Triple Trouble Achievements are flawed!

Triple Trouble Achievements are flawed!

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Snowball.3497


As have been noted before some of the achievements on the new Triple Trouble section are completely flawed.
I’m talking about Wurm Demolitionist and Wurmslayer, which really encourages the event to fail.

Wurm Demolitionist need 30 placed kegs to get the achievement which is a problem in its own.
However the main problem is Wurmslayer.

Even after the successful kill on Desolation of the wurm almost no one have this achievement. This is because you need to be at each wurm head when it spawns and kill it that time.
This encourages people to leave their post after successful decapitation to run towards the wurm head they still need.
This forces the entire entire map to either choose to go for a kill, or go for one of the wurm heads. Every time 1/3 of the server will then be fighting in vain since they already have the chosen wurm head kill.

I am sorry for this not being structured, but I don’t know how to put it clearly.
I just find myself in the position that the second phase wont get reached unless players go to the wurm they are experienced with, and that locks them from finishing the Wurmslayer achievement since they are at the wurm head they already have killed.

Suggestion: PLEASE change this so that everyone on the map gets the progress of a killed wurmhead once said head have died.

Particlar – Desolation – [Hs]
World First Wurm KillRaid Sells on Twitch
Origin of Diboof

Triple Trouble Achievements are flawed!

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Singer.8740


Agreed. Its a pain in the kitten

Etheeria (The mad bomber). If you don’t have shellshock your not doing it right.

Triple Trouble Achievements are flawed!

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: FindAndSeek.6728


+1 (additionalcharacters)

Miss Find And Seek – Society of Souls [Argh] – Desolation
Yeyyyyy can’t wait for the Expansion and the return of Guild Halls!!!

Triple Trouble Achievements are flawed!

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Kaveiras.9821


agreed it needs a rework

Triple Trouble Achievements are flawed!

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Yutaka Matsushige.1987

Yutaka Matsushige.1987

im done this achivements easy on main channel
first time im kill Amber Head , but im die and dont give progress for Wurm slayer.
then im kill Amber Head again , and take 1/3
then kill Crimson Head and my progress will be 2/3
then Desolation kill Wurm im be on Cobold Head , and im done Wurm Slayer , I do not see problems getting this achievement.

Triple Trouble Achievements are flawed!

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


ANets view ofv “Group Achievements” was flawed already from begin on with the Tequatl Battle.

Every Achievement, where you have to rely yourself onto over 100 other people to play the game perfectly without any mistake is flawed by its design.
Because such bad achievement design just leads to the point, that there is NOTHING left in them what makes those Achievements personal

I can understand that ANet wants to have also something like Group achievements in this game, which require Teamwork and Coordination.

But these kind of Achievements should cripple the other Achievements by their mechanics to earn them, not should they invite people to grief and troll other players by making it people possible to lead the events to fail 8by example simply not helping others and thus having too less DPS to be successful in way too tiny time limits or where in general should not exist any time limits at all – time limits in itself are a bad design, they create only pressure, stress and disharmny on the community if people fail due to not being fast enough at something and this is justz anothe bad promotion also for just pure Damage Builds to dps somethign down as fast as possible.
There doesn’t make new boss mechanics any difference, if everythign thats important for the evwent is as usual again just mere Power to kill the champs and the regulators as quickly as possible only.

Wurmslayer and Wurm Demolitionist would be very great and simple Group Achievements, if all participating players simply would receive them, when all participating players would simply receive them all together, when the tasks are successfully done by the groups so that everyone jst needs to concentrate onto their very own task fighting one wurm and killing its head to get basically both achievements when all 3 groups are successful, so that everybody would have to doo this stressful act of doign this event for the kill achievements only ONCE and not basically 3 times, because of the game wanting you to personally participate at every single wurm head kill, so that you just get the last achievement for the meta achievement.

This is just artificially slowing down player progress, that is absolutrely unneeded.
Anet could just also decrease the amount of AP for the meta from 50 to 25, as long people would just have to do the killing act once for the meta and not 3 times.

However, even more flawed is the achievement design this time for the ridiculous Marionette Dodge Achievements, where you can play as good as you want/can, if just an other group of people fails killing 1 stupid champ and the regulator fast enough within ridiculous 2 minutes in which can happen alot of thigns that are out of YOUR control, like players dcing in them idsts of the battle leadign to automatic fails for everybody… just shows to me, that the devs that are responsible forthe achievements have absiolutely no clues on howe to design good Group Achievements, that don’t feel punishing and like a permanent waste of time/ lottery play type of chance to earn them at all !!

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Triple Trouble Achievements are flawed!

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Divine Crab.2481

Divine Crab.2481

The problem is that all achievement hunters just go for the head kills. So let’s say we have a try where we kill amber head but not the other 2, those people will go to crimsom or cobalt next time and try to get head kill there. Once they get one of them, they’re gonna go to the last one. So you don’t actually have to complete the event to get the achivement. There is no achievement that you get for completing the event. So you have people on other servers with Great Jungle Wurm Slayer title but most of the people on Desolation that actually completed the event don’t have it.

Triple Trouble Achievements are flawed!

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Luquatic.3825


I’m still bumped that I didn’t get rewarded with the achievement after killing Cobalt head. I would have gotten the title by now but instead I have to kill the head again..

After making a support ticket asking if they could somehow still give me the achievement, they just redirected me to the game bug section..

A Thief on Desolation

Triple Trouble Achievements are flawed!

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: TPenny.5071


I’m done this achievements easy on main channel
first time I’m kill Amber Head , but I’m die and don’t give progress for Wurm slayer.
then I’m kill Amber Head again , and take 1/3
then kill Crimson Head and my progress will be 2/3
then Desolation kill Wurm I’m be on Cobolt Head , and I’m done Wurm Slayer , I do not see problems getting this achievement.

That’s you, but what about the poor commanders & players that have refined their craft on one wurm to push for the kill. Its a combined effort and it just seems a little flawed and anti-productive to switch people around.

Anyhow; congratulations on your title.

Triple Trouble Achievements are flawed!

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


The problem is that all achievement hunters just go for the head kills. So let’s say we have a try where we kill amber head but not the other 2, those people will go to crimsom or cobalt next time and try to get head kill there. Once they get one of them, they’re gonna go to the last one. So you don’t actually have to complete the event to get the achivement. There is no achievement that you get for completing the event. So you have people on other servers with Great Jungle Wurm Slayer title but most of the people on Desolation that actually completed the event don’t have it.

Thats exactly why i think ANet has to learn to make Group achievements really work like Group Achievements, that when you have to rely yourself onto other players, that for this effort all get also rewarded with the Achievements, regardless where you participated in the event for it.

If anet thinks its ok how the Marionette Achievements work and how not receiving Achievements seems to be ok for them if other independently fail out of your control to positively influence the success, then it should be also ok for them to reward everybody on the map that participated in the event, totally independent on which wurm you fought agaisnt.

Once all 3 wurms got decapitaede, everybody obn the map shpould just get the achievement for it.
Once all 3 wurm heads got kille,d everybody on the map who participated in the event long enough shoudl get the achievement.

That wax the achievements are less stressful, it doesn’t lead to the silly ridiculous problem of achievement hunters starting to change their positions so that they can just kill the head that they still need, what could lead to massive sudden DPS problems and the event to fail within the 2 minutes

Thats the bad achievement design, where I think that Anet doens’t think over such problems before, where at the moment only the marionette dodge achievements show, that their Group Achievements by its design can get even worser and thats imo something that has to get changed ASAP.

Really, should be a big problem to change these 2 achievements to trigger for everyone once all heads are off and once all heads are killed.
its just a change in the mechanic that calculates for how long somebody participated in the event to be worthy to receive the achievements.

And in regard of the marionette, the dodge achievements just need to be made ASAP personal, removing this ridiculous mechanic that prevents everybody from earnign the achievements, if somebody other fails to kill their champ…

If you dodge everythign and kill everythign in the 2 minds, you should earn your personal achievement. PERIOD!
Regardless of any design excuses!

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Triple Trouble Achievements are flawed!

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: KOPPER.1458


I asked this in another thread. So you have to kill the wurm 3 times in order to get this achievement? I don’t see a problem with that? In some cases it stinks that it didn’t give some players credit for their kill. But I don’t see killing it 3 times as a problem.

Deso killed it just yesterday and they have at least 2 kills if not more now. I realize that other servers and groups like TTS are still trying (myself included) but it will happen soon.