11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Lemrish.5970


The guild Legends Never [DIE] started a thread about the current matchup (that appears to have been removed) titled:

SoR Legends Never [DIE] Vs ALL OF BG

In it – claimed to be the first post of any of their members – they said that:
1. They’d embarrass BG’s “lacklustre” WvW guilds.
2. They could spawn camp BG every night if they wanted to – but didn’t because that would be “childish”, and
3. That BG could not defeat them – or any server – in open field fights.

The Youtube video here shows what happened when [DIE] met the BG militia I was commanding last night in EB.


This is gold. In my opinion [DIE] could use some more training. That BG militia group looked much more coordinated then them.

Great Vid

I wonder if this was before or after we wiped them off SoS BL last night… wiped them out of bay after they broke a wall/door, then wiped them out of hills later when they tried to sneak it during the awesome garrison fight and we had to come back.

According to people I know on SOR, they raged and logged soon after these repeated wipes.

I hope this poor performance doesn’t further affect SOR morale. We need some better fights next week!

Trolled SoR to Tier 7
Click on my post history for tips on trolling kthnxbai

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Traejan.1729


The guild Legends Never [DIE] started a thread about the current matchup (that appears to have been removed) titled:

SoR Legends Never [DIE] Vs ALL OF BG

In it – claimed to be the first post of any of their members – they said that:
1. They’d embarrass BG’s “lacklustre” WvW guilds.
2. They could spawn camp BG every night if they wanted to – but didn’t because that would be “childish”, and
3. That BG could not defeat them – or any server – in open field fights.

The Youtube video here shows what happened when [DIE] met the BG militia I was commanding last night in EB.


Nice video – A pug group beating an organized guild force is an impressive feat.

It shows how valuable a strong pug / militia force is. SoR needs to realize that marginalizing your pugs and elitism has hurt your server in these match-ups.

Proud member of [RUST] IRON TEARS

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: eithinan.9841


BP as the guild… Shows how you want to bash others without doing any actual research.

Also your logic needs some serious help. DB was dominating SEA in T2, so SONG moved to help SoR SEA. I don’t know what didn’t match with what I said before.

It amused me how you were chuffed by yourself when someone never heard of your guild not even when DB fought T1 servers long while ago, instead he remember TFV, NNK, Wily and thought BP was Borlis Pass LOL.

I don’t really want to refute your claim that SONG moved to help SOR but I understand that the week after DB fought BG/JQ, they felt intensely demoralised and started having internal argument and I think it was the same week SONG transferred off. TFV who has always been the core SEA guild of DB was advised by those who had moved to SOR to move as well because they thought that DB WVW was stagnant and hopeless. I don’t see any reason they needed to persuade DB asian players to join T1 servers if they really intended to help balancing a timezone, not mentioning quite a number of DB players included TFV/NNK members (and Elano from BP -not borlis pass) followed SONG and joined SOR.
I strongly reckon this was one of the reasons DB SEA went downhill especially when TFV planned to move off to SOR as well after being advised. Good intention to balance SEA? Don’t think so.

Yeah I always hated the whole BP Blood Pact/Borlis Pass thing…

You have a lot of things wrong in this post. a group of NNK/TFV created SONG and left Db shortly after the JQ/BG matchup so they could fight those two servers. They wanted the fights they got a taste of in that week of Db being in T1. TFV stayed on Db as a force in WvW for quite a while after that matchup though. I don’t know where they are now. NNK also was still on Db but with a reduced roster compared to their peak.

A group of BP/Blood Pact moved to SOR who were mostly late NA/ocx players from PRO that BP had merged with in an attempt to get sequential timezone coverage. TBH only a handful of them I believe were worth the gold paid to them…

ooooo. Did I say SOR bought an ocx force???

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure Prower.8701

Azure Prower.8701

BP as the guild… Shows how you want to bash others without doing any actual research.

Also your logic needs some serious help. DB was dominating SEA in T2, so SONG moved to help SoR SEA. I don’t know what didn’t match with what I said before.

It amused me how you were chuffed by yourself when someone never heard of your guild not even when DB fought T1 servers long while ago, instead he remember TFV, NNK, Wily and thought BP was Borlis Pass LOL.

I don’t really want to refute your claim that SONG moved to help SOR but I understand that the week after DB fought BG/JQ, they felt intensely demoralised and started having internal argument and I think it was the same week SONG transferred off. TFV who has always been the core SEA guild of DB was advised by those who had moved to SOR to move as well because they thought that DB WVW was stagnant and hopeless. I don’t see any reason they needed to persuade DB asian players to join T1 servers if they really intended to help balancing a timezone, not mentioning quite a number of DB players included TFV/NNK members (and Elano from BP -not borlis pass) followed SONG and joined SOR.
I strongly reckon this was one of the reasons DB SEA went downhill especially when TFV planned to move off to SOR as well after being advised. Good intention to balance SEA? Don’t think so.

Yeah I always hated the whole BP Blood Pact/Borlis Pass thing…

You have a lot of things wrong in this post. a group of NNK/TFV created SONG and left Db shortly after the JQ/BG matchup so they could fight those two servers. They wanted the fights they got a taste of in that week of Db being in T1. TFV stayed on Db as a force in WvW for quite a while after that matchup though. I don’t know where they are now. NNK also was still on Db but with a reduced roster compared to their peak.

A group of BP/Blood Pact moved to SOR who were mostly late NA/ocx players from PRO that BP had merged with in an attempt to get sequential timezone coverage. TBH only a handful of them I believe were worth the gold paid to them…

ooooo. Did I say SOR bought an ocx force???

That’s impossibru.

SOR says they don’t need to buy any one. Only BG does!

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: fishball.7204


SoS would like to thank the Tier 1 karma trains for feeding us lootbags all night during Oceanic prime. xoxo <3



11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Reslinal.2359


Yeah, I don’t agree having a Karma train on Thursday. We are better than this guys:)

Blackgate Engineer

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: KeeZee.7312


I cannot resist not to post.

Guys guys. There is no need for lame excuses, simply no need for those. We do understand the frustration within some individuals and groups of individual with our arrival to the NA.

We don’t think we flipped balance in NA Golden league, i was scouting the SoR and BG servers with my 2 other accounts for over a week, and i saw higher pressure in EU prime from SoR side so our idea was to support the weak ones. The SoR community leader said that they have no need in other 30-40 EU prime guild raid as they are happy with what they have and we should approach other servers. BG confirmed they are in need.

The issue with some guilds and individuals who choose not to fight us and to run / log off is their respectful choice. We notice that just yesterday upon our arrival to defend T3 Lord Room in bay BG border, enemies were in solid 40-50 man raid, after getting faces uninstalled they start running without bothering to fight. This clearly was a decision to ‘’not let ZDs have fun’’. After that we scouted the map and figured the enemies are gone, so we chased them to their home border and with a friendly Omega rush uninstalled all T3 objects on the map.

In ZDs we play to have fun and to fight, our players will log in to fight no matter if we have a commander available or not. Just so that you all realize ZDs main commander is away for 6 weeks now and we dont know when he will be back. But you know you can go and lead yourself you just need 1) microphone 2) brain 3) sexy voice 4) balls

Yes we feel sad that some decided not to fight us after several individuals stated on forums that they are looking for a good fight, but that is reality people always lie. No that tactic will not force us to leave we stand behind our Word and will stay up for whole 8 weeks period claimed before.

Like i said this is holidays for us and we did it for free, but kitten thanks for the idea next time we will ask for cash $_$

We are really sorry if some of you believe that we came here to ruin your fun, we had no intention to do so, but I confirm that the level of kitten, drama and tears pleases the Dark Gods


Champion of Khorne

BG always says they are undermanned and need more players….doesn’t make it true.

Sorry ZD, but you tainted yourselves when you moved to the already stacked server who was winning against both SoR and JQ in their heads up matches before leagues started.

I do enjoy BG telling SoR that they aren’t showing up to cover that BG stacked themselves to the point where there is no competition. Even though they already had a very dominant winning record vs SoR when heads up.

(edited by KeeZee.7312)

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: UnrepentantProcrastinator.7420


BG always says they are undermanned and need more players….doesn’t make it true.

Sorry ZD, but you tainted yourselves when you moved to the already stacked server who was winning against both SoR and JQ in their heads up matches before leagues started.

I do enjoy BG telling SoR that they aren’t showing up to cover that BG stacked themselves to the point where there is no competition. Even though they already had a very dominant winning record vs SoR when heads up.

SoR won the 1v1 with BG before Leagues. And if BG winning Week 1 was indicative of their superior coverage, then weeks ago when JQ won T1 after returning from T2 should’ve indicated that they were then, even before MERC, the strongest server.

As for BG telling SoR that they aren’t showing up. Look at the MOS scores for the weekend.

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Burl.9567


BG always says they are undermanned and need more players….doesn’t make it true.

Sorry ZD, but you tainted yourselves when you moved to the already stacked server who was winning against both SoR and JQ in their heads up matches before leagues started.

I do enjoy BG telling SoR that they aren’t showing up to cover that BG stacked themselves to the point where there is no competition. Even though they already had a very dominant winning record vs SoR when heads up.

SoR won the 1v1 with BG before Leagues. And if BG winning Week 1 was indicative of their superior coverage, then weeks ago when JQ won T1 after returning from T2 should’ve indicated that they were then, even before MERC, the strongest server.

As for BG telling SoR that they aren’t showing up. Look at the MOS scores for the weekend.

I thought BG wasn’t trying the week before leagues started? Are you telling us you tanked the score to recruit guilds?

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: kraftie.4765


thanks for the fight SoR/BG @ SoR BL! had heaps of fun

Sanctum of Rall

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: UnrepentantProcrastinator.7420


BG always says they are undermanned and need more players….doesn’t make it true.

Sorry ZD, but you tainted yourselves when you moved to the already stacked server who was winning against both SoR and JQ in their heads up matches before leagues started.

I do enjoy BG telling SoR that they aren’t showing up to cover that BG stacked themselves to the point where there is no competition. Even though they already had a very dominant winning record vs SoR when heads up.

SoR won the 1v1 with BG before Leagues. And if BG winning Week 1 was indicative of their superior coverage, then weeks ago when JQ won T1 after returning from T2 should’ve indicated that they were then, even before MERC, the strongest server.

As for BG telling SoR that they aren’t showing up. Look at the MOS scores for the weekend.

I thought BG wasn’t trying the week before leagues started? Are you telling us you tanked the score to recruit guilds?

Yes, we totally tanked Week 1, which is the week ZD made their decision on.

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: KeeZee.7312


BG always says they are undermanned and need more players….doesn’t make it true.

Sorry ZD, but you tainted yourselves when you moved to the already stacked server who was winning against both SoR and JQ in their heads up matches before leagues started.

I do enjoy BG telling SoR that they aren’t showing up to cover that BG stacked themselves to the point where there is no competition. Even though they already had a very dominant winning record vs SoR when heads up.

SoR won the 1v1 with BG before Leagues. And if BG winning Week 1 was indicative of their superior coverage, then weeks ago when JQ won T1 after returning from T2 should’ve indicated that they were then, even before MERC, the strongest server.

As for BG telling SoR that they aren’t showing up. Look at the MOS scores for the weekend.

OMG….SoR won 1 match….stop the presses…what is the world coming to.

I guess the fact that BG has won 13 out of the last 14 matches means nothing….lol

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: UnrepentantProcrastinator.7420


OMG….SoR won 1 match….stop the presses…what is the world coming to.

I guess the fact that BG has won 13 out of the last 14 matches means nothing….lol

Yes, and the populations have not fluctuated at all since BG entered T1. And they certainly didn’t change significantly the weeks leading into Leagues. No, sir.

BG lost the last 1v1’s before Leagues by a larger margin than the last BGvSoRvJQ. It was clear going in to Week 1 that we were the weakest server. A combination of OT and the 2v1 of JQ left us in first place. Something that, prior to the transfer of ZDs, SoR admitted to not caring about because your server mates agreed that BG would lose all 1v1’s with SoR.

Btw, did SoR not win the two weeks right after IRON transferred?

(edited by UnrepentantProcrastinator.7420)

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Reslinal.2359


BG always says they are undermanned and need more players….doesn’t make it true.

Sorry ZD, but you tainted yourselves when you moved to the already stacked server who was winning against both SoR and JQ in their heads up matches before leagues started.

I do enjoy BG telling SoR that they aren’t showing up to cover that BG stacked themselves to the point where there is no competition. Even though they already had a very dominant winning record vs SoR when heads up.

SoR won the 1v1 with BG before Leagues. And if BG winning Week 1 was indicative of their superior coverage, then weeks ago when JQ won T1 after returning from T2 should’ve indicated that they were then, even before MERC, the strongest server.

As for BG telling SoR that they aren’t showing up. Look at the MOS scores for the weekend.

OMG….SoR won 1 match….stop the presses…what is the world coming to.

I guess the fact that BG has won 13 out of the last 14 matches means nothing….lol

No offense, but you do realize coverage in T1 servers fluctuate all the time? Past winning record has no indication of server strength at any time, otherwise JQ would always be the strongest server in T1 since they have the most win records…

Blackgate Engineer

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: KeeZee.7312


OMG….SoR won 1 match….stop the presses…what is the world coming to.

I guess the fact that BG has won 13 out of the last 14 matches means nothing….lol

Yes, and the populations have not fluctuated at all since BG entered T1. And they certainly didn’t change significantly the weeks leading into Leagues. No, sir.

BG lost the last 1v1’s before Leagues by a larger margin than the last BGvSoRvJQ. It was clear going in to Week 1 that we were the weakest server. A combination of OT and the 2v1 of JQ left us in first place. Something that, prior to the transfer of ZDs, SoR admitted to not caring about because your server mates agreed that BG would lose all 1v1’s with BG.

Btw, did SoR not win the two weeks right after IRON transferred?

No, the 13 out of 14 wins BG had over SoR didn’t change. BG was still clearly the dominant server.

Sorry but SoR winning 1 match out of 14 and having higher ppt for 3 ticks on one day does not make them the dominant server.

BG did not have a mass exodus of players that one week. They just didn’t show up because they didn’t care about the last match. It had no bearing on anything.

Sorry ZD, but your excuses are lame and easily countered by facts.

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: UnrepentantProcrastinator.7420


OMG….SoR won 1 match….stop the presses…what is the world coming to.

I guess the fact that BG has won 13 out of the last 14 matches means nothing….lol

Yes, and the populations have not fluctuated at all since BG entered T1. And they certainly didn’t change significantly the weeks leading into Leagues. No, sir.

BG lost the last 1v1’s before Leagues by a larger margin than the last BGvSoRvJQ. It was clear going in to Week 1 that we were the weakest server. A combination of OT and the 2v1 of JQ left us in first place. Something that, prior to the transfer of ZDs, SoR admitted to not caring about because your server mates agreed that BG would lose all 1v1’s with BG.

Btw, did SoR not win the two weeks right after IRON transferred?

No, the 13 out of 14 wins BG had over SoR didn’t change. BG was still clearly the dominant server.

Sorry but SoR winning 1 match out of 14 and having higher ppt for 3 ticks on one day does not make them the dominant server.

BG did not have a mass exodus of players that one week. They just didn’t show up because they didn’t care about the last match. It had no bearing on anything.

Sorry ZD, but your excuses are lame and easily countered by facts.

Okay, considering you’re obviously ignorant of a lot of the going-ons regarding guild movements, and you’re incapable of reading MOS… I’ll leave you alone with your “facts.”

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: KeeZee.7312


OMG….SoR won 1 match….stop the presses…what is the world coming to.

I guess the fact that BG has won 13 out of the last 14 matches means nothing….lol

Yes, and the populations have not fluctuated at all since BG entered T1. And they certainly didn’t change significantly the weeks leading into Leagues. No, sir.

BG lost the last 1v1’s before Leagues by a larger margin than the last BGvSoRvJQ. It was clear going in to Week 1 that we were the weakest server. A combination of OT and the 2v1 of JQ left us in first place. Something that, prior to the transfer of ZDs, SoR admitted to not caring about because your server mates agreed that BG would lose all 1v1’s with BG.

Btw, did SoR not win the two weeks right after IRON transferred?

No, the 13 out of 14 wins BG had over SoR didn’t change. BG was still clearly the dominant server.

Sorry but SoR winning 1 match out of 14 and having higher ppt for 3 ticks on one day does not make them the dominant server.

BG did not have a mass exodus of players that one week. They just didn’t show up because they didn’t care about the last match. It had no bearing on anything.

Sorry ZD, but your excuses are lame and easily countered by facts.

Okay, considering you’re obviously ignorant of a lot of the going-ons regarding guild movements, and you’re incapable of reading MOS… I’ll leave you alone with your facts.

Please post the last 14 matches where BG and SoR went heads up. If you are correct it should show SoR with the majority of the wins.

Oh ya, you are trying to argue that the final score and win means nothing and SoR having ppt lead for one hour out of 24 showed BG in need of help….lol

And for guild movements, ZD moved to BG that did not need more players. What else do I need to know. I am sure I know all that there is needed to know.

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Liquid.9672


I don’t kniw why people continue to argue with KeeZee. His mind is made up and nothing will change that. He’s only in this thread because he used to play on BG, transferred to JQ and obviously has an axe to grind. My guess is he moved with Pro, which would explain some of the anger.

Zend(ario/imas/iana/ango) – Engi/Ele/Necro/Guardian
[KnT] – Blackgate

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: UnrepentantProcrastinator.7420


I don’t kniw why people continue to argue with KeeZee. His mind is made up and nothing will change that. He’s only in this thread because he used to play on BG, transferred to JQ and obviously has an axe to grind. My guess is he moved with Pro, which would explain some of the anger.

I’ve learned my lesson!

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bash.7291


Lol, is he STILL going on about the same thing? I think Cod and I tried logic a few days ago and we both gave up because it was nothing but broken record responses. Better to just ignore him than feed the trolls.

Living Dead Girl ~ Necro

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chris.3290


Why didn’t you run “measly” 3 man groups to counter?

(not meant as combative; but if supply was the name of the game at that hour??)

The leader of the group of 6 people that where doing just that found himself having to tag up and take his group to defend against BG he only got about 10 additional people to follow him, BG had a group of 25-30 + sufficient solo/small roaming parties to contest supply lines. We had to consolidate what we had to defend garry and keep BG off our towers.

Then your problem wasn’t supply, but being outnumbered. You really needed that much text to say that?

SoR had a bad week and ZDs are only here for the season, story over.

If you came to SoS or Maguuma with this candyarse attitude you’d be laughed off the server. (Directed at the people losing their minds, not at Axle)

(edited by Chris.3290)

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: MaLeVoLenT.8129


Had fun last night on BG BL- TW ONE AGG EP.

~The Mad Court~ [OnS]Onslaught GM
Malevolent Omen -Guardian
Mad King Mal -Rev

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: KeeZee.7312


Still waiting for BG to produce some facts on how SoR was dominating them going into league.

Basicaly what BG and ZD is saying is SoR had greater ppt than them for an hour 1 day out of the week and that made them under dogs.

Funny how BG keeps on ignoring the numbers that clearly show BG was the dominant server going into leagues. Sorry ZD, you went to the stacked server who was already in a good position to win….you will forever be tainted by this move.

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jon.5271


Still waiting for BG to produce some facts on how SoR was dominating them going into league.

Basicaly what BG and ZD is saying is SoR had greater ppt than them for an hour 1 day out of the week and that made them under dogs.

Funny how BG keeps on ignoring the numbers that clearly show BG was the dominant server going into leagues. Sorry ZD, you went to the stacked server who was already in a good position to win….you will forever be tainted by this move.

Who cares holy kitten, play the game and stop this forum politics.

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Sugah.1823


To me sadly….It’s clear that SoR has keeled over and given up. Rather than competing, they’ve fallen to making excuses and not putting up a fight.

Just look at 2 of the maps this morning… I hope they rally their forces and make a strong fight next week, we all enjoy effort in T1


11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Kinoh.7423


The guild Legends Never [DIE] started a thread about the current matchup (that appears to have been removed) titled:

SoR Legends Never [DIE] Vs ALL OF BG

In it – claimed to be the first post of any of their members – they said that:
1. They’d embarrass BG’s “lacklustre” WvW guilds.
2. They could spawn camp BG every night if they wanted to – but didn’t because that would be “childish”, and
3. That BG could not defeat them – or any server – in open field fights.

The Youtube video here shows what happened when [DIE] met the BG militia I was commanding last night in EB.


you just have to say “[DIE] more” right? lol

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Force.2841


Still waiting for BG to produce some facts on how SoR was dominating them going into league.

Basicaly what BG and ZD is saying is SoR had greater ppt than them for an hour 1 day out of the week and that made them under dogs.

Funny how BG keeps on ignoring the numbers that clearly show BG was the dominant server going into leagues. Sorry ZD, you went to the stacked server who was already in a good position to win….you will forever be tainted by this move.

LOL love how you keep saying “tainted” as if they are now being rejected by everyone when it fact its just 3-5 of you trolls from SoR. Any server would happily accept ZDS I guarantee you that and would lol at you if you said they were "tainted"as if that would damage their reputation. Too bad they won’t transfer to SoR as they have seen you as the example of the usual SoR player. That should be a thing , “oh daaam they transferred to another server, deey tainted!” lmao…trolls try to hard these days.

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: KeeZee.7312


Still waiting for BG to produce some facts on how SoR was dominating them going into league.

Basicaly what BG and ZD is saying is SoR had greater ppt than them for an hour 1 day out of the week and that made them under dogs.

Funny how BG keeps on ignoring the numbers that clearly show BG was the dominant server going into leagues. Sorry ZD, you went to the stacked server who was already in a good position to win….you will forever be tainted by this move.

LOL love how you keep saying “tainted” as if they are now being rejected by everyone when it fact its just 3-5 of you trolls from SoR. Any server would happily accept ZDS I guarantee you that and would lol at you if you said they were "tainted"as if that would damage their reputation. Too bad they won’t transfer to SoR as they have seen you as the example of the usual SoR player. That should be a thing , “oh daaam they transferred to another server, deey tainted!” lmao…trolls try to hard these days.

Not on SoR….keep trying to make excuses though. Facts would be nice but BG has none and their own match history contradicts everything they keep saying.

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: rmprodigy.4679



The guild Legends Never [DIE] started a thread about the current matchup (that appears to have been removed) titled:

SoR Legends Never [DIE] Vs ALL OF BG

In it – claimed to be the first post of any of their members – they said that:
1. They’d embarrass BG’s “lacklustre” WvW guilds.
2. They could spawn camp BG every night if they wanted to – but didn’t because that would be “childish”, and
3. That BG could not defeat them – or any server – in open field fights.

The Youtube video here shows what happened when [DIE] met the BG militia I was commanding last night in EB.


@Cuddlepie – Time to set the record clear.
#1. Your video shows 2 encounters , nether of which were last night.
#2. Nether of the videos shows a DIE guild group , we never run guild groups in EB. If we are in EB we are leading Server groups, which we don’t call militia because we look at them as our teammates. ( I mention this because of the lies spread about SoR big guilds being disrespectful to the “pugs”. Which we call Rallians, not because they Rally or are pugs its because they are Server of Rallians like citizens of Rall.)
#3. Those encounters , the one we pushed from the canyon up in front of Durious in AC fire was us saying ," Lets have fun and just go for it, we have wiped them for 6 hours straight lets juswt try this. " You know, and I know that we wiped you guys badly in front of Jerri , on the bridge, across all BLs 2 nights ago. I don’t doubt the rage of the wipes have forced you guys to make this propaganda video, probably as a attempt to demoralize or make us rage quit. But the jokes on you.

Whats funnier then this, is the fact that I made a post about challenges and guild fights and open field fights with live stream . I said live stream so nobody could take a 4 minute snipit and hide behind forum posts. Live stream all the wipes would be there for everyone to see. You obviously saw my challenge ,and went as far as to save parts of my post. Now instead of contacting me, when you have my user name saved as it can be seen in your video, you went ahead and make a 4 minute laughable video of 10-15 DIE with others and cling onto it as what seems to be a sad attempt to show that maybe you have skill? Not sure.




The guild Legends Never [DIE] started a thread about the current matchup (that appears to have been removed) titled:

SoR Legends Never [DIE] Vs ALL OF BG

In it – claimed to be the first post of any of their members – they said that:
1. They’d embarrass BG’s “lacklustre” WvW guilds.
2. They could spawn camp BG every night if they wanted to – but didn’t because that would be “childish”, and
3. That BG could not defeat them – or any server – in open field fights.

The Youtube video here shows what happened when [DIE] met the BG militia I was commanding last night in EB.


This is gold. In my opinion [DIE] could use some more training. That BG militia group looked much more coordinated then them.

Great Vid

I wonder if this was before or after we wiped them off SoS BL last night… wiped them out of bay after they broke a wall/door, then wiped them out of hills later when they tried to sneak it during the awesome garrison fight and we had to come back.

Alexandria Valero – Guardian
Krista Valero – Ranger
BG – [REV]



I for one do not agree with a karma train on a Thursday. Glad SoS decided to come fight tonight! Karma trains creates 0 fights since bls are qued for hours with underlvl toons tryin to get there 6 lvls in 3 hours. I dont mind it as much on Fridays as there usually is a BL that will have small man fights on them but having it on a Thursday is just Poor Form.

We didn’t have much of a choice but to Karma train at one point in SoS BL last night, Choo and CNB decided to have a GvG and apparently the whole SoR map blob went to watch instead of doing anything

Alexandria Valero – Guardian
Krista Valero – Ranger
BG – [REV]

@Alexandria- We fought you guys as a guild group on the BLs as a 20 man force. We have the whole fraps of last night we will post it. We played as a 20 man group to train for GvGs and figured fighting a karma train would be great training. You admit to running a karma train, nothing to chest thump about running a karma train zerg against 20 man guild group. We got more then our fair share of bags regardless.

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

Still waiting for BG to produce some facts on how SoR was dominating them going into league.

Basicaly what BG and ZD is saying is SoR had greater ppt than them for an hour 1 day out of the week and that made them under dogs.

Funny how BG keeps on ignoring the numbers that clearly show BG was the dominant server going into leagues. Sorry ZD, you went to the stacked server who was already in a good position to win….you will forever be tainted by this move.

This kid, really….

A fine blend of everything, aged well.

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: rmprodigy.4679


You guys had my user name, had any of you wanted a REAL challenge and to fight a real [DIE] guild group you would have contacted me and accepted it. You also say we rage quit, all of SoR can vouch DIE is probably the most fun oriented take it easy group of players you can find. The 10-15 that were on wre dead tired after playing for hours it was almost 2 AM…. We don’t rage quit.

To the poster who said we have a video saying #1 Sanctum of Rall Guild in youtube, its not saying DIE Is the #1 Guild on Sanctum of Rall, its addressing us as being from the #1 Sanctum of Rall Server as their guild.

And for a ll the haters we have 3 hours of videos from the past 2 nights going live today. So all your fantasy and dillusion will be addressed there. You can also feel free to
#1. GvG 20v20
#2. Make a excuse you don’t GvG in which we can live stream a 30 v30 open field fight ?
#3. Deny both challenges make a 4 minute snipit and claim its a DIE guild group and cling to your insecurities after being wiped time and time again.

I appreciate the post, it proved my point. And it proved that as a guild we have done sucha good job of beating you guys constantly that you had to make a hate directed video to try to prove to yourself , your guild , and your server that you can play.

Now the fun part.

Inc Videos showing the truth.

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: KeeZee.7312


Still waiting for BG to produce some facts on how SoR was dominating them going into league.

Basicaly what BG and ZD is saying is SoR had greater ppt than them for an hour 1 day out of the week and that made them under dogs.

Funny how BG keeps on ignoring the numbers that clearly show BG was the dominant server going into leagues. Sorry ZD, you went to the stacked server who was already in a good position to win….you will forever be tainted by this move.

This kid, really….

I guess when BG’s own match history doesn’t support anything they have said since leagues began all there is left is to come up with quick one liners.

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cod on Cod.3694

Cod on Cod.3694

another wall of chest thumping hot air

Give it a rest….

Your post was all about how divine [DIE] is and how crap BG is, ending in a threat to bring 70+ underleveled people to BG to clog queues and be rallybots.

Thread then proceeded to fill with people from all servers calling you out as crap, before beeing deleted at your own request.

Just… give it a rest.

A fine blend of everything, aged well.

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Maelwaedd.5842


Still waiting for BG to produce some facts on how SoR was dominating them going into league.

Basicaly what BG and ZD is saying is SoR had greater ppt than them for an hour 1 day out of the week and that made them under dogs.

Funny how BG keeps on ignoring the numbers that clearly show BG was the dominant server going into leagues. Sorry ZD, you went to the stacked server who was already in a good position to win….you will forever be tainted by this move.

The only fact that matters is the first game of leagues, all servers have fluctuated in their WvW presence since all servers have been in Tier 1 that is the nature of T1 and previous matchup have little to do with the relative strength of each server during leagues, it would be like comparing the 2 day matchups to the week long matchups they are a different category

Due to the League schedule both BG and SoR thought it best for JQ to finish last in the first round, both SoR and JQ thought their main rival was going to be each other and BG while a strong opponent would be beaten, hence while JQ and SoR would have loved to finish first, both thought that BG finishing first would grant them the most chance in winning leagues otherwise both servers would have targeted BG for easy points and SoR would have finished first and JQ second

Or are you saying that BG are such cunning strategists that we feigned weakness to get JQ and SoR to think we were the weakest and hence target each other to secure the first round of leagues all the while recruiting for a EU server so that guilds were unable to play due to queues and hence transferring to a NA server would look attractive enough to get a transfer to BG to secure the second round of leagues, at which time we were also able to mislead SoR into thinking that the 20k ish lead they had on the weekend would be enough to grant them victory that week

Maelwaedd Sylvari Necromancer Blackgate
Resonance WvW Officer

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zikory.6871


Whats funnier then this, is the fact that I made a post about challenges and guild fights and open field fights with live stream . I said live stream so nobody could take a 4 minute snipit and hide behind forum posts. Live stream all the wipes would be there for everyone to see. You obviously saw my challenge ,and went as far as to save parts of my post. Now instead of contacting me, when you have my user name saved as it can be seen in your video, you went ahead and make a 4 minute laughable video of 10-15 DIE with others and cling onto it as what seems to be a sad attempt to show that maybe you have skill? Not sure.

So what you were asking for was a GvG? Not a open field engagement. You wanted to schedule a time and place so you could have your force and fight another…nothing impressive since you should challenge other guilds that do GvG and not the entirety of BG. You should also be more specific on the terms so you don’t have to come to the forums and defend every loss.

Also your 10-15 DIE was much more then the ~5 KnT in that video, so in essence you had a more solid guild group then the once you were fighting. Whats laughable it the fact that you think its necessary to try to defend why you lost to a pug force. You made a challenge, it doesn’t matter if its your perfect comp, uplevel night, ~10 of you leading pugs, or 5 of you running havoc, your going to get called out for losses.

[KnT] – Knight Gaming – Blackgate
Zikory – Retired Thief
Zikkro – Zergling Necromancer

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: rmprodigy.4679


check at all the videos on his channel, there you can see our guild group of 30 running into Garri’s , wiping people even through AC fire and, You can see multiple videos of us just laughin too and having fun.

from 3:00-6:00mintes

we have tons of footage we will release today. honestly we have maybe gotten wiped 6 times this past week. 3 of which were last night 20vKarma Train and well post up those videos too. Nothing to hide, were glad we ran against it with 20 and still got a ton of bags, doing that makes us stronger as a guild. Its how GW2 was meant to be played, and its how Legends Never[DIE] will always play.

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bash.7291


@Alexandria- We fought you guys as a guild group on the BLs as a 20 man force. We have the whole fraps of last night we will post it. We played as a 20 man group to train for GvGs and figured fighting a karma train would be great training. You admit to running a karma train, nothing to chest thump about running a karma train zerg against 20 man guild group. We got more then our fair share of bags regardless.

If you would read my post correctly, i said we ran a train while 90% of SoR was off GvGing… because we pretty much had no choice. Sorry if we didn’t feel like waiting around for 45 minutes for something to fight.

I find it funny you call it chest thumping, while your guild claims to be the most amazing guild ever, yet you got wiped out of keeps multiple times last night, and not from a karma train, both times we were defending said keeps.

Living Dead Girl ~ Necro

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: rmprodigy.4679




Whats funnier then this, is the fact that I made a post about challenges and guild fights and open field fights with live stream . I said live stream so nobody could take a 4 minute snipit and hide behind forum posts. Live stream all the wipes would be there for everyone to see. You obviously saw my challenge ,and went as far as to save parts of my post. Now instead of contacting me, when you have my user name saved as it can be seen in your video, you went ahead and make a 4 minute laughable video of 10-15 DIE with others and cling onto it as what seems to be a sad attempt to show that maybe you have skill? Not sure.

So what you were asking for was a GvG? Not a open field engagement. You wanted to schedule a time and place so you could have your force and fight another…nothing impressive since you should challenge other guilds that do GvG and not the entirety of BG. You should also be more specific on the terms so you don’t have to come to the forums and defend every loss.

Also your 10-15 DIE was much more then the ~5 KnT in that video, so in essence you had a more solid guild group then the once you were fighting. Whats laughable it the fact that you think its necessary to try to defend why you lost to a pug force. You made a challenge, it doesn’t matter if its your perfect comp, uplevel night, ~10 of you leading pugs, or 5 of you running havoc, your going to get called out for losses.

Zikory – Roaming Thief of Blackgate – Retired
Zikkro – Zergling Necromancer

Your right and wrong at the same time.

I made a challenge that Legends Never[DIE] would fight any where and anything as a 30-35 man Guild Group . The youtube video made by KnT or whoever states that you gusy are wiping us. In order for that to be true you would have to fight our guild only group. My statement was that when we run our guild only group we will fight anybody, anywhere , and on any terms. I just posted that we can either GvG or we can set up open fields if you don’t GvG.

“Legends Never [DIE] vs All of Bg”

“10 DIE+others vs All of BG”

I hope that clarifies it a bit.

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Reslinal.2359


Still waiting for BG to produce some facts on how SoR was dominating them going into league.

Basicaly what BG and ZD is saying is SoR had greater ppt than them for an hour 1 day out of the week and that made them under dogs.

Funny how BG keeps on ignoring the numbers that clearly show BG was the dominant server going into leagues. Sorry ZD, you went to the stacked server who was already in a good position to win….you will forever be tainted by this move.

I will give you one last try. Your 14 week measure is flawed because relative server strength change all the time as guilds move between servers. To get a more accurate measure of perceived BG strength vs SoR before we entered league, the performance of the previous 3 weeks before league starts is better because it is right after another significant guilds shift among servers (BG losing its core guild MERC). During that 3 weeks, BG got beaten by SoR twice and also lost to JQ, which indicates that at least before League starts, BG seems to be the weakest among the three.

Due to the nature of how server strength change of over time, using long historical records is not accurate, just like we cannot claim JQ is the strongest server because it won T1 the most with 19 times….

Blackgate Engineer

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zikory.6871




Whats funnier then this, is the fact that I made a post about challenges and guild fights and open field fights with live stream . I said live stream so nobody could take a 4 minute snipit and hide behind forum posts. Live stream all the wipes would be there for everyone to see. You obviously saw my challenge ,and went as far as to save parts of my post. Now instead of contacting me, when you have my user name saved as it can be seen in your video, you went ahead and make a 4 minute laughable video of 10-15 DIE with others and cling onto it as what seems to be a sad attempt to show that maybe you have skill? Not sure.

So what you were asking for was a GvG? Not a open field engagement. You wanted to schedule a time and place so you could have your force and fight another…nothing impressive since you should challenge other guilds that do GvG and not the entirety of BG. You should also be more specific on the terms so you don’t have to come to the forums and defend every loss.

Also your 10-15 DIE was much more then the ~5 KnT in that video, so in essence you had a more solid guild group then the once you were fighting. Whats laughable it the fact that you think its necessary to try to defend why you lost to a pug force. You made a challenge, it doesn’t matter if its your perfect comp, uplevel night, ~10 of you leading pugs, or 5 of you running havoc, your going to get called out for losses.

Zikory – Roaming Thief of Blackgate – Retired
Zikkro – Zergling Necromancer

Your right and wrong at the same time.

I made a challenge that Legends Never[DIE] would fight any where and anything as a 30-35 man Guild Group . The youtube video made by KnT or whoever states that you gusy are wiping us. In order for that to be true you would have to fight our guild only group. My statement was that when we run our guild only group we will fight anybody, anywhere , and on any terms. I just posted that we can either GvG or we can set up open fields if you don’t GvG.

“Legends Never [DIE] vs All of Bg”

“10 DIE+others vs All of BG”

I hope that clarifies it a bit.

It does but your setting your self up to easily defend any time you wipe to a group. Silly excuses like, we had 5 “rallians” with us that rallied you or we only had 20-25 not our 30-35 as stated in the challenge. Also out side of GvG, most Blackgate guilds won’t restrict our pugs from following so you will never have a true even open field fight. Also considering your looking for a controlled fight, you would never fight “all of BG” since a lot of our guilds don’t GvG and why would pugs be in a GvG?

I don’t know man, you guys are good and fun to fight but sadly your not as good as you think you are. Its also kinda pathetic to challenge “All of BG” then set a bunch of rules and regulations for a “fair” fight in your favor. Imo if you want those fights, go through the right channels to organize a GvG and call those guilds out. Out side of that, you should have expected things like this. Just don’t think you need to come here and defend why you lost to a pug group because they wouldn’t conform to your challenge arrangement.

[KnT] – Knight Gaming – Blackgate
Zikory – Retired Thief
Zikkro – Zergling Necromancer

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: rmprodigy.4679


@Alexandria , I read it . And no worries , I will post the video in public we recorded our 20 man group fighting that group that was at least 50+ and we were going to keep it private because we watch them to see how we can grow and learn. So you and I can go back and forth about he said /she said but thanks to technology we don’t have to waste our energy brother.

When I go home tonight I will put it up 20 of us ,and I do a stack and /supplyinfo to be completely honest it was 21 players. Once more nothing to hide. Furthermore after we were done practicing we got a 35 man guild rally going in which we will post what followed.

I said I will live stream our full run if you anybody from Bg wants to set up any form of fight gvg or open field, and we will run our full group all night. What more can you guys ask for from a opponent. The fights both groups win/lose are there plain in sight as a pose to propaganda and fake videos or forum nonsense. I think its a good challenge, its clean ,its fair , and its just a honest way of people to play and enjoy a challenge without the he said she said that follows on forums .

I don’t think you or many of the guilds that really WvW on BG would disagree. I would hope that we can find competition amongst one another and be able to accept challenges , play to have fun, and enjoy more then zerg v zerg, lag fights and 50 man milita +guild groups wiping smaller groups or w/e. I don’t take away from you or deny that yea we got wiped 3 times to that group. But its nothing special considering your force and ours. I would think you discredit your guild more by celebrating it tbh you don’t need too. I think if we ran guild vs guild whether open field or gvg both of us would have more fun. And we would both be able to look at the things we each do well and where we can each improve.

I made that cavalier post because I am tired of BG trolls, BG forum posts, and BG attempts to demoralize a server. Just like any sport in the world all the competitive teams strive to recruit and buy the best players. It is a strategy if you want a trophy. I wont lie and say BG didn’t do a good job of getting the various coverage needed and organizing their server , guild groups and non guild groups across BLs to cap things , siege things up ,and play for ppt. Obviously the score is reflecting of such. My post was about you guys saying you want fights ,and thinking you are the gods of WvW. You oppress the forums, you oppressed our servermates, and in that environment which was a creation of your own , my guild decided to stand up to it and do a little chest thumping and say we will fight all of you. Spice it up with a little bit of rudeness in order to hopefully spark a fight in game. Nothing more nothing less. That was the intention.

you guys can contact me in game too for any fights, anytime.

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: rmprodigy.4679


I never made excuses, I stated facts. The EB video has 10 DIE in it, its titled BG wiping DIE, so to make it true you are posting a video of a zerg wiping 10 DIE in a group of others. My whole thing is what does that prove? Its a pointless video . I didn’t say there are any rules. I said we will livestream and run as a guild group and fight any blob any zerg any guild. I don’t understand what part of it is still unclear. 30-35 DIE will do that anyday. Just a dumb video that has no meaning tbh.

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Bash.7291


@Alexandria , I read it . And no worries , I will post the video in public we recorded our 20 man group fighting that group that was at least 50+

The bay fight was not 20v50 but nice try, maybe your guild group was 20, but you had another guild (I think it was VIG, though i could be wrong) and plenty of pugs. By the time REV + Pugs got there EE had already engaged and lost a few people, so the numbers were fairly even. At Hills, we may have outnumbered you some, but not by much. We had alot of people still running back from garrison, and only EE had come close to being reorganized, our pugs were still scattered and my guild hadn’t organized yet either.

Living Dead Girl ~ Necro

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Reverence.6915


SoS would like to thank the Tier 1 karma trains for feeding us lootbags all night during Oceanic prime. xoxo <3

Bragging about wiping uplevels and people staying up late (and therefore tired as hell) to karma train is…

Not to mention that your commander, for some reason, thought it was smart to fight a buffed keep lord. That made me laugh so hard.

We wiped your force with around 1/3 of us being uplevels, the other 1/4~1/3 having zerker gear, and only 1/10 in our teamspeak. Think about that

Expac sucks for WvW players. Asura master race
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: KeeZee.7312


BG has placed first in all their matches so far as well as winning 13 out of 14 matches with SoR. Still waiting to see where BG was in such dire straits.

Oh ya, SoR had higher ppt for a few ticks one day out of the week.

I do find it funny that BG keeps using the match before Leagues as proof that they had it so hard when most servers took it easy to get ready for League. Even some of the BG forum warriors even commented as such.

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zikory.6871


BG has placed first in all their matches so far as well as winning 13 out of 14 matches with SoR. Still waiting to see where BG was in such dire straits.

Oh ya, SoR had higher ppt for a few ticks one day out of the week.

I do find it funny that BG keeps using the match before Leagues as proof that they had it so hard when most servers took it easy to get ready for League. Even some of the BG forum warriors even commented as such.

Why do you keep bring up the match before seasons? Yes we took it easy that week but to be honest JQ would have probably won even if we didn’t. We understand you think BG is the bestest but you should really stop discrediting SoR and JQ. All the trolls and chest thumpers aside, there are still a lot of people on BG that have huge respect for JQ and SoR and know how good they can be.

Side question for ya, what does 13 of 14 matches prove when SoR is well known to play for fights and that PPT is just a subset of why they are out there? From my understanding a lot of SoR guilds feel as if they won by having a exciting match rather than seeing a higher score at the end of the week….

[KnT] – Knight Gaming – Blackgate
Zikory – Retired Thief
Zikkro – Zergling Necromancer

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Liquid.9672


BG has placed first in all their matches so far as well as winning 13 out of 14 matches with SoR. Still waiting to see where BG was in such dire straits.

Oh ya, SoR had higher ppt for a few ticks one day out of the week.

I do find it funny that BG keeps using the match before Leagues as proof that they had it so hard when most servers took it easy to get ready for League. Even some of the BG forum warriors even commented as such.

Many of us answered you like 3 days ago. The problem is you have your hands over your ears while shouting “LALALALALALALA”.

Zend(ario/imas/iana/ango) – Engi/Ele/Necro/Guardian
[KnT] – Blackgate

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: KeeZee.7312


BG has placed first in all their matches so far as well as winning 13 out of 14 matches with SoR. Still waiting to see where BG was in such dire straits.

Oh ya, SoR had higher ppt for a few ticks one day out of the week.

I do find it funny that BG keeps using the match before Leagues as proof that they had it so hard when most servers took it easy to get ready for League. Even some of the BG forum warriors even commented as such.

Why do you keep bring up the match before seasons? Yes we took it easy that week but to be honest JQ would have probably won even if we didn’t. We understand you think BG is the bestest but you should really stop discrediting SoR and JQ. All the trolls and chest thumpers aside, there are still a lot of people on BG that have huge respect for JQ and SoR and know how good they can be.

Side question for ya, what does 13 of 14 matches prove when SoR is well known to play for fights and that PPT is just a subset of why they are out there? From my understanding a lot of SoR guilds feel as if they won by having a exciting match rather than seeing a higher score at the end of the week….

Funny how the only counter BG can come up with is the only part of their match history that is relevant is that time where SoR beat them once. Lets ignore everything else.

I find it funny that you bring up SoR only fights for ppt and you believe this when there is many posts of BG telling them its an excuse.

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: FractalChaos.6539


You don’t know how “handsy” Tarkus can get, you may need more dolls :P

I don’t even know what thats supposed to mean…. x.x

What’s your thoughts on Week 7 Tark? Everyone in SoR is saying something about BG getting double teamed.

We’ll see how it’ll turns out when we get around to the matchup

SoR is a shadow of its former self. Not in numbers/guilds, but in tenacity and leadership. The sooner some of its better known commanders/egomaniacs transfer off or simply quit, the better it will be for SoR.

People’s ignorance really pisses me off.
Stupidity is when you can’t help it;
Ignorance is when you choose not to understand.

11/1: SoR/BG/SoS (Gold League Round 3)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Burl.9567


You don’t know how “handsy” Tarkus can get, you may need more dolls :P

I don’t even know what thats supposed to mean…. x.x

What’s your thoughts on Week 7 Tark? Everyone in SoR is saying something about BG getting double teamed.

We’ll see how it’ll turns out when we get around to the matchup

SoR is a shadow of its former self. Not in numbers/guilds, but in tenacity and leadership. The sooner some of its better known commanders/egomaniacs transfer off or simply quit, the better it will be for SoR.

You shouldn’t comment on something you know nothing about.

(edited by Burl.9567)