06/09Blacktide/Ruins of Surmia/Fissure of Woe
Matchup I hoped for
[Jd] Jam Death
“Work, Hustle, Kill”
So far massive invasions. And many fow players yay.
Imho it’s one of the best match-ups we had recently. Hope it will be like that all week
Best matchup by far recently. Indeed I hope we can keep this up, i’m glad that boring SAB is the living story(???) part of gw now.
Nice match after 3 weeks. My guild had fun yesterday in Blacktide BL. Party of 5 with some random dudes. We wiped few parties and we were wiped like 3 times in bay, but it was fun.
I think you will see us again in Blacktide or Fissure of Woe BL.
Pechic – Engineer, WvW rank 870
Proud member of Ruins of Surmia from day 1, screw you bandwagoners we dont want you
This is a great matchup. RoS and FoW, thanks for the fights and keep them coming!
So far I have not seen any small groups from blacktide. Too bad.
TY for a nice weekend fight RoS and BT.
Looks like T9 is also having fun!
All alone in space and time.
There’s nothing here but whats here is mine.
The matchup would have been a lot more fun if both BT and FoW didnt use huge blobs even for the slightest objective…Both of you seem to venture forth only when the odds are atleast 3:1 for you…even when in your own BLs…which is disappointing to a roamer/small scale player like me.
I’m not suggesting you should try to 5man SM…but 5 men flipping a sentry and a camp in your own BL should not require calling in half your WvW population in order to take it back. Its no fun for 30 ppl to try and tag 2-5 enemies and its no fun for 2-5 ppl to fight against 30 enemies. Both sides could be having more fun if zergs were used where zergs are actually needed.
The same 30 people can provide a greater service to their server if they split up in parties of 5 and hit multiple targets…like flipping all camps within 5 mins instead of being a huge blob and taking 20 mins to go around the whole map.
You don’t need to raise orange swords for 3 ppl….And you certainly don’t need to “accept” duels and then call in everyone to come and zerg the opposing side! [some FoW @ FoW BL a few hours ago – how cheap/sad is that? ]
Be more efficient (less zergy) and you will have more fun (and more scouts)…sure u will die a lot more in the beggining…but that will force you to fine tune your build and playing skills. Not to mention the fact that small scale will teach you why “u don’t need to be told to resupply…you just go and do it when the first opportunity arises.”, “weapons don’t deal damage to walls”, “you are better off guarding a ram than attacking the gate with your weapon”, “taking down cannons and oil takes priority over placing a ram” and other simple tactical details.
Ps. I’m not saying there are no roamers/ppl with class/skilled players out there from both BT / FoW just painting an overall picture from my experience so far. I’m sure there are plenty…but the bigger picture is more or less as i paint it.
" I don’t discriminate. I hate all of you equally…"
(edited by daweed.6520)
Daweed, I cant say I know what you are talking about. We were running almost outnumbered in our own BL during the weekend. There sometimes was some huge amount of BT players in BL so it might be someone called some guildies or EB people to com and fight.
We did have some huge fights yesterday in EB and both sides had some huge zergs, not RoS you guys seem to have smaller parties. I ran into some with a friend of mine, nice fights. I agree fow sometimes like to zerg where a much smaller party is way more efficient. Especially when RoS and BT are on our borderlands and RoS seems to be attacking when BT is zerging keeps.
The matchup would have been a lot more fun if both BT and FoW didnt use huge blobs even for the slightest objective…Both of you seem to venture forth only when the odds are atleast 3:1 for you…even when in your own BLs…which is disappointing to a roamer/small scale player like me.
I’m not suggesting you should try to 5man SM…but 5 men flipping a sentry and a camp in your own BL should not require calling in half your WvW population in order to take it back. Its no fun for 30 ppl to try and tag 2-5 enemies and its no fun for 2-5 ppl to fight against 30 enemies. Both sides could be having more fun if zergs were used where zergs are actually needed.
The same 30 people can provide a greater service to their server if they split up in parties of 5 and hit multiple targets…like flipping all camps within 5 mins instead of being a huge blob and taking 20 mins to go around the whole map.
You don’t need to raise orange swords for 3 ppl….And you certainly don’t need to “accept” duels and then call in everyone to come and zerg the opposing side! [some FoW @ FoW BL a few hours ago – how cheap/sad is that? ]
Be more efficient (less zergy) and you will have more fun (and more scouts)…sure u will die a lot more in the beggining…but that will force you to fine tune your build and playing skills. Not to mention the fact that small scale will teach you why “u don’t need to be told to resupply…you just go and do it when the first opportunity arises.”, “weapons don’t deal damage to walls”, “you are better off guarding a ram than attacking the gate with your weapon”, “taking down cannons and oil takes priority over placing a ram” and other simple tactical details.
Ps. I’m not saying there are no roamers/ppl with class/skilled players out there from both BT / FoW just painting an overall picture from my experience so far. I’m sure there are plenty…but the bigger picture is more or less as i paint it.
Well, you should understand, we were in tier 9 for almost a year. Now that we’re finally out of it (for now, unless RNG plays against us) and we’re able to zerg a bit (which we were almost/most of the time, trampled). We know exactly how it feels. Don’t you worry about that.
But it’s definitely “cheap” of those people that “wanted to duel”. But you get kitten-bags on any server. But like I said in the top paragraph, we’re finally able to zerg. No matter how large the opponent.
Well you have a good point in dividing the zerg to recap. But sometimes it’s fun (for us) to run karma trains to every camp, tower etc.
But, as you might have seen – BT’s blog/zerg is far worse than ours. Even with that – this’ the best match-up we have had in months, points-wise as well.
Blacktide only zerg thier own BL if there is an enemy zerg on the map.
WvW Commander of Blacktide.
@RaugoolGW2 on Twitter
Blacktide only zerg thier own BL if there is an enemy zerg on the map.
:D Hah that was funny, gimme some more.
Our BL organisation is just insane atm, so don’t wonder if you get wiped taking camps. Thanks to all FoW’ers that are doing a nice job in our BL. Keep it UP.
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
how is the roaming in this tier? am i better off going to tier 9?
Our BL organisation is just insane atm, so don’t wonder if you get wiped taking camps. Thanks to all FoW’ers that are doing a nice job in our BL. Keep it UP.
Still fun those big battles. I prefer smaller ones but one major zerg against another looks so silly it’s fun.
it seems there are not enough people to create zergs at all 4 maps in this matchup.
maybe just EB+ 1 border?
how is the roaming in this tier? am i better off going to tier 9?
Nah, choose a decent moment, avoid them battle markers, and EB is still the place to be for the casual roamer..
Commander – Jam Death [Jd]
Fissure of Woe
The matchup would have been a lot more fun if both BT and FoW didnt use huge blobs even for the slightest objective…Both of you seem to venture forth only when the odds are atleast 3:1 for you…even when in your own BLs…which is disappointing to a roamer/small scale player like me.
I’m not suggesting you should try to 5man SM…but 5 men flipping a sentry and a camp in your own BL should not require calling in half your WvW population in order to take it back. Its no fun for 30 ppl to try and tag 2-5 enemies and its no fun for 2-5 ppl to fight against 30 enemies. Both sides could be having more fun if zergs were used where zergs are actually needed.
The same 30 people can provide a greater service to their server if they split up in parties of 5 and hit multiple targets…like flipping all camps within 5 mins instead of being a huge blob and taking 20 mins to go around the whole map.
You don’t need to raise orange swords for 3 ppl….And you certainly don’t need to “accept” duels and then call in everyone to come and zerg the opposing side! [some FoW @ FoW BL a few hours ago – how cheap/sad is that? ]
Be more efficient (less zergy) and you will have more fun (and more scouts)…sure u will die a lot more in the beggining…but that will force you to fine tune your build and playing skills. Not to mention the fact that small scale will teach you why “u don’t need to be told to resupply…you just go and do it when the first opportunity arises.”, “weapons don’t deal damage to walls”, “you are better off guarding a ram than attacking the gate with your weapon”, “taking down cannons and oil takes priority over placing a ram” and other simple tactical details.
Ps. I’m not saying there are no roamers/ppl with class/skilled players out there from both BT / FoW just painting an overall picture from my experience so far. I’m sure there are plenty…but the bigger picture is more or less as i paint it.
Maybe that is because when we see camps flipped especially during the weekend we saw golem rushes soon after so yes we try to prevent that from happening. Keep it up. Also FoW runs in many small group the majority of the time unless we have to group together to fight say….BT with their massive zergs.
Never thought some time ago some1 would “accuse” FoW of zerging. But yeah, it actually happans now. I usually avoid Zergs, for my computer can barely handle it. I usually run allone or in small Zergs. And yesterday I found only RoS and BT Zergs roflstomping me, when they found me.
On a roamer level I must say RoS has more skilled players than BT. I can take on the usualy BT roamers in a 1v2 or even 1v3 while against RoS it’s a challange 1v1ing.
We have some commanders, I won’t tell their names, who think highly of them selves and their efforts are impressive, but they lack the awareness/scouts and the tactical thinking. Also many of the FoW pugs are still getting used to zerging. While we have the basic Zerging “tactics” down, you see often ppl ignore commander commands, wandering of chasing randoms and such. We need to get more discipline in our Zergs, then we will be able to devide it. It is still too early for our server I feel.
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!
Blacktide only zerg thier own BL if there is an enemy zerg on the map.
:D Hah that was funny, gimme some more.
Not sure what you are laughing akittens kitten frustrating for a defensive oriented player to see all his teammates get pulled of the map when enemy zerg moved away and no more towers to flip. Re-cap is the strategy of a common blacktider, and building treb infront of doors.
WvW Commander of Blacktide.
@RaugoolGW2 on Twitter
Blacktide only zerg thier own BL if there is an enemy zerg on the map.
:D Hah that was funny, gimme some more.
Not sure what you are laughing akittens kitten frustrating for a defensive oriented player to see all his teammates get pulled of the map when enemy zerg moved away and no more towers to flip. Re-cap is the strategy of a common blacktider, and building treb infront of doors.
Well could be just during my playtime but I have seen not one small group of BT players. Even when BT tries to take greenbriar they come with big zergs. But remember big is relative, just comparing on what we have on the our BL.
I have seen many small groups from RoS taking supply camps, but so far none from BT.
But that’s no problem here, so far BT is giving us some great fights, by far the most fun setup in months.
It’s so fun to see anyone accuse either FoW or BT of zerging after the last few months. As far as instructing us to “split your zerg into 5 and you’ll have more fun,” first, have you ever tried to split a pugged zerg? Ha, good luck. And it also sounds more like "if you split your zerg I’ll have more fun.
For the zergs to split up you could use several commanders, but there is a need to make them show different colours or something similar. There are lots that just watch the blue icon on the map.
It comes down to the magic number which define zerg, that number is highly personal. But truth is that I didnt see BT group with less than 8-10 people anywhere at any given time. When it comes to defending our bl or taking towers and camps in their bl.
Its hard to fight agains them when I mostly run solo or with group of friends. Hardly ever in full group of 5.
I didnt expect those number from server that is that low in ranking.
Pechic – Engineer, WvW rank 870
Proud member of Ruins of Surmia from day 1, screw you bandwagoners we dont want you
I didnt expect those number from server that is that low in ranking.
As the score stands at this moment, Blacktide has a higher ranking than RoS.
WvW Commander of Blacktide.
@RaugoolGW2 on Twitter
Though I am also frequently irritated at big blobs of BTs running around, it’s also very amusing to use siege to kill them when they get overambitious and get too close to my AC. There’s always a silver lining!
And yes, RoS has for some reason got extremely skilled and effective small groups. :o It’s interesting to see how different servers have different demographics and strategies, while having mostly the same player representation.
Narcissa Kyle – a mesmer with a thing for them looks, ya’ll!
At the moment I don’t see the same player representations. Most of the point differences at the moment are from nightcrews and the weekend scores. During the daytime i think BT has still the most people, it’s just our luck that most of them don’t know how to play :P
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
pls don’t use any exploits like the one at briar again, think this matchup does not deserve it.
25+ RoS killing lord at briar from outside (gates and walls closed).
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
The truth is that in large scale (30+) open field fights (for this WvW was made) only BT exist on some decent level in this matchup. Nothing has changed about FoW, they are still bunkered in keeps with all zerg inside and tons of AC during daytime and make some points deep at night. I see no progress on this server, and we have faced them much too often during last few months:)
Sad to see RoS agony in WvW. Last time we met I told you guys that you will drop to our rank (you can check it in my posts), but you just dropped even below.
Sorry, but we just need 20 people to wipe the 40 man BT zergs in open field fights :/ .
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
The truth is that in large scale (30+) open field fights (for this WvW was made) only BT exist on some decent level in this matchup. Nothing has changed about FoW, they are still bunkered in keeps with all zerg inside and tons of AC during daytime and make some points deep at night. I see no progress on this server, and we have faced them much too often during last few months:)
Sad to see RoS agony in WvW. Last time we met I told you guys that you will drop to our rank (you can check it in my posts), but you just dropped even below.
We tick over 200 most of the time during the day. RoS makes just as many if not more points than us at night… We wipe you without siege all the time…pay attention we pick and choose our times. Don’t be so sore because we don’t just hand you a t3 keep.
Ow here we go again.. bunkered in keeps with all zerg inside and tons of AC I wonder who believes you…
Keep it up FoW!
All alone in space and time.
There’s nothing here but whats here is mine.
lol… he’s been complaining about FoW’s 500 man zergs and 200 golem rushes against poor little blacktide since we had sub-700 rating ;P
Fissure of Woe ):
yea Dragona i see You magic 40ppl zerg yesterday fight with grub and you lose t3 keep.
meyby you grup again and clear all maps wen you can bet as 2;1.
sry for my bad engilsh
Wasn’t us, we run max. 25 ppl and that’s really more than enough for most fights in this matchup.
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
yea Dragona i see You magic 40ppl zerg yesterday fight with grub and you lose t3 keep.
meyby you grup again and clear all maps wen you can bet as 2;1.
sry for my bad engilsh
Seriously? You are complaining about FoW zergs? I def. see them, no doubt there but I see only small RoS groups. I have not seen one small bt group, not one. Unless you call 20+ small.
Maybe BT feels the need to group up because they encounter small FoW and RoS groups ;P
Nah this is too easy…
Ofcourse we are not drinking tea together but we are still complaining in this great matchup!? 0.o
All alone in space and time.
There’s nothing here but whats here is mine.
I like the zerging. Less work to find enemies to shoot.
Wasn’t us, we run max. 25 ppl and that’s really more than enough for most fights in this matchup
Lol, with 25 ppl you just cant move out of your mass AC fire all day long.
So far, from my point of view (casual wvw, nothing hardcore) i find this matchup way better than our previous one (AG/DZ for example). It’s true that i didn’t see any small BT/FOW groups (5 ppl tops), or the ones i saw were extremly rare, but the fights we had were pretty kitten fun.
It alwyas feels good to see that you have a 2vs1 ratio in a fight and you still win or kill half of them.
PS. I hope we get another matchup like this
How many Blacktide do you need to screw in a light bulb?
All of them.
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!
(edited by TyPin.9860)
RoS Reminder: Don’t park Omega Golems in a T3 Keep at night .
Call me Jack, Jacky or your Nightmare.
Thanks a lot to our awesome night / early-morning capping team <3
Always nice to get up, check mos.millenium while having breakfast and see that we are doing awesome this time of day before going to work
[Jd] Jam Death
“Work, Hustle, Kill”
So far, from my point of view (casual wvw, nothing hardcore) i find this matchup way better than our previous one (AG/DZ for example). It’s true that i didn’t see any small BT/FOW groups (5 ppl tops), or the ones i saw were extremly rare, but the fights we had were pretty kitten fun.
It alwyas feels good to see that you have a 2vs1 ratio in a fight and you still win or kill half of them.
PS. I hope we get another matchup like this
I take that back, both bt and ros seem to like outnumbering 10-1, very skilled guys.
(edited by aspirine.6852)
We have lower pop, silly Blacktide.
Our zergs in EB during off time is like 3-10 people :P
If you’re sore about a lack of large scale fights, you may want to stop zerging with 3-5 times the people we have. We aren’t that stupid. That’s why we have AC’s.
“Humanity cannot grasp Utopia for it refuses to be worthy of it”
Aw yay, smack talk! We really must be heading up in the ranks.
Soon we’ll evolve into using the word blob instead of zerg, then we know we’ve made it.
I for one enjoyed having an actual balanced week for once, and I got a good variety of play (solo and group). Hope everyone else had fun too! :>
Very likely to have the same matchup next week!
(edited by Hamham.7504)