Mithril Footman
Ultimate Dominator
It’s appalling how some people think you need to do overtime for a freaking video game.
A video game is made for fun. It’s not a job. Seems like people have forgotten that.
Really, it’s only termed “overtime” in this game in particular because of the way the game is built. 24 hour PvP. Just because people play outside of their prime-time doesn’t mean it’s overtime. I can feel like playing this game at 2pm because it is for entertainment purposes, after all. I used to play Legend of Zelda at any hour of the day, but was it considered playing overtime since it wasn’t in my country’s “prime-time?” :P
So, if you start considering playing this game outside of a certain time-frame “overtime,” then maybe it’s you who is taking the game a bit too seriously.
I think hes trying to get at that those who play ‘overtime’ dont have a life outside the game
I think you misunderstood.
I’m trying to discredit the word “overtime” as a useless word in a game that is meant to be played whenever the kitten you feel like it. It’s meant for fun. If it’s fun for you at 3am, then play. Simple stuff.
Overtime can be defined as something that is not within the confines of “what is considered healthy or reasonable by society”, time-wise. In the context of GW2, people generally play during the night time. This obviously differs, but by regression towards the mean, we can safely assume that most people will play during one time frame, which is their respective 6-11pm. This is because of various reasons, be it school, work, family, social life, and other activities, which give people leisure time after “work hours”. We can consider these normal playing hours for WvW’ers.
Now, what I am referring to is the fact that people have told SoR guilds to play outside of their normal playing hours in order to catch up to BG coverage, whether it be staying up late at night or waking up exceptionally early. This is silly and goes against the entire mantra of what a video game is. Video games should be fun, competitive when seeked, and add pleasure to your life. But when you are SACRIFICING real life components in your daily routine, you are making a video game similar to a job, where you sacrifice key components of your life (social, sleep, other activities) in order to receive a promotion and earn more money (in the case of WvW, more PPT).
Basically, regardless of a video game being fun at 3am, don’t feel compelled to play more than is healthy just because some other people sacrifice their lives to win some season. Life is short. You only have so much time to explore this world of ours.
I can agree with everything you have mentioned. It just didn’t seem like you were saying this in the same context when you simply said “It’s appalling how some people think you need to do overtime for a freaking video game.”
I didn’t know that “being asked to play outside of your normal times” was in the equation. Playing like that can definitely be considered putting in overtime. However, I do believe that if someone, or a guild, wants to play at like 3am their time, then it is fine and shouldn’t be considered “overtime” and simply just be considered playing the game.
I agree that in some instances people can make this game seem like a job.
I know this is selfish and impossible to accomplish, but for me its way more important fighting for than ppt.
You’ve always had your own interests in mind Smokee, and as a result, it’s always had at least a little positive influence in balancing your time zone, as well as benefit Blackgate because it kept you playing. Dem was some dark days when you retired. Regarding ZDs, you’re right I think. Where else could they have gone? You’d think JQ at first, but the back-to-back-to-back of MERC —> ATM --> ZDs (not discounting other guilds/players in those time zones by the way .. just trying to keep it simple) would have probably been a bit ridiculous. SoR? ZDs —> IRON --> EST NA. Similar effect I’d would think I don’t know. I’m not saying ZDs will not have a similar effect on BG, only that the overall influence on the outcome might be less impactful than the alternatives.
In the end, perfect balance is a pipe dream. If it ever exists, it would only last a short while I think. Too much can change too quickly and off-prime time coverage balance is too delicate.
My 2 cents anyways. As always, I disclaim my posts with the chance that I’m a total idiot regarding this stuff.
Personally I don’t care who outnumbers who at what timezone as long as we get in good fights
Thats the key issue here. With so few EU guids on NA servers, even with the rescent transfers, every guild moving here is making a huge impact. We that play in this timezone just want to make sure that the server we play on dont get super stacked. Heck I even know of some IRON guys that´s been feed up with nothing to fight for weeks, and who would have thought that´d been possible?
Right now the only really fights BG EU gets is vs. SoR ( and the other way around I guess ) – What I´d really hope to see is 3 or more NA guilds with a healthy amount of EU players anad guilds.
(edited by Smokee.1754)
Anet might be making changes in the future to balance. Throw in your two cents if you want!
And also given ZDs is transferring to NA to escape queue and find fights, if they go to JQ this week, they would get bored to tears….It does seem that the most logical servers for them to go to NA to find consistent fights for a while are BG or SoR, given SoR has IRON and at least perceived superior EU coverage, I am not surprised they come to BG instead.
(edited by Reslinal.2359)
I know this is selfish and impossible to accomplish, but for me its way more important fighting for than ppt.
You’ve always had your own interests in mind Smokee, and as a result, it’s always had at least a little positive influence in balancing your time zone, as well as benefit Blackgate because it kept you playing. Dem was some dark days when you retired. Regarding ZDs, you’re right I think. Where else could they have gone? You’d think JQ at first, but the back-to-back-to-back of MERC —> ATM --> ZDs (not discounting other guilds/players in those time zones by the way .. just trying to keep it simple) would have probably been a bit ridiculous. SoR? ZDs —> IRON --> EST NA. Similar effect I’d would think I don’t know. I’m not saying ZDs will not have a similar effect on BG, only that the overall influence on the outcome might be less impactful than the alternatives.
In the end, perfect balance is a pipe dream. If it ever exists, it would only last a short while I think. Too much can change too quickly and off-prime time coverage balance is too delicate.
My 2 cents anyways. As always, I disclaim my posts with the chance that I’m a total idiot regarding this stuff.
I think what smokee was looking for is more competitive fielding from JQ in that timeslot, and I don’t mean it as a slight to JQ EU but there isn’t any competition from that side, you have IRON, who is a very good fielding guild and fields a large force from SoR, and basically alphabet soup from JQ. again no offense meant towards JQ EU.
The Last 24 hours only bullkittens and excuses has showed up here, whats going on SoR, it is only tuesday and already gave up? omfg last week was great, this one began great too but now when we take the lead QQ its only what you guys do, ridiculous, OMG have at least a bit of self respect, stop cry about our coverage and fight best you can!!
And also given ZDs is transferring to NA to find fights
Anet might be making changes in the future to balance. Throw in your two cents if you want!
the SoR ppt is a combination of a couple of factors, and im really not sure it’s going to get better.
The patch hit us while we were in mid fight for BG garri. Post patch BG managed to get their force back in before we could take it, and our commander who had been there covering 3 outmanned maps for 8 hours finally decided he needed rest for tonight.
Meanwhile on our home BL which had up until this point been queue’d by Rai, and whatever PuG’s were there, got no defenders at all, and so BG took it (no idea where the defense was on this one.)
Now the crews that have woken up took one look at the maps and went “eh whatever, living story time.”
Id be surprised if our late NA/Early oceanic group actually manages to get anything accomplished tonight. It’s moderately discouraging to end the night on a failure to cap, it’s incredibly discouraging to wake up to an awful PPT that is actually a degradation from what should be SoR’s weakest time.
And also given ZDs is transferring to NA to find fights
Aww it’s cute when they use caps….How’s the EU brackets going brah?
To wet your whistles. Imo, OP is talking like Santa Claus.
This is an observation of the current gold league match UPS from your friendly roaming necro on SoR.
leagues are stupid, PPT is stupid, getting on a BL map that had a que and wondering where everyone is, can be annoying. Coverage wars is and has always been stupid.
I came to SoR a long time ago because it was a server that said it was in it for the fights and not the PPT. So lets just be that server again. Doesn’t matter if you roam or zerg the game goes on with out you when you log out and no amount of forum warrioring will do a kitten thing about it.
And also given ZDs is transferring to NA to find fights
Sorry, should say ZDs is transferring to NA to escape queue and hopefully finding fights while doing so:)
grats on getting the EU guild [BULL] SOR
Hello everyone.
Well, idk what u were talking about all this time, during our playtime on borders, but know this – we are playing for fun and focused on result. If u have some questions about our, like you were saying, PvD, you will be always welcome on WWW ground, where you will have your chances to provide us with your divinity skill.
For now, i suggest you to stop talking much about ZDs and focus on your primary objectives, ‘cause there’s no power in words, unless you wouldn’t provide it with your deeds.
With my best regards,
Warrior of ZDs.
I fight for SOR, and I advocate that we focus on fighting and not making excuses. I love the quality of fights this week. Hate the long queues though.
grats on getting the EU guild [BULL] SOR
[BULL] glad to see you guys on the NA scene Always loved running with ya guys in the old days of Desolation
See you on the battlefield
I would much rather that ZDs stay and more EU guilds come into the NA leagues. I won’t make a conjecture as to why, but SoR’s late SEA early EU is usually more formidable than what I’ve been fighting for the last couple of days. When they start stepping up again, then we’ll really have some fun.
grats on getting the EU guild [BULL] SOR
[BULL] glad to see you guys on the NA scene Always loved running with ya guys in the old days of Desolation
See you on the battlefield
Only a few(2) have come over to check out what NA is like, unless their GL has already decided to transfer over which im unaware of.
I would much rather that ZDs stay and more EU guilds come into the NA leagues. I won’t make a conjecture as to why, but SoR’s late SEA early EU is usually more formidable than what I’ve been fighting for the last couple of days. When they start stepping up again, then we’ll really have some fun.
Its IRON pulling early shifts to cover the gap or NA commanders trying to help
BTW, speaking of GvGs, I imagine it’s been buried in the thread by now, but the guild I’m an officer of, Remnants of Terror [RoT] is still looking for at least one more practice GvG this week, I believe and no, we don’t even care if you have three stacks of bloodlust on you. Either 15s or 20s. We’re starting to try and get active in them again after we took a few weeks break to train up our expanded guild roster.
We have one with ONE so far tomorrow, and unfortunately, we are an NA guild, so I don’t know if we can do any EU requests. We can only really get enough people on by around 5 or 6 PM Server time. =S
But yeah, we’d definitely want at least one more practice one some time during the week. =S
I’ve got to say, earlier this week was way more fun. Where did SoR go, it is only Tuesday? One thing I have always respected about TC when they come to T1, is that they do not give up, even though they pretty much know it is 3rd place for them no matter what. I play WvW for good fights, and we had a ton early this week with TC and SoR.
Bring back the SoR troops! I enjoy fighting you guys, we are obviously rivals and we talk a lot of kitten to each other. But I don’t know what I would do without you <3
Hopefully the pve achievement hunters will be gone this week. Then we can really wvw against SoR and the T2 servers in between. (sorry T2 guys but yeah)
Gz ZDs on PvD hope you enjoy it more than fighting guilds back on EU
One step from love to hate.
I just dont get why you would leave good competitive fighting for your primtime, to come PvD and get a lot fewer fights.. makes no sense
Try and play a video game and have to wait for hours on end to actually be able to experience what you enjoy. Why do you think so many EU guilds are entertaining the thought of coming to NA servers? Because of the food? They want to not have to deal with queues.
And fyi [IRON] did this whole transfer to NA thing many moons ago too, in case you dudes forgot. I think it was around week 18 or 19 when you guys came rumbling in here throwing everything out of whack. But you guys had no problem doing it then, right? It was also when SoR went on a rampage and won like 7 straight weeks because there was barely any EU guilds running anywhere near those numbers at the time.
SoR has had the strongest EU of the top three NA servers for some time now. When IRON came here, they came into EU “for fights” despite both JQ (which at the time was already beginning to decline) and BG (who only had the smaller forces of RK and those in HB who were trying to get back into the game), and they continued to run rampant and kittentalk the forums until RG came in to help balance out T1. Since then SoR received [KISS], [SLAY] (who merged into IRON) [rB] who moved about 15-20 to SoR, [AFTL], etc. yet yall are still going on at that numbers talk as if it mattered to you guys when you made the jump back in May. When you guys are winning, (meaning ppl in the EU timezone) your numbers are in the kitten load column; Now that you can’t walk through every guild or pug like they’re made of toilet paper, everything starts to tank?
[IRON] has constantly talked about wanting open field fights and GvG and always wiping the enemy and never having any real competition. Well, now you have an Iron Curtain with similar numbers looking to fold you up and spit you out. Enjoy.
Just show up.
SoR just needs more EU coverage, IRON alone cant carry hard enough
i thought iron went to sor because they no longer wanted to do serious wvw in desolation.
i want to see them get serious. kuhehehe
Gz ZDs on PvD hope you enjoy it more than fighting guilds back on EU
One step from love to hate.
I just dont get why you would leave good competitive fighting for your primtime, to come PvD and get a lot fewer fights.. makes no sense
Try and play a video game and have to wait for hours on end to actually be able to experience what you enjoy. Why do you think so many EU guilds are entertaining the thought of coming to NA servers? Because of the food? They want to not have to deal with queues.
And fyi [IRON] did this whole transfer to NA thing many moons ago too, in case you dudes forgot. I think it was around week 18 or 19 when you guys came rumbling in here throwing everything out of whack. But you guys had no problem doing it then, right? It was also when SoR went on a rampage and won like 7 straight weeks because there was barely any EU guilds running anywhere near those numbers at the time.
SoR has had the strongest EU of the top three NA servers for some time now. When IRON came here, they came into EU “for fights” despite both JQ (which at the time was already beginning to decline) and BG (who only had the smaller forces of RK and those in HB who were trying to get back into the game), and they continued to run rampant and kittentalk the forums until RG came in to help balance out T1. Since then SoR received [KISS], [SLAY] (who merged into IRON) [rB] who moved about 15-20 to SoR, [AFTL], etc. yet yall are still going on at that numbers talk as if it mattered to you guys when you made the jump back in May. When you guys are winning, (meaning ppl in the EU timezone) your numbers are in the kitten load column; Now that you can’t walk through every guild or pug like they’re made of toilet paper, everything starts to tank?
[IRON] has constantly talked about wanting open field fights and GvG and always wiping the enemy and never having any real competition. Well, now you have an Iron Curtain with similar numbers looking to fold you up and spit you out. Enjoy.
Just show up.
U just nailed it. If anyone has to go back to Eu it should be Iron the 1st.
Hey – Si une top-guilde McM française ou francophone veux venir sur Blackgate, ça serait vraiment excellent.
French connexion.
Titan man you forgot to say how much gold you will offer lol
[IRON] has constantly talked about wanting open field fights and GvG and always wiping the enemy and never having any real competition. Well, now you have an Iron Curtain with similar numbers…
I enjoyed this metaphor.
grats on getting the EU guild [BULL] SOR
[BULL] glad to see you guys on the NA scene Always loved running with ya guys in the old days of Desolation
See you on the battlefieldOnly a few(2) have come over to check out what NA is like, unless their GL has already decided to transfer over which im unaware of.
Who was asking why SOR score is tanking? The disappointing thing about the whole ZD transfer is that it over shadowed how much work our pst NA , ocx and sea put in to bring our ppt back in line. Good job guys!
I heard from a credible source that SoR was training this week.
I heard from a credible source that SoR was training this week.
Hey – Si une top-guilde McM française ou francophone veux venir sur Blackgate, ça serait vraiment excellent.
French connexion.Titan man you forgot to say how much gold you will offer lol
Tbh i see you guys posting of all of these guilds that xfer to SoR in euro/ocx/sea time but none of them pull a bl. IRON leads the so called “stack” EU time slot for SoR but to say that we are stacked at the time slot i guess means IRON has a larger force then yours till now? ZD xfer to BG is welcomed as i am one am excited to fight them. But just ZD has 60 strong and they can split 30 into any bl while IRON can only control one bl. Maybe IRON runs 10-30 to even 60 but its not all IRON. The blobs you may sometimes lead by iron has the ATFL KISS SLAY members you say all xfer to stack.
SoR has never been about PPT and never will. I hope ZD will try and open field fight with the forces here as today it seemed they were just back cappin towers and keeps to keep the ppt up, which is a good tactic for PPT gain after gainin the coverage control.
SoR has never been about PPT and never will. I hope ZD will try and open field fight with the forces here as today it seemed they were just back cappin towers and keeps to keep the ppt up, which is a good tactic for PPT gain after gainin the coverage control.
Gz ZDs on PvD hope you enjoy it more than fighting guilds back on EU
One step from love to hate.
I just dont get why you would leave good competitive fighting for your primtime, to come PvD and get a lot fewer fights.. makes no sense
Try and play a video game and have to wait for hours on end to actually be able to experience what you enjoy. Why do you think so many EU guilds are entertaining the thought of coming to NA servers? Because of the food? They want to not have to deal with queues.
And fyi [IRON] did this whole transfer to NA thing many moons ago too, in case you dudes forgot. I think it was around week 18 or 19 when you guys came rumbling in here throwing everything out of whack. But you guys had no problem doing it then, right? It was also when SoR went on a rampage and won like 7 straight weeks because there was barely any EU guilds running anywhere near those numbers at the time.
SoR has had the strongest EU of the top three NA servers for some time now. When IRON came here, they came into EU “for fights” despite both JQ (which at the time was already beginning to decline) and BG (who only had the smaller forces of RK and those in HB who were trying to get back into the game), and they continued to run rampant and kittentalk the forums until RG came in to help balance out T1. Since then SoR received [KISS], [SLAY] (who merged into IRON) [rB] who moved about 15-20 to SoR, [AFTL], etc. yet yall are still going on at that numbers talk as if it mattered to you guys when you made the jump back in May. When you guys are winning, (meaning ppl in the EU timezone) your numbers are in the kitten load column; Now that you can’t walk through every guild or pug like they’re made of toilet paper, everything starts to tank?
[IRON] has constantly talked about wanting open field fights and GvG and always wiping the enemy and never having any real competition. Well, now you have an Iron Curtain with similar numbers looking to fold you up and spit you out. Enjoy.
Just show up.
U just nailed it. If anyone has to go back to Eu it should be Iron the 1st.
looking back at your post history you seem to have an unhealthy obsession with iron
Gz ZDs on PvD hope you enjoy it more than fighting guilds back on EU
One step from love to hate.
I just dont get why you would leave good competitive fighting for your primtime, to come PvD and get a lot fewer fights.. makes no sense
Try and play a video game and have to wait for hours on end to actually be able to experience what you enjoy. Why do you think so many EU guilds are entertaining the thought of coming to NA servers? Because of the food? They want to not have to deal with queues.
And fyi [IRON] did this whole transfer to NA thing many moons ago too, in case you dudes forgot. I think it was around week 18 or 19 when you guys came rumbling in here throwing everything out of whack. But you guys had no problem doing it then, right? It was also when SoR went on a rampage and won like 7 straight weeks because there was barely any EU guilds running anywhere near those numbers at the time.
SoR has had the strongest EU of the top three NA servers for some time now. When IRON came here, they came into EU “for fights” despite both JQ (which at the time was already beginning to decline) and BG (who only had the smaller forces of RK and those in HB who were trying to get back into the game), and they continued to run rampant and kittentalk the forums until RG came in to help balance out T1. Since then SoR received [KISS], [SLAY] (who merged into IRON) [rB] who moved about 15-20 to SoR, [AFTL], etc. yet yall are still going on at that numbers talk as if it mattered to you guys when you made the jump back in May. When you guys are winning, (meaning ppl in the EU timezone) your numbers are in the kitten load column; Now that you can’t walk through every guild or pug like they’re made of toilet paper, everything starts to tank?
[IRON] has constantly talked about wanting open field fights and GvG and always wiping the enemy and never having any real competition. Well, now you have an Iron Curtain with similar numbers looking to fold you up and spit you out. Enjoy.
Just show up.
U just nailed it. If anyone has to go back to Eu it should be Iron the 1st.
looking back at your post history you seem to have an unhealthy obsession with iron
its a love-hate relationship
Gz ZDs on PvD hope you enjoy it more than fighting guilds back on EU
One step from love to hate.
I just dont get why you would leave good competitive fighting for your primtime, to come PvD and get a lot fewer fights.. makes no sense
Try and play a video game and have to wait for hours on end to actually be able to experience what you enjoy. Why do you think so many EU guilds are entertaining the thought of coming to NA servers? Because of the food? They want to not have to deal with queues.
And fyi [IRON] did this whole transfer to NA thing many moons ago too, in case you dudes forgot. I think it was around week 18 or 19 when you guys came rumbling in here throwing everything out of whack. But you guys had no problem doing it then, right? It was also when SoR went on a rampage and won like 7 straight weeks because there was barely any EU guilds running anywhere near those numbers at the time.
SoR has had the strongest EU of the top three NA servers for some time now. When IRON came here, they came into EU “for fights” despite both JQ (which at the time was already beginning to decline) and BG (who only had the smaller forces of RK and those in HB who were trying to get back into the game), and they continued to run rampant and kittentalk the forums until RG came in to help balance out T1. Since then SoR received [KISS], [SLAY] (who merged into IRON) [rB] who moved about 15-20 to SoR, [AFTL], etc. yet yall are still going on at that numbers talk as if it mattered to you guys when you made the jump back in May. When you guys are winning, (meaning ppl in the EU timezone) your numbers are in the kitten load column; Now that you can’t walk through every guild or pug like they’re made of toilet paper, everything starts to tank?
[IRON] has constantly talked about wanting open field fights and GvG and always wiping the enemy and never having any real competition. Well, now you have an Iron Curtain with similar numbers looking to fold you up and spit you out. Enjoy.
Just show up.
U just nailed it. If anyone has to go back to Eu it should be Iron the 1st.
looking back at your post history you seem to have an unhealthy obsession with iron
its a love-hate relationship
Did you hit level 18 yet on your Ranger main?
And when I thought SoR was going to win due to the fact they had 10k lead and were absolutely ruining our BL, then I log in today and BOOOM 440 PPT for BG. Guise wot is gewing awn like srsly TC zergs melt or run and SoR has blob zergs that just farm our players instead of take objectives i.e. in our garri the other night BG v [IRON] + [Choo] blob and they were eating our players yet they didn’t take garri, oh no just sort of ran in circles on some sort of forward momentum that finally stopped when they got bored.
Well its very simple, your server has experts at finding coverage gaps and recruiting for those time slots. Valid strategy when you can’t actually win your fights.
im sorry ….. but BG ticking more than you during EU and NA as well since weekdays began…
kitten, i need to relearn my math, i was sure 300 > 200 for NA, bummer…
[IRON] is probably pretty excited to have another big EU guild to fight, I would imagine.
Well every time I check forum I always see troll from iron in every place I visit yea it’s such a love
SoR has never been about PPT and never will. I hope ZD will try and open field fight with the forces here as today it seemed they were just back cappin towers and keeps to keep the ppt up, which is a good tactic for PPT gain after gainin the coverage control.
I’m curious then, where on earth did SoR go? I’m not trying to be sarcastic or anything, i’m genuinely wondering where the fight went that we had earlier this week? Because from where I see it, it seems like BG took a strong lead and since we pulled ahead so far in ppt, SoR stopped caring. I guess I should have taken that as your guild has never cared about ppt. Again, asking a legitimate question here, no shenanigans.
Matchups part of the forums needs to be deleted
You may be right since SoR forum warriors are trolling their own server.
You should probably look at their post history
One admitted to be an uplevel 17 ranger and has posted to the board for 4 days.
Well every time I check forum I always see troll from iron in every place I visit yea it’s such a love
Don’t be mad . Its always the same few people and not representative of the whole of Iron . Same goes for all the posters on here from various guilds . The matchup forums are just one big wind up everyone should get that by now . A place to while away the time when stuck in a queue or at work nothing more
(edited by spanky.4630)
Gz ZDs on PvD hope you enjoy it more than fighting guilds back on EU
One step from love to hate.
I just dont get why you would leave good competitive fighting for your primtime, to come PvD and get a lot fewer fights.. makes no sense
Try and play a video game and have to wait for hours on end to actually be able to experience what you enjoy. Why do you think so many EU guilds are entertaining the thought of coming to NA servers? Because of the food? They want to not have to deal with queues.
And fyi [IRON] did this whole transfer to NA thing many moons ago too, in case you dudes forgot. I think it was around week 18 or 19 when you guys came rumbling in here throwing everything out of whack. But you guys had no problem doing it then, right? It was also when SoR went on a rampage and won like 7 straight weeks because there was barely any EU guilds running anywhere near those numbers at the time.
SoR has had the strongest EU of the top three NA servers for some time now. When IRON came here, they came into EU “for fights” despite both JQ (which at the time was already beginning to decline) and BG (who only had the smaller forces of RK and those in HB who were trying to get back into the game), and they continued to run rampant and kittentalk the forums until RG came in to help balance out T1. Since then SoR received [KISS], [SLAY] (who merged into IRON) [rB] who moved about 15-20 to SoR, [AFTL], etc. yet yall are still going on at that numbers talk as if it mattered to you guys when you made the jump back in May. When you guys are winning, (meaning ppl in the EU timezone) your numbers are in the kitten load column; Now that you can’t walk through every guild or pug like they’re made of toilet paper, everything starts to tank?
[IRON] has constantly talked about wanting open field fights and GvG and always wiping the enemy and never having any real competition. Well, now you have an Iron Curtain with similar numbers looking to fold you up and spit you out. Enjoy.
Just show up.
U just nailed it. If anyone has to go back to Eu it should be Iron the 1st.
looking back at your post history you seem to have an unhealthy obsession with iron
its a love-hate relationship
Did you hit level 18 yet on your Ranger main?
19 dude
Hey SoR is winning pretty hard right now, hope it can makes up for all the points loss during EU time
Gz ZDs on PvD hope you enjoy it more than fighting guilds back on EU
One step from love to hate.
I just dont get why you would leave good competitive fighting for your primtime, to come PvD and get a lot fewer fights.. makes no sense
Try and play a video game and have to wait for hours on end to actually be able to experience what you enjoy. Why do you think so many EU guilds are entertaining the thought of coming to NA servers? Because of the food? They want to not have to deal with queues.
And fyi [IRON] did this whole transfer to NA thing many moons ago too, in case you dudes forgot. I think it was around week 18 or 19 when you guys came rumbling in here throwing everything out of whack. But you guys had no problem doing it then, right? It was also when SoR went on a rampage and won like 7 straight weeks because there was barely any EU guilds running anywhere near those numbers at the time.
SoR has had the strongest EU of the top three NA servers for some time now. When IRON came here, they came into EU “for fights” despite both JQ (which at the time was already beginning to decline) and BG (who only had the smaller forces of RK and those in HB who were trying to get back into the game), and they continued to run rampant and kittentalk the forums until RG came in to help balance out T1. Since then SoR received [KISS], [SLAY] (who merged into IRON) [rB] who moved about 15-20 to SoR, [AFTL], etc. yet yall are still going on at that numbers talk as if it mattered to you guys when you made the jump back in May. When you guys are winning, (meaning ppl in the EU timezone) your numbers are in the kitten load column; Now that you can’t walk through every guild or pug like they’re made of toilet paper, everything starts to tank?
[IRON] has constantly talked about wanting open field fights and GvG and always wiping the enemy and never having any real competition. Well, now you have an Iron Curtain with similar numbers looking to fold you up and spit you out. Enjoy.
Just show up.
U just nailed it. If anyone has to go back to Eu it should be Iron the 1st.
looking back at your post history you seem to have an unhealthy obsession with iron
its a love-hate relationship
Did you hit level 18 yet on your Ranger main?
19 dude
Nice! The utility skill that opens up at level 20 is pretty much a game changer for up levelled Rangers in WvW. You will literally carry the dps and your pets will gain some new abilities as well. Have you decided which skill to grab yet for that slot?
Why do people keep transferring to the top 3.
Go to Mags and SoS. kittenmit it’s like nobody understands it’s a 6-server league.
Why do people keep transferring to the top 3.
Go to Mags and SoS. kittenmit it’s like nobody understands it’s a 6-server league.
Nooooo…they do. Besides, TC is the place to be
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