Wurm scaling problem, bug or not?

Wurm scaling problem, bug or not?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: henry.1420



So if you play wurm enough times you will have noticed that during the first phase, sometimes the entire zerg takes 30 seconds to only burn 20% of health off of one wurm, while other times its health literally drops 80% within the 30 second window.
They seem to happen randomly, some people say its due to husks being around but not much evidence support it.
If you encounter the slow burn 4 or 5 times in a row the event is pretty much failed, and if you suddenly encounter the mega burn it will get overkilled and you instantly lose.
So anet, is this intended or not?

Wurm scaling problem, bug or not?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Lydeck.5214


I’m pretty sure it’s a bug based on what some people in TS are saying. Somehow they can monitor the HP. PLEASE take a look at this ANet, the scaling is all over the place based on their claims, and honestly when running it what they’re saying goes exactly with the damage. It seems to random at times.