So normal people can’t read a boss description, the map chat, or a wiki??? That’s actually quite worrisome. How do they complete their aforementioned jobs or do anything productive in these “normal” lives without a basic skill required to function in society today?
Logging in, checking out this Marionette thing that Arena Net sent them an e-mail about and reading a few helpful words in the spew that is Map chat is not going to let a normal person survive their first few encounters with the Warden champions.
Trying to understand the lane defence, why the hordes of enemies keep coming, how are they to be stopped and where are these “Wardens” that everyone was complaining about in Map chat will be the player’s first concerns.
A normal person might spend time reading wiki pages about the fight if they have an interest in trying it again next week, but that’s unlikely. The game is just a game. It’s supposed to be a fun pass-time for a few hours. They’re not going to spend time researching it. It’s also ridiculous. I continuously find it bizarre that a game RELIES on 3’rd-party websites to explain to players what to do and how to do it. Certainly, there should be some figure-it-out elements because that can be fun. But to expect normal players to try the Marionette fight more than a few times a week, researching You Tube videos and Googling for how-to guides is expecting too much.
Seriously; be thankful that it’s currently Winter in the Northern hemisphere and people are spending more time indoors playing video games. If it were Summer, you would have even fewer people bothering with this thing.