11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: grabemx.9836


Small groups? WHERE?

If you find me a group with less than 15 I will run it the middle of it like a kid in a candy store. I demand someone find me these groups. I am sitting in our spawn with a lot of pent up frustration. I grow angrier by the minute.


Grabemx – Worst Necro NA
[SIC] – Fort Aspenwood

11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: etrigan.4213


Take your advice and shove it nerd.

I’d love to give NSP some advice, but they’d have to show up first.

No one wants your advice you baddie.

Everyone knows its a numbers/coverage game. Cept for self indulgent blow hards like yourself. That think your actually outplaying people. I hope I catch you at some point this week. Then we will see what kind of skill you really have.

I’m pretty positive your 11111 skills will fail you.

You just made my day <3

I like how a bunch of NSP is responding to his lackluster post, and I still didn’t know who he was…thinking that he was in OS…

But I guess there’s some guild called XOXO…haven’t seen those dudes either.

NSP has more people on the forums than in the game lol

Nox – Fort Aspenwood

11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: DtC.4806


heh, for all of the FA who are trolling, guess ill be posting the BPBL garrison 4 hour FA wipes when the video us up, should be today some time, i walked out with 450 kills in 4 hours with 1 death

The first one is an edited version to condense time. If u watch the clock at the bottom right, these fights happened often for whose who weren’t there

The next 2 is 34 minutes in total, out of an a total of an hour game play I believe it was, it has more footage but the fights are less condensed. And like I said this went on for 4 hours.

Many fights were won without us having any siege, we only had siege at the beginning, and almost all of the fights in the north were definitely no siege. You guys made some poor decisions in a bunch of those fights, like when I came behind with 20v40-50, and u charged into the siege and let us land ontop of u, as opposed to turning and wiping us, then have a clear shot at the siege with only people manning them.

Is this when you owned nothing but garri and the one tower but still had a queued map and hid behind siege?

Just wondering.

Ohh this is reset night…the only thing I remember about reset night is crashing and not being able to get back in due to queue.

Good job though. I know you guys were queue’d also and had issues as well.

The fact that you were queued and didn’t hold much of anything on your BL is problematic of course…

Oops, edited in the other 2 videos. And yes it was problematic, but it was a matter of pride to hold garrison, it was BS’s first time on home BL for reset and the previous few weeks garrison has fallen every reset. We also weren’t able to send anyone to havoc other then a few people for the longest time because of your persistence, we eventually snuck some people out to havoc snipe hills, and towers. We were also expecting u guys to stop running back after so many wipes, but u just kept coming, and let’s face it if u were in the situation against JQ, u wouldn’t of left haha. And most of the 4 hours was fights without siege cover

Main: Ominous Justice (DtC)
Guild: Ominous Threat
Server: Fort Aspenwood

11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: etrigan.4213


Small groups? WHERE?

If you find me a group with less than 15 I will run it the middle of it like a kid in a candy store. I demand someone find me these groups. I am sitting in our spawn with a lot of pent up frustration. I grow angrier by the minute.

That anger and frustration is due to being in SIC with Alaric. He does that to people. :P

Nox – Fort Aspenwood

11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chaba.5410


Honestly we do have smaller groups doing stuff.

Oh man how deluded you are. FA’s small groups left the server. When FA people started talking about 15-man as havoc groups on our forum is when I just shook my head and laughed.

We have:

ATK, PVP, RAM, WS, and UM. BURN usually runs small, although some nights they are pretty deep.

MKN and JPN in SEA. Both very underrated.

Grats. You just named guilds that decided to stick it out on FA and continue to struggle to stay afloat in enemy blobs by trying to blob up with other larger guilds like APS. The fact remains that fighting larger population servers means everyone has to blob up or move. That’s why RAM merged into HOPE, was it not? Hard for small RAM to fight T1 blobs. Dropping to silver league certainly helped them yet don’t expect that to last when FA makes it back into gold and fights the zerg tier servers again.

The point is that in this match-up it isn’t necessary to run with the larger guilds. Take the tags down, run with your own guild only, tell the pugs to kitten off, go find the good fights and you might even stop being bored.

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: etrigan.4213


Oops, edited in the other 2 videos. And yes it was problematic, but it was a matter of pride to hold garrison, it was BS’s first time on home BL for reset and the previous few weeks garrison has fallen every reset. We also weren’t able to send anyone to havoc other then a few people for the longest time because of your persistence, we eventually snuck some people out to havoc snipe hills, and towers. We were also expecting u guys to stop running back after so many wipes, but u just kept coming, and let’s face it if u were in the situation against JQ, u wouldn’t of left haha. And most of the 4 hours was fights without siege cover

Yah I wish I had more input on those fights. We had like 15 [RET] crash out, and weren’t able to get back in. [Bomb] had the same issues, and there were a lot of rally bots that took our place.

Not making excuses of course, I know EVERY server had those issues. It was an annoying night for many servers I think.

The defense of places like Garri always favors the home server, due to close spawns. As it should!! The home bl’s are actually pretty well thought out by anet. With the exception of the useless water pve crap they had in the middle before…

Nox – Fort Aspenwood

11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: etrigan.4213


Honestly we do have smaller groups doing stuff.

Oh man how deluded you are. FA’s small groups left the server. When FA people started talking about 15-man as havoc groups on our forum is when I just shook my head and laughed.

We have:

ATK, PVP, RAM, WS, and UM. BURN usually runs small, although some nights they are pretty deep.

MKN and JPN in SEA. Both very underrated.

Grats. You just named guilds that decided to stick it out on FA and continue to struggle to stay afloat in enemy blobs by trying to blob up with other larger guilds like APS. The fact remains that fighting larger population servers means everyone has to blob up or move. That’s why RAM merged into HOPE, was it not? Hard for small RAM to fight T1 blobs. Dropping to silver league certainly helped them yet don’t expect that to last when FA makes it back into gold and fights the zerg tier servers again.

The point is that in this match-up it isn’t necessary to run with the larger guilds. Take the tags down, run with your own guild only, tell the pugs to kitten off, go find the good fights and you might even stop being bored.

RAM is separate and does not run with HOPE anymore. Also your history of RAM is a bit incorrect. But that is a different subject…

But yah I think the rest of the small guild run with the larger ones when they can’t find any small fights themselves. Camp/ruin fights have been non-existent.

Most of the WvW have been running tagless since Sunday afternoon…you’d be surprised how many militia still find a way to tag along.

On the flip side, BP queue’s at least one map, but still can’t get it together. We just were told above that they had two maps queued the other night…organization is their problem more than numbers.

MAG used to field that many, and still be a pain in the hiney.

Nox – Fort Aspenwood

11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: grabemx.9836


Small groups? WHERE?

If you find me a group with less than 15 I will run it the middle of it like a kid in a candy store. I demand someone find me these groups. I am sitting in our spawn with a lot of pent up frustration. I grow angrier by the minute.

That anger and frustration is due to being in SIC with Alaric. He does that to people. :P

See people just do not understand Alaric. When I first joined up with them, he was all “ARGH, ROAR SMASH” in TS. I sent him a case of Zima and a year subscription to Cosmo and since then he has been very docile.

Grabemx – Worst Necro NA
[SIC] – Fort Aspenwood

11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tyrion.5764


Good videos of BP defending their garrison, siege everywhere and 60+ players.

Normally at reset night theres 2 servers hitting a Garrison, but not this Reset. FA has to do the work of 2 servers in your garrison

Anyways here a small video of what happen outside your garrison btw you can also see my 10-15 BOMB killin same numbers from NSP and BP so for those who say FA do not run small groups well .. phew phew ^^ :

Tyryon Delos Bravos – Leader and Commander [BOMB] Bomb On me

11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Nausicca.6038


Take your advice and shove it nerd.

I’d love to give NSP some advice, but they’d have to show up first.

No one wants your advice you baddie.

Everyone knows its a numbers/coverage game. Cept for self indulgent blow hards like yourself. That think your actually outplaying people. I hope I catch you at some point this week. Then we will see what kind of skill you really have.

I’m pretty positive your 11111 skills will fail you.

You just made my day <3

I like how a bunch of NSP is responding to his lackluster post, and I still didn’t know who he was…thinking that he was in OS…

But I guess there’s some guild called XOXO…haven’t seen those dudes either.

NSP has more people on the forums than in the game lol

Don’t worry, we don’t know you either.


11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: unknownchaos.1425


Also I’d love to throw up some footage of some NSP fights(I have lots of BP footage), but honestly outside of EB, we haven’t seen anyone.

Not even roaming.

I’ll be roaming on NSP BL tonight for sure after the call out. Look for the Necro.

P.s your lolfootage is mindless zergling garbage.

You act like OS is some amazing roaming group, I have yet to see any of your footage or your guild at all this matchup.

I’ll be waiting for some… :P

Any signs of life would be good.

I’m in game now ? Want to make a lolmovie together ?

Ohhh sorry I assumed you were NA prime. I am at work right now(thats right people I am getting paid to troll!)…

You are either EU or unemployed NA then? If NA unemployed, I’m sure we can find some time in NSP BL soon…if EU sorry I doubt either of us will be around at the same time lol.

Ur lunch break is over , ill take a mc’chicken sandwich , small fries , coke with mc’flurry.



11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: etrigan.4213


Take your advice and shove it nerd.

I’d love to give NSP some advice, but they’d have to show up first.

No one wants your advice you baddie.

Everyone knows its a numbers/coverage game. Cept for self indulgent blow hards like yourself. That think your actually outplaying people. I hope I catch you at some point this week. Then we will see what kind of skill you really have.

I’m pretty positive your 11111 skills will fail you.

You just made my day <3

I like how a bunch of NSP is responding to his lackluster post, and I still didn’t know who he was…thinking that he was in OS…

But I guess there’s some guild called XOXO…haven’t seen those dudes either.

NSP has more people on the forums than in the game lol

Don’t worry, we don’t know you either.

I wouldn’t expect you to. I am upper tier famous. You guys are in no mans land.

Nox – Fort Aspenwood

11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Dio.2394


heh, for all of the FA who are trolling, guess ill be posting the BPBL garrison 4 hour FA wipes when the video us up, should be today some time, i walked out with 450 kills in 4 hours with 1 death

The first one is an edited version to condense time. If u watch the clock at the bottom right, these fights happened often for whose who weren’t there

Around 3:56 in the first video you get to see the famed FA open field mobility kittenigan is talking about.

11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Coolmoos.8546


Also I’d love to throw up some footage of some NSP fights(I have lots of BP footage), but honestly outside of EB, we haven’t seen anyone.

Not even roaming.

I’ll be roaming on NSP BL tonight for sure after the call out. Look for the Necro.

P.s your lolfootage is mindless zergling garbage.

You act like OS is some amazing roaming group, I have yet to see any of your footage or your guild at all this matchup.

I’ll be waiting for some… :P

Any signs of life would be good.

I’m in game now ? Want to make a lolmovie together ?

Ohhh sorry I assumed you were NA prime. I am at work right now(thats right people I am getting paid to troll!)…

You are either EU or unemployed NA then? If NA unemployed, I’m sure we can find some time in NSP BL soon…if EU sorry I doubt either of us will be around at the same time lol.

You are a terrible troll….

Atriese 80 Thief – Os Guild [Os] – Northern Shiverpeaks

11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Super Kruegs.8967

Super Kruegs.8967


There are skilled small scale guilds on FA. WS, TUNE, RAM, and CORP to name a few. Find those tags and find fights. Most play Late NA and OCX. FA runs almost all in guild groups on TS3, so yay lot’s of organized guilds groups from 5-40 man.

FA [WS]. Small group fights since 2012

11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chaba.5410


btw you can also see my 10-15 BOMB killin same numbers from NSP and BP so for those who say FA do not run small groups well .. phew phew ^^ :

Tyrion you are missing my point. It is only this silver league season that you’re going to have an easier time running as a 10-15 man group.

Moreover, look at your video closely. Look at the mini-map. Only a few clips I see in your video of you guys 10-15. The rest of the video it’s a ton of green dots running around you. You also have your tag up in a lot of the clips, drawing in more green dots to you.

Try the rest of this match-up running with no tag up. While FA is in silver league not having to face servers like TC is your chance to do this.

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Furiousbeard.7602


Wow, the gloves are coming off today!

Great to see there’s still some fight left in these two servers… well BP at least.

NSP seems to be a server packed with PVE lovers though. Without XO talking crap on the forums, nobody would even know NSP had guilds that entered wvw.

I do enjoy all you loveable scrappers.

FA Soldier of Fortune – Flashypants (20,078 WvW kills) http://m.youtube.com/user/Duppa81
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB

11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Walabone.6713


Right, which is pretty much what I said. Any advice after that is moot, because I also said that it’s pretty clear that our server doesn’t want to play the game that way – and that’s why we’re on BP and not FA. We don’t all want to run around in a giant blob – if we wanted to win, we would need to, yes, and I can see that – but I don’t think that’s quite as important to us compared to our general enjoyment of the game. Our normal match ups against non-T2 servers are very different than the match ups FA is used to – and both our servers have adapted to those environments. Trying to tell smaller WvW servers which are comprised of mostly smaller guild groups and skill groups to Zerg better is pointless. The WvW game is just played differently in Silver Tier – and FA is really the sole exception to that rule (and maybe the new SBI). And I think you are all realizing that – you’re super bored because we’re not going to play WvW the way you all want to play it.

So my advice to you, try going around in smaller groups of 10, 15, or 20 and looking for similar sized groups fielded by BP and NSP. I’ll guarantee you’ll have more fun this week, and in the weeks to follow.

When in Rome…

Honestly we do have smaller groups doing stuff. That is part of the difference. The ability to split up and do multiple things.

Like I said. You guys queue’d your own BL the other night, and only held garri and a paper tower.

The difference is, you have all maps Qd with giant organized zergs everywhere. THUS, granting you the “ability” to split up and do multiple things. We do this every week, normally. In fact, we do it better than most. This week, however, we have no intention of even trying to win PPT. You have a coverage and numbers advantage. GG, week over.

What’s the point of pushing out of our northern section in BP, for example when whatever progress we make it going to be wiped out by your giant zerg the minute we leave? It’s not like we’re going to win PPT this week – we knew that, I hardly thinking anyone is trying. I think most would much rather farm bags all night in Garri.

Our small man groups just pick at your zerg’s backside and rack up the kills. And the ruins are hardly a good place to go if you’re looking for small man fights- that sort of thinking only proves that you have no idea what a “small” group looks like.

Also, I have not seen a single FA “small-man” group all week. At least none that were memorable. Literally everyone on BP and NSP agree on this, but for some reason you think that’s not the case…

Walabone – Borlis Pass
Ascension [WAR] Officer | [ÆÆÆÆ] | Driver of BP’s GvG guild [BB]

(edited by Walabone.6713)

11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Walabone.6713



There are skilled small scale guilds on FA. WS, TUNE, RAM, and CORP to name a few. Find those tags and find fights. Most play Late NA and OCX. FA runs almost all in guild groups on TS3, so yay lot’s of organized guilds groups from 5-40 man.

I’ve only seen WS, TUNE and RAM. And all of them were running with large groups and commander tags in my recollection.

Look for the ÆÆÆÆÆ group, we pretty much strictly run a 5-man.

Walabone – Borlis Pass
Ascension [WAR] Officer | [ÆÆÆÆ] | Driver of BP’s GvG guild [BB]

(edited by Walabone.6713)

11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: etrigan.4213


The difference is, you have all maps Qd with giant organized zergs everywhere. THUS, granting you the “ability” to split up and do multiple things. We do this every week, normally. In fact, we do it better than most. This week, however, we have no intention of even trying to win PPT. You have a coverage and numbers advantage. GG, week over.

What’s the point of pushing out of our northern section in BP, for example when whatever progress we make it going to be wiped out by your giant zerg the minute we leave? It’s not like we’re going to win PPT this week – we knew that, I hardly thinking anyone is trying. I think most would much rather farm bags all night in Garri.

Our small man groups just pick at your zerg’s backside and rack up the kills. And the ruins are hardly a good place to go if you’re looking for small man fights- that sort of thinking only proves that you have no idea what a “small” group looks like.

Also, I have not seem a single FA small-man group all week. At least none that were memorable. Literally everyone on BP and NSP agree on this, but for some reason you think that’s not the case…

You’re missing the point, if you have a queue’d BL or two then you should probably own more than your Garri.

We are queuing your BL…and you are queuing your BL…NSP is non-existent this matchup…so at that point the fight is balanced for you.

You have a balanced BL, and you aren’t holding or taking anything but Garri.

This is not FA’s fault. We are just playing WvW.

And as for needing a reason to leave the north: Fights.

Why else. You know you guys gained a guild called SIC from FA, and while they aren’t the end all and be all of everything in WvW, they know about whale hunting.

Make it happen! Someone…ANYONE…make it happen.

We are throwing ourselves at your siege because what else is there for us to do?

Nox – Fort Aspenwood

11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chaba.5410


Nox, just gonna throw it out there, all the times FA’s had a queued home bl and they still try to call in help from EB for garrison…

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: etrigan.4213


Nox, just gonna throw it out there, all the times FA’s had a queued home bl and they still try to call in help from EB for garrison…

Oh true. Although Archer is back so that doesn’t happen as much anymore and we have almost always held more than just garri even against T1.

Not that beating T1 guilds in NA prime is any super accomplishment.

Nox – Fort Aspenwood

11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chaba.5410


I know, Archer wanted to duel me yesterday lol!

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: etrigan.4213


I know, Archer wanted to duel me yesterday lol!

Please kill him, he’s annoying when he whines how poor he is.

Nox – Fort Aspenwood

11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Walabone.6713


The difference is, you have all maps Qd with giant organized zergs everywhere. THUS, granting you the “ability” to split up and do multiple things. We do this every week, normally. In fact, we do it better than most. This week, however, we have no intention of even trying to win PPT. You have a coverage and numbers advantage. GG, week over.

What’s the point of pushing out of our northern section in BP, for example when whatever progress we make it going to be wiped out by your giant zerg the minute we leave? It’s not like we’re going to win PPT this week – we knew that, I hardly thinking anyone is trying. I think most would much rather farm bags all night in Garri.

Our small man groups just pick at your zerg’s backside and rack up the kills. And the ruins are hardly a good place to go if you’re looking for small man fights- that sort of thinking only proves that you have no idea what a “small” group looks like.

Also, I have not seem a single FA small-man group all week. At least none that were memorable. Literally everyone on BP and NSP agree on this, but for some reason you think that’s not the case…

You’re missing the point, if you have a queue’d BL or two then you should probably own more than your Garri.

We are queuing your BL…and you are queuing your BL…NSP is non-existent this matchup…so at that point the fight is balanced for you.

You have a balanced BL, and you aren’t holding or taking anything but Garri.

This is not FA’s fault. We are just playing WvW.

And as for needing a reason to leave the north: Fights.

Why else. You know you guys gained a guild called SIC from FA, and while they aren’t the end all and be all of everything in WvW, they know about whale hunting.

Make it happen! Someone…ANYONE…make it happen.

We are throwing ourselves at your siege because what else is there for us to do?

You’re missing the point: nobody gives a kitten about winning this matchup on BP or NSP. The outcome is predetermined. Our focus this week is getting kills and having fun.

We don’t Q our BL 24/7 … thus what’s the point in holding more than the north? Your zergs know there is no point to playing the PPT game, they don’t have to respond to attacks by our small man groups because they can just zerg it back in a few minutes.

BP sits in our Garri because what else is there for us to do?

What fights are you talking about? The only fights we find are against your zergs. I take a keep, I get zerged. I take a tower, I get zerged. So what’s the point in running to the south if I only get the exact same fights as up north? Might as well not run as far. Plenty of kills to be had.

You’re just playing into our hands.

Walabone – Borlis Pass
Ascension [WAR] Officer | [ÆÆÆÆ] | Driver of BP’s GvG guild [BB]

11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Tyrion.5764


btw you can also see my 10-15 BOMB killin same numbers from NSP and BP so for those who say FA do not run small groups well .. phew phew ^^ :

Tyrion you are missing my point. It is only this silver league season that you’re going to have an easier time running as a 10-15 man group.

Moreover, look at your video closely. Look at the mini-map. Only a few clips I see in your video of you guys 10-15. The rest of the video it’s a ton of green dots running around you. You also have your tag up in a lot of the clips, drawing in more green dots to you.

Try the rest of this match-up running with no tag up. While FA is in silver league not having to face servers like TC is your chance to do this.

Chaba, that video its from reset night, i will use my tag in reset night ,btw you need to see more closer the clips like in Lake tower theres no greens over there all BOMB’s, now inside hills all was BOMB, now outside Bay, if you see militia runing far far from me they are not in TS3 if you see them running with me they are in my channel, i will not close my channel to anyone, NEVER !!

But anyways since Saturday i runnin with no tag and naked , and most of my guildies are doin the same the match its done and theres no point in go in full force i will chill until the next reset ^^. That remind me really [WAR] are you sure ?? jeje ok i will updated the video of [BOMB] naked killin [WAR] xDDD

Just one more remind FA is taking Silver League like a trainning season, so Chaba no worrys, we know theres no server who can stop us, the only 2 servers who can give us some battles are SBI and YB, thats it maybe hurts buts its the real deal!!

Tyryon Delos Bravos – Leader and Commander [BOMB] Bomb On me

11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Super Kruegs.8967

Super Kruegs.8967


Message me in-game if you want a small scale fight 5v5 etc. We run 8-12 PM PST. We literally never run with a tag. FA zergs always coat tailing us

FA [WS]. Small group fights since 2012

11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Walabone.6713



Message me in-game if you want a small scale fight 5v5 etc. We run 8-12 PM PST. We literally never run with a tag. FA zergs always coat tailing us

haha, feel your pain.

Walabone – Borlis Pass
Ascension [WAR] Officer | [ÆÆÆÆ] | Driver of BP’s GvG guild [BB]

11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chaba.5410


I did after I changed into my condi build.

That second clip at greenlake is what I mean by “only a few clips of just you guys”. Glad to hear you are running tagless now.

Tell them to gtfo Alaric-style.

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Walabone.6713


Good videos of BP defending their garrison, siege everywhere and 60+ players.

Normally at reset night theres 2 servers hitting a Garrison, but not this Reset. FA has to do the work of 2 servers in your garrison

Anyways here a small video of what happen outside your garrison btw you can also see my 10-15 BOMB killin same numbers from NSP and BP so for those who say FA do not run small groups well .. phew phew ^^ :

you click your abilities……

Walabone – Borlis Pass
Ascension [WAR] Officer | [ÆÆÆÆ] | Driver of BP’s GvG guild [BB]

11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: ThunderCat.8395


Why is it that when I read the FA trolling in this thread, I am so reminded of all those TC matchup threads back when there was a tier system?

11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Furiousbeard.7602


Well my video has absolutely nothing to do with this matchup! SO THERE!!

FA Soldier of Fortune – Flashypants (20,078 WvW kills) http://m.youtube.com/user/Duppa81
Roamer: 99.99% BLs / 0.01% EB

11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Drigan.7382


Why is it that when I read the FA trolling in this thread, I am so reminded of all those TC matchup threads back when there was a tier system?


Spirit Of Faith [HOPE]
Fort Aspenwood – www.gw2hope.com

11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Drigan.7382


Grats. You just named guilds that decided to stick it out on FA and continue to struggle to stay afloat in enemy blobs by trying to blob up with other larger guilds like APS. The fact remains that fighting larger population servers means everyone has to blob up or move. That’s why RAM merged into HOPE, was it not? Hard for small RAM to fight T1 blobs. Dropping to silver league certainly helped them yet don’t expect that to last when FA makes it back into gold and fights the zerg tier servers again.

The point is that in this match-up it isn’t necessary to run with the larger guilds. Take the tags down, run with your own guild only, tell the pugs to kitten off, go find the good fights and you might even stop being bored.

In fairness, that’s not why RAM members moved over to HOPE. It was an attempt to keep the RAM community together when its leadership needed to step down and take some time. We didn’t really increase the number we ran nightly after it happened, we went from RAM running 20ish nightly, and HOPE running 20-25 nightly, to just HOPE running 25 nightly. The first couple days we were 30ish but it definitely felt like more than we wanted to run with and we trimmed it back down after quite a few roster changes. Doesn’t matter really, but on the typical night we didn’t particularly have to join up to fight the other server’s group. Anyhow, that chapter’s closed, and hope to see RAM back out there the way they use to be, for sure.

Spirit Of Faith [HOPE]
Fort Aspenwood – www.gw2hope.com

11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Roquefort.4160


yeah because its all one sided FA trolling only (and they speak for the entire server too dont forget).

and on the subject of “this is not BP’s playstyle” argument. yes this is true, however, our people still want to wvw so the groups arent going to get smaller. if youre running a 15man guild group, make that the BEST guild group possible, and you will roll through 30man militia blobs with easy. if you all know your role, are smart, dont panic and pay attention (accompanied with good leadership) you will destroy much larger blobs.

anyways, couldnt find fights in oceanic (dyou guys actually have oceanic? a serious question, not just trolling) so left early. hoping for a swift end to the week for everyone

Unreal Aussies [uA]
Fort Aspenwood

11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: gennyt.3428


FA is right, we don’t have any great leadership on the open field. But that doesn’t mean we don’t have great guilds, players, or even leaders. We’re just not used to this playstyle we’re facing at all (and lets be honest, we don’t have your coverage). It’s a totally new meta to most of us, one that you have all developed in as a server; whereas we’re still in a place where multiple 15-20 man groups make all the difference. I can see what’s needed to go against your kind of server, all things being equal, but I don’t want to go there yet, nor do my server mates.

Honestly its not just the numbers. We know for a fact that you are filling at least one BL a night. Its just that your commanders are not getting you guys organized to do anything useful.

The other night you guys had a queue in BPBL, and only held Garrison and a paper northern tower.

Your forces aren’t being utilized to their potential.

Back in the day, when Maguuma was a bit smaller than they are now, they would lock down their BL. COMPLETELY LOCK IT DOWN.

Old FA had a lot of trouble in their BL. We respected the kitten out of that.

BP has the numbers to do that at the very least.

I think you guys need to work on communication and what not. Respond faster etc.

Don’t worry about the coverage you don’t have, just fight hard in your BL and show up for every fight.

Don’t log off when you get wiped, honestly we’ve wiped SOR/BG/JQ/TC(which btw are terrible servers full of mostly bad guilds) tons….more than we have ever wiped you guys. We are sort of good at that.

Fraps and go over what went wrong. Watch what we do, and do it also.

Simple techniques to get you started:

Empower with your guardians, maneuver and hit your enemies sides or flanks with heavy bombs, you need to finish kills with these bombs. If you see downed enemies finish them, but don’t stomp.

Most importantly: KEEP MOVING. Time after time we have seen BP stacking, and not moving. I don’t know if its taking took long for you guys to get your might stacks or you are trying to stack retaliation…either way you just sit there and get bombed.

“Violence of Action” wins a lot of fights in WvW. Once the action has started, the enemies damage intake and casualties sets them up for psychological failure and bad playing.

You guys should focus on the attack part for now, and then get your hardcore WvW’rs to be prepared to not panic when the fight seems to take a turn. Remember one kill can rally a crap ton of people.

I’m sorry you probably meant well but this is the some of the most patronizing, trollish(and oddly funny) bullkitten I’ve read on these forums and that says a lot. Do you honestly think your server has a higher skill level and that NSP or BP gives two rats’ kittens about PPT in this matchup? Lawls

Whispers with meat.

11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: etrigan.4213


You’re missing the point: nobody gives a kitten about winning this matchup on BP or NSP. The outcome is predetermined. Our focus this week is getting kills and having fun.

We don’t Q our BL 24/7 … thus what’s the point in holding more than the north? Your zergs know there is no point to playing the PPT game, they don’t have to respond to attacks by our small man groups because they can just zerg it back in a few minutes.

BP sits in our Garri because what else is there for us to do?

What fights are you talking about? The only fights we find are against your zergs. I take a keep, I get zerged. I take a tower, I get zerged. So what’s the point in running to the south if I only get the exact same fights as up north? Might as well not run as far. Plenty of kills to be had.

You’re just playing into our hands.

You are basically saying the following:

“Even though we queue BP BL NA prime, we don’t want to do anything but sit in Garri.”

Okay… :P

Nox – Fort Aspenwood

11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Buffy.9246


Either FA is bored or do not care anymore. A whole que Zerg of them running back and forth between bp and nsp side blocking both from getting wvw exp and achievements. Can’t wait for this week to be over already.

11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: etrigan.4213


I’m sorry you probably meant well but this is the some of the most patronizing, trollish(and oddly funny) bullkitten I’ve read on these forums and that says a lot. Do you honestly think your server has a higher skill level and that NSP or BP gives two rats’ kittens about PPT in this matchup? Lawls

Oh I know we have WvW guilds with a higher skill level. There’s no question about that.

You have been given ample opportunity with a queued BP BL, to do something other than hide in Garri during NA prime.

Please…please…prove me wrong.

Nox – Fort Aspenwood

11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: AKLbow.2463


Hi, Commander Forum War Viohlent here. Before I reply to a few posts I’d like to point out that we had a great time yesterday. One of the best fights I’ve had was at the middle island by ruins and I’d like to thank VP and all the others that were in it.

BP – You guys are way more fun to fight on the field than FA.
FA – Keep doing what you’re doing and going for those PPT. Great job, seriously. Oh, and please blob harder.

[ÆÆÆÆ] – You guys run a solid 5 man. Good fights!
[CORE] – Lol. That’s all.
[SIC] – I hope to find you guys out there for some more fights!


I like how a bunch of NSP is responding to his lackluster post, and I still didn’t know who he was…thinking that he was in OS…

But I guess there’s some guild called XOXO…haven’t seen those dudes either.

NSP has more people on the forums than in the game lol

We have been running around with anywhere from 5-10 people. Sometimes a couple people tag along and join us so it’s hard to say the exact number. Generally less than 15. We have been killing people all week. Maybe you should get out of that blob you hide in/tower you’re camped in and come find us.

#2: Obsession said it best. Your response is bad.

Take your advice and shove it nerd.

I’d love to give NSP some advice, but they’d have to show up first.

Thanks for your offer. But we would like to distastefully decline.

This etrigan.4213 guy is still ridiculous. .

Viohlent – Thief

(edited by AKLbow.2463)

11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: grabemx.9836


Hi, Commander Forum War Viohlent here. Before I reply to a few posts I’d like to point out that we had a great time yesterday. One of the best fights I’ve had was at the middle island by ruins and I’d like to thank VP and all the others that were in it.

BP – You guys are way more fun to fight on the field than FA.
FA – Keep doing what you’re doing and going for those PPT. Great job, seriously. Oh, and please blob harder.

[ÆÆÆÆ] – You guys run a solid 5 man. Good fights!
[CORE] – Lol. That’s all.
[SIC] – I hope to find you guys out there for some more fights!

You won’t find SIC in EB unless we are running solo or 2-3 man. When we get together as a guild we usually hit an opponents BL. To be honest I haven’t run into NSP yet with the exception of a 3-4 man group trying to take Golanta during one of my roaming excursions. Not a dig at your server, I just feel you guys probably don’t care about this match up anymore…kinda like us.

Grabemx – Worst Necro NA
[SIC] – Fort Aspenwood

11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Walabone.6713


Hi, Commander Forum War Viohlent here. Before I reply to a few posts I’d like to point out that we had a great time yesterday. One of the best fights I’ve had was at the middle island by ruins and I’d like to thank VP and all the others that were in it.

BP – You guys are way more fun to fight on the field than FA.
FA – Keep doing what you’re doing and going for those PPT. Great job, seriously. Oh, and please blob harder.

[ÆÆÆÆ] – You guys run a solid 5 man. Good fights!
[CORE] – Lol. That’s all.
[SIC] – I hope to find you guys out there for some more fights!

You won’t find SIC in EB unless we are running solo or 2-3 man. When we get together as a guild we usually hit an opponents BL. To be honest I haven’t run into NSP yet with the exception of a 3-4 man group trying to take Golanta during one of my roaming excursions. Not a dig at your server, I just feel you guys probably don’t care about this match up anymore…kinda like us.

XOXO is usually in the BLs… I seem to run into them often. Where you at?!

Walabone – Borlis Pass
Ascension [WAR] Officer | [ÆÆÆÆ] | Driver of BP’s GvG guild [BB]

11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: AKLbow.2463


Hi, Commander Forum War Viohlent here. Before I reply to a few posts I’d like to point out that we had a great time yesterday. One of the best fights I’ve had was at the middle island by ruins and I’d like to thank VP and all the others that were in it.

BP – You guys are way more fun to fight on the field than FA.
FA – Keep doing what you’re doing and going for those PPT. Great job, seriously. Oh, and please blob harder.

[ÆÆÆÆ] – You guys run a solid 5 man. Good fights!
[CORE] – Lol. That’s all.
[SIC] – I hope to find you guys out there for some more fights!

You won’t find SIC in EB unless we are running solo or 2-3 man. When we get together as a guild we usually hit an opponents BL. To be honest I haven’t run into NSP yet with the exception of a 3-4 man group trying to take Golanta during one of my roaming excursions. Not a dig at your server, I just feel you guys probably don’t care about this match up anymore…kinda like us.

XOXO almost never runs in EBG. We usually have 2-3 people running around except for those random nights when we can field around 10. Don’t worry, the only time we’ve cared about PPT is when we were trying to get up to silver league.

Normal people understand WvW isn’t about ppt.

Viohlent – Thief

11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: etrigan.4213


I’d love to give NSP some advice, but they’d have to show up first.

Thanks for your offer. But we would like to distastefully decline.

Well if you don’t want to show up, then I can’t make you.

You’re missing the point, if you have a queue’d BL or two then you should probably own more than your Garri.
We are queuing your BL…and you are queuing your BL…NSP is non-existent this matchup…so at that point the fight is balanced for you.
You have a balanced BL, and you aren’t holding or taking anything but Garri.
We are throwing ourselves at your siege because what else is there for us to do?

There’s no such thing as “balance” in this match. NSP hasn’t queued a map since reset. We are outmanned in our on BL most of the time. Your argument is invalid.
Besides, you couldn’t throw yourself at our siege (if we had any siege) because you would probably fail at it just like you do at 111111’ing.

This etrigan.4213 guy is ridiculous. Are you a fiction writer? Oh, I see Obs submitted an order from you. I would ask for the same thing but I don’t eat fast food.

You’re replying to something I said to a BP guy, who has indeed had queue’d maps. I even state that NSP hasn’t shown up…what part did you not understand there?

NSP if you can’t keep up with the forum banter, then stay out of it…just like you do in WvW.

Just don’t show. :P

Nox – Fort Aspenwood

11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Chaba.5410


I’ve seen XOXO around. They’re about all the NSP I see around or maybe just the ones I notice. /cry

P.S. Don’t take Nox/etrigan too seriously. This is his only opportunity to shine.

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: etrigan.4213


I’ve seen XOXO around. They’re about all the NSP I see around or maybe just the ones I notice. /cry

P.S. Don’t take Nox/etrigan too seriously. This is his only opportunity to shine.

On a side note, people in FA said that have seen XOXO, although they said all they do is gank single players and run when the fight is even. idk…havent seen them.

No offense I haven’t seen SIC much either…you guys running later due to Alarics schedule?

Also shush, they are replying to me, which is more action than I have seen on their bl’s…

Nox – Fort Aspenwood

11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: grabemx.9836


Hi, Commander Forum War Viohlent here. Before I reply to a few posts I’d like to point out that we had a great time yesterday. One of the best fights I’ve had was at the middle island by ruins and I’d like to thank VP and all the others that were in it.

BP – You guys are way more fun to fight on the field than FA.
FA – Keep doing what you’re doing and going for those PPT. Great job, seriously. Oh, and please blob harder.

[ÆÆÆÆ] – You guys run a solid 5 man. Good fights!
[CORE] – Lol. That’s all.
[SIC] – I hope to find you guys out there for some more fights!

You won’t find SIC in EB unless we are running solo or 2-3 man. When we get together as a guild we usually hit an opponents BL. To be honest I haven’t run into NSP yet with the exception of a 3-4 man group trying to take Golanta during one of my roaming excursions. Not a dig at your server, I just feel you guys probably don’t care about this match up anymore…kinda like us.

XOXO is usually in the BLs… I seem to run into them often. Where you at?!

Honestly I have not run into many NSP this matchup. All I see is FA….FA EVERYWHERE!

FA in my nightmares.

Grabemx – Worst Necro NA
[SIC] – Fort Aspenwood

11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: grabemx.9836


I’ve seen XOXO around. They’re about all the NSP I see around or maybe just the ones I notice. /cry

P.S. Don’t take Nox/etrigan too seriously. This is his only opportunity to shine.

No offense I haven’t seen SIC much either…you guys running later due to Alarics schedule?

See those 7-8 red dots in the middle of that 60 man FA swarm? Yep…that’s us.

Grabemx – Worst Necro NA
[SIC] – Fort Aspenwood

11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: ThunderCat.8395


We don’t have official raids on weekends. You will be seeing more of us the next few days :P

PS. XOXO you guys are were very good when I’ve run into you. Respect.

11/1 Week 3: BP, FA, NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: etrigan.4213


Dude we’ve been looking. Lots of people want to kill Alaric lol…

I don’t know why…he’s such a nice dude.

Nox – Fort Aspenwood