Commander to [SLVR], Housepet to [GH]
(edited by KStudios.2850)
Since when did yaks have such a Insane EBG presence, Its almost like SBI
It’s hard to defend Overlook 10v60, even while Yaks just completely zerged down our Borderlands and they still had an army in eternal.Say hello to our fairweathers.
They’ve been absent recently while times were rough and I’m guessing they are now raring to go in WvW. Ebay (like every server to varying degree) its share of fairweathers too as your numbers are certainly down.
It doesn’t matter if we’re winning or losing. EBay has no night crew regardless of the match situation. I’m pretty much convinced it’s the law that we’re not allowed one.
Fo’rizzle. Our meager night shift consists of like 6 to 8 really good people, and when I say “really good” I’ll clarify and elaborate. These aren’t folks who generally excel at open field combat or really even specialize in any other single aspect of WvW. These folks are not puggles, they have a good grasp of what’s going on with the map most of the time, they know what good siege placement is (and is not), and just generally know their way around very well without having to be hand-held by a nacho (cause there often isn’t one around at 3 – 7 am). I could shower these fellows in praise but that would seem pretty self-serving, since I’m one of them a few nights a week.
(edited by KStudios.2850)
Well , a few people have been asking for it. So i guess i had to put something together. I normally post a “song of the day” , a few times during the match up. So here goes a few fails from yesterday morning.
I love the popping commander tag as a call for help. I guess it happens often. but this might be the first time i noticed it as i was fighting.
Im not going to lie , I have about 5 ele mist spikes in wvw total. Not one of them happened as i was recording.
Well i give you todays
I hate. fighting. you. If you see a solo [SoCo] Necro or War (in pink for Breast Cancer Awareness month!) running for his life, it’s probably me, and I’m probably shaking and crying.
Thank you. I think… Apparently you aren’t alone. This morning on my solo stroll I’ve had everyone I come across run from me (Maybe they know the frapz is rolling?) Na… Aside from a few nice people that I had some duels with.
Had some fun the other day on NSP borderlands. Got in some good fights with Grindhouse (the few that they didnt graveyard rush or run from). Seriously, Grindhouse thinks they are top !#$% but you fail to mention your numerous FAILS. Simply put, we wiped you in NSP garrison with 7 people by sweeping in behind you. Might want to check your six before you go running in. Also, LOVE the kitten measuring between XOXO and GH. <3
PS – Get it Yaks!
I don’t know why anyone would think grindhouse is a good wvw guild.. they do what most of the eBay server does.. die and call for help in mapchat.
Or use the new eBay exclusive strat.. tag up with your super duper commander tag while fighting XOXO.
*Inb4 screenshot or it didn’t happen.
Lol, don’t get kitteny. You’re the folks I just had a run in with a few mins ago at our north camp. The thief/mes team that 1v4 ganked me, then let the guards rez me to gank me again lol. While I congratulate your mad ingame trolling skillz. I find it funny it took you all so long just to kill lil ol’ me alone. As previously stated, I’m only mediocre in terms of skill compared to some of our [GF] folks. That says much. All in all, I like you guys, you’re pretty good. Nothing particularly special though. Certainly no [GF].
As for that solo Yaks thief from [Bark] I met earlier still. You’re good too. Tried to team you to tell you so myself, but you weren’t having that apparently. I think you need to step it up a bit and not use the same 2-3 button combo over and over, but it’s working for you. Was just a matter of you having to wear down all my dodges/heals to finally get me (several resets and retries later), which I know takes forever because that’s how I’m specifically built. Just seems terribly inefficient on your part is all, when you’ve obviously got the skill to do much much better.
I find it hard not to attack anyone who is escorting yaks. Besides, you grouped with me earlier and you seemed like a pretty cool dude so I thought letting the guard rez you was the polite thing to do.
Lol @ the GF remark. Most certainly not good fights.
Lol @ you having anything to say about Good Fights. How many times have you wiped us so far this matchup? OHHHHHHHHHH, thats right, 0 times because we left Ehmry Bay. You can kindly keep those comments to yourself, as you dont see GF in here bad mouthing you.
Lol @ you having anything to say about Good Fights. How many times have you wiped us so far this matchup? OHHHHHHHHHH, thats right, 0 times because we left Ehmry Bay. You can kindly keep those comments to yourself, as you dont see GF in here bad mouthing you.
I actually only just heard about your departure an hour or two ago, oddly enough from a source outside the server. I’d have wished you guys well sooner had this not been the case. Will miss you guys terribly, especially coming out to watch your GvGs (at least the few I ever managed to catch). Best of luck guys! Continue being awesome and kicking kitten wherever it is you ended up! I know Cookie will, it’s what he does. Mad props and respect!
Lol @ you having anything to say about Good Fights. How many times have you wiped us so far this matchup? OHHHHHHHHHH, thats right, 0 times because we left Ehmry Bay. You can kindly keep those comments to yourself, as you dont see GF in here bad mouthing you.
I actually only just heard about your departure an hour or two ago, oddly enough from a source outside the server. I’d have wished you guys well sooner had this not been the case. Will miss you guys terribly, especially coming out to watch your GvGs (at least the few I ever managed to catch). Best of luck guys! Continue being awesome and kicking kitten wherever it is you ended up! I know Cookie will, it’s what he does. Mad props and respect!
While I rarely ever saw you in game, I do enjoy reading your forum posts! We will miss ehmry bay since for a lot of members it was their first and only server. We wish you all the best of luck!
Well , a few people have been asking for it. So i guess i had to put something together. I normally post a “song of the day” , a few times during the match up. So here goes a few fails from yesterday morning.
I love the popping commander tag as a call for help. I guess it happens often. but this might be the first time i noticed it as i was fighting.
Im not going to lie , I have about 5 ele mist spikes in wvw total. Not one of them happened as i was recording.
Well i give you todays
I hate. fighting. you. If you see a solo [SoCo] Necro or War (in pink for Breast Cancer Awareness month!) running for his life, it’s probably me, and I’m probably shaking and crying.
Thank you. I think… Apparently you aren’t alone. This morning on my solo stroll I’ve had everyone I come across run from me (Maybe they know the frapz is rolling?) Na… Aside from a few nice people that I had some duels with.
XOXO meanness is catchin up to you!
Well , a few people have been asking for it. So i guess i had to put something together. I normally post a “song of the day” , a few times during the match up. So here goes a few fails from yesterday morning.
I love the popping commander tag as a call for help. I guess it happens often. but this might be the first time i noticed it as i was fighting.
Im not going to lie , I have about 5 ele mist spikes in wvw total. Not one of them happened as i was recording.
Well i give you todays
I hate. fighting. you. If you see a solo [SoCo] Necro or War (in pink for Breast Cancer Awareness month!) running for his life, it’s probably me, and I’m probably shaking and crying.
Thank you. I think… Apparently you aren’t alone. This morning on my solo stroll I’ve had everyone I come across run from me (Maybe they know the frapz is rolling?) Na… Aside from a few nice people that I had some duels with.
XOXO meanness is catchin up to you!
They just can’t handle his cheese.
Edit: I forgot a word ><
(edited by Glaeser.8015)
I don’t know what’s more disturbing, that Chris sounds like Chip From Sales or that Commi is a mouse clicker.
Well , a few people have been asking for it. So i guess i had to put something together. I normally post a “song of the day” , a few times during the match up. So here goes a few fails from yesterday morning.
I love the popping commander tag as a call for help. I guess it happens often. but this might be the first time i noticed it as i was fighting.
Im not going to lie , I have about 5 ele mist spikes in wvw total. Not one of them happened as i was recording.
Well i give you todays
I hate. fighting. you. If you see a solo [SoCo] Necro or War (in pink for Breast Cancer Awareness month!) running for his life, it’s probably me, and I’m probably shaking and crying.
Thank you. I think… Apparently you aren’t alone. This morning on my solo stroll I’ve had everyone I come across run from me (Maybe they know the frapz is rolling?) Na… Aside from a few nice people that I had some duels with.
XOXO meanness is catchin up to you!
They just handle his cheese.
Ohai! It’s possilbly one of those [Holy] folks that flattened me in both my attempts to solo-grab SE camp on our BL yesterday. Those four of you that hit me are persistent! Saw you coming clearly the second time. Was all /omgflailonfirethendie… x_x
Well , a few people have been asking for it. So i guess i had to put something together. I normally post a “song of the day” , a few times during the match up. So here goes a few fails from yesterday morning.
I love the popping commander tag as a call for help. I guess it happens often. but this might be the first time i noticed it as i was fighting.
Im not going to lie , I have about 5 ele mist spikes in wvw total. Not one of them happened as i was recording.
Well i give you todays
I hate. fighting. you. If you see a solo [SoCo] Necro or War (in pink for Breast Cancer Awareness month!) running for his life, it’s probably me, and I’m probably shaking and crying.
Thank you. I think… Apparently you aren’t alone. This morning on my solo stroll I’ve had everyone I come across run from me (Maybe they know the frapz is rolling?) Na… Aside from a few nice people that I had some duels with.
XOXO meanness is catchin up to you!
They just can’t handle his Government Block cheese.
I make it more accurate.
(edited by moutzaheadin.4029)
Gf’s SMC and Pro.. finally someone looking to fight and not spam 11111411114141..
(edited by moutzaheadin.4029)
Well , a few people have been asking for it. So i guess i had to put something together. I normally post a “song of the day” , a few times during the match up. So here goes a few fails from yesterday morning.
I love the popping commander tag as a call for help. I guess it happens often. but this might be the first time i noticed it as i was fighting.
Im not going to lie , I have about 5 ele mist spikes in wvw total. Not one of them happened as i was recording.
Well i give you todays
I hate. fighting. you. If you see a solo [SoCo] Necro or War (in pink for Breast Cancer Awareness month!) running for his life, it’s probably me, and I’m probably shaking and crying.
Thank you. I think… Apparently you aren’t alone. This morning on my solo stroll I’ve had everyone I come across run from me (Maybe they know the frapz is rolling?) Na… Aside from a few nice people that I had some duels with.
XOXO meanness is catchin up to you!
They just handle his Government Block cheese.
I make it more accurate.
Ty, I apparently should not post in the early morning.
Well , a few people have been asking for it. So i guess i had to put something together. I normally post a “song of the day” , a few times during the match up. So here goes a few fails from yesterday morning.
I love the popping commander tag as a call for help. I guess it happens often. but this might be the first time i noticed it as i was fighting.
Im not going to lie , I have about 5 ele mist spikes in wvw total. Not one of them happened as i was recording.
Well i give you todays
I hate. fighting. you. If you see a solo [SoCo] Necro or War (in pink for Breast Cancer Awareness month!) running for his life, it’s probably me, and I’m probably shaking and crying.
Thank you. I think… Apparently you aren’t alone. This morning on my solo stroll I’ve had everyone I come across run from me (Maybe they know the frapz is rolling?) Na… Aside from a few nice people that I had some duels with.
XOXO meanness is catchin up to you!
They just handle his cheese.
Ohai! It’s possilbly one of those [Holy] folks that flattened me in both my attempts to solo-grab SE camp on our BL yesterday. Those four of you that hit me are persistent! Saw you coming clearly the second time. Was all /omgflailonfirethendie… x_x
Hello to you. I do not believe I was there but I trust my companions gave you a good zerging?
Dueled some XOXO’s tonight. Good fights all around
Well , a few people have been asking for it. So i guess i had to put something together. I normally post a “song of the day” , a few times during the match up. So here goes a few fails from yesterday morning.
I love the popping commander tag as a call for help. I guess it happens often. but this might be the first time i noticed it as i was fighting.
Im not going to lie , I have about 5 ele mist spikes in wvw total. Not one of them happened as i was recording.
Well i give you todays
I hate. fighting. you. If you see a solo [SoCo] Necro or War (in pink for Breast Cancer Awareness month!) running for his life, it’s probably me, and I’m probably shaking and crying.
Thank you. I think… Apparently you aren’t alone. This morning on my solo stroll I’ve had everyone I come across run from me (Maybe they know the frapz is rolling?) Na… Aside from a few nice people that I had some duels with.
XOXO meanness is catchin up to you!
They just handle his cheese.
Ohai! It’s possilbly one of those [Holy] folks that flattened me in both my attempts to solo-grab SE camp on our BL yesterday. Those four of you that hit me are persistent! Saw you coming clearly the second time. Was all /omgflailonfirethendie… x_x
Hello to you. I do not believe I was there but I trust my companions gave you a good zerging?
Bestest 1v4 ever! =D
So good, I needed a smoke afterward. Rofl!
Good fights in EB BL today, even though we got focused pretty kitten both sides and had both their entire servers on the BL.
Shoutout to Os,One, and GLOB
Imo for me its been good fights about 50% of the time. Just those 80 man blobs lol, bit much.
Good fights in EB BL today, even though we got focused pretty kitten both sides and had both their entire servers on the BL.
Shoutout to Os,One, and GLOBImo for me its been good fights about 50% of the time. Just those 80 man blobs lol, bit much.
Us in [One] only run in groups of 50 or more, sorry.
Good fights in EB BL today, even though we got focused pretty kitten both sides and had both their entire servers on the BL.
Shoutout to Os,One, and GLOBImo for me its been good fights about 50% of the time. Just those 80 man blobs lol, bit much.
Us in [One] only run in groups of 50 or more, sorry.
Don’t let him lie to you, He gets wood fighting a 50-80 man blob.
Nice Ultra Mega Tryhard Zerg on Overlook 3:50 PM PST
Guess what?, I built 27 Arrow Carts,3 trebs,5 catas,cannons and oil.
Successfully defended the zerg North Gate, That SILVER squire brought one golem, and of course most of them died. So they brought 3x more at south gate, which I also had 8 arrow carts on to defend Inner gate, and OF COURSE, they brought MORE golems, and with a paper gate that will melt quickly no Matter how many arrow carts there are. Overlook as lost, as I cried and sat dead in the lords room wondering to myself, why do I waste time on this game when it’s not even fun at all.
Outnumbered, Lost every thing on the map, along with having yaks dance on my body.
Apparently sieging up overlook a hour in advance isn’t enough against these mindless karma trains.
Numbers WILL be winner in every battle.
After spending 7g on a keep to just lose it to some mega yak zerg just makes me depressed and angered to the point where I threw my Gw2 Disk out the window and to take a break from WvW.
Tired of getting unfair matchup, as I am speaking for everyone on Ebay.
Now begins my hiatus and adventures on PvE land.
(edited by RazGerb.6173)
Nice Ultra Mega Tryhard Zerg on Overlook 3:50 PM PST
Guess what?, I built 27 Arrow Carts,3 trebs,5 catas,cannons and oil.
Successfully defended the zerg North Gate, That SILVER squire brought one golem, and of course most of them died. So they brought 3x more at south gate, which I also had 8 arrow carts on to defend Inner gate, and OF COURSE, they brought MORE golems, and with a paper gate that will melt quickly no Matter how many arrow carts there are. Overlook as lost, as I cried and sat dead in the lords room wondering to myself, why do I waste time on this game when it’s not even fun at all.
Outnumbered, Lost every thing on the map, along with having yaks dance on my body.
After spending 7g on a keep to just lose it to some mega yak zerg just makes me depressed and angered to the point where I threw my Gw2 Disk out the window and to take a break from WvW.Tired of getting unfair matchup, as I am speaking for everyone on Ebay.
Now begins my hiatus and adventures on PvE land./Rage
All trolloling aside. I feel your pain. The difference is , I welcome being outnumbered/zerged to death. What you need to do is , get out of that death trap of a money pit keep and have some fun with the zerglings.
I give you a “Obs song of the day” to cheer you up.
just 3 people having fun , took about 5 mins to make and it is one of my favorite songs of all times. enjoy or whatever!
edit- Obs song of the day!
(edited by moutzaheadin.4029)
Not to even mention YB probably has the worst PvF and Roamers I probably have ever seen, I mean Maguuma was perfect at that stuff.
It’s going to be fun reading this matchup thread from all the QQ.
I have to agree.
Not to even mention YB probably has the worst PvF and Roamers I probably have ever seen, I mean Maguuma was perfect at that stuff.
I’m kinda proud we aren’t good at PvF lol as for bad roamers, Idk, since I can’t fight us. I do know I’m horrible at 1v1 and yeah, I avoid them. lol Not that I’m afraid of dying, more of showing/proving how bad I am at 1v1 and knowing the person on the other side is shaking their head at my ineptitude. lol
Nice Ultra Mega Tryhard Zerg on Overlook 3:50 PM PST
Guess what?, I built 27 Arrow Carts,3 trebs,5 catas,cannons and oil.
Successfully defended the zerg North Gate, That SILVER squire brought one golem, and of course most of them died. So they brought 3x more at south gate, which I also had 8 arrow carts on to defend Inner gate, and OF COURSE, they brought MORE golems, and with a paper gate that will melt quickly no Matter how many arrow carts there are. Overlook as lost, as I cried and sat dead in the lords room wondering to myself, why do I waste time on this game when it’s not even fun at all.
Outnumbered, Lost every thing on the map, along with having yaks dance on my body.
Apparently sieging up overlook a hour in advance isn’t enough against these mindless karma trains.
Numbers WILL be winner in every battle.
After spending 7g on a keep to just lose it to some mega yak zerg just makes me depressed and angered to the point where I threw my Gw2 Disk out the window and to take a break from WvW.Tired of getting unfair matchup, as I am speaking for everyone on Ebay.
Now begins my hiatus and adventures on PvE land.
Ebay cant get people out to fight isnt our fault right? Quit complaining and just deal with it. Last week against SBI was the exact same scenario, except we dont even have time to upgrade anything.
Vids of us killing people. Go Yak’s Bend!
Vids of us killing people. Go Yak’s Bend!
Wow. I don’t know what to say.
Did you try to hit one opponent? This is why your players are so bad. It all makes sense.
This is probably the most boring video I’ve ever watched.
Tired of getting unfair matchup, as I am speaking for everyone on Ebay.
You’re not speaking for me.
Yaks have had hard weeks too. Every server has it’s ups and downs.
It will be interesting to see how match dynamics change with leagues…
Vids of us killing people. Go Yak’s Bend!
Wow. I don’t know what to say.
Did you try to hit one opponent? This is why your players are so bad. It all makes sense.
This is probably the most boring video I’ve ever watched.
It was a vid showing a healing spec, genius. Is everyone on your server this dumb? I would have thought that would have been obvious just by looking at all the green numbers ticking on the screen. No wonder you guys are losing so badly to us. Numbers have nothing to do with it, it’s lack of brains. We play as a team, that’s why we win.
Numbers have nothing to do with the green numbers on the screen? I think that you should rephrase your whole basis of that paragraph.
I’ll say it simpler with a lot less sarcasm: No wonder we can steamroll 15-25+ of you guys with half as many or less. Half of you are running around with banners thinking that contribution is enough to help your team. News flash: You can put the banner down and go hit someone, pick it up, and press the shouts again!
Good job, enjoy your blobs. And don’t forget! Press 1.
That’s why 3 of us are sitting at your spawn right now killing the same 15 people who keep mindlessly rushing into us over and over again right?
There should be no complaints about numbers in this match, based on server ratings and the first few days of the matchup, EB should be losing by no more than 30k, probably a lot less. But when it looked like they weren’t going to win the week, it seems most just gave up and stopped playing. That is why you are so outmanned, its on your own team more than the other side having so many more.
That’s why 3 of us are sitting at your spawn right now killing the same 15 people who keep mindlessly rushing into us over and over again right?
A) You can’t talk kitten if you don’t say which BL you are in. Screenshots are usually good for this.
B) You aren’t at any NSP BL entrances.
C) It makes sense you’d fabricate that to make yourself feel better about running around with a banner doing nothing.
wow, you and 2 other thieves tried to jack me. and I still dropped you. Of course im going to run back into the keep. who’s stupid enough to stand in a fight with 3 thieves?
If you’re going to talk crap, maybe you should try fighting me 1 on 1. Each time I dropped you, more and more people showed up afterwards to help you, and you STILL failed to down me even once. I guess I should be flattered that you need that many people to deal with just me. And you’re using the incredibly broken s/d thief spec and still can’t kill me. That speaks volumes alone on just how bad you are.
(edited by Nikkinella.8254)
wow, you and 2 other thieves tried to jack me. and I still dropped you. Of course im going to run back into the keep. who’s stupid enough to stand in a fight with 3 thieves?
You have won kitten of the year for standing on a bridge talking and refusing to come fight – and bonus – unable to count! First, there was one thief. Who watched the whole time til you ran to the keep like a little girl. Second, we waited for you to come fight us instead of standing on your nice little bridge feet away from your keep. Some people, like us, have class where we go to open grounds (far, far away from towers/keeps/spawns) to settle the differences.
I’m glad you owned so many people forcing them to fight you in close combat (like a bridge) with a condition longbow warrior with fears and knockdowns feet away from you safe keep. High five!
Yes, my /sleep from 1500 range is pretty kitten dangerous. Very good. All I saw you do is try fearing off cliffs and run to your bridge, AoE, then run to the keep. Pro skillz, yo.
Why would I stand out in the open where I could be jacked by one of your friends from behind, like they tried several times already? And you’re a thief, so of course i’m going to try limiting your movement and keeping you constricted to fighting in a smaller area, so I can force you to stand in my AoE if you want to attack me. It’s called tactics and using the terrain to my advantage.
wow, you and 2 other thieves tried to jack me. and I still dropped you. Of course im going to run back into the keep. who’s stupid enough to stand in a fight with 3 thieves?
If you’re going to talk crap, maybe you should try fighting me 1 on 1. Each time I dropped you, more and more people showed up afterwards to help you, and you STILL failed to down me even once. I guess I should be flattered that you need that many people to deal with just me. And you’re using the incredibly broken s/d thief spec and still can’t kill me. That speaks volumes alone on just how bad you are.
You check my screenshot where no one could care less who you are in /map. Second, you aren’t good. You want to duel? Windmill. Whichever BL you choose. I hope you can make it there though, I mean you probably haven’t been there since there isn’t a tower to kitten anywhere nearby.
wow, you and 2 other thieves tried to jack me. and I still dropped you. Of course im going to run back into the keep. who’s stupid enough to stand in a fight with 3 thieves?
If you’re going to talk crap, maybe you should try fighting me 1 on 1. Each time I dropped you, more and more people showed up afterwards to help you, and you STILL failed to down me even once. I guess I should be flattered that you need that many people to deal with just me. And you’re using the incredibly broken s/d thief spec and still can’t kill me. That speaks volumes alone on just how bad you are.
LOL he isn’t even in this picture. See the “Northern Shiverpeaks Veteran sits?” Yeah, that’s him. I’m the one sleeping. We’re all the way back by spawn. He fought you 1v1. Want a real 1v1? Go to open field away from your little bridge, trollboy.
The first time I did try fighting him away from the bridge and as soon as I dropped him, one of the other thieves came up and started attacking me. Think I was going to let that happen again? So yeah, I used the terrain to my advantage where I couldn’t be jacked from behind by someone else. Apparently you don’t use tactics on your server. There’s a reason why armies no longer all line up in a row and fire muskets at eachother ya know. It’s just plain stupidity to give your opponent any kind of opportunity to get you. if I can avoid getting killed while killing my enemy in the process, then I’ve won. The loser is the one who winds up dead on the floor, like you did several times.
The first time I did try fighting him away from the bridge and as soon as I dropped him, one of the other thieves came up and started attacking me. Think I was going to let that happen again? So yeah, I used the terrain to my advantage where I couldn’t be jacked from behind by someone else. Apparently you don’t use tactics on your server. There’s a reason why armies no longer all line up in a row and fire muskets at eachother ya know. It’s just plain stupidity to give your opponent any kind of opportunity to get you. if I can avoid getting killed while killing my enemy in the process, then I’ve won. The loser is the one who winds up dead on the floor, like you did several times.
The first time I dropped you… oh wait, you ran to tower and hid behind the guards at the gates.
You didn’t drop me even once. what the hell are you talking about? And I ran when I saw your friends rush up near you. I assumed they were there to jack me. So I wasn’t about to stand someplace where i’m at a disadvantage.
But, from what you’ve just told me, wouldn’t that be some sort of “tactic?” Like, apparently you have to be at an advantage to have a duel? I see. You are dismissed.
Does anybody like dueling surrounded by their guards as much as Nikkinella does?
Again, why would I stand there and allow multiple people the opportunity to attack me? 1 on 1, I killed you, simple as that. I used the terrain to my advantage and didn’t rely on superior numbers to try and take you down. I just forced you to fight away from your friends in an area where your movement was limited, out of aggro range of the guards so they wouldn’t attack you either.
New Fight Club Rules (*Inspired by Nikkinella)
- Fight Clubs will only take place when the fighter choosing his opponent has Superior Bloodlust.
- Fight Clubs will only take place where the fighter choosing his opponent feels that he has the best advantage.
- Fight Clubs will only take place if you can understand the sarcasm in this post.
Again, why would I stand there and allow multiple people the opportunity to attack me? 1 on 1, I killed you, simple as that. I used the terrain to my advantage and didn’t rely on superior numbers to try and take you down. I just forced you to fight away from your friends in an area where your movement was limited, out of aggro range of the guards so they wouldn’t attack you either.
Okay, so I’m guess you couldn’t find your way to a windmill of your choosing.
Some good fights in NSPBL tonight at their spawn, early wee hours in the morning. Sorry we were spawn camping, we couldn’t find any other fights anywhere on any BL. So when we got tired of just killing the same ppl over and over again we got some 1v1’s and 1v2’s. Great fights all around. Shout out to that TSP warrior that couldn’t kill me. I’m the female Norn theif with the gold hair.
(edited by kornbredd.1960)
Even though you often outnumber us, you’re still coming in far behind us. The servers are pretty evenly matched this time. They just have no idea what teamwork is. The problem is all the kids rage quit when they start getting stomped. They do have the manpower to face us, they just stopped logging in after awhile and are now just getting farmed by us. If you guys could fight as well on the field as you can talk crap in the forums, maybe you wouldn’t be getting spawn camped by us.
Even though you often outnumber us, you’re still coming in far behind us. The servers are pretty evenly matched this time. They just have no idea what teamwork is. The problem is all the kids rage quit when they start getting stomped. They do have the manpower to face us, they just stopped logging in after awhile and are now just getting farmed by us. If you guys could fight as well on the field as you can talk crap in the forums, maybe you wouldn’t be getting spawn camped by us.
This was a good joke!
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Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.