speculation about scarlet's "mind invasion"

speculation about scarlet's "mind invasion"

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Noctris.7204


It has come to me that there is so many possibilities of what or whom may be behind the scarlet plot.

I am taking back all the dragon theories because of the promotional video that Anet sent, the big darkish voice that we are hearing has been confirmed that was not dragon related. And the voice seem to be in favor of scarlet’s plan, wich we don’t know exactly what it is. But, mainly, the character want scarlet to succeed. Some people point out that scarlet has been only attacking human settlements (LA, Divinity’s reach and such.). To me, that rings a bell, it might be a anti-human entity that wants those gone from Tyria.

If we recall Gw1 franchise, we had Abbaddon, Dhuum, Menzies, that were all connected one to an other for a god war in-between humans god and elder god (yes i’m not using older on purpose). We can eliminate Abbaddon as, Kormir took his place with power and such in Gw1: Nightfall. I’ll concentrate on Menzies and here’s why. In the lore Menzies is the half-brother of Balthazar, whom wanted to take all the Fissure of Woe realm for himself (pre-dating Exodus and such). Why am I focusing on Menzies instead of other? Because Menzies is the Lord Of Destruction. ( here’s the quoting from wiki ) “Menzies the Mad, also known as the Lord of Destruction, is the evil half-brother of Balthazar. Though never seen, he commands the Shadow Army and other shadow related creatures such as the Darkness.” Notice connection between the darkness and chaos from Menzies and the “darkness” scarlet has encountered when she was in the Eternal Alchemy. That is highly linked to the “madness” Scarlet has gone into. Scarlet was destroying everything and still want to destroy everything. Take for Example the Thaumanova Reactor, it blew up. The tower of nightmare was also destroyed.

Second of all, when scarlet was in the Eternal Alchemy, she saw red thorns growing up the Pale Tree. Those thorn were red, scarlet red to be more precise. If you recall going into the Fissure Of Woe, you can’t deny the fact the everything is point out to the color red, even the Eternal forge was red/obsidian colored. That said, Menzies is part of the mist, witch in turn is part of the Eternal Alchemy.

The Eternal Alchemy is, by definition, containing all the entities. Now, here comes the wierd part! The Eternal Alchemy, I believe is part The Rift. Why? :

“In the middle of The Mists is a spot where time moves neither forward nor back. It is a tear in the fabric of the cosmos, the point of perfect balance between all forces of the universe. This place is known as the Rift, and there is nothing to which it does not connect, nothing that cannot be reached from inside it. Those who have the know-how to travel across the universe through the Mists must pass through the Rift on their way to all other places. It is the center of all things.”

That is why I think Menzie is more likely to be the one behind it all. While not every thing is pointed to Dhuum, he still could be the one who might have corrupted Scarlet. He’s also a god of death and darkness. They are powerful, old entities that can travel through realms. They are even able to send minions in-between realm, remember the Tombs of The Primeval Kings, Menzies sent The Darknesses over in the Hall of Heroes. The only thing that can pin-point to Dhuum is the fact the marionnette is closed to a place called reaper’s gate wich is a temple to Grenth. “It holds a statue within that once allowed access to the Underworld and is now overrun with creatures from the Mists.”. It can’t be a coincidence!

Share you’re thoughs on that theorie!