10/11 BP/IoJ/DB
Shout out to the DB and IoJ guys on DB borderland today. VP have been on there most of the day and had some fantastic fights with you guys.
We eventually managed to get that WP in Bay built, but you didn’t make it easy for us at all.
Thanks to all the BP friends that ran with VP today.. you guys are awesome.
Was a good day all round.
GM of [VP]
Venator Phalanx.
[Con] Supreme Team of Con
Since when did people become so cowardly in wvw? A good majority of people will run away until they vastly out number the opposing team and only then decide to fight. The amount of 80s running from my lvl 20 was laughable…grow some back bone.
I assume you are from Borlis Pass right? yea i dont understand why IOJ wait to outnumber way more, is just more loot bags so u just gotta thank them, dont discourage them to keep doing that, please.
Whoever earlier said that BP runs too much, please stop running from BP. We’ve been trying to find fights all night and everyone from both servers has equal sized zergs and running…
Also a note to CORE – we wiped you repeatedly and don’t shrug with a pug zerg, yet you wipe a group of 3 people with 30 and mass shrug lol… Please stop being bad.
BS you won’t fight us without dropping an AC.
(note, that is bullkitten, not the guild BS, we quite like fighting you)
Since when did people become so cowardly in wvw? A good majority of people will run away until they vastly out number the opposing team and only then decide to fight. The amount of 80s running from my lvl 20 was laughable…grow some back bone.
I assume you are from IoJ right? Ioj is SO cool.
Oh man! You are THE Buns too?! WOW MAN! SO AWESOME!
I know right? He is SO freaking cool. I fangirl all the time.
Companion of Starlight Honeybuns.
You stole me, and I stole you.
I assume you are from Borlis Pass right? yea i dont understand why IOJ wait to outnumber way more, is just more loot bags so u just gotta thank them, dont discourage them to keep doing that, please.
points to signature* im actually on IoJ….i hate how all servers do it actually, not just BP, not just IoJ, not just DB, not even just BG or JQ.
Wvw use to have people at every turn…now its mostly everyone in one giant blob…..
with hammers….lots and lots of hammers….
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.
I never drop seige in a fight, I have seen what you mean though and I am not a fan of the idea when it happens either. But it doesn’t happen EVERY TIME.. lol. Seige is dumb, especially in open field. I’ve seen you guys retreat to towers and keeps to jump on seige from us in open field when we didn’t have seige. I think they’re only dropping it to do some good range damage while you’re all running. :P
But seriously, the ego to mass shrug when core wipes out 3 people with 30 is pretty sad. The funnier part is when a pug zerg wipes them and doesn’t shrug because they aren’t even coordinated enough to do such a thing lmao..
(edited by Josh XT.6053)
I assume you are from Borlis Pass right? yea i dont understand why IOJ wait to outnumber way more, is just more loot bags so u just gotta thank them, dont discourage them to keep doing that, please.
points to signature* im actually on IoJ….i hate how all servers do it actually, not just BP, not just IoJ, not just DB, not even just BG or JQ.
Wvw use to have people at every turn…now its mostly everyone in one giant blob…..
with hammers….lots and lots of hammers….
Yea. Too many dang hammers.
I mean, I love getting hammered two fold and all but…. Wait… what…
Companion of Starlight Honeybuns.
You stole me, and I stole you.
Yea. Too many dang hammers.
I mean, I love getting hammered two fold and all but…. Wait… what…
Settle down you, you’ll get hammered enough later.
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.
I assume you are from Borlis Pass right? yea i dont understand why IOJ wait to outnumber way more, is just more loot bags so u just gotta thank them, dont discourage them to keep doing that, please.
points to signature* im actually on IoJ….i hate how all servers do it actually, not just BP, not just IoJ, not just DB, not even just BG or JQ.
Wvw use to have people at every turn…now its mostly everyone in one giant blob…..
with hammers….lots and lots of hammers….
This why GvsG is actually the best way to enjoy WvW for many, if u guys want good and even fights set up some nice GvsG 15vs15 or 20vs20 , you will like it. If you are not in BP we can probably arrange some GvsG if you are interested.
[Mend] Had fun tonight in IoJ BL and BP BL Best part of the night wiping 45+ bp with 15 of us in briar. Ofc it was sieged to hell
I never drop seige in a fight, I have seen what you mean though and I am not a fan of the idea when it happens either. But it doesn’t happen EVERY TIME.. lol. Seige is dumb, especially in open field. I’ve seen you guys retreat to towers and keeps to jump on seige from us in open field when we didn’t have seige. I think they’re only dropping it to do some good range damage while you’re all running. :P
But seriously, the ego to mass shrug when core wipes out 3 people with 30 is pretty sad. The funnier part is when a pug zerg wipes them and doesn’t shrug because they aren’t even coordinated enough to do such a thing lmao..
It’s nothing personal, just something that’s evolved over the last 3 weeks. We’re hopelessly outmanned sometimes so when we manage to wipe a group much larger than us, it just happens. We’ve enjoyed all the fights, the emotes are just for entertainment. See you on the battlefield.
I assume you are from Borlis Pass right? yea i dont understand why IOJ wait to outnumber way more, is just more loot bags so u just gotta thank them, dont discourage them to keep doing that, please.
points to signature* im actually on IoJ….i hate how all servers do it actually, not just BP, not just IoJ, not just DB, not even just BG or JQ.
Wvw use to have people at every turn…now its mostly everyone in one giant blob…..
with hammers….lots and lots of hammers….This why GvsG is actually the best way to enjoy WvW for many, if u guys want good and even fights set up some nice GvsG 15vs15 or 20vs20 , you will like it. If you are not in BP we can probably arrange some GvsG if you are interested.
[BUNS] must decline. We don’t play reindeer games.
Companion of Starlight Honeybuns.
You stole me, and I stole you.
[Mend] Had fun tonight in IoJ BL and BP BL
Best part of the night wiping 45+ bp with 15 of us in briar. Ofc it was sieged to hell
If it was a couple hours ago, that fight was so stupid, half of our zerg didn’t listen to the commander and charged in and got wiped which screwed our whole push lol.. I didn’t die in that fight, I was there until the very end killing you guys off in the end. I ended up having to ditch the tower because a 30 man zerg charged in after we dropped the champion lol..
I predict Bounty coming in here saying " OH Em GEE, awesome fight BP at bay"
[Con] Supreme Team of Con
kitten it Con,
You know me too well.
Great day to be alive at N bay, as seemingly endless waves of WFD and company kinda just trickled in.
Great Fights
I see, no point in complaining then BUNS…
[Mend] Had fun tonight in IoJ BL and BP BL
Best part of the night wiping 45+ bp with 15 of us in briar. Ofc it was sieged to hell
If it was a couple hours ago, that fight was so stupid, half of our zerg didn’t listen to the commander and charged in and got wiped which screwed our whole push lol.. I didn’t die in that fight, I was there until the very end killing you guys off in the end. I ended up having to ditch the tower because a 30 man zerg charged in after we dropped the champion lol..
Yeah we didnt realize so many of you managed to get revived behind us when we were closing gate :P Oh well we got what we wanted out of it, basically wiping a far, far larger force.
Anyways, better get dem pugs off karma train mode We all had fun, hope you guys did
(edited by Banzie.5248)
I see, no point in complaining then BUNS…
Sure there is. Blobs are silly.
Companion of Starlight Honeybuns.
You stole me, and I stole you.
This league business is going to be rough for the people who have stayed on for Dragonbrand. Also, IoJ seems upset they are not winning like they did the first time we met. Long story short, no, BP has not had any off the wall the transfers. The people you are fighting are our usual crew. We had a slow week the first time we met.
(edited by Aeros.2046)
Must have been a fun PvD after all our guilds logged.
because we all know it’s just numbers :/
Well yeah… he said it’s numbers. Moving all the numbers you possibly can to the best fights…. which for the most part, has been DB’s bay
But I guess you guys haven’t been seeing any of that. Long story short: A 10 minute open-field stalemate doesn’t exactly indicate overwhelming total population for either server… (yes, that really did happen and the FPS drop was epic).
Crazyyyyy lag issues on BP bl. We were all d/c’ing and getting 10 seconds of skill lag. Kind of an unfair advantage :P.
Yeah, reset night I finally left BPBL after client DCs left me dead in Frost Gorge 4 times. I have no idea why I was dead either, once it happened while I was at our freaking spawn, did Siegerazor kill me!
cheers to this guy for watching me kill 7 yaks leaving spelden, still counting too.
….. And Elementalist.
It’s ok IoJ. We still have the cookies, pies, cakes & guild banquet kegs.
Keep up the good work.
@ Dragonbrand – Is Danse Macabre on your server? With the leftovers of MMAD (Dem oceanics are good people). I hear they went to DB and have yet to see them
At least this matchup is fair… look at eBay :O
Deltona/Varlen – Commander for Borlis Pass
I’m getting REALLY annoyed at all this insane lag and dcing in BP BL right now.. Its 11am my time, there aren’t even THAT many people on the map from any side and I get into small fights and lag out and dc…
Important things to note; No, it isn’t my computer, no it isn’t my internet. Everything else is working great except when I try to go into wvw.. :\
I’m getting REALLY annoyed at all this insane lag and dcing in BP BL right now.. Its 11am my time, there aren’t even THAT many people on the map from any side and I get into small fights and lag out and dc…
Important things to note; No, it isn’t my computer, no it isn’t my internet. Everything else is working great except when I try to go into wvw.. :\
Yah bro, get with the times. The BP BL is bugged, and everyone knows this.
Ascension [WAR] Officer | [ÆÆÆÆ] | Driver of BP’s GvG guild [BB]
You know what, IoJ may be in 3rd place. But I’m still enjoying this match up.
Also I think it’s unfair that this match up happened, not because we’re losing, but because it’s so hard to say the right acronym with the right server. Too many times I’ve gotten tongue tied calling out the DB and BP zerg’s we’re fighting at the same time. It’s BS :p
Run at me BP and DB.
Agens Leti – Cmdr
Wolves Vs Worlds [WolF]
BP is doing a great job, i’m not taking that away from them…just wish their kitten map was more stable so we could press harder on there like we want to when the time comes…bit frustrating when half our golem drivers DC mid-rush, ya know?
C’mon, Anet…fix the green map, please.
Resident Zerg Idiot
Isle of Janthir
Shout out to the Dragonbrand guilds that were fighting on their BL near bay around 10pm to 1am server, especially EA and TFV. You guys have great coordination and it is teaching us so so much. Lost really enjoyed fighting you since you didn’t have to bring 3 times our numbers to have a good fight. Good luck tomorrow and we will hope to see you on the battlefield.
le sigh. Such people like this refuse to 1v1 yet do this…your only making yourself look like a joke. And it only comes from one server I won’t mention. (:
Respect towards IoJ tho..you guys remind me of the fun times I had when we faced DR and all the 1v1s i had back then. Great people on IoJ!
BP → DR → FA → Mag → BP → FA
le sigh. Such people like this refuse to 1v1 yet do this…your only making yourself look like a joke. And it only comes from one server I won’t mention. (:
Respect towards IoJ tho..you guys remind me of the fun times I had when we faced DR and all the 1v1s i had back then. Great people on IoJ!
all i see is a dead corspe that didn’t wp
[Con] Supreme Team of Con
GJ so far BP, you guys seem like you will be able to compete for first place in silver. It was a huge surprise to see your coverage and your defensive abilities. This week I pushed hard to rally the server. Saturday Synco and I (TG’s raid leaders/guild leaders) pushed hard to try and maintain our BLs from early NA all the way up to SEA. I can honestly say that if you keep up this effort you will be able to do well vs the other top servers in this league.
GJ and looking forward to the rest of the week.
Homeworld = Home Borderland!
No hills for you BP, Sorry
Hey BP,
Never mind the fact that it’s essentially pvdoor when you started attacking our garri. But there were AC’s firing all over the inner of lords room from the west inner gate from you guys. Whoever was on that AC must have had the mysterious 6th AC skill point that gives you extra extra range and the ability to shoot through walls. I guess I need to save up for that.
In all seriousness, zoomhacking isn’t fun. Not saying your whole server does it, but you should hold yourselves accountable for things like that. One bad apple makes the whole server come off bad. I like fighting you guys straight, let’s keep it that way.
Edit: apparently I can’t do grammar or prepositions within an hour of waking up.
(edited by Visirale.6097)
I’m very impressed with BPs EU/Early NA force, you guys are great, good fights all around! CORE from IoJ, all I gotta say to you guys is that your hammer train hurts. Keep up the fun matchup everyone, looking forward to the rest of the week!
Maguuma Server Dictator
I’m very impressed with BPs EU/Early NA force, you guys are great, good fights all around! CORE from IoJ, all I gotta say to you guys is that your hammer train hurts. Keep up the fun matchup everyone, looking forward to the rest of the week!
Agreed, Whichever commander on BP rallies that zerg every NA morning (EU Prime), mad props to you. Great fights
At the Dragonbrand guilds looking to stay and rebuild,
keep it up you guys are doing great and i’m sure you will rebuild well. Just keep a positive attitude and don’t worry about the score, play to have fun and your server will stabalize naturally.
Sea of Sorrows http://www.gw2sos.com/index.php
That was methat rallied this morning, I can rally a que any time from 9 am to 1 am server time usually. 1800 people on my friends list works wonders xD. sometimes Zara or Varlen has pulled a que duirng the early afternoon, and I know who was on that AC, that AC was aiming for the mortar the whole time so it wasn’t that, don’t think we had any other AC’s tbh, nice defense in hill lord room Ioj ur trebs sniped all of our supply on the inner so we couldn’t counter siege u in The Lord room, has to attempt a suicide push haha
Guild: Ominous Threat
Server: Fort Aspenwood
(edited by DtC.4806)
No hills for you BP, Sorry
We decided to disagree, and raise you one entire borderlands.
GJ so far BP, you guys seem like you will be able to compete for first place in silver. It was a huge surprise to see your coverage and your defensive abilities. This week I pushed hard to rally the server. Saturday Synco and I (TG’s raid leaders/guild leaders) pushed hard to try and maintain our BLs from early NA all the way up to SEA. I can honestly say that if you keep up this effort you will be able to do well vs the other top servers in this league.
GJ and looking forward to the rest of the week.
Same to you guys. TG is the most skilled guild I’ve seen so far in the past month. Keep up the good work guys!
all i see is a dead corspe that didn’t wp
All I see is another person like this one. Always relying on others. Names are in siggy if you’d like to try.
BP → DR → FA → Mag → BP → FA
No hills for you BP, Sorry
We decided to disagree, and raise you one entire borderlands.
CHOO CHOO, ride dat karma train boys.
all i see is a dead corspe that didn’t wp
All I see is another person like this one. Always relying on others. Names are in siggy if you’d like to try.
its called the power of friendship
[Con] Supreme Team of Con
Goodfights tonight in IOJ BL, especially to the [HK] guild from BP. Twas a fun night.
See you guys the rest of the week.
I just wanted to say thanks to the BP uplevel that came at me while I was gathering for my daily and I backed off and /invite-d him.
Even though you were an uplevel you still wanted to duel, and were super nice! It wasn’t at the windmill but it was still fun. Until some BP zerg ran by and killed me and called us scrubs.
So thanks to those of you that don’t take everything too seriously.
urrrgh y this thread so boring T.T
[Con] Supreme Team of Con