(edited by Jayne.9251)
05/07: Seafarer's | Elona | Piken
Gz Piken i have say, the next match up is vs. sfr and elona. Pls dont QQ for Blobing <3.
I say Piken dont blobing!
I think this bonus week for RG.
Goodluck folks, hope we all have an enjoyable week.
Executed [EXE]
Piken Square
well it’s a good reset
gl everyone !
Blobs QQ
I started to hate CoN…
RuNL open for GvG like always. /w me here or in game.
Excited for facing for the first time Piken
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”
Noticed the difference instantly, completely different class of players/zergs than what Piken faced earlier with Drakkar/Ranik, lol. But it was nice, seemed mostly even, at least on Elona border. It’ll come down to coverage.
WOW ECL I lost any respect I got for your guild, blob more this week. Luckily we got no raids this week! Come with 60 people vs 22, be proud of it!
GL Piken!
Massive difference from last week. Best reset I’ve attended for a while in SFR BL.
You must have miscounted. It’s SFR! They consist of small scale roaming groups only. With a maximum of 5 players/group. That you came across 60 of them is either a) really bad counting on your part, or b) pure coincidence, that all twelve of those groups just happened to cross their ways at that moment.
Either way… it’s not your fault. Those moments and plenty of the exact same countingmistakes happened during our last match-up against SFR. You’ll learn to count more accurately during the week.
Greetings from Elona
u seriously think we are gonna defend our keeps with 15 guys against your 100 blob?
maybe if u would stop doing what you are doing atm u would actually see smaller scale fights :P
(edited by Covis.6037)
Was fun fighting you in EB tonight for last night RG will ever roll. You wont have to worry about being slaughtered tomorrow along with any other server. You can rest easy!
Love you.
if carlsberg played Guardian.
Yh Yh:)
ce ya sacrx been amazing seen your videos stuffs sad your leaving hoped to fight you guys GvG’s gonna pressure rida everyday from now on to get you to fight us just one time:)
just kidding of course:)
Haha, loved it that you guys took over our TS haha
Was fun evening with much lags, hope tomorrow it will be less :p
Only the wipes by RG were not so fun, but I’ll take that as an honor
Long queues at EB because many guys wanted to take a last glimpse at RG, but was worth the waiting.
I hope rest of the week will also fun and I wish everybody a merry lootfest! (especially SFR then)
Circle of Nine [CoN]
Blobs blobs blos
INC&Garaz Runkaraki
Ele from Piken Square
You must have miscounted. It’s SFR! They consist of small scale roaming groups only. With a maximum of 5 players/group.
It was really two necros, their pets, and a mesmer right?
Hahahahaha RunL say dont Blob pls. Your Pug´s with the RunL take goes to pug commander with Blobzerg.
No Comment Piken Square.
Go go Piken dont blobing. I say vs. Drakker 70 Man Blob on Drakker Map. Nice Joke.
Blob more pls.
Elona never cease to amaze me. I didn’t know that a server had still that much people using alt F4.
It’s really pitfull to see people losing like 5 times in a row even in 2vs1 and then manage to kill you while they were going to lose (the same who died 5 times) because of an other guy from their server coming into the duel and then still manage to /laugh xD
You won a perma contest of Valley for this week while i’ll play ^^
edit : LoL, alt+F4 again, 6 times in 45min, from 4 differents players.
Dolcebanana [Opt] Solo roaming D/F Elementalist twink lvl 60 on Augury Rock
(edited by Truebanana.5936)
Hahahahaha RunL say dont Blob pls. Your Pug´s with the RunL take goes to pug commander with Blobzerg.
No Comment Piken Square.
Go go Piken dont blobing. I say vs. Drakker 70 Man Blob on Drakker Map. Nice Joke.
Blob more pls.
Of course after fifth wiping with 20-25 ppl versus 40+ we decided to turn on mark and summon pugs =/
But it is unusual for us. And we hope that the cause of blobbing is reset.
See you in the field and, hopefully, without truck of pugs =)
RuNL, [CoN] was running untagged without pugs, we had exactly 32 guys (+2 pugs) I think during our prime force vs you. We noticed we had an edge on numbers so therefore the fights must’ve been hard for you but I wouldn’t call it a blob.
However, I would be happy to set up a GvG with you folks
Kind regards,
Ridafyt and [CoN]
(Server admin SFR till 15-10-13, currently on Augury)
Bombing zergs since day 1
Good to see RG in action again, just a shame by the time I managed to load up GW2 EB was pug central with no organisation.
Was fun watching individuals running after you 3-4 at a time and then you guys turning and wiping them- some people never learn. I blame it being the weekend warriors…
Had a decent fight near a flag and got a few of you downed but then instead of pressing the pugs fell back and that was the end for me.
Love and kisses from Necrotic Victory, mainly EB pug (as I can’t use TS 99% of the time due to RL).
RuNL, [CoN] was running untagged without pugs, we had exactly 32 guys (+2 pugs) I think during our prime force vs you. We noticed we had an edge on numbers so therefore the fights must’ve been hard for you but I wouldn’t call it a blob.
However, I would be happy to set up a GvG with you folks
Kind regards,
Ridafyt and [CoN]
2 pugs? U forget about 5-7 ppl from Rise+iddQd. And + about 4-6 ppl with another tags.
Perhaps among the crowd of players you simply didnt notice them? =)
In any case it doesn’t matter. What about GvG at Wednesday?
Come on Ladies and Gents,
We play the T1-Match this week!!! As we don’t have any running French in the match, we have at least to blob reputable to keep the niveau.
Anything below 80+ is a style-violation for T1, and gets a score penalty.
So don’t get be catch in small-scale roaming blobs and guild-mini-blobs.
You will be disqualified for further T1-play, if you take a supply-camp below 60.
That was a pretty crazy reset with us in SFR rushing for Stonemist, getting wiped and then Piken and Elona starting to carve up our third of the map.
Had never played against them before, but after pretty much the second encounter I was scared (%*£less of RG, those guys know how to lay waste to everything in front of them.
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj
WOW ECL I lost any respect I got for your guild, blob more this week. Luckily we got no raids this week! Come with 60 people vs 22, be proud of it!
GL Piken!
Oops, Piken and SFR, I’d really love to be in this matchup!
I find it annoying how we had a clear lead in potential points for about 6 hours straight after reset, then we went to sleep and now check the scores lol, somewhat demotivating.
Oops, Piken and SFR, I’d really love to be in this matchup!
Imho AR- BB- PS was the best gvg match up . Sfr is a blob server
INC&Garaz Runkaraki
Ele from Piken Square
You play point? No wonder you cap empty tower when others fight.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
I find it annoying how we had a clear lead in potential points for about 6 hours straight after reset, then we went to sleep and now check the scores lol, somewhat demotivating.
In the morning Piken did not looked that bad, but hey you should not sleep till 14:00 CEST if you want points.
Oops, Piken and SFR, I’d really love to be in this matchup!
Imho AR- BB- PS was the best gvg match up . Sfr is a blob server
I agree with that! Even if the opponents where always the same the machup was balanced and finished with almost the same amount of points. Every guilds knew each others and gvg were great. I had more fun then.
I find it annoying how we had a clear lead in potential points for about 6 hours straight after reset, then we went to sleep and now check the scores lol, somewhat demotivating.
In the morning Piken did not looked that bad, but hey you should not sleep till 14:00 CEST
if you want points.
Piken rarely wakes up before 19:00.
Old age and booze you know.
Wait…did Piken just whine about people from other servers being online…ON A WEEKEND?
This should be an interesting week :>
WOW ECL I lost any respect I got for your guild, blob more this week. Luckily we got no raids this week! Come with 60 people vs 22, be proud of it!
GL Piken!muhaha
Isnt Devitz words true? Mark on and let’s go ftw
Golden Horde [GH]
Like to thank SF for the fights around your green keep in the water on EB. It’s always interesting to see how underwater fights go. Had some nice 1v1 and 2v1 … but then you sent out five to kill me
I guess it was a nice compliment.
I always have the music from Jaws going through my head when I’m on my mesmer in water.
(edited by Jayne.9251)
You can fight under water?
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
Yep my favourite place to play actually Get most of my kills that way.
Unfortunately I got a bit greedy with the last one and followed him up to spike him at green keep gates as he ran to protection … lol, NPCs agroed then five jumped in after me. Still, was tons of fun, so thank you!
(edited by Jayne.9251)
Oops, Piken and SFR, I’d really love to be in this matchup!
Imho AR- BB- PS was the best gvg match up . Sfr is a blob server
I would actually like to thank SFR for the glorious fights we had on there borderland on reset, no blobs at all from SFR themselves, had some awesome fights with BooM and Opt, also thanks for Elona for the loot bags, you made me kitten myself at times but in all was a very enjoyable reset.
Sadly you can’t have a 1v1 fight neither with Piken nor with SF, cause there will always be some other that disturb the fight….so don’t complain why some elonas don’t want to walk around all alone.
And btw beeing bad at 1vs1 doesn’t mean we hide in our zerg ’cause were totally unskilled. Rather some people are skilled FOR zerg
Oh you guys are making me want to come back over and over now .. lol.
So. Much. Fun! Each time there are more that jump in.
Haha, kinda wish it wasn’t just me by myself vs this:
btw how do you pronounce piken? pie-ken or peek-ken?
Oh you guys are making me want to come back over and over now .. lol.
So. Much. Fun! Each time there are more that jump in.
Haha, kinda wish it wasn’t just me by myself vs this:
Who would have thought that the Seefarers like to fish?
[FeaR] The First Impact – Riverside
Was fun fighting you in EB tonight for last night RG will ever roll. You wont have to worry about being slaughtered tomorrow along with any other server. You can rest easy!
Love you.
Aww, cmon, we can dish out brutal fights even without RG on the scene. Everyone who has bumped into GH raid could probably confirm that. But anyway, The king is dead, lng live the king!
Let’s move on to the new legendary fights.
btw how do you pronounce piken? pie-ken or peek-ken?
Does it matter? I think people use both, lol.
Anyway, yesterday we had some very nice fights with a small all-Charr guild called PPP (SFR). Very skilled players, obviously very optimised group. Much respect to their fighting style. Then today, /laugh after they roll you with 5 players. All that respect lost. Funny how things change quickly.
PPP have ugliest charrs. That one who wear pink is just too ugly.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
btw how do you pronounce piken? pie-ken or peek-ken?
Pee – ken
Best Matchup since months.
Really nice fights again piken and some cool three way fights
Piken couldnt understand all SFR supply camps are ours ^^ Greets from Boom had couple nice fights there :P (thief in redwater camp/heros lodge).
Well hasnt been the best Fun on SFR BL Tonight , but the 2 Boom Guard. choose to do a 1v1 against Bunker Condi Engi next to a cliff has been hilarious. Didnt got the bags back i left by suiciding into you the whole evening but at least those 2 bags gave me a smile on my face.