06/09 UW - BB- Drakkar
This is probably one of the most interesting match-ups this week and no doubt suprises will happen from all sides!
Shoutout to all the guilds of all servers to have some amazing fights this week. For Baruch Bay guilds this will be a refresh to face UW since they have been facing blobs for long time. No doubt BB that UW will give u some nice fights with the guilds it has. I hope on all 3 sides this match-up will be enjoyed as much as I am following it from a distance. So to help out flamey<3
Wouldn’t say a great matchup, as there will be blobs of BB at UW home all day/night long. But nonetheless.. we will have great fights, when it is proper.
Far Shiverpeaks
Hi guys
The Drakkar Lake guild
Legendary Crit [LC] search for GvGs
Contact me ingame!
Wouldn’t say a great matchup, as there will be blobs of BB at UW home all day/night long. But nonetheless.. we will have great fights, when it is proper.
Yes. It is ridiculous that after getting wiped one or two times by us with roughly equal numbers they mobilize their entire Borderlands force for our ~20 men. I mean blobbing would be understandable if they were the attacking zerg, but it’s very clear that after a few defeats they pull together everything they have as a massive defense force blob.
All mass, no class (except for sIN and the others).
I saw this thread too late xd
Anyway, Gl to everyone. I’m willing to have some good fights out there!
Scnd, we miss you <3
Still, nice to have fought you last week. Really challenging and painful :P
This will be the best matchup to farm some heavy loot bags In just one night i almost got one full stack of those. Thank you BB and DL for making that possible
Lets enjoy a good week of nice fights.
Peace & Respect
Some great fights against DNV + pugs in our home on reset. Hope you enjoyed looting us as much as we did you <3
Greek Titans
Gunnars Hold
Wouldn’t say a great matchup, as there will be blobs of BB at UW home all day/night long. But nonetheless.. we will have great fights, when it is proper.
Yes. It is ridiculous that after getting wiped one or two times by us with roughly equal numbers they mobilize their entire Borderlands force for our ~20 men. I mean blobbing would be understandable if they were the attacking zerg, but it’s very clear that after a few defeats they pull together everything they have as a massive defense force blob.
All mass, no class (except for sIN and the others).
I dont understand what you mean. a group of 15 randoms in public ts downed 25 of your guys in a camp. and we took bay with quite a bit less your numbers, with you guys bunkered in the lord with ballistas and arrowcarts…if thats the type of quality you can bring to the field….
blobs happen because we occasionally have that many people online, and we cant tell pugs to stay home and play PvE, or stop following. wish we could.
but not because we need them. certainly not against Drakkar. UW otoh, I have seen real skill there…
anyway, Drakkar complaining about blobs? lol, in primetime you guys are double our numbers, you are the blob and still cant profit from it.
(edited by Konrad Curze.5130)
I’ve notice both BB and DL know how to blob. Maybe UW too, but atleast not when I’m playing.
And about hacking, pls tell us their guilds, or whatever you know about them.
And don’t just attack on sight if someone glitches in, atleast allow him to try walking outside again.
Swords of Underworld – [SWD]
Piken Square
Btw, a video from last matchups. Enjoy!
where are the people to defend uw? i guess its true we can only pvd.
had enough of it, i wont help you anymore this week. gg
Hmm its late our mate. people go to sleep and a high tier servers like bb got nearly 24/7 coverage with lots of Guilds.
Congratulation to all for those Epic Fights in BB Garrison yesterday Evening.
[APE] is looking for a Guild to do a few 15vs15 at the end of the week. Whisper me ingame or write me a PM.
Nimodem / Sempros
if there are guilds interested in a friendly/practice GvG (25v25 or 20v20 etc) against SLAY.
Whisper me or adamski.2378 or send us a mail ingame.
greetings SLAY
Prepare To Die!! Never Stop Fighting!!
our saturday night
[XxX] an International WvW guild LF members! 5/6 evenings raids a week. Looking to improve as a team? You are looking for us, visit oncewerenoobs.shivtr.com for more info
anyway, Drakkar complaining about blobs? lol, in primetime you guys are double our numbers, you are the blob and still cant profit from it.
Well, you seem to play quite an other match then me.
At DL primetime we have quite a strong presence but often are outnumbered 2 to 1 with our blobs by your blobs. Despite this, we manage to get the best results at that time.
When all Eurogermans go to sleep BB makes most of their points, so you may feel superior Konrad, but I dont think it is justified.
When I play, more often than not BB players run when not outnumbering us at least 2 to 1, in small groups even 3 to 1.
More often than not, thanks to our experienced commanders we win the blobfights even when outnumbered until we are crushed by sheer numbers : ).
This is the time maybe 18 – 23 CET. The other times we are outnumbered 10-1 to 20-1 and hunted and destroyed.
Yes, you may feel superior if you think it is justified.
Of course this is only a subjective impression, and I met BB players that didnt run fair matches. Probably many of your players are not regular WvW players because of your comfortable position. Last week we were in your advantage position and many pve players took the chance to join in.
So I am not very impressed of the performance of BB atm, but I cant feel superior when crushed by numbers : ).
All in all at primetime we have great fights with BB and UW. Killed many, died often. Real fun, but I would prefer not to be outnumbered so great at late evening and over night.
Cheers and good hunting
Baruch kinda reminds me of the ‘Extra Large’ meals you can get,
- Extra large zergs
- Extra large coverage
- Extra large guilds
I’d reckon it will be a must the tier you play on.
But so far I am having good fun each night! Let’s hope it continuous this way.
I Joined this game when the trial came out and bought right afterwards,I joined BB w/o realising it was really 90% spanish speakers :P WvW has been fun previous week and this one its more even in prime time i’d say,I wish I didn’t have 5-10 max fps in zerg vs zerg so I could actually enjoy them more but it still works.Got about 1k kills in ~10h wvw.Keep up the good fights yo.
When I play, more often than not BB players run when not outnumbering us at least 2 to 1, in small groups even 3 to 1.
Interesting, the Brotherhood had the same feeling with DL.
Both of us must be wrong or both are finding an unappropiate enemy.
Haltair, one of the Twelve Shadows
Haltair, One of the Twelve Shadows
Baruch Bay´s Thieves Brotherhood, Order of Shadows
Orden de Sombras [OdS]
seems like the usual accusations won’t change :“this server blobs! No! The other server blobs! we’re ALWAYS outnumbered”…. trust me, I’m really fed up with this. Just deal with the fact, that others servers have a different coverage and can bring more people at some times….
And pls, be so kind, to report those players that feel the need to use hacks etc, I know that UW did a lot against that in the past and I’m quite sure, they will do something against it now, given the fact, that you’ll prove the usage of hacks.
I really regret it, that I’m not able to play this week due to exams. Otherwise I would love to do some duels against you Haltair (or some other shadows), had quite fun the last time I met you. Though it’s quite a while, I still remember
To the rest, pls stop complaining and have fun this week!
Interesting, the Brotherhood had the same feeling with DL.
Both of us must be wrong or both are finding an unappropiate enemy.
Guess the second one it is. OdS I often seem to notice smaller roaming groups. So maybe you appear dangerous : ).
As I mentioned earlier I guess that BB with its manpower attracts many not-so-often-wvw-players in the actual setup. Those ppl tend to run more often I guess.
What hacks? 1 complaint,no screen shot’s,no explanation.You haven’t played this week so unless you have first hand experience of hacking you shouldn’t mention it.I’ve never seen a thread with so few hacking accusations about any of the three servers.
As for the blobs ..yup there’s always gonna be a server that can blob when another can’t,just like now DR zerging UW,not DR’s fault we don’t have cover this time of day.
ofc..you could have gone to BB if you wanted to fight they always have cover
(edited by iorlas.6721)
ofc..you could have gone to BB if you wanted to fight they always have cover
Better…Learn french and talk with Vizunah…
Haltair, one of the Twelve Shadows
Haltair, One of the Twelve Shadows
Baruch Bay´s Thieves Brotherhood, Order of Shadows
Orden de Sombras [OdS]
ofc..you could have gone to BB if you wanted to fight they always have cover
yawn We are active on all maps and get stomped by BB on most maps atm. The impliance of cowardice, inferiority etc., even if boxed as a joke in nice words is really, really annoying and boring me.
(Inferiority relates to Konrad Curze, not your post).
Never implied anything..just said if your 50 man zerg wanted to fight they could have gone to BB rather than stomping the 10 us and just pvding.Think UW had a total of 15 in our bl at the time..thats really annoying aswell
Wouldn’t say a great matchup, as there will be blobs of BB at UW home all day/night long. But nonetheless.. we will have great fights, when it is proper.
Yes. It is ridiculous that after getting wiped one or two times by us with roughly equal numbers they mobilize their entire Borderlands force for our ~20 men. I mean blobbing would be understandable if they were the attacking zerg, but it’s very clear that after a few defeats they pull together everything they have as a massive defense force blob.
All mass, no class (except for sIN and the others).I dont understand what you mean. a group of 15 randoms in public ts downed 25 of your guys in a camp. and we took bay with quite a bit less your numbers, with you guys bunkered in the lord with ballistas and arrowcarts…if thats the type of quality you can bring to the field….
blobs happen because we occasionally have that many people online, and we cant tell pugs to stay home and play PvE, or stop following. wish we could.
but not because we need them. certainly not against Drakkar. UW otoh, I have seen real skill there…anyway, Drakkar complaining about blobs? lol, in primetime you guys are double our numbers, you are the blob and still cant profit from it.
rotfl…occasionally have blobs?
while u all are complaining about blob,this is our sunday evening raid
(youtube are still rendering it)
Great fun tonight in BB borderland!
BB pushed back after a lot of fighting since they kept coming
Bay has been open for a while, after some skirmishes and a crapload of lootbags this is what we were able to see from the walls
One of the many attempts to enter inner
The inevitable outcome
Good job SLAY for leading the raid, Botinhas in particular. I saw a bunch of guys from known guilds and a return(?). gg
RoS [VM]
Great fun tonight in BB borderland!
BB pushed back after a lot of fighting since they kept coming
http://i.imgur.com/sm0Ol7D.jpgBay has been open for a while, after some skirmishes and a crapload of lootbags this is what we were able to see from the walls
http://i.imgur.com/2qacthJ.jpgOne of the many attempts to enter inner
http://i.imgur.com/RL4wTMX.jpgThe inevitable outcome
http://i.imgur.com/k51sCPK.jpgGood job SLAY for leading the raid, Botinhas in particular. I saw a bunch of guys from known guilds and a return(?). gg
Thanks man. It was really fun being there for 3h just farming BB i got almost 1k just in those 3h and lots of loot. Just sad that we dont have enough coverage to get on 2 bdl’s so we end up moving to EB to def and lost bay.
See you guys tmorow for more loot :=
Peace & Respect
Great fun tonight in BB borderland!
BB pushed back after a lot of fighting since they kept coming
http://i.imgur.com/sm0Ol7D.jpgBay has been open for a while, after some skirmishes and a crapload of lootbags this is what we were able to see from the walls
http://i.imgur.com/2qacthJ.jpgOne of the many attempts to enter inner
http://i.imgur.com/RL4wTMX.jpgThe inevitable outcome
http://i.imgur.com/k51sCPK.jpgGood job SLAY for leading the raid, Botinhas in particular. I saw a bunch of guys from known guilds and a return(?). gg
A return?
[FURY] Gunnars Hold
venn is back on uw
Frostfang, Howler, 2x Sunrise, Predator, Kamohoali’ Kotaki
I heard he has a pink char mesmer now
WBC – Gunnar’s Hold
wb swd!
[FURY] Gunnars Hold
apologies elderly for bursting a bubble but SWD isnt back, Venn left and joined SLAY so please dont spread SWD is back if you have already (i dont mean this as a criticism) nonetheless your match up looks awesome i see you fighting for 2nd the same as us hopefully one of us will pull through or not at all, besides hope you guys are having fun and i wish you all the best!
Guardian 150k+ kills/Rank: 2100+ WvW.
Seafarers Rest [EU]. Our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/ForgottenLightGW2
(edited by ljd.4658)
apologies elderly for bursting a bubble but SWD isnt back, Venn left and joined SLAY so please dont spread SWD is back if you have already
nonetheless your match up looks awesome i see you fighting for 2nd the same as us hopefully one of us will pull through or not at all, besides hope you guys are having fun and i wish you all the best!
aaah i see. too bad for swd, and WB venn! i havent spread anything, evilxzephyr, im visiting my GF in London for 12 days which is why im asking here
[FURY] Gunnars Hold
apologies elderly for bursting a bubble but SWD isnt back, Venn left and joined SLAY so please dont spread SWD is back if you have already
nonetheless your match up looks awesome i see you fighting for 2nd the same as us hopefully one of us will pull through or not at all, besides hope you guys are having fun and i wish you all the best!
aaah i see. too bad for swd, and WB venn! i havent spread anything, evilxzephyr, im visiting my GF in London for 12 days which is why im asking here
Have a wonderful visit! and no worries regarding the spreading atleast the others can see this and know whats up.
Guardian 150k+ kills/Rank: 2100+ WvW.
Seafarers Rest [EU]. Our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/ForgottenLightGW2
This match-up in 2 screens:
1# This is what happens when you roam alone or fighting 1v1 1v2
2# Even numbers
I guess DL is experiencing exactly the same.
Really not impressed by BB so far, hope this is not the meta in the first 10 positions.
RoS [VM]
had a nice raid on UW borderland last evening. Kudos to the thief and the two bodies from GuM in Garrison, you really showed persistence. also nice fighting some time later in garrison, i had to run back from spawn 3 times until you capped.
yeah, the screens also express my experiences
had a nice raid on UW borderland last evening. Kudos to the thief and the two bodies from GuM in Garrison, you really showed persistence. also nice fighting some time later in garrison, i had to run back from spawn 3 times until you capped.
yeah, the screens also express my experiences
It is our Garrison and therefor we will be there, were we alive or dead!!!!
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger
From my point of view both servers, UW and DL, lack population, morale and commanders.
Yesterday we took almost whole map of UW from 16:30 to 17:30. We repeated the action in the night in Drakkar and playing no more than 10 in any moment. The ninjas were fast but the defenders did not show fighting spirit, as soon as we broke any wall or door many defenders left with even numbers . My perception was that the morale is low. On the other side I did not find many commanders (usually we assasin them first). And obviously you have a population gap.
I hope you increase these three weaknesses the next time we face each other. Anyway it has been a worth fighting enough, the brotherhood had the opportunity to check new tactics.
Haltair, one of the Twelve Shadows
Haltair, One of the Twelve Shadows
Baruch Bay´s Thieves Brotherhood, Order of Shadows
Orden de Sombras [OdS]
From my point of view both servers, UW and DL, lack population, morale and commanders.
Yesterday we took almost whole map of UW from 16:30 to 17:30. We repeated the action in the night in Drakkar and playing no more than 10 in any moment. The ninjas were fast but the defenders did not show fighting spirit, as soon as we broke any wall or door many defenders left with even numbers . My perception was that the morale is low. On the other side I did not find many commanders (usually we assasin them first). And obviously you have a population gap.
I hope you increase these three weaknesses the next time we face each other. Anyway it has been a worth fighting enough, the brotherhood had the opportunity to check new tactics.Best,
Haltair, one of the Twelve Shadows
From my point of view you know nothing about UW,we have some great commanders,moral is very good seeing we are constantly fighting big BB blobs,even DL can make big blobs during the day.We are basically a PvE server so yes our coverage/population in WvW is fairly low.,nothing we can do about that.Indeed your zerg of 80+ took UW BL’s,again not much our 30 or so could do to stop you,but that never stopped us trying, UW will never give up no matter the odds.Weakness?? we sure wasn’t weak when 11-12 of us continually wiped you 30 in Garrison..then you call in the rest of your zergwe wasn’t weak when 5 of us chased 15 or so BB half way across our BL. If anyone has a weakness it’s BB you can do nothing unless you have a blob.
Well, for a lot of people the lack of population and morale walks hand by hand. If we are facing a server that can outman us most of the time the morale will decrease. For some it decreases more and for some less.
Most of UW WvW guilds don’t bother upgrading keeps and towers this week as it will be lost during night/morning for almost certainly, so it would be a huge gold sink for the said defensive guilds, for my guild for example. Also if we lose keeps and towers we can cap them back for some neat loot.
So I would say this whole week has turned into a farming week for pretty much all of the three servers.
What comes to commanders, I have seen plenty in Underworld borderland in primetime. Something like 20:00 – 01:00 or so. I think we had like 4 commanders running around on sunday evening!
So, the commander problem aint really a problem and if we could fix the lack of players it would fix the morale as well.
But for the actually match up: It has been pretty fun. GuM hasn’t been defending that much this week so we have had some time to practice running as a guild and I think we have done quite well in that now.
PS. Super Adventure Box is back which also drains a lot of players from our usual WvW roster → Lack of Players → Morale Decrease → More lack of players → More decrease in morale, I suppose you get the point :P
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger
From my point of view both servers, UW and DL, lack population, morale and commanders.
Haltair, one of the Twelve Shadows
Is this a joke? No offense but are you for real? Coming here talking about morale, when after we wipe your huge blob 2 times in a row, you dont come back for an open field fight, you run inside tower and build tons of ac’s. Even yesterday, everytime i got near a tower, had 50+ BB running inside and using your 5-6 sAC’s. That’s morale to you? Yesterday after a few fights, i never saw any BB in open field again, just hidding in tower, and going all the way around the map just to avoid us. Yeah, we lack coverage, but i rather be an UW born and lose than be a BB “zombie” (no offense, just the best way to describe your huge blobs at 3am) and win.
Btw, nice defense on SM, what was that? 80 BB + 10 sAC’s + 3sBalli’s?Aggainst 50 UW
Peace & Respect
i think every server has their runners and their fighters. some people from our guild had runins with the shadows, they are good. so it’s unfair to paint everyone with the same brush.
to the point of low morale, this may be, but as i experienced yesterday around 11pm it is somewhat annoying to try to cap camps with a partner on our own homelands and getting ransacked everytime by a 30+ baruchzerg, knowing that there are 50 more pounding on the door of a tower.
so yeah, morale may not be at an alltime high, but whoes would at these circumstances.
Well, for a lot of people the lack of population and morale walks hand by hand. If we are facing a server that can outman us most of the time the morale will decrease. For some it decreases more and for some less.
Most of UW WvW guilds don’t bother upgrading keeps and towers this week as it will be lost during night/morning for almost certainly, so it would be a huge gold sink for the said defensive guilds, for my guild for example. Also if we lose keeps and towers we can cap them back for some neat loot.
So I would say this whole week has turned into a farming week for pretty much all of the three servers.
It makes sense, you are right Pavootar.
At the same time, probably when we have been attacking a tower and stronghold in even numbers and people left in the last minute they were thinking on a weak position against a MvM dedicated guild, morale decreases a lot in these cases.
Apologies to all those who understood I was trying to offend. This week has been quite different to others for the brotherhood and we wanted to understand the situation and desire best wishes for population recovering.
No sense talking about zergs or blobs to the Twelve Shadows, many other guilds and servers know us and never happened, we are other kind of guild, we are Shadows.
Best wishes,
Haltair, one of the Twelve Shadows
Haltair, One of the Twelve Shadows
Baruch Bay´s Thieves Brotherhood, Order of Shadows
Orden de Sombras [OdS]
(edited by Haltair.3062)
Well, for a lot of people the lack of population and morale walks hand by hand. If we are facing a server that can outman us most of the time the morale will decrease. For some it decreases more and for some less.
Most of UW WvW guilds don’t bother upgrading keeps and towers this week as it will be lost during night/morning for almost certainly, so it would be a huge gold sink for the said defensive guilds, for my guild for example. Also if we lose keeps and towers we can cap them back for some neat loot.
So I would say this whole week has turned into a farming week for pretty much all of the three servers.
It makes sense, you are right Pavootar.
At the same time, probably when we have been attacking a tower and stronghold in even numbers and people left in the last minute they were thinking on a weak position against a MvM dedicated guild, morale decreases a lot in these cases.
Apologies to all those who understood I was trying to offend. This week has been quite different to others for the brotherhood and we wanted to understand the situation and desire best wishes for population recovering.
No sense talking about zergs or blobs to the Twelve Shadows, many other guilds and servers know us and never happened, we are other kind of guild, we are Shadows.Best wishes,
Haltair, one of the Twelve Shadows
Hehe, I know what [OdS] is about and I like that there is atleast couple guilds like that in BB that run with small groups. It’s always interesting to clash with you, on the other hand its bloody annoying because most (all?) of you are thieves. So even if we get you down the stomping is bloody annoying as you just stealth each other etc. etc. :P
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger
na you don’t run with the zerg,you take a camp then 4-5 sit in stealth waiting for 3-4 to try to take it back,soon as they start fighting the npc’s you attack…good tactic;) but there again you say you took our BL 16.30 – 17.30 was that just your guild or did you have help from the blob?
its bloody annoying because most (all?) of you are thieves.
All thieves.
For specific actions we bring as companion another class (e.g. mesmer) but not often.
Haltair, one of the Twelve Shadows
P.S. Yep, we look forward to the new ruins and stomping mechanic.
Haltair, One of the Twelve Shadows
Baruch Bay´s Thieves Brotherhood, Order of Shadows
Orden de Sombras [OdS]
Some fights of sat-sun-monday, so far having good fun this matchup myself!
na you don’t run with the zerg,you take a camp then 4-5 sit in stealth waiting for 3-4 to try to take it back,soon as they start fighting the npc’s you attack…good tactic;)
Yep, that´s exactly what we do…
you say you took our BL 16.30 – 17.30 was that just your guild or did you have help from the blob?
6-9 thieves conquered Bay and three towers at UW, as well as all the west & north camps. If you ask in your server some of those defending will bear out.
A Baruchian zerg took Hills.
At 17:30 we moved to DL and took a couple of towers, afterwards we placed the trebuchets which destroyed northern wall of Hills.
Haltair, one of the Twelve Shadows
Haltair, One of the Twelve Shadows
Baruch Bay´s Thieves Brotherhood, Order of Shadows
Orden de Sombras [OdS]