occurs even after you sever the heads.
Lastly # of hard boss = 2 number of easy bosses 30+ do the math who is really being ignored here.
Quick question, can someone in TTS guild invite me. I’ve been at these events for days and not a single win.
ign: Aerin Dark Water
Stop ignoring the fact that bosses like Jormag now have timers as well, all the content lately has been for the leet crowd.
Our small server most often gets Jormag to within a sliver of his life when the timer runs out.With promises of more of the same.
The bottom end of town is being destroyed by the catering to the top so quit saying the top is always being left out. You got your vertical progression, whilsty every casual player is left to roam the wastes of what was there at release. TRUE STORY
With moderate amounts of players you can still easily take out the Claw of Jormag or The Shatterer. Those timers on them really aren’t such a big deal.
But Tequatl and the Jungle Wurms are a big problem. There is no way in hell that you can successfully complete those events if you just happen to be in the zone with a couple of people. Especially with the Wurms, since they need to die almost simultaneously. That requires a lot of coordination, read: Team Speak. I dislike content that is specifically designed to cater to users of third party software, and very large organized guilds/alliances. And I use TS myself, but I just don’t think it’s good design, nor do I think it is fair to casual players. I think everyone should have a fair chance at a boss, and I don’t think it should be designed to make it nearly impossible to do with a normal group of players.
I also think that making the players lose based on unfairly tight timers, is just really frustrating. It makes it feel like you didn’t lose the event due to strategic errors (like with the Marionette) but due to lacking enough players, or enough DPS. I hate DPS tests. It is terrible design (I’m also looking at you AC burrows that are vaporized with one icebow). But it’s worse when the time given for the event is already so short to begin with, that you can’t make it without a huge organized group with maxed out DPS. A timer should punish players for taking way too long, and not for them fighting the boss normally.
(edited by Mad Queen Malafide.7512)
Are TTS still having fun fighting the worm?
Are TTS still having fun fighting the worm?
Not sure. After Deso got the first confirmed completion I don’t see them around here much in this forum.
Are TTS still having fun fighting the worm?
Not sure. After Deso got the first confirmed completion I don’t see them around here much in this forum.
Yes we are still going after the wurm (there’s runs going on right now!) While world first would have nice, our primary goal has always been to make this sort of content available to everyone who is willing to be a part of the community.
NA first is still up for grabs. I guess one of the things that I haven’t seen brought up much here is the disparity between what is required to down Wurm compared to teq.
What i mean by this is as follows:
TEQ: Requires some coordination and strategy. However once people know the strategy, it’s pretty much straight forward spam 1 fest.
WURM: Requires insane coordination and strategy. Not only that, it is heavily reliant on player skill. It only takes a few people to screw up harpoons or kegs to fail the fight. I think that is the wall that most people attempting to down this boss are dealing with. Because it’s less forgiving on mistakes, people really need to be on their A game for any decent attempt. E.g our OCE members are just learning how to might stack….
I actually asked if you were still having fun doing it.
You didn’t say yes so I will have to assume that it is getting frustrating.
Am I right?
Nope we still have fun =) Morale is still an all time high!