The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)
I don’t think we’ve run 30+ this week with our numbers Totally understandable for medium sized guild to work with another medium sized guild to take on a larger one which you guys do pretty well with PRXM, not sure if you are co-ordinated comms or practiced but you have a nice blend and challenging fights, and with MM yesterday too was even more tasty. You guys were individual working together, not all on same spot from a to b and it wasn’t too laggy
Matchup vs AG and DZ last week was much more fun than this joke.
I agree with Genotix too.
MS seems to have gained some coverage since the last time we fought them and all these T3 keeps they strive to hold make this matchup kinda repetitive. It reminded me of fighting Riverside some months back before the FEAR team started to work during nights in order to downgrade all those keeps so that every day is a new day for all servers. But AG has already lost the late night capping teams, so it’s just a “recap your BL every 2 hrs” thing.
With the new matchup rotation, it seems it will be more like “we streamroll one week, get streamrolled the other”. This is the game however; it escalated pretty quickly to a grind fest with all these wexp points and the living stories.
Awaiting now the new matchup.
Good luck to all servers.
Appreciate the action last night from Bots/Dc/Army, QQ, SoE, MM, Prxm and briefly Fury.
Really enjoyed the organised opposition much more fun watching countering enemy movement that the 50+ zergs that rollover like paper.
Shout out to the MS lot in GH garrison with us, – we got bored of sieging so bashed ya and left.
Ran between 24-28 at our peak last night – I blame the summer, cheers for keeping us on our toes and punishing sloppiness ruthlessly – One particular incident: NE bay, MS caught me royally with my pants down </3
Best Fight Of The Match UP
Sorry Mya you just can’t compete with this
GG guys <3
Very intense and awesome fight u had there with QQ!
..and i loved the bonus material! it’s on!!…no superiors for me…pff ..i will teach you to give me superiour gravestones next time!
:-D Crazy kitten^^. Great that i would get a superiour :-P
thanks for the fights on gunnar-bl this morning. had a lot of fun.
Dunkelrabe (Buka)
Buka was good fights indeed! you guys kited the hell out of us open field, but in the tower we still got upper hand
As to What other players have been saying regarding the match up, i think people are a bit too late to realize that the big DE/FR servers have basically adopted a very specific way of playing ( and for the sake of this i’ll ignore that they also outnumber us in wvw players too). Yes it can be summed to loads of Ac’s and blobs, but to say it with a bit more appreciation, they have terrific commutation, map movement, scouting, tower defenses. There are actually very good ways to deal with this, more guild raid coverage and solid commanders with tight zergs (for example SFR server) and also removing siege from towers before attacking them. We can call MS abbadons etc really cheesy, but in the end they take wvw much more seriously then us at the server level, so no surprise they win.
\m/ [BOOM] is in da house \m/
(edited by Oren.1736)
best idea @ QQ
SOE from Gunnars ! N1 fight against you finally we found a guild to fight alone i think we even were same numbers aswell
Props to FURY aswell completly alone today! Cheers! we couldnt match your numbers but still fun challenging fights! Keep running solo
Sry that the portal bomb gone wrong..we saw it too late ! sry for that!
(edited by wombatpanda.8165)
Yes very nice fight Mya. Dont worry bout the portal lootbags on us
SOE from Gunnars ! N1 fight against you finally we found a guild to fight alone
i think we even were numbers aswell
Props to FURY aswell completly alone today! Cheers! we couldnt match your numbers but still fun challenging fights! Keep running solo
Sry that the portal bomb gone wrong..we saw it too late ! sry for that!
Yea was awesome to fight you guys, we were running 16 from SOE+ 1 or 2 pugs. Wish we had met more often in the week.
Overall it was a very blobby evening tonight but the fights were awesome non the less.
SOE from Gunnars ! N1 fight against you finally we found a guild to fight alone
i think we even were same numbers aswell
Props to FURY aswell completly alone today! Cheers! we couldnt match your numbers but still fun challenging fights! Keep running solo
Sry that the portal bomb gone wrong..we saw it too late ! sry for that!
Yeah, props to you aswell for running alone. Good fights!
Thanks to [Wipe] for the fun fights on gh bl tonight. Ran into a few other guild groups from ms but cant remember the tags.
Thanks for the GvG QQ, was a lot of fun to fight you again <3
Thankyou QQ for the GvG earlier, it was a lot of fun looking forward to more in the future matchups against Miller’s.
…Props to FURY aswell completly alone today! Cheers! we couldnt match your numbers but still fun challenging fights! Keep running solo
Please, don’t cover for us! We always follow the inspirational quote of our founding fathers: “If you don’t have anybody to hold hands with – nobody likes you.” If anybody ever finds us alone, it’s because
a) Nobody likes us.
b) Our fanboys/men are busy capping a sentry point and we let go of their hands by accident.
Should we ever fight again we’ll try to never disappoint you again. We couldn’t stand the thought of gaining respect!
Also thanks to NO for the gvg tonight. Have fun on the reset and good luck in the future!
Pug zerg, pug blob, pug megablob (Abbadons)
Organised guild, organised guild hand holding, organised blob.
Is this supposed to explain something? If that’s the case, it might need some refining…
However, you don’t seem to understand that different numbers cause different playstyles. What fab said is true, there is no point in roaming the map with your guild, if you’re constantly outnumbered. Yes I know, “we never have more than 0.0001 members online at a time and we’re constantly fighting your super mega hyper blobs 1 vs 100000, obviously winning all the time because we’re so much better than you!!!!1111111elven”. Even if this was true, the last thing you can do is blame us for playing the game the way it’s intended and works for us.
If you want equal sized guild-only fights, how about some GvGs?
Careful Sogradde your starting to sound almost like Abbadons…
“there is no point in roaming the map with your guild, if you’re constantly outnumbered.” Lol that brings the better fights when they not all on the same spot lagging you to death… so you have to all play the german game (besides millers) and farm them with siege… That’s boring but it seems a lot of people enjoy this kind of playstyle, which makes little sense to me especially this low down the tiers.
Ask Army, bots/dc, Mya what we were doing Monday when we only had 15 guys… we were out fighting them over and over, won some fights lost a few because of numbers indifference. The numbers gap was a unfortunate for both parties a bit too big but they were the best fights to be had, why run away from that. If you outnumber your opposition = boring fights, little challenge. Hence why when we fought you last week and run big numbers we split our raid into two… then was facing multiple guilds at once but QQ some more…
you do realise how kitten the gameplay would be if TUP encouraged blobbing and hand held? and if Mya Did exact the same thing on the same borderland? it would be a laggy auto attack spam fest. lol if you find that fun… Maybe gunners get Abbadons next and see what I mean :P
SOE from Gunnars ! N1 fight against you finally we found a guild to fight alone
i think we even were same numbers aswell
Props to FURY aswell completly alone today! Cheers! we couldnt match your numbers but still fun challenging fights! Keep running solo
Sry that the portal bomb gone wrong..we saw it too late ! sry for that!
Yeah, thanks for the fight it was a lot of fun. We would have come back for another go but FURY beat us to it. Next time maybe.
Also, don’t worry about the portal bomb we were just messing around
Thank kitten this bullkitten matchup is drawing to a close. Good riddance, Miller’s, you’re awful and remind me of the gigantic FSP zergs – no fun at whatsoever. I hope we never see you again.
Horrible. matchup, just horrible. Arenanet need a kick in the bum for that.
Those people running a 30 man zerg at our borders at 07.00 in the morning and when you flip a sentry after 1 minute you see a gigantic zerg running to check what is happening. Pathetic.
Good luck in the future hope we won’t ever get paired with a server with that mentality.
Careful Sogradde your starting to sound almost like Abbadons…
I wonder if I should care at all? But it doesn’t bother me the slightest.
Also the fact that forum warriors don’t tend to represent the opinion of an entire server makes it bearable.
“there is no point in roaming the map with your guild, if you’re constantly outnumbered.” Lol that brings the better fights when they not all on the same spot lagging you to death… so you have to all play the german game (besides millers) and farm them with siege… That’s boring but it seems a lot of people enjoy this kind of playstyle, which makes little sense to me especially this low down the tiers.
So what? That’s ArenaNets fault, not ours.
“blobbing” or whatever you want to call it is intended and encouraged, that’s why there are Commander Tags, that’s why there are Orange Swords on the map. It really doesn’t matter at all, what you find well playable or comfortable or even honorable and to be honest, it doesn’t bother me either.
The “Pros” will roam in small groups (and be outnumbered by you guys, don’t deny it, I’ve seen it often enough) and the “Casuals” will follow the blue Tag, that’s the way it has always been and that’s absolutely fine, there is nothing to cry and whine about that like a little child.
Ask Army, bots/dc, Mya what we were doing Monday when we only had 15 guys… we were out fighting them over and over, won some fights lost a few because of numbers indifference. The numbers gap was a unfortunate for both parties a bit too big but they were the best fights to be had, why run away from that. If you outnumber your opposition = boring fights, little challenge. Hence why when we fought you last week and run big numbers we split our raid into two… then was facing multiple guilds at once but QQ some more…
you do realise how kitten the gameplay would be if TUP encouraged blobbing and hand held? and if Mya Did exact the same thing on the same borderland? it would be a laggy auto attack spam fest. lol if you find that fun… Maybe gunners get Abbadons next and see what I mean :P
“We only had [Insert low number of Players here] and did [Insert something that sounds totally heroic here] all day long!”.
I heard this often enough and I don’t care. Really, I mean it, don’t even write it down, I’m not gonna read it anyway.
You can split your zerg, you can paint it pink and for all i care you could dance in Stonemist forever but kittenmit, shut up about the way we play. Just take your crying and whining and all your Pro gamer attitude and keep it to your elitist circlejerk because you are not going to achieve anything!
I’m afraid though, you will not understand this and your next post will be full of whining, crying and heroic stories of your epic 1v100 fights again so yeah, don’t expect any answers.
Thanks to [Wipe] for the fun fights on gh bl tonight. Ran into a few other guild groups from ms but cant remember the tags.
Yes, thanks back to you. Was great fighting and I think more or less equal in win/loss numbers. Was the first we had a guild zerg (more than 5 ppl counts as zerg for us hehe.)
Hope to fight you again !
Fipz [Wipe]
angry post
Your way of playing just happens to be absolutely boring, and lags the servers to hell…hence the complaints.
Your way of posting is like a broken old record.
Always the same line.
angry post
Your way of playing just happens to be absolutely boring, and lags the servers to hell…hence the complaints.
… So you’re saying that an unorganized militia should still try to match exactly the numbers of an organized guild group (and be slaughtered)?
Deal with it – it may be boring to be on the other side, but if it’s effective and within the game mechanics, then it’s valid. Lag isn’t out fault, that’s for Arenanet to resolve – either by imposing stricter map limits, or upgrading their codebase.
angry post
Your way of playing just happens to be absolutely boring, and lags the servers to hell…hence the complaints.
I think you must be referring to Millers right?
Sometimes GH manages to get enough people to help defend or attack an objective, but we do not run round in a WXP train. You’re trying to judge Gunners in a week where our BL has been hit by both AG and MS in huge numbers, when we’ve had to ‘work together (or as your derogatory term defines it- hand holding)’ to keep our bl from being overrun.
Gunners is one of the most open fighting servers out there, roaming is the heart of the server since the start. Unlike TUP our guilds view their fellow server mates as equals and work with them.
Sadly this attitude of yours reminds me of CIR, RG etc who seem to think the internets should bow down and worship them. Likelyhood is you’ll also become too awesome for the game and will have to quit and make sure everyone else knows about it.
GL in your next match up because it seems you will never be happy as other servers will not match that pedestal that you are holding yourselves so high upon.
Off to hold some hands and blob about a bit ><
Can everyone stop bickering with no end, please?
Each one has it’s own ideas, we have different definition of fun, and they’re all good for ourselves but not that good for others. Each matchup we can talk about it, but when the other side doesn’t want to read/understand/try (and you can see the attitude after a couple of posts) then it’s time to stop the talk and start the ignore. And i’m talking to both sides.
C’mon kiddos^^ go to play your game, i don’t have enough love to spread for everyone. <3
@Mya… Confess that you hate me!! Ç_____Ç i wanted to fight you soooo baaaaad!!! Meeeeeeh! T_T
I don’t understand why people are complaining about miller’s. Have they changed this week or something, because they’re pretty much the most enjoyable server to fight. A lot of medium sized guilds (10-15+) and also something to offer the larger guilds. If you don’t want them, can we have them back please?
@Maeeve, since when does TUP allow non forum warriors on here? We can’t have TUPs promoting peace on the forums, you’ll ruin their reputation
@Multivira you can have them and not only that, you can have them each week
@Multivira you can have them and not only that, you can have them each week
Sure! We had MS for 2/3 weeks, I enjoyed it.
You may have RoF from us then =) Enjoy!
@Maeeve, since when does TUP allow non forum warriors on here? We can’t have TUPs promoting peace on the forums, you’ll ruin their reputation
Meevee is simply different… but don’t worry she will step over to the dark side soon enough.
Thanks to [Wipe] for the fun fights on gh bl tonight. Ran into a few other guild groups from ms but cant remember the tags.
Yes, thanks back to you. Was great fighting and I think more or less equal in win/loss numbers
. Was the first we had a guild zerg (more than 5 ppl counts as zerg for us hehe.)
Hope to fight you again !
Fipz [Wipe]
Yep we had some really fun even scraps. Hope to fight you guys again
(edited by Rhymelark.4396)
I don’t understand why people are complaining about miller’s. Have they changed this week or something, because they’re pretty much the most enjoyable server to fight. A lot of medium sized guilds (10-15+) and also something to offer the larger guilds. If you don’t want them, can we have them back please?
They have changed. On prime time it’s the same old MS, but outside those 4-5 hours they have become a copy of AM and RS with wxp train jumping from one bl to the next.
What hallonknopp said it’s true. Yesterday morning they had more than 50 people.
This morning they had 30 at 07.00 a.m running with golems (like they need them).
You attack a tower with 10 people and then they run inside the tower ( like they have to) and build acs.
According to Myrmidone’s Post in the Vizu/Desolation/Riverside matchup, RS has kinda lost players and these players have gone to other DE servers, MS is one of them. So, they got some better coverag during off hours.
They do field many guilds during primetime, though.
lolol who let the GH trolls out…
Taking everything I say the wrong way… but it’s cool whatever floats your boat to fit your agenda
Like Genotix Mentioned about old piken only server he mentioned “these guys are really good” because of their spreading gameplay playing for fights (they were the server everyone loved to fight)… Every server and I mean every server is slowly drifting towards the high tier gameplay (that the lower tiers use to avoid) its all about WXP whoring, it can’t be about pvp and it can’t be about money as you earn more in pve. Multiple commanders on a map, instead of just one which everyone follows in zombie mode.
As for elitest pro attitude or whatever hahaha… yes more to fit your agenda, you have no idea about me or definately not my guild. We work with our server mates too… just not to the extent that it ruins everyone’s fun and becomes farcial. We leave solo’rs alone and smaller groups where it can be helped… thats very elitest lol, and as for our friendlies we have good relations with them, co-ordinating and blobbing are two different things. We dont tell people to kitten off and leave zone we want your spot… that’s not how we roll but please continue.
So playing in a lag free enviroment where you use player skills against greater numbers is dull, artifical and generally depressingly sad warping of the concept of “world vs wolrd”… Give me 80-100 guys all in same comms channel and alot of arrow carts, enlighten me on the fun and challenge that brings daily where your chance of meeting equal or greater number are extremely high.
You know that kind of behaviour provokes, and then you get counter blobbed… and everyone’s gameplay frame rate is generally worse off because server’s cannot handle that style of play (yet) so its pretty abusive to do it by all sides. You know If miller’s really wanted too they could of blobbed you into next centuary like they can via Abbadons… but that would ruin your fun and theirs. (Im on about primetime with their guild raids not off peak when they have the best coverage and not on about EB either as that is blob central) They are trying to run like old piken.
“The entry is broken down into an analysis of the feature’s current state as well as ANet’s immediate and long-term goals. Among the latter are plans to address the zerg, player roles, and matchups and matchup scoring.” So Anet know there’s a issue with megablobs, but apparently some gamers do not mmhmm thats interesting to read. Matchups and matchup scoring as been changed, look forward to what they do to zerg playstyle/player roles but most changes they make always favour the zerg that can now instant build siege and repair…
Thnx SOE & PRXM for the fights so far in the matchup, I like your guys movement alot with the inter changing.
So many pver’s in WvW… riverside get competition with similar numbers at off peak times for once and they abandon ship to lower tiers so they can do exact same thing they been doing to other servers previously… someone should let them know Farming cof makes more gold than empty towers… and whats the point in WXP if your not even going to have any kind of competition and its only slight bonus’s at that.
Ahh, that would explain the complaints then, thanks. I can imagine the non prime-time people not being pleased with that type of fighting. Still good for us I suppose, so I’ll still take em, might mean much shorter queues too
Well it’s good for lvling a new char :P
Wamgor, Millers is not the same server we faced 3 weeks ago believe me.
This bs that is happening at offpeak hours is ridiculous. I have seen Riverside at their best when they beat piken by something 100k and what we are facing this week cannot be compared.
We are talking about more than 30 people at 07.00 running around with 4-5 golems.
Two hours later those 30 people become 60 and the golems more than 10.
What is more than funny is that when we get the chance to attack the tower, they are not walking over us but they run inside the tower and they build acs.
I have never seen a server spawn camp 5 people with more than 50.
That is why i talked about lack of respect from their side.
I just love how some people think their own server is just sooo much fun to play against.
So deliciously pretentious.
Yes, thanks back to you. Was great fighting and I think more or less equal in win/loss numbers
. Was the first we had a guild zerg (more than 5 ppl counts as zerg for us hehe.)
Hope to fight you again !
Fipz [Wipe]
Was fun fighting Wipe and yeah we came out at the end of the night on about equal terms. I can’t remember if it was you guys that set up an AC just outside the west gate of the north supply camp but that gave us some giggles
Also thanks to Buka (sorry if i mis spelled that) you gave us some nice fights as well as did some of the small to mid sized AG groups that were on the map
I’m back, my internet back, kitten thunderstorm, anyways just to add to the discussion, yes miller got a 300 man guild that was the Morning that was the morning cap team for RS that moved to miller. This will explain their coverage, in the future miller will go and up but in primetime i think they are still one of the best server around.
Tup is working with Ag the fact that we are not handholding doesn’t mean is not working with us Ag.
Gunner, i had fun this week i hope for next week you get a more fair fight, we been in your position for the last 4 months, i know how you feel, keep you’’re fighting spirit. You will start to learn that points means nothing and is all about fight, fair and outnammerd trying to do the best and having fun.
Shotout to QQ, MYA, Bots, Pony, Fury, Soe, Core and probably some other guild that i missed.
Best advise i can give you, don’t try to flame the enemy on the forum, try to understand them, make friends, i did and i knew about the morning capping team on miller the momemt they transfer, plus if you make friends you can ask them for fair fights all the time = more competition = more fun.
I don’t understand why people are complaining about miller’s. Have they changed this week or something, because they’re pretty much the most enjoyable server to fight. A lot of medium sized guilds (10-15+) and also something to offer the larger guilds. If you don’t want them, can we have them back please?
@Maeeve, since when does TUP allow non forum warriors on here? We can’t have TUPs promoting peace on the forums, you’ll ruin their reputation
Maeeve’s on my side of the fence, and probably finds it equally as embarrassing lately seeing people who play well and without a fret in the world on our team getting dragged into petty forum squabbles.
I wish everyone could hold the philosophy that these boards could be a place to talk about the fun you’ve had, not complain about people playing differently to how you want them to.
If we got everyone here and put them at a pub table together… They would probably have a great time and make a lot of friends.
After months of getting blobbed on Kodash i really loved the first week after server transfer. Its months ago since i had so much fun. still some zergs around on all 3 servers as far i could see, but the difference to the “higher” brackets is so huge.
so many small scale fights and duels and so little zerging
thank you all for the nice fights.
(edited by Aanthanur.5978)
so you moved from blobed server to blobbing server
compared to higher brackets, there is no blobbing here.
Bad choice mate. All transfers will result in getting Miller’s Sound up the ratings and finally back to servers with more coverage = blobbing. Many more from RS joined MS too, so yeah… good luck.
angry post
Your way of playing just happens to be absolutely boring, and lags the servers to hell…hence the complaints.
… So you’re saying that an unorganized militia should still try to match exactly the numbers of an organized guild group (and be slaughtered)?
Deal with it – it may be boring to be on the other side, but if it’s effective and within the game mechanics, then it’s valid. Lag isn’t out fault, that’s for Arenanet to resolve – either by imposing stricter map limits, or upgrading their codebase.
I would expect you to bring more people than organised guild. I would expect you to bring a lot more. And we would be there fighting.
But it gets silly when only answer to everything is full zone nuke (guilds and randoms alike), and i do blame the lag in those scenarios on you, not anet.
Also, if people really cared about points they would be capping/defending/scouting points, escorting dollies etc. not blobbing. That´s just a poor excuse, people who blob only care about capping stuff, not points.
Your way of posting is like a broken old record.
Always the same line.
It is and will be untill i´m satisfied…so no change in foreseeable future.
Safe to say BOOM was the true winner this match-up
pic for proof
We now merged into DAWN, see ya
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