don't want more of this ? Just ignore it
I think Anet should post the participation numbers for the events STARTING AFTER TWO WEEKS OF SAID EVENT….
They know the numbers, just afraid to admit LS events aint raging successes….
I’d like to think ANet could simply see how often Tequatl is done on all the servers and go from there.
Really .. if you hate waiting 2 hours for pseudo-raids in an open world for the hardcore raider crowd .. just ignore it .. don’t even try it, else ANet again thinks its a “big successs” and weget even more of that stuff.
If you don’t like that stuff all we can do is to show them the numbers that only a minority of players enjoy that kind of stuff, and the only way to do that is to totally ignore that stuff.
I’m doing it only because of daily for meta. And I’m 150% sure that wurm event will be dead and obsolete in 1-2 months (and marionette, if anet will decide to leave it in game). Same failure design as as Teq 2.0.
25 charracters