05/07 Baruch Bay/Kodash/Jade Sea

05/07 Baruch Bay/Kodash/Jade Sea

in Match-ups

Posted by: Encore.4395


Good luck this week! Let’s have some good fights.

Second Law is open for GvGs.

[Scnd] Second Law

05/07 Baruch Bay/Kodash/Jade Sea

in Match-ups

Posted by: Yrvald.8971


Good luck everybody and have fun

(we’re open too )

Camberra – Guardian
[BSF] Bourrins sans Frontières
Jade Sea

05/07 Baruch Bay/Kodash/Jade Sea

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lysathos.3487


Grr why no Q Encore?
Hard to find the Thread without the Q
Guys from BB and Jade we re so sry but this week we have a Concert in Kodash LA Townhall…
Open Air Festival with Jack & Friends!!!

I Like Quaggan Brew

Greets Lys

05/07 Baruch Bay/Kodash/Jade Sea

in Match-ups

Posted by: Abrilete.1439


Grr why no Q Encore?
Hard to find the Thread without the Q
Guys from BB and Jade we re so sry but this week we have a Concert in Kodash LA Townhall…
Open Air Festival with Jack & Friends!!!

I Like Quaggan Brew

Greets Lys

Great FoS video, as always.

Baruch Bay, Ranger.

05/07 Baruch Bay/Kodash/Jade Sea

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


I’ve only seen the first minute of the video and…

I’m a faaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnn! although… Where can I find some Quaggan brew?

I’d want to nominate this video for the most enterni… entraini… entertairning (well, hips… whatever the word is… hips) wvw video of the year!

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

(edited by Dadnir.5038)

05/07 Baruch Bay/Kodash/Jade Sea

in Match-ups

Posted by: Coarr.3286


good luck to our french and spain friends. lets have sone great fights. special thx to [VP] for the nice fights around the ruins!

cya on the battlefield

[care] Coarr Ix – Ranger
Stomp some Piken!

05/07 Baruch Bay/Kodash/Jade Sea

in Match-ups

Posted by: alesgar.4651


Gl & hf!

@Lysathos: Amazing video, as always since GW1

Impures [imp] ~ Baruch Bay

05/07 Baruch Bay/Kodash/Jade Sea

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wididyth.3847


Hi everyone !

I just want to let you know that I am eager to take part of the battles we will make ! I hope the match-up will be hard for everyone and the score will remain tight.
Gl & Hf, Kodash and Baruch Bay !

Last night we had a huuuuge confrontation on the Baruch map, where we (JS) tried for one hour to catch the garrison, and finally did it ! (“we did it !”, in this kind of case I am proud of my nickname which you can prononciate this way :p )

Thanks to our opponents, I don’t remember if it was only Baruch who tried to prevent us from taking the stronghold or if Kodash tried to catch it as well. It was such a mess, I couldn’t pay attention to who I struck :o)

An amazing moment !

Dexterité [DEX] : : : Guardian / Ranger / Mesmer / Engi / War lv80.
“I found myself noob until I met someone who moves his character with his mice.”

05/07 Baruch Bay/Kodash/Jade Sea

in Match-ups

Posted by: K Kaine.4678

K Kaine.4678

Great Matchup so far!
Thanks to JS & BB for the nice encounters!
I didn’t expect it to be so close still. Hopefully we can keep up the pace and make it an interesting week.

K Kaine – Kodash – [sly]
Looking for fun in WvW and PvE? We’re recruiting!

05/07 Baruch Bay/Kodash/Jade Sea

in Match-ups

Posted by: Moon.6371


Hey guys,

it`s a pleasure fighting you guys again, great matchup! Thanks for the action, keep it going.

Good luck & have fun!

[Buka] Koma Grey
[Buka] Mojo Monkey Man

05/07 Baruch Bay/Kodash/Jade Sea

in Match-ups

Posted by: Abrilete.1439


What a cheater was playing a few minutes ago in Jade Sea Borderland.
Somehowm he was underwater UNDER bluerbriar.
He was using underwater skills, launching things like missiles and nets.

Oh, and he was from Jade Sea, because even if nobody could see him, I got hit and saw the source of the damage (see attached screencap).

Sadly, it’s very difficult to report an invisible man attacking underwater.


Baruch Bay, Ranger.

(edited by Abrilete.1439)

05/07 Baruch Bay/Kodash/Jade Sea

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dominik.5162


Nice matchup so far
We had fun fighting JS and BB on BB Border.
Thanks for the really great fights tonight, surprisingly we had no laggs
You JS guys really like the suppliecamp at your spawn, don’t you?
Very epic fights, really epic!

Special thanks to the guild [DEX], you guys gave us the best fights of the day!!!
Keep going!

Greeting from Eyes Of Wars [EoW]

Team Aggression [TA]
Immortal Kingdom [KING]

05/07 Baruch Bay/Kodash/Jade Sea

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wididyth.3847


You JS guys really like the suppliecamp at your spawn, don’t you?

That’s true, we usually keep an eye on it (-;

I definitely love this match up.

There is something different when we fight against you, Baruch and Kodash guys, from fighting SFR, Elona or Vizunah.
I cannot say exactly why it is different, but it’s really nice. Right now the difference between the first and the last server is below 3500 points. I am sure this play a part in our determination and it make the battles so fierce :p

Baruch Bay, we love your Garrison O:

Dexterité [DEX] : : : Guardian / Ranger / Mesmer / Engi / War lv80.
“I found myself noob until I met someone who moves his character with his mice.”

05/07 Baruch Bay/Kodash/Jade Sea

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dominik.5162


Hope to fight the guild [DEX] more often this week

Team Aggression [TA]
Immortal Kingdom [KING]

05/07 Baruch Bay/Kodash/Jade Sea

in Match-ups

Posted by: KazualGamer.1294


Hi people on Barush Bay (both German and Spanish) it was a fun day that we had. A lot of fights of good quality, lot of cap. It was good. Leaded between 1pm and 5 pm, made more than 1k kills and 6 XPM Lvl. Thanks all !

Special Kisses to CS and EOW for tonight’s fights who were kinda interesting players. We played on closed raid of 35 DEX players and encounter nice Blob or other Raid from both servs. Good fight and hope to see you tomorow.

[CoN]Circle of Nine – Warrior (Retired)
[iNk] Insidious Blink – Warrior (Retired)
[NB] Net Brutality – Warrior (Apply)

05/07 Baruch Bay/Kodash/Jade Sea

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bambula.3649


to the spain thief in eternal jp from GdA..your class can do more than 2-2-2 and daggerstorm

but was a rly funny das, nice jade zerg on kodasch boarder this evenig, wp guys !

was funny in the north sup camp

Orga for [WUMS]

(edited by Bambula.3649)

05/07 Baruch Bay/Kodash/Jade Sea

in Match-ups

Posted by: WastedPenguinz.7289


Some good fights yesterday on JS border.
Still hoping to meet dex running without commander tag (you guys seem to have some bolls but last fight u waited for zone to come).

[Scnd] ‘13 ~ Smoking Weed, Scnd Rocks 4 ever.
[BuLL] ’13-’14 ~ Forever in my mind, only you.

05/07 Baruch Bay/Kodash/Jade Sea

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jomg.9061


Hi everyone, nice fight yersterday on BB indeed !

We’ll be there again tonight, hopefully we’ll have a 2nd commander to take the pu.

See you then.

Pervx [DEX]

05/07 Baruch Bay/Kodash/Jade Sea

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dominik.5162


Really nice fights tonight on Baruch Bay Border (BBB ;P) with [RED], [VITA] and [DS]!
Was very much fun to fight you!

See you later^^

Eyes Of Wars [EoW]

Team Aggression [TA]
Immortal Kingdom [KING]

05/07 Baruch Bay/Kodash/Jade Sea

in Match-ups

Posted by: Haltair.3062


At this very moment Baruch is the second server in the millenium ranking just after Vizuna.
Thanks for the fights mates.


Haltair, one of the Twelve Shadows

Haltair, One of the Twelve Shadows
Baruch Bay´s Thieves Brotherhood, Order of Shadows
Orden de Sombras [OdS]

05/07 Baruch Bay/Kodash/Jade Sea

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wompage.4586


Footage from the Scnd vs DEX GvG last night
Blocked in Germany as usual

Soulorai – http://www.youtube.com/soulorai

05/07 Baruch Bay/Kodash/Jade Sea

in Match-ups

Posted by: kursk.4890


Scnd too hard.
Second Law have stream?

05/07 Baruch Bay/Kodash/Jade Sea

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wompage.4586


Scnd too hard.
Second Law have stream?


Soulorai – http://www.youtube.com/soulorai

05/07 Baruch Bay/Kodash/Jade Sea

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jomg.9061


Footage from the Scnd vs DEX GvG last night
Blocked in Germany as usual

You kitten d us hard. Not sure if it’s worth seeing

Pervx [DEX]

05/07 Baruch Bay/Kodash/Jade Sea

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dominik.5162


Footage from the Scnd vs DEX GvG last night
Blocked in Germany as usual

Haha blocked, it’s just easy to evade this block.
Btw, nice fights

Team Aggression [TA]
Immortal Kingdom [KING]

05/07 Baruch Bay/Kodash/Jade Sea

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dominik.5162


Thanks for the fights tonights on Baruch border.
Was really much fun and there were many fights

Team Aggression [TA]
Immortal Kingdom [KING]

05/07 Baruch Bay/Kodash/Jade Sea

in Match-ups

Posted by: Wompage.4586


Cheeky bit of footage from Kodash borderland last night courtesy of Second Law

Soulorai – http://www.youtube.com/soulorai

05/07 Baruch Bay/Kodash/Jade Sea

in Match-ups

Posted by: Hora.1857


zerging, how boring…

Kodasch DE

05/07 Baruch Bay/Kodash/Jade Sea

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Cheeky bit of footage from Kodash borderland last night courtesy of Second Law

Really impressive! You really did a great job here, it’s almost frightening to see how tough you guys are. And Kodash played really well to, keeping there tower.

Just : Bravo.

It’s the end of our match-up. Gratz all and see ya!

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.