(edited by moutzaheadin.4029)
10/18 CD/IoJ/NSP
Rabble rabble rabble
I don’t even know what is going on. This thread doesn’t entice me and I am only going to WvW 40% of my time.
I don’t even want to post gifs, I didn’t get to murder any GoM before leagues. I am super cross.
Companion of Starlight Honeybuns.
You stole me, and I stole you.
NSP logic:
CD is taking our BL’s, lets go IOJ!!
Also great fights at bay to CD, can’t hold out against those numbers for ever though but hey, 3rd times a charm
I don’t think its logic at all. I think its the fact most of us despise Ioj. Ioj has always fed on Nsp when we are underfire from another server. Not just this match. But all the time.
I know when I load up wvw. I don’t even look at the map. I go right to Ioj.
oh fair enough, explains why when we hit CD we gotta pull back to deal/react to NSP a lot, also explains why CD lead is only getting bigger, THE FIGHT FOR 2ND PLACE IS ON!
I used to like you guys on GoM :’(
Although if I remember right I think DH was our common enemy. (been a while)
….. And Elementalist.
NSP logic:
CD is taking our BL’s, lets go IOJ!!
Also great fights at bay to CD, can’t hold out against those numbers for ever though but hey, 3rd times a charm
I don’t think its logic at all. I think its the fact most of us despise Ioj. Ioj has always fed on Nsp when we are underfire from another server. Not just this match. But all the time.
I know when I load up wvw. I don’t even look at the map. I go right to Ioj.
oh fair enough, explains why when we hit CD we gotta pull back to deal/react to NSP a lot, also explains why CD lead is only getting bigger, THE FIGHT FOR 2ND PLACE IS ON!
I used to like you guys on GoM :’(
Although if I remember right I think DH was our common enemy. (been a while)
DANG DH!!!!!!!!
Companion of Starlight Honeybuns.
You stole me, and I stole you.
NSP logic:
CD is taking our BL’s, lets go IOJ!!
Also great fights at bay to CD, can’t hold out against those numbers for ever though but hey, 3rd times a charm
I don’t think its logic at all. I think its the fact most of us despise Ioj. Ioj has always fed on Nsp when we are underfire from another server. Not just this match. But all the time.
I know when I load up wvw. I don’t even look at the map. I go right to Ioj.
oh fair enough, explains why when we hit CD we gotta pull back to deal/react to NSP a lot, also explains why CD lead is only getting bigger, THE FIGHT FOR 2ND PLACE IS ON!
I used to like you guys on GoM :’(
Although if I remember right I think DH was our common enemy. (been a while)
My personal affection for Ioj is way before the GOM mass xfer exodus. So you can continue to like us/me. It matters!
NSP logic:
CD is taking our BL’s, lets go IOJ!!
Also great fights at bay to CD, can’t hold out against those numbers for ever though but hey, 3rd times a charm
I don’t think its logic at all. I think its the fact most of us despise Ioj. Ioj has always fed on Nsp when we are underfire from another server. Not just this match. But all the time.
I know when I load up wvw. I don’t even look at the map. I go right to Ioj.
oh fair enough, explains why when we hit CD we gotta pull back to deal/react to NSP a lot, also explains why CD lead is only getting bigger, THE FIGHT FOR 2ND PLACE IS ON!
I used to like you guys on GoM :’(
Although if I remember right I think DH was our common enemy. (been a while)DANG DH!!!!!!!!
Man….. DH were painful 8 or so odd months ago….. And being locked into matches for weeks on end…
….. And Elementalist.
NSP logic:
CD is taking our BL’s, lets go IOJ!!
Also great fights at bay to CD, can’t hold out against those numbers for ever though but hey, 3rd times a charm
I don’t think its logic at all. I think its the fact most of us despise Ioj. Ioj has always fed on Nsp when we are underfire from another server. Not just this match. But all the time.
I know when I load up wvw. I don’t even look at the map. I go right to Ioj.
oh fair enough, explains why when we hit CD we gotta pull back to deal/react to NSP a lot, also explains why CD lead is only getting bigger, THE FIGHT FOR 2ND PLACE IS ON!
I used to like you guys on GoM :’(
Although if I remember right I think DH was our common enemy. (been a while)My personal affection for Ioj is way before the GOM mass xfer exodus. So you can continue to like us/me. It matters!
Where’s the obs songs of the day?
NSP logic:
CD is taking our BL’s, lets go IOJ!!
Also great fights at bay to CD, can’t hold out against those numbers for ever though but hey, 3rd times a charm
I don’t think its logic at all. I think its the fact most of us despise Ioj. Ioj has always fed on Nsp when we are underfire from another server. Not just this match. But all the time.
I know when I load up wvw. I don’t even look at the map. I go right to Ioj.
oh fair enough, explains why when we hit CD we gotta pull back to deal/react to NSP a lot, also explains why CD lead is only getting bigger, THE FIGHT FOR 2ND PLACE IS ON!
I used to like you guys on GoM :’(
Although if I remember right I think DH was our common enemy. (been a while)My personal affection for Ioj is way before the GOM mass xfer exodus. So you can continue to like us/me. It matters!
Where’s the obs songs of the day?
Daklap Elementalist|Man Crushin Thighs Warrior
NSP logic:
CD is taking our BL’s, lets go IOJ!!
Also great fights at bay to CD, can’t hold out against those numbers for ever though but hey, 3rd times a charm
There are a good deal of us that are less concerned about PPT. Lots are simply working on achievements. Others just looking for good fights. Even the video of the Os fight in Hills with IOJ and CD (IOJ BL if I remember correctly) we just saw an opportunity at a very good fight. We know we wont be able to compete PPT, But we can give and get good strong fights in Silver.
PB Officer
NSP logic:
CD is taking our BL’s, lets go IOJ!!
Also great fights at bay to CD, can’t hold out against those numbers for ever though but hey, 3rd times a charm
I don’t think its logic at all. I think its the fact most of us despise Ioj. Ioj has always fed on Nsp when we are underfire from another server. Not just this match. But all the time.
I know when I load up wvw. I don’t even look at the map. I go right to Ioj.
oh fair enough, explains why when we hit CD we gotta pull back to deal/react to NSP a lot, also explains why CD lead is only getting bigger, THE FIGHT FOR 2ND PLACE IS ON!
I used to like you guys on GoM :’(
Although if I remember right I think DH was our common enemy. (been a while)
IOJ is constantly in NSP’s borderland. screenshot from early Sunday morning
Don’t act surprised when we go farm your BL for easy badges after we finish cleaning up after your zergs.
NSP logic:
CD is taking our BL’s, lets go IOJ!!
Also great fights at bay to CD, can’t hold out against those numbers for ever though but hey, 3rd times a charm
I don’t think its logic at all. I think its the fact most of us despise Ioj. Ioj has always fed on Nsp when we are underfire from another server. Not just this match. But all the time.
I know when I load up wvw. I don’t even look at the map. I go right to Ioj.
oh fair enough, explains why when we hit CD we gotta pull back to deal/react to NSP a lot, also explains why CD lead is only getting bigger, THE FIGHT FOR 2ND PLACE IS ON!
I used to like you guys on GoM :’(
Although if I remember right I think DH was our common enemy. (been a while)IOJ is constantly in NSP’s borderland. screenshot from early Sunday morning
Don’t act surprised when we go farm your BL for easy badges after we finish cleaning up after your zergs.
We go because cd na won’t come to our bl.
NSP logic:
CD is taking our BL’s, lets go IOJ!!
Also great fights at bay to CD, can’t hold out against those numbers for ever though but hey, 3rd times a charm
I don’t think its logic at all. I think its the fact most of us despise Ioj. Ioj has always fed on Nsp when we are underfire from another server. Not just this match. But all the time.
I know when I load up wvw. I don’t even look at the map. I go right to Ioj.
oh fair enough, explains why when we hit CD we gotta pull back to deal/react to NSP a lot, also explains why CD lead is only getting bigger, THE FIGHT FOR 2ND PLACE IS ON!
I used to like you guys on GoM :’(
Although if I remember right I think DH was our common enemy. (been a while)IOJ is constantly in NSP’s borderland. screenshot from early Sunday morning
Don’t act surprised when we go farm your BL for easy badges after we finish cleaning up after your zergs.
Ah no wonder I don’t see this “early sunday morning” WHO the hell plays early sunday morning aha god kitten hang overs to deal with before playing this
….. And Elementalist.
Looks like a fun battle and I didn’t wanna miss out!
….. And Elementalist.
NSP logic:
CD is taking our BL’s, lets go IOJ!!
Also great fights at bay to CD, can’t hold out against those numbers for ever though but hey, 3rd times a charm
I don’t think its logic at all. I think its the fact most of us despise Ioj. Ioj has always fed on Nsp when we are underfire from another server. Not just this match. But all the time.
I know when I load up wvw. I don’t even look at the map. I go right to Ioj.
oh fair enough, explains why when we hit CD we gotta pull back to deal/react to NSP a lot, also explains why CD lead is only getting bigger, THE FIGHT FOR 2ND PLACE IS ON!
I used to like you guys on GoM :’(
Although if I remember right I think DH was our common enemy. (been a while)IOJ is constantly in NSP’s borderland. screenshot from early Sunday morning
Don’t act surprised when we go farm your BL for easy badges after we finish cleaning up after your zergs.
We go because cd na won’t come to our bl.
In your BL at least an couple hours each night, our NA is just a bunch of night owls. Busy taking your EB keep during the day anyway. Our borderland has been a complete snooze fest though :\
Nice fights in CD bl, [FT] and friends!
(edited by Themanbat.3206)
Can any nspers tell us where devon likes to play mainly (Map wise) :p
he loves to do the EB jumping puzzle during primetime, take 2 dozen of your best players and camp in there till he shows up.
Nice fights in CD bl, [FT] and friends!
Yea was fun lol I have’nt been on the receiving end of the pain train in awhile. Your group composition was much better than ours (dare I say its perfect for skirmishes) but its not often I run into a group of players that play so well together. You guys are the strongest small man group I have come across and I def learned a few things xd.
Highest ranked reached 28 soloq
Isle of Janthir
Today was a lot of fun in EB, obviously a zergfest, but I had a ton of fun. I honestly don’t think I’ve ever spent as much time as I did today upgrading and sieging up our towers. OW from paper to tier 3 with enough siege to wipe an 80 man, Mendons to Tier 2 with same amount and Anz to tier 2 with just enough siege to hold back your Zerg CD with 5 people. Thanks for testing my placements was a good experience and the bags were appreciate. Props to Sheeana for the help and the rest of NSP for coming to help when the red tags started to show up. It was nice to have some defensible towers.
Doom Strykër [Warr] Doom Ryder [Ranger]
Doomku [Guard] Doom Wrack [Mez]
Hey Mend, sorry for wiping yall at klovan after taking your keep. I saw that post about EA being the only people to give you trouble, had to give it a go XD Anyways, great fight, hope you’ll understand
Im glad you had fun wiping 20 with 100
Also happy we made you pause to cata/treb instead of ram :p In all truthfullness though we never expected the treb xD 2 lucky shots on our ballis and we were like yep, we wont win this, but oh well, TAG AND KILL AS MANY AS YOU CAN XD. I also meant EA as a guild group gave us trouble the msot, eb is always a tag cluster
Good job to the CD that wiped 15 of us in hills lords room after wiping you guys all night long in nsp bl. So happy to see we make 100 of you also pause to build acs and use the gap to ac down siege in lords instead of just blatantly charging in <3 You’re learning.
Sorry that cd is too afraid to come ioj bl and has to k-train and leech nsp points to win and make their selves feel good about winning in a useless league for them. Come on guys, We would rather defend our bl then have to go nsps to simply fight you. Perhaps we’ll take hills or bay tomorrow in cd, that should draw some attention.
Over all, really great fights tonight, No complaints that we wiped to CD, it means they are learning instead of doing the same dumb crap they have been doing. Helps us better your game and ours in the end.
Yea, EA’s 13 man zerg is a force to be reckoned with.
Hate to say it man, but it was about 20 [Mend], another 30 or so pugs… I had 40 in ts with me, and I can assume about 5-10 who were not… So sorry we wiped you with even numbers <3 Too bad a skill group can’t wipe a bunch of unskilled CD players before a treb can do a complete 180 :L Nice try with the pincer tactic, it kitten near worked… But I saw you guys get stuck behind that cliff as well (At least I assume that’s what happened after you sat their for 5 seconds while we stacked might and ran at you I’d also just like to note that wiping anybody in NSP had nothing to do with me or my players (As none of us were in NSPBL)
Oh by the way, I was in IoJBL a couple nights ago, killed about 15-20 Mend, and another 30 or so other IoJ there as well before we eventually got overrun by the hordes of you coming from Hills WP.
Either way, I’m glad you came to fight me! It was fun and a bit of a learning experience, hopefully we can do it again sometime <3
Server – Crystal Desert
Where’s the obs songs of the day?
Hi Banzie,
There won’t be any Obs Song of The Day ever, sorry
Obs has been permabanned this morning.
SoH had fun playing with golems on NSP BL tonight. Too bad we couldn’t seal the deal on Garrison, we got a sliver of green before the WP opened up for the 2nd time and it was just a long, painful, thrashing death after that. Nice defense, and you sure took Bay back fast.
Also, unless you always send 30 people to re-cap Vale when the rest of the map is red, it was either supernatural premonition or somebody with two accounts that scouted the 10 CD golems approaching Vale from our spawn at about 6:30 server time. We weren’t even out of the invuln zone, golems had not been spotted, and we hadn’t seen more than 10 NSP in one spot in the hour and a half before that. I’m not accusing your server of encouraging spying, just curious if it was sheer bad luck or something shadier.
Proud Member of the First Crystalian Council
I’m so bad, could only kill 1 of the 4 thieves that jumped from CD :/
I deserved that /laugh spam
….. And Elementalist.
I had tons of fun commanding my EBG tonight Kudos to you all for not letting us upgrade SMC and always keeping us on our toes! The best fight of the night had to go to IOJ vs Grub vs CD, that Grub fight was hilarious! We saw orange swords there and took off, good fun fights tonight. Hope to continue butting heads with you guys the rest of the week
Thiefing forever!
Where’s the obs songs of the day?
Hi Banzie,
There won’t be any Obs Song of The Day ever, sorry
Obs has been permabanned this morning.
The two best things of nsp forums perma banned :’(
WTF anet
CD has my utmost respect, sincerely. They are determined to chasing me down
I’m just a dolyak with presents on its back.
Ex-Kaineng→ IOJ Magnificient
Dont hit our BL or this happens…
Or you’ll run us over with superior numbers during off hours?
Words don’t describe how impressed i am by that gargantuan amount of skill displayed. Give this man a medal, he needs some love.
[Mend] never fails to disappoint. Their desperate cries for recognition mixed with the delusions of grandeur makes for a bittersweet tonic with a faint scent of dumpster.
KöMÉ would like to have either a 20v20 or 15v15 GvG on Thursday, 24th Oct, at about 5am server time onwards.
If any guild from IoJ or NSP is interested, please do contact me through in-game mail to Goddess Asha / Alastor Kratos .
Thank you!
[GK] Ghastly Knights – Guild Leader / Driver
(edited by GzBiker.1927)
HOLY. Rackin dude, you coming back soon? We getting the band back together. Hey little Ostrichsuck, you could take some notes from a real engi. Rackin4pres.
HOLY. Rackin dude, you coming back soon? We getting the band back together. Hey little Ostrichsuck, you could take some notes from a real engi. Rackin4pres.
ha, right on. 3 weeks and counting, then it’s on brudda – I never knew the band was apart??
Speed Búmp (SPCA/SOLO) – Asura Engineer
Yah SPCA doesn’t run much anymore since teivo doesn’t wvw and you haven’t been on, waff n pony play a lil bit. Everyone else still plays a kittenload though (ladguy, raiden, and me, mugi, joe etc), and I’m sure once you come back we’ll all run more often.
Poor form there CD zoom hacking when you out number is 5 to 1 at our keep.
notice there’s more than one red circle, u guys have a few bad apples.
(edited by havok.1528)
Seriously CD??? There is no door gap for you to aim through and no excuse for this, you wouldn’t like it if we portalled people into your fully fortified towers would you?
Learn to take a keep baddies.
….. And Elementalist.
Trying to take back the keep and look where this guy is shooting his arrowcart.
….. And Elementalist.
Seriously CD??? There is no door gap for you to aim through and no excuse for this, you wouldn’t like it if we portalled people into your fully fortified towers would you?
Learn to take a keep baddies.
I’m actually amused by the level of intellect shown in your response!
So it’s our fault that this guy decided to join us on capturing your keep huh?
If you guys would even step in our shoes to think, which i doubt you would, perhaps you would like to suggest what we could have done better?
Ask him to leave? Oh yea sure he would!
Kick him from the map? Oh yea sure we could!
Manage to see that he’s actually firing that ac deep into your keep? Oh yea sure we should!
Trying to take back the keep and look where this guy is shooting his arrowcart.
Someone got caught. I don`t even think this is possible even using aspect ratio.
Seriously CD??? There is no door gap for you to aim through and no excuse for this, you wouldn’t like it if we portalled people into your fully fortified towers would you?
Learn to take a keep baddies.
I’m actually amused by the level of intellect shown in your response!
So it’s our fault that this guy decided to join us on capturing your keep huh?
If you guys would even step in our shoes to think, which i doubt you would, perhaps you would like to suggest what we could have done better?Ask him to leave? Oh yea sure he would!
Kick him from the map? Oh yea sure we could!
Manage to see that he’s actually firing that ac deep into your keep? Oh yea sure we should!
just lol…
Don’t talk about intellect about a response when the initial post wasn’t a response, it was a topic starter, your post was the response.. #Brainlag @ choo
Also, there was more than 1 arrowcart firing inside if you bothered to read any other post before pulling your internet muscles out.
….. And Elementalist.
To all the folks with screenshots of the zoom hacker, if I see him I def will report him. I’m in wvw every night so i’ll be on the lookout and tell all my guildies to be on the look out too. I enjoy friendly competition but hacking and cheating is complete garbage and not what CD stands for.
Wu Táng Financial [Táng] – YB
Trying to take back the keep and look where this guy is shooting his arrowcart.
Someone got caught. I don`t even think this is possible even using aspect ratio.
It is, after we got the keep I went down there and used the trick to double check before posting…
….. And Elementalist.
Seriously CD??? There is no door gap for you to aim through and no excuse for this, you wouldn’t like it if we portalled people into your fully fortified towers would you?
Learn to take a keep baddies.
I’m actually amused by the level of intellect shown in your response!
So it’s our fault that this guy decided to join us on capturing your keep huh?
If you guys would even step in our shoes to think, which i doubt you would, perhaps you would like to suggest what we could have done better?Ask him to leave? Oh yea sure he would!
Kick him from the map? Oh yea sure we could!
Manage to see that he’s actually firing that ac deep into your keep? Oh yea sure we should!just lol…
Don’t talk about intellect about a response when the initial post wasn’t a response, it was a topic starter, your post was the response.. #Brainlag @ choo
Also, there was more than 1 arrowcart firing inside if you bothered to read any other post before pulling your internet muscles out.
Well, way to go to answer my question.
So I guess the whole of CD is “bad” and should “learn to take a keep” just because of these 2 hackers huh… Yeap that sure makes a lot of sense bro.
Interesting. Something which I want to find out myself.
I will keep a look out for the fella who hacked. Fairness in a game is one but not playing by the rule by playing with hacks? Not acceptable. I am from Crystal Desert and I will have a lookout for those guys and will report them if they did it again.
Seriously CD??? There is no door gap for you to aim through and no excuse for this, you wouldn’t like it if we portalled people into your fully fortified towers would you?
Learn to take a keep baddies.
I’m actually amused by the level of intellect shown in your response!
So it’s our fault that this guy decided to join us on capturing your keep huh?
If you guys would even step in our shoes to think, which i doubt you would, perhaps you would like to suggest what we could have done better?Ask him to leave? Oh yea sure he would!
Kick him from the map? Oh yea sure we could!
Manage to see that he’s actually firing that ac deep into your keep? Oh yea sure we should!just lol…
Don’t talk about intellect about a response when the initial post wasn’t a response, it was a topic starter, your post was the response.. #Brainlag @ choo
Also, there was more than 1 arrowcart firing inside if you bothered to read any other post before pulling your internet muscles out.Well, way to go to answer my question.
So I guess the whole of CD is “bad” and should “learn to take a keep” just because of these 2 hackers huh… Yeap that sure makes a lot of sense bro.
Well when you answered your own questions I had nothing to answer too, so +1 to logic “bro”
I’m losing brain cells from talking to you, and I think you’re just looking for a fight so say what ever you want I wont reply to you anymore but a server mate of yours already posted with a response that didn’t involve testosterone exploding out of every orifice possible.
….. And Elementalist.
Seriously CD??? There is no door gap for you to aim through and no excuse for this, you wouldn’t like it if we portalled people into your fully fortified towers would you?
Learn to take a keep baddies.
I’m actually amused by the level of intellect shown in your response!
So it’s our fault that this guy decided to join us on capturing your keep huh?
If you guys would even step in our shoes to think, which i doubt you would, perhaps you would like to suggest what we could have done better?Ask him to leave? Oh yea sure he would!
Kick him from the map? Oh yea sure we could!
Manage to see that he’s actually firing that ac deep into your keep? Oh yea sure we should!just lol…
Don’t talk about intellect about a response when the initial post wasn’t a response, it was a topic starter, your post was the response.. #Brainlag @ choo
Also, there was more than 1 arrowcart firing inside if you bothered to read any other post before pulling your internet muscles out.Well, way to go to answer my question.
So I guess the whole of CD is “bad” and should “learn to take a keep” just because of these 2 hackers huh… Yeap that sure makes a lot of sense bro.
Don’t you know? If 1 person is a baddie everyone on that server is a baddie! That’s how it works in internetz land.
PB Officer
Hi IOJ guys,
I was the commander for the raid earlier on EB taking your fully fortified keep. I am truly sorry that I didnt notice we have a bunch of hackers in our midst. However I do hope that this doesnt make the whole CD into a server of HACKERS cause we arent. But I would really appreciate if you dont diss the whole server just because of a few hackers. We would also cooperate to report the hackers if we do see them again doing so.
Earlier prior to EB, I also raided your BL with my guild [RI] and if some of you were there you would have definitely seem us. Our guild played it fair and square with other respectable guilds in CD against you guys, you should have know since IOJ did engage us and we had fun right?
Once again, I apologize on behalf for whatever happened and hope we wont see that happening again and also would work together to get those hackers out of this game.
(edited by Athena.4682)
Trying to take back the keep and look where this guy is shooting his arrowcart.
He event looks like a villain!
Seriously CD??? There is no door gap for you to aim through and no excuse for this, you wouldn’t like it if we portalled people into your fully fortified towers would you?
Learn to take a keep baddies.
I’m actually amused by the level of intellect shown in your response!
So it’s our fault that this guy decided to join us on capturing your keep huh?
If you guys would even step in our shoes to think, which i doubt you would, perhaps you would like to suggest what we could have done better?Ask him to leave? Oh yea sure he would!
Kick him from the map? Oh yea sure we could!
Manage to see that he’s actually firing that ac deep into your keep? Oh yea sure we should!just lol…
Don’t talk about intellect about a response when the initial post wasn’t a response, it was a topic starter, your post was the response.. #Brainlag @ choo
Also, there was more than 1 arrowcart firing inside if you bothered to read any other post before pulling your internet muscles out.Well, way to go to answer my question.
So I guess the whole of CD is “bad” and should “learn to take a keep” just because of these 2 hackers huh… Yeap that sure makes a lot of sense bro.
Well when you answered your own questions I had nothing to answer too, so +1 to logic “bro”
I’m losing brain cells from talking to you, and I think you’re just looking for a fight so say what ever you want I wont reply to you anymore but a server mate of yours already posted with a response that didn’t involve testosterone exploding out of every orifice possible.
I have just one more thing to add on.
You do notice I only responded to you and not your other server mates, do you?
Well that’s because they obviously have a better choice of words than you do. Cheers.
Ohhh I want to watch your stream!!! Sounds like the entertainment value is extremely high!
The implication that I’m in any way successfully trolled is pretty funny.
you posted here, that gives them the win. i’m not sure you understand how trolling works, if you don’t realize that.