The Wurm Event spawns every odd hour about 4 minutes into it.
Before the event starts you should have your classes spread out evenly with a 50/50/50 split stacked on each commander.
Foods that should be dropped are Feast of Fire Flank Steak and Feast of Truffle Steak. A Heroes Banner should also be dropped. You should pick up the buffs at 1 minute or less on the timer. You should have sharpening stones or maintenance oil along with fire ele powders, ogre pet whistles, and mortars. QUAGGAN TONICS ALSO
First thing that will happen is a 5 minute timer, then the npc explorers will spawn.
During the three escorts each npc will encounter eggs, the front group of eggs will always spawn a mob but the rear eggs can be destroyed before spawning anything. If any larva spawn you can use a reflect to shoot their spit attacks back at them dealing good damage.
After all of the escorts have arrives at their respective locations the Wurm will spawn, now is a good time to target it for your party.
Amber- Stack on your commander while the invulnerable Abom is being eaten. Look north and south to find the first abomination that you can kill. When you find it stack on it and kill it allowing yourself to get the tasty buff. Now you want to stand on the red arrow to be counted as food for the Wurm to eat. While stacked up it is a good idea to have water fields being dropped and blasted to provide regeneration for the party. Also have an elementalist using swirling winds to reflect any projectiles that get shot at you. Now you should be getting eaten by the wurm, once you are inside turn around and pick up the harpoon from the fallen adventurer. Use your 1 attack on the Pyloric Valve and when your commander tells you to stop you stop. After you hit the ground you can pop any stun breakers and then get in range of the wurm (1200) and use your 1 attack to take down a stack of slick skin. When all 20 stacks are down stack on the wurm and start attacking, there will be time warps being used and conjured weapons, pick up all conjured weapons and warriors place banners outside the zerg as to not interfere with picking up weapons. At the end of the burn phase you will still have a debuff preventing you from getting the tasty buff for so long. During this time stay on your commander and kill the mobs on it. Condition based players should be focused on killing husks. When the debuff gets down to 15 seconds you should be stacking back on up the abomination to kill it and get the tasty buff again. You will continue doing this until you get the wurm down to 5% of it’s health. Amber will never start stacking back up on the abomination with time under 1:35.
Crimson- At Crimson Wurm you will be running the phytotoxins to their respective machines. When each machine is full, it takes 30 of each color to fill it up, you will stack on the wurm where there will be time warps and conjured weapons being dropped. At the end of each burn phase you will be running the toxins again while condition players will focus on the husks that spawn. You will continue this until you get the wurm to approx 5%
Cobalt- At Cobalt Wurm you will be running kegs to the red arrow on the ground. You need 20 kegs to start a burn phase. Everyone except for condition players should be running kegs at all times unless the commander says otherwise. Again during each burn phase stack up on the Wurm picking up conjured weapons. You will do two burn phases and then everyone will clear mobs that have gathered up.
(edited by Destiny.5316)