(edited by KehxD.6847)
Copied from reddit ;) For reddit look here: Reddit Link
Long story short, we killed the midnight wurm today on a overflow. So it makes us the first guild to kill it on a overflow :D yey \o/ Best part is, we still had 0:20 sec on timer left! Which is new world record!
I’d like to thank every single person who was there and also awesome commanders who organized everything – Kehxd, Chiiwii, Agentka, Warsheep, Iana Ledger, Nine Inch Nose.
As far as we know, we had around 135-140 ppl on the overflow (~46 per squad)
YT Cobalt:
And Cobalt with better quality ^^:
YT Amber:
FYI, we are gonna take a break from the wurm now so please don’t try to join our guild because you want to get the wurm achievements…
(edited by KehxD.6847)
Deehehe We did it and with the BoooM !
Grats, all! Well done!
Great team work all Epic ending
Thank you to the commanders who lead us and those who helped along the way
Deso had 2 mins left with 2 heads killed at midnight
(third head bugged out )
Grats on the kill!
Congrats to everyone involved again. Props to our awesome commanders for making it happen and spending hours on organization everyday for over a week.
Now a bit of resting is in order.
Also, #teamAGENT
Deso had 2 mins left with 2 heads killed at midnight
(third head bugged out)
Yeah ^^ and third was killed by dev. Sorry but that does not count xD
Congratulations! Question, was it an overflow that you specifically taxied to or was it luck of the draw who was there?
Congratulations! Question, was it an overflow that you specifically taxied to or was it luck of the draw who was there?
It was taxied. Had only ~3 people that were not from the guild. But regardless, less people fit on an overflow than on a main server, so we had to work with less people. ^^ (And overflow have bad lags sometimes -.-)
Congratulations! Question, was it an overflow that you specifically taxied to or was it luck of the draw who was there?
We had to taxi ppl we had 200 ppl in TS and only 135-140 made it in . I wish Anet is going to Adress the problems that OF create , and this type of boss are not good when RNG is there 1s phase-2nd phase.For the love of god pls If u really mean to create this type of boss for Big Guilds at least give them the tools to do so…instead of throwing a big boss there and here we go beat it …that’s not cool at all .
Thank you for that awesome run, the Loot could have been better though
Nah the fight really was just awesome.
The difference between TxS and Deso kills is that on Deso almost nobody uses Fire Elemental Powder and Ogre Whistle. And we still were able to kill it twice already.
Good job non the less.
The difference between TxS and Deso kills is that on Deso almost nobody uses Fire Elemental Powder and Ogre Whistle. And we still were able to kill it twice already.
Good job non the less.
Well if u know TxS u should know by now that we want to see the best timer and fastest kill Yolo killNaked kill+ whateva u want xD.And not to mention that we had to use an overflow , cuz we couldn’t Hijack a server and fill it will TxS only .Still a kill is a kill a timer is a timer .
For the curious ones, an overflow can fit about 20-30 less players then a normal server and the lags are horrible on such events. Also you always have to expect an DC for no good reason at all.
Hey, as one of the TxS alliance leader and commander on the wurm i’d like to thank arena net for creating this awesome event. We had fun figuring out the tactics, trying to kill it for a week and here we go, today we finally succeeded!
But, i’d like to also mention that the reward system isn’t really thought thru. As someone stated in another topic, tequatl has much more better loot drop + karma.
If you want to know BEHIND THE SCENES:
1. We don’t have any good OF system or districts like in gw1.
2. We have no idea how many players we can fit on an OF comparing to main server.
3. We have to spend at least 2h+ on securing the OF to have an empty one so it can be filled with our guild.
4. Then we have to spend ~10-20 min taxing ppl to the OF to make sure as many will get in as possible.
5. Explain the tactics for new members or ppl who didn’t manage to get in the OF on previous tries. (At least 40-50min)
6. Walk everyone thru the event and synchronize everything as there is only 1 min to kill 3 wurms (around 30-40 min)
So, overall we spend almost 4 hours securing 1 event with our guildies. And after we killed it once (maybe we will kill it few more times) later it will not be worth it.
Hey, as one of the TxS alliance leader and commander on the wurm i’d like to thank arena net for creating this awesome event. We had fun figuring out the tactics, trying to kill it for a week and here we go, today we finally succeeded!
But, i’d like to also mention that the reward system isn’t really thought thru. As someone stated in another topic, tequatl has much more better loot drop + karma.
If you want to know BEHIND THE SCENES:
1. We don’t have any good OF system or districts like in gw1.
2. We have no idea how many players we can fit on an OF comparing to main server.
3. We have to spend at least 2h+ on securing the OF to have an empty one so it can be filled with our guild.
4. Then we have to spend ~10-20 min taxing ppl to the OF to make sure as many will get in as possible.
5. Explain the tactics for new members or ppl who didn’t manage to get in the OF on previous tries. (At least 40-50min)
6. Walk everyone thru the event and synchronize everything as there is only 1 min to kill 3 wurms (around 30-40 min)So, overall we spend almost 4 hours securing 1 event with our guildies. And after we killed it once (maybe we will kill it few more times) later it will not be worth it.
This ^
Copied from reddit
For reddit look here: Reddit Link
Long story short, we killed the midnight wurm today on a overflow. So it makes us the first guild to kill it on a overflow
yey \o/ Best part is, we still had 0:20 sec on timer left! Which is new world record!
I’d like to thank every single person who was there and also awesome commanders who organized everything – Kehxd, Chiiwii, Agentka, Warsheep, Iana Ledger, Nine Inch Nose.
As far as we know, we had around 135-140 ppl on the overflow (~46 per squad)
YT Cobalt:, we are gonna take a break from the wurm now so please don’t try to join our guild because you want to get the wurm achievements…
What, that’s it ? You’re not gonna do it again ?
Anet: Please give us Guild Servers or stable overflows that can fit the same amout of players as a normal map.
We are actually willing to pay for it.
I really miss the overflow system from GW1.
But then again, the amount of time for preparation for only one event is insane and after taking a closer look on the rewards, thanks but no thanks. I will stick to Tequatl after the achievements are done. That one we do out of pure boredom:
Naked, without commanders, with everyone with a commander tag actually tagged up, without teamspeak, without turrets, without any preparation, gathering resources while on defense phase, while dancing, stopping midaction and doing nothing for 10-30seconds on defense phase, afking commanders, pink, without buffood and consumables and still having at least 6minutes left. Not all at the same time oc^^ We do it just for fun
I think i forgot something.
(edited by Thareen.5471)
Copied from reddit
For reddit look here: Reddit Link
Long story short, we killed the midnight wurm today on a overflow. So it makes us the first guild to kill it on a overflow
yey \o/ Best part is, we still had 0:20 sec on timer left! Which is new world record!
I’d like to thank every single person who was there and also awesome commanders who organized everything – Kehxd, Chiiwii, Agentka, Warsheep, Iana Ledger, Nine Inch Nose.
As far as we know, we had around 135-140 ppl on the overflow (~46 per squad)
YT Cobalt:, we are gonna take a break from the wurm now so please don’t try to join our guild because you want to get the wurm achievements…
What, that’s it ? You’re not gonna do it again ?
We will, but only once weekly or sth like that. Time/Reward is really bad on this one… even if you get experienced at it to be honest.
Yay us ! Thanks as well to everybody in TxS to make it happened! Now rest time for us for a bit before we all charge up for more!! <3
The difference between TxS and Deso kills is that on Deso almost nobody uses Fire Elemental Powder and Ogre Whistle. And we still were able to kill it twice already.
Good job non the less.
Exactly! The difference between Deso and TxS is that on Deso you have a bunch of guesting ppl aiming for achievements wishing to kill the wurm where TxS actually takes its time to prepare for the event and teach the ppl in the guild. And hey, we were able to make the world record
Good job non the less.
It was taxied. Had only ~3 people that were not from the guild. But regardless, less people fit on an overflow than on a main server, so we had to work with less people. ^^ (And overflow have bad lags sometimes -.-)
Has this been confirmed somewhere?
The difference between Deso and TxS is that on Deso you have a bunch of guesting ppl aiming for achievements wishing to kill the wurm where TxS actually takes its time to prepare for the event and teach the ppl in the guild
This actually makes the fight easier. Having all from the same guild and not having to deal with random players coming in to throw a wrench in plans.
Most people probably know by now, kills can be done with about 44 players per head or so. So 46 is about right.
The odds of getting 50 per head is pretty unlikely on Desolation and Blackgate since there seem to be a dozen people AFK’ing or leveling in the zone at any given time.
Has this been confirmed somewhere?
It’s not that it’s been confirmed.
It’s more along the lines off what we noticed.
When we did tequalt with overflows and main maps(depending on the mod of the servers we went to) we noticed after the defense was ready to go(with the same number in all the occasions) the attack zergs were always bigger by some players( we believe this number to be around 10~15) even when both the normal map and the Overflow were full capped.
Also from the comments we see of the other main maps doing the event they have stated on several occasions that each zergs has around 50 players(they might ofc be rounding up but we’ll find out when we manage to do the wurm in a main map after the achivments go away) while our own zergs are around 43~46(number change a lot due to DC’s).
This actually makes the fight easier. Having all from the same guild and not having to deal with random players coming in to throw a wrench in plans.
Here you are mistaken, we are an open guild for everyone to join basically. Difference between map full of randoms and TxS is that we make sitting on ts mandatory.
But even so, commanders have to be very persuasive so ppl will actually listen and do as you ask. It just increases your chances in being heard comparing to mapchat.
Sucks I had to skip this one. Anyway, great job!!!
What makes me worried though, why such talented people as these posters above from Desolation have killed wurm only two times yet? Really, you guys can obviously play with closed eyes with many unexperienced pugs running around trying to level up and still kill it without trying. How comes only 2 kills yet?
@ spiky: wurm loot is really really bad ^^
I say grats to you, TxS.
You know what folks? No one likes sour grapes. It’s a game, why can’t you just say “good on you!” pat a fellow human on the back, so to speak, have a coke and a smile, and I’m sure you know the rest.
Good lord.
We’re all progressing, and that’s a good thing!
I just wanted to say a huge thank you to all the players involved in this. I was there and had the best time ever in guild wars 2, it was a pleasure and an honor. A special thanks to all the commanders for their hard work, dedication and effort in leading us and teaching us about this encounter (especially Chiiwii, Kehxd and my commander the one and only TeamAgent – the phrase “… do not go near the wurm, do not touch the wurm, do not even think about the wurm unless I say so…” will never be forgotten!)
Congrats good and lovely people. This is soo great and well deserved.
Sucks I had to skip this one. Anyway, great job!!!
What makes me worried though, why such talented people as these posters above from Desolation have killed wurm only two times yet? Really, you guys can obviously play with closed eyes with many unexperienced pugs running around trying to level up and still kill it without trying. How comes only 2 kills yet?
You got something very wrong, “kill it without trying”. Killing the wurm is still a huge effort, one most want a break from once it’s finally dead. Even more so once they figure out the loot is not proportional to the effort. Then of course you have PUGs that swarm a server/guild like buzzards when a kill is even mentioned, this is the same reason TxS needed an overflow. They can completely ruin an attempt by not watching DPS or not doing the mechanics of the fight at all. Then finally you have the bug factor, which can render an attempt useless and the RNG on head flopping(unless I missed a hidden mechanic behind that) that can really hurt DPS.
Deso had 2 mins left with 2 heads killed at midnight
(third head bugged out)
Yeah ^^ and third was killed by dev. Sorry but that does not count xD
Someone sounds bitter.
Congratz on the World 2nd guys, about time someone caught up with Desolation
I find it funny when people point out arbitrary achievements just for the sake of it.
First OF? First to beat it with 20 sec? What is this?
Next up we’ll have “first wurm kill with only 5 guardians” or “first wurm kill at 5 am”
I find it funny when people point out arbitrary achievements just for the sake of it.
First OF? First to beat it with 20 sec? What is this?
Next up we’ll have “first wurm kill with only 5 guardians” or “first wurm kill at 5 am”
It seem’s like u don’t know what we TxS does i will only say check what we do on our reddit page all the info are there .And Yes that’s an achievment .Next up is Yolo kill+Naked kill . ^^
Argh, darn overflow population limits… wish I could have there.
Well done to all who participated.
TxS forver ! :p
Congratz morons
It was really interesting week
Sucks I had to skip this one. Anyway, great job!!!
What makes me worried though, why such talented people as these posters above from Desolation have killed wurm only two times yet? Really, you guys can obviously play with closed eyes with many unexperienced pugs running around trying to level up and still kill it without trying. How comes only 2 kills yet?
You got something very wrong, “kill it without trying”. Killing the wurm is still a huge effort, one most want a break from once it’s finally dead. Even more so once they figure out the loot is not proportional to the effort. Then of course you have PUGs that swarm a server/guild like buzzards when a kill is even mentioned, this is the same reason TxS needed an overflow. They can completely ruin an attempt by not watching DPS or not doing the mechanics of the fight at all. Then finally you have the bug factor, which can render an attempt useless and the RNG on head flopping(unless I missed a hidden mechanic behind that) that can really hurt DPS.
Main reason that Deso has killed it twice is that they are highly organized community (despite the pugs – most want to do it and they listen; in both cases it is just the matter of those who don’t) and as a whole server they can get more tries in. Counting the times we were so close and just lacked a bit of luck -missing a second or two on the timer, having wurm run all over the place or getting a bit bugged; we could possibly have killed it sooner having more tries.
I do not really think that it is about who is better or worse. It’s about facing this really challenging encounter and working together with over a hundred people to beat it. Being part of something special. Every group doing the wurm faces their own various challenges – some of them common to everyone. Everyone killing the wurm deserves praise for their hard work. Everyone almost doing it should also feel proud.
I find it funny when people point out arbitrary achievements just for the sake of it.
First OF? First to beat it with 20 sec? What is this?
Next up we’ll have “first wurm kill with only 5 guardians” or “first wurm kill at 5 am”
Well we do have a naked Teq kill…
(edited by Haros.4297)
Well we do have a naked Teq kill…
…naked wurm kill next ? XD
I find it funny when people point out arbitrary achievements just for the sake of it.
First OF? First to beat it with 20 sec? What is this?
Next up we’ll have “first wurm kill with only 5 guardians” or “first wurm kill at 5 am”
That is called Feat of Strenght
Now it’s your turn to achieve it
(edited by moiraine.2753)
I’m wondering what’s the percentage of people who have Ascended gear — in particular weaponry.
Depending on that percentage, perhaps requiring Ascended weapons would get you much faster times?
I’m wondering what’s the percentage of people who have Ascended gear — in particular weaponry.
Depending on that percentage, perhaps requiring Ascended weapons would get you much faster times?
If the wurm doesen’t move u can manage to have 40-45 sec left on timer.If the wurm moves and neva stops well Gl with that May the Rng god be with u XD.
Problem is, it rarely stops moving. Or worse, it decides to take a swin
First in the World, First EU, First NA is how most “Firsts” are looked at. Not that all these other “Firsts” aren’t an achievement to those who were there. But they are less important and or noticeable to those who care about such things in the first place. Which in GW2 is fairly limited.
And here comes the second kill of the worm for TxS.Now we are on par with Desolation
The loot is really terrible.It’s not equal to the time and effort you put in.It’s hard boss with really bad/worthless loot table…Anet really have to buff World bosse’s chests.
(edited by moiraine.2753)
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