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Alright time for another bro down. This week determines if we can keep our Big bro title or if its time to Pass FC the torch. DR is also attending this bro down and is classy as ever!
Hello everyone.
As requested by the OP and because the postings in here got rather unhealthy, we have decided to lock this thread. Please keep in mind to keep the conversations polite and constructive. Thank you for your understanding.
Not gonna be a fun week for us (DR)
Not gonna be a fun week for us (DR)
Hang in there buds and try to have fun
I will probably grow kitteny as the week progresses (wife has been tdy for a couple weeks) I will rage and rant… don’t take it personal I just have an itch in need of scratching and I have to wait another week.
Other than that hope to find some nice fights away from the blobs.
[PPK] is looking for 5v5s or 10v10s
whisper me in game or mail me on forums to set it up
Well this week already sucks. Thank you SF fair weathers and PvErs for ruining this tier.
lol its the same people who been playing for the last few weeks
lol its the same people who been playing for the last few weeks
You see how this matchup is really even? You see how the SF zerg is bigger than FC can muster on any BL? You only see the people you have been playing with, but we see the zergs.
what a dumb week with sf pugs.
there are not good fights in wvw. just rolling sf pug zergs
I see them all since im the one playing with them, everyone got an increase in WvW attendance thanks to the LS wvw achivies, look at GoM. But our WvW pop has been pretty consistent these past few weeks. I wont apologize for new blood being in WvW.
I see them all since im the one playing with them, everyone got an increase in WvW attendance thanks to the LS wvw achivies, look at GoM. But our WvW pop has been pretty consistent these past few weeks. I wont apologize for new blood being in WvW.
The difference being that you got 5x more numbers added. You have a bigger population it happens, but it is kinda silly.
>.> Get ready for a long thread SF… Just a warning.
>.> Get ready for a long thread SF… Just a warning.
Yeah it looks like it will be that type of thread
I see them all since im the one playing with them, everyone got an increase in WvW attendance thanks to the LS wvw achivies, look at GoM. But our WvW pop has been pretty consistent these past few weeks. I wont apologize for new blood being in WvW.
Coming from someone who fought you both before and after the season started… you definitely got a bigger increase than anyone else that I know of. Not saying that’s a bad thing, but it is what it is. Dh definitely outnumbered FC/GoM the majority of the time, and your zergs humbled ours. You’ve got a distinct numbers advantage (again, not a bad thing, just the truth).
Yawns end of the first night for me SF has both other servers at 100 PPT. Im sure I will wake up to everything being blue and fully upgraded. Looks like I will be doing other things this week.
The Queue system seems completely broken. We were getting queue timers to enter our home BL. When we finally get it in, we had 30-40 total at best, while SF had TWO TO THREE zerg groups at 20-30+…
Every single BL we went to, SF had 2-3x our #s.
If there’s a queue, aren’t the teams suppose to be even?? Sure as hell wasn’t the case all night.
It is getting tiring being matched up against servers that have 2-3x our wvw population on every BL.
I’m seriously considering server hopping or just switching to dungeons and spvp
The Queue system seems completely broken. We were getting queue timers to enter our home BL. When we finally get it in, we had 30-40 total at best, while SF had TWO TO THREE zerg groups at 20-30+…
Every single BL we went to, SF had 2-3x our #s.
If there’s a queue, aren’t the teams suppose to be even?? Sure as hell wasn’t the case all night.
It is getting tiring being matched up against servers that have 2-3x our wvw population on every BL.
I’m seriously considering server hopping or just switching to dungeons and spvp
apparently there is a queue bug on the green Bls that only lets 40 ppl in, idk if that applies to you.
Dont know if youre FC or DR Repo, but if you are on DR, you need to know that 25+ of you need siege for 9 people. You may need to relearn to evaluate the numbers.
What a difference a week can make, last week probably the best matchup ever, and people were engaged to the very end. Last week was the kind of matchup Anet WvW developers dreamed about , this week , yeah. No.
Games are fun when you have a chance… no chance here. Not sf’s fault I blame Anet. They need to come up with a way to make things more even across servers. Last week was loads of fun even though we only lost only by a few thousand points in the last hours.
I know FC is going to say there is more SF, but from our side there is noticeably less FC from the matchup a couple of weeks back where you beat us.
With all due respect, we just all assumed you guys were wore out from fight all day trying to win that friday match. We definitely have more people, but every server does because there’s “something to play for” (if you buy that kinda reasoning).
Well, I gotta say, overall I think DR is putting up a hell of a fight (not those who fight with seige, but the others like RegA) at least compared to what we expected. Good job on improving guys.
The last time we faced FC we lost and we expected a much more even and a tough match up. It is obvious now that we have the numbers up at prime time. Last time you guys pulled ahead during weekdays during our off-time, when we are working or at school, etc. So now we use our prime time to get a big enough lead up on you so you can not easily catch up. We can not underestimate your weekday daytime crew, which means unfortunately the prime time folks will take the brunt of this.
Also, the last time we underestimated you, a lot of us were running alts, weird builds, etc., this time we are on our primary toons, and we are more organized then you give us credit for, you just dont see it because you do not see our map movements, or coordination between guilds on different maps, or in our VOIP.
This time around, if a couple good roamers catch us while we are resupplying or runing back to where we are supposed to be, you will own us, its because a lot of us are runing full group support and if we were to win in 1v1 or small group vs small group, then that means we have to go back to the drawing boards on our builds.
We will see how the week progresses. If we gain enough lead to the point where your day crew is no longer a threat even if they take over all the maps, then we might switch back to our roamers, pve zerkers etc. and mess around and not be so hard up on defending our stuff except primary objectives. But that will not become apparent until maybe Tuesday or so. We’ll see.
And DR is a sort of a wild card in this, although technically smallest they can make a good play for 2nd and contribute to either FC sliding further down or focus us, in which case we will again use our prime time to get the lead.
And yes, we had an influx of new people from PvE, some of whom have comitted to join WvW and are currently getting geared for it and learning. You will run into majority of them in EB, but on BLs as well.
Alas, we are stuck again. In T8 we were stuck due to the glicko system, even when we kept up a 590+ PPT throughout entire weeks, now we are stuck again due to coverage gap no matter what we do when we face any server even slightly higher then us, whom we own in prime time, we just come home and log onto maps painted different colors for 17 out of 24 hours. So we can not advance again. Yes, its an arena net and overall system problem.
Please make yourselves heard in the Colaborative Development thread if you have not done so already, there are discussions there regarding all this.
(edited by Tongku.5326)
I’m just sad i had to log off abruptly last night due to some at home nonsense and then couldn’t get back in due to queues. That being said, there were some fun fights on SF BL when I was on and the fighting over Bay was definitely interesting. Moreso because I saw some of our recent growth last night (not numbers, but in strategy/skill) and that made me happy. I look forward to more fun through the week and maybe even some 1v1s while roaming if it becomes feasible.
While I agree some bitterness being expressed so early on might be in poor taste, I’m sure at least some of you SF can understand the frustration that naturally comes when even your solo players trying to flip the odd dolyak or sentry get hunted down by 5-15 people SF hunter kill squads(Believe me last night it was 15 more often than it was a mere 5), the 5-man roamers get hunted down by 25+ after they make enough chaos.. and you get the rest. And this is no exaggeration. Out of 13-ish dolyaks I tried to take down last night, only 2 were successful due what I described, which made me opt out for the night. Even the hardcore WvW players like myself do want to at least work on some of the achievements, or at least feel like they are accomplishing something even if its small and this massive multi-map saturation does make it rather difficult to do just that. But perhaps its just the weekend rush and things may calm down during the weekday, and maybe the unusual dolyak protection was just for the initial wave of keep and tower upgrades SF is doing across the board.
Nevertheless the numbers you folks yielded were dumbfounding, even in comparison to the old tier 8 glicko ghetto weekends.
(edited by Detharos.3157)
Guys, [MvM] want a Guild vs Guild 15v15 this week.
Please, tell me if any want it.
that group you guys just had in our BL that gave us the outmanned buff was pretty big there FC. Made running into the middle of the group much more fun. I stayed standing for a whole 5 seconds.
that group you guys just had in our BL that gave us the outmanned buff was pretty big there FC.
Made running into the middle of the group much more fun. I stayed standing for a whole 5 seconds.
Thats it!? What a noob. 10 seconds in the middle of a zerg get on my level
FC will bounce back once we recover from trying to beat DH with 150% effort for the last day or so.. probably wont bounce back enough but it’ll be close
FC will bounce back once we recover from trying to beat DH with 150% effort for the last day or so.. probably wont bounce back enough but it’ll be close
Lol Dh had the exact same thing happen. We were all completely exhausted after that last day of our matchup. Good stuff.
Yeah nothing is decided this early on, we will see how it looks monday night.
Usually, when SF survives the Weekend and isnt playing catchup, our weekdays are strong since most of the teens from other servers cant log in and cover. However, we still desperately need a western EU/SEA guild for our weakest times.
that group you guys just had in our BL that gave us the outmanned buff was pretty big there FC.
Made running into the middle of the group much more fun. I stayed standing for a whole 5 seconds.
Thats it!? What a noob. 10 seconds in the middle of a zerg get on my level
Only because of the Pink.
You should take our efforts at reset as a complement. We remembered being beaten by you so we got the word out that FC is not to be underestimated. We have a fairly strong cross guild communication network so its no surprise that players came out in droves in responce. Everyone was told that this is a new FC and to expect a long and exhausting week. “Get you’re PvE done before reset because you wont get the chance to do it next week” was repeted often.
In short: When you beat us, you earned our respect as dangerous adversarys. We have responded acordingly.
that group you guys just had in our BL that gave us the outmanned buff was pretty big there FC.
Made running into the middle of the group much more fun. I stayed standing for a whole 5 seconds.
Thats it!? What a noob. 10 seconds in the middle of a zerg get on my level
Well to be fair, I was using an alt that was an up-level. hehe got a few knock downs in before getting crushed.
Too much fun FC, I am liking the tenacity!
Good fights tonight in Eternal Battlegrounds, DR and FC.
fc is still a bunch of scrubs in my eyes. hats off to DR though they definitely stepped it up .. fc biggest flaw = 80 million man blob that doesnt spread their numbers out and cant due to lack of skill ..also if they cant keep a wp their pretty much done cuz they cant spam their whole server in. and that folks is fc exposed like dog nuts. my advice to DR if u wanna take 2nd focus getting down fc’s way points. keep their kitten paper and GG.
fc is still a bunch of scrubs in my eyes. hats off to DR though they definitely stepped it up .. fc biggest flaw = 80 million man blob that doesnt spread their numbers out and cant due to lack of skill ..also if they cant keep a wp their pretty much done cuz they cant spam their whole server in. and that folks is fc exposed like dog nuts. my advice to DR if u wanna take 2nd focus getting down fc’s way points. keep their kitten paper and GG.
Teach us the advanced SF tactics of queuing all of the maps!
edit: I decided to take a few pictures of advanced SF tactics defending the empty map. Thank you all for this wonderful lesson.
(edited by Ynot.8397)
np broski any time. cheers!
fc is still a bunch of scrubs in my eyes. hats off to DR though they definitely stepped it up .. fc biggest flaw = 80 million man blob that doesnt spread their numbers out and cant due to lack of skill ..also if they cant keep a wp their pretty much done cuz they cant spam their whole server in. and that folks is fc exposed like dog nuts. my advice to DR if u wanna take 2nd focus getting down fc’s way points. keep their kitten paper and GG.
awwww did you get ran over by a blob?
fc is still a bunch of scrubs in my eyes. hats off to DR though they definitely stepped it up .. fc biggest flaw = 80 million man blob that doesnt spread their numbers out and cant due to lack of skill ..also if they cant keep a wp their pretty much done cuz they cant spam their whole server in. and that folks is fc exposed like dog nuts. my advice to DR if u wanna take 2nd focus getting down fc’s way points. keep their kitten paper and GG.
hahaha thx for the good laugh…ignorance is bliss as they say
(edited by salocinn.4120)
FC is running SoR tactics, SoR, if you look at gold league, got countered hard and for the same reasons we are countering them, thanks in part to our collaborators from BG letting us know how to counter the cheap 80man blob tactic.
Was a good one while it lasted, but whomever expected it to last long is nearsighted, to say the least.
FC is running SoR tactics, SoR, if you look at gold league, got countered hard and for the same reasons we are countering them, thanks in part to our collaborators from BG letting us know how to counter the cheap 80man blob tactic.
Was a good one while it lasted, but whomever expected it to last long is nearsighted, to say the least.
we have a commander exactly like you on FC, his name is krakrabbit you should have a discussion with him
While I’m flattered you are comparing us to gold league, you may want to take your own advice to heart. Not that you really need to because unless you folks decide them toxin things are mighty fun and all leave WvW, you pretty much have this.
Ugh, gold league and T1, keep that crap outta here pls. Every single time I hear we are geting someone from upper tiers I wonder if its someone thats a decent person and fun to play with or another stuck up kitten bag. We have had our share of those to deal with.
Luckily the ones that end up hanging with us at least are cool people that play for fun.
@Ynot.8397 I see what you are saying there, maybe if your server didn’t run the float the blob from BL to BL to just hold one objective like today and focus on the bigger picture then maybe the but-hurt maybe not as bad as it is. But while you float 30+ people to one borderland to protect a t3 keep and drop to an amazing 55 PPT I say GG mate.
fc is still a bunch of scrubs in my eyes. hats off to DR though they definitely stepped it up .. fc biggest flaw = 80 million man blob that doesnt spread their numbers out and cant due to lack of skill ..also if they cant keep a wp their pretty much done cuz they cant spam their whole server in. and that folks is fc exposed like dog nuts. my advice to DR if u wanna take 2nd focus getting down fc’s way points. keep their kitten paper and GG.
Teach us the advanced SF tactics of queuing all of the maps!
edit: I decided to take a few pictures of advanced SF tactics defending the empty map. Thank you all for this wonderful lesson.
Aaaaaaaaaaa thats my guild !!!!!
We are growing nice and healthy but I cant see myself in those pictures
FYI, the guy that was insulting you isnt from my guild, pls take out your frustrations in the correct direction. I know its rough but we had a blast, more then half the people there in those pics are actually our PVE, PVX players and casuals. Its really nice to see them take such interest and I hope it continues.
You should have seen us zerg the jumping puzzles on our last match up and trying to explain the bewildering PvE stuff to our hardcore WvW players !!! Now that was funny stuff, I think Katie got a RL migrane headache from it, bummer we didnt record it.
P.S. (the edit) kitten it !! the quote did not quote the attached images
(edited by Tongku.5326)
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