11/8 DB/NSP/YB
Gab, just stop man…. STOPPPPPPP
No let GabGar keep going. He is just making a fool of himself in front of everyone. Even some YBs are embarrassed of him lol.
It is funny I said you were one of the commanders I respect from DB, and all you do is demonstrate how much I’m right about the back-hole-hurting issue
Anyhow, this week is ending, get over it, plan for the reset tonight.
Again good luck to all you guys DB and NSP, was a blast figthing you.
See you around.
Sorry, I do not follow your logic. I have nothing against YB winning . You guys have many good WvW guilds. Especially [One] guild, they sure know how to fight. They have all the respect they deserve because they can back up their bragging rights and put up good fights. They don’t go on the forum brag about ppts then loses GvG and being a hypocrite. No offense to MEX, but if GabGar is going to go around forums and be bragging at least back up your words.
GabGar, hopefully the quote below will benefit you.
When you are content to be simply yourself and don’t compare or compete, everybody will respect you.
David Sage’s Pug Commander Guide
Gab, just stop man…. STOPPPPPPP
No let GabGar keep going. He is just making a fool of himself in front of everyone. Even some YBs are embarrassed of him lol.
It is funny I said you were one of the commanders I respect from DB, and all you do is demonstrate how much I’m right about the back-hole-hurting issue
Anyhow, this week is ending, get over it, plan for the reset tonight.
Again good luck to all you guys DB and NSP, was a blast figthing you.
See you around.
Sorry, I do not follow your logic. I have nothing against YB winning . You guys have many good WvW guilds. Especially [One] guild, they sure know how to fight. They have all the respect they deserve because they can back up their bragging rights and put up good fights. They don’t go on the forum brag about ppts then loses GvG and being a hypocrite. No offense to MEX, but if GabGar is going to go around forums and be bragging at least back up your words.
GabGar, hopefully the quote below will benefit you.
When you are content to be simply yourself and don’t compare or compete, everybody will respect you.
You are misinformed We won 1 GvG of the 2 GvGs we had agaisnt DB guilds, besides we never boast about our PVT skills , those were our second and third GvG, we are still at training. We backup our words with results in the field, wining points for the server, period.
You are just back hurt because you were commanding monday, and you lost all DB stuff in eternal, period.
Again have a good week end, and get over it, good luck in your next match David.
Gab, just stop man…. STOPPPPPPP
No let GabGar keep going. He is just making a fool of himself in front of everyone. Even some YBs are embarrassed of him lol.
It is funny I said you were one of the commanders I respect from DB, and all you do is demonstrate how much I’m right about the back-hole-hurting issue
Anyhow, this week is ending, get over it, plan for the reset tonight.
Again good luck to all you guys DB and NSP, was a blast figthing you.
See you around.
Sorry, I do not follow your logic. I have nothing against YB winning . You guys have many good WvW guilds. Especially [One] guild, they sure know how to fight. They have all the respect they deserve because they can back up their bragging rights and put up good fights. They don’t go on the forum brag about ppts then loses GvG and being a hypocrite. No offense to MEX, but if GabGar is going to go around forums and be bragging at least back up your words.
GabGar, hopefully the quote below will benefit you.
When you are content to be simply yourself and don’t compare or compete, everybody will respect you.
You are misinformed We won 1 GvG of the 2 GvGs we had agaisnt DB guilds, besides we never boast about our PVT skills
, those were our second and third GvG, we are still at training. We backup our words with results in the field, wining points for the server, period.
You are just back hurt because you were commanding monday, and you lost all DB stuff in eternal, period.
Again have a good week end, and get over it, good luck in your next match David.
Where do you get all the information? Do you listen to yourself before you talk? Things you say make you lose creditability.
First of all, I wasn’t commanding on Monday. This is what I mean, you just make up stuff. Did you mother never read you the story The Boy Who Cried Wolf?
From MEX to Dragonbrand with love
its easy to beat a server with less coverage but anytime any DB guilds and you are on the map you get roflstomp GvG plz [MEX], GvG Por favor [MEX], whisper me k,
- pats mex guild on da head ( * —-* )\(^__^ ) *
Yak’s Bend still winning, good fights have been had.
This score doe.11 pm you have to say anything about coverage? Or Dragonband server is empty at 11pm central US?
All Dragonbrand NA crew should be ashamed, im not in DB anymore, was my first server and this is just sad and wrong.
Hey kid, 11pm CST is late for most people. That is 1am for EST players (which is 1/2 or more of my guild). I dont have my mommy and daddy throw money at me im a full time student and have a job.
So how bout that gvg? or are you gonna keep chest bumping over your sick pvdoor skillz. I guess the Sorrows furnace shame never rubbed off on you huh, still looking for cheap wins? (TG was on SF when all the Hispanic guilds decided to start tanking matches to get some good ol pvdoor. I laughed so hard when I read all the posts complaining about being stuck in t8)
Thursday 9:30 pm we will GvG TB first
About your lame excuses about the time look up I have another pic with dragonbrand at 25 at 6pm central…
And go call kid your little buddy between your legs, you are nothing but a bad troller and one of the worst commanders I ever see.
See you in the field.
You called TG’s commander the worst commanders you have ever seen. Yet, you lost to them? Are you claiming, your commander is worse?
See GabGar, please think before you open your mouth. That way you won’t make a fool out of yourself.
David Sage’s Pug Commander Guide
Gab, just stop man…. STOPPPPPPP
No let GabGar keep going. He is just making a fool of himself in front of everyone. Even some YBs are embarrassed of him lol.
It is funny I said you were one of the commanders I respect from DB, and all you do is demonstrate how much I’m right about the back-hole-hurting issue
Anyhow, this week is ending, get over it, plan for the reset tonight.
Again good luck to all you guys DB and NSP, was a blast figthing you.
See you around.
Sorry, I do not follow your logic. I have nothing against YB winning . You guys have many good WvW guilds. Especially [One] guild, they sure know how to fight. They have all the respect they deserve because they can back up their bragging rights and put up good fights. They don’t go on the forum brag about ppts then loses GvG and being a hypocrite. No offense to MEX, but if GabGar is going to go around forums and be bragging at least back up your words.
GabGar, hopefully the quote below will benefit you.
When you are content to be simply yourself and don’t compare or compete, everybody will respect you.
You are misinformed We won 1 GvG of the 2 GvGs we had agaisnt DB guilds, besides we never boast about our PVT skills
, those were our second and third GvG, we are still at training. We backup our words with results in the field, wining points for the server, period.
You are just back hurt because you were commanding monday, and you lost all DB stuff in eternal, period.
Again have a good week end, and get over it, good luck in your next match David.
Where do you get all the information? Do you listen to yourself before you talk? Things you say make you lose creditability.
First of all, I wasn’t commanding on Monday. This is what I mean, you just make up stuff. Did you mother never read you the story The Boy Who Cried Wolf?
From MEX to Dragonbrand with love
its easy to beat a server with less coverage but anytime any DB guilds and you are on the map you get roflstomp GvG plz [MEX], GvG Por favor [MEX], whisper me k,
- pats mex guild on da head ( * —-* )\(^__^ ) *
Yak’s Bend still winning, good fights have been had.
This score doe.11 pm you have to say anything about coverage? Or Dragonband server is empty at 11pm central US?
All Dragonbrand NA crew should be ashamed, im not in DB anymore, was my first server and this is just sad and wrong.
Hey kid, 11pm CST is late for most people. That is 1am for EST players (which is 1/2 or more of my guild). I dont have my mommy and daddy throw money at me im a full time student and have a job.
So how bout that gvg? or are you gonna keep chest bumping over your sick pvdoor skillz. I guess the Sorrows furnace shame never rubbed off on you huh, still looking for cheap wins? (TG was on SF when all the Hispanic guilds decided to start tanking matches to get some good ol pvdoor. I laughed so hard when I read all the posts complaining about being stuck in t8)
Thursday 9:30 pm we will GvG TB first
About your lame excuses about the time look up I have another pic with dragonbrand at 25 at 6pm central…
And go call kid your little buddy between your legs, you are nothing but a bad troller and one of the worst commanders I ever see.
See you in the field.
You called TG’s commander the worst commanders you have ever seen. Yet, you lost to them? Are you claiming, your commander is worse?
See GabGar, please think before you open your mouth. That way you won’t make a fool out of yourself
LOL of course you were there, even if not commanding you had your tag on, I Know you, I followed you many times.
And also I met Serebus in Dragonbrand when he called me a spy with out evidence, I saw how bad his commanding in the field is, so I know what Im talking about. And I repeat in case you missed it, was our third GvG we are still training, so do yourself a favor and really go and prepare for your next match up, get over it, good luck.
So you are just assuming lol? Monday was a holiday in the US and I was not on. Your assumption are not facts . See this is why no one believe anything you say. You should really pay attention to the things come out your mouth. It’s soo funny to see things you can make up and just to go with it lol. Yet still holding on to defend it.
So what if is your 3rd GvG. If the other commander is bad you should be able to win right? Why are you making excuses when you lose?
As a friendly commander, I suggest you to think before you talk and stop making a fool out of yourself. I’m starting to feel bad for you It’s ok to admit you are wrong.
David Sage’s Pug Commander Guide
Gab, just stop man…. STOPPPPPPP
No let GabGar keep going. He is just making a fool of himself in front of everyone. Even some YBs are embarrassed of him lol.
It is funny I said you were one of the commanders I respect from DB, and all you do is demonstrate how much I’m right about the back-hole-hurting issue
Anyhow, this week is ending, get over it, plan for the reset tonight.
Again good luck to all you guys DB and NSP, was a blast figthing you.
See you around.
Sorry, I do not follow your logic. I have nothing against YB winning . You guys have many good WvW guilds. Especially [One] guild, they sure know how to fight. They have all the respect they deserve because they can back up their bragging rights and put up good fights. They don’t go on the forum brag about ppts then loses GvG and being a hypocrite. No offense to MEX, but if GabGar is going to go around forums and be bragging at least back up your words.
GabGar, hopefully the quote below will benefit you.
When you are content to be simply yourself and don’t compare or compete, everybody will respect you.
You are misinformed We won 1 GvG of the 2 GvGs we had agaisnt DB guilds, besides we never boast about our PVT skills
, those were our second and third GvG, we are still at training. We backup our words with results in the field, wining points for the server, period.
You are just back hurt because you were commanding monday, and you lost all DB stuff in eternal, period.
Again have a good week end, and get over it, good luck in your next match David.
Where do you get all the information? Do you listen to yourself before you talk? Things you say make you lose creditability.
First of all, I wasn’t commanding on Monday. This is what I mean, you just make up stuff. Did you mother never read you the story The Boy Who Cried Wolf?
From MEX to Dragonbrand with love
its easy to beat a server with less coverage but anytime any DB guilds and you are on the map you get roflstomp GvG plz [MEX], GvG Por favor [MEX], whisper me k,
- pats mex guild on da head ( * —-* )\(^__^ ) *
Yak’s Bend still winning, good fights have been had.
This score doe.11 pm you have to say anything about coverage? Or Dragonband server is empty at 11pm central US?
All Dragonbrand NA crew should be ashamed, im not in DB anymore, was my first server and this is just sad and wrong.
Hey kid, 11pm CST is late for most people. That is 1am for EST players (which is 1/2 or more of my guild). I dont have my mommy and daddy throw money at me im a full time student and have a job.
So how bout that gvg? or are you gonna keep chest bumping over your sick pvdoor skillz. I guess the Sorrows furnace shame never rubbed off on you huh, still looking for cheap wins? (TG was on SF when all the Hispanic guilds decided to start tanking matches to get some good ol pvdoor. I laughed so hard when I read all the posts complaining about being stuck in t8)
Thursday 9:30 pm we will GvG TB first
About your lame excuses about the time look up I have another pic with dragonbrand at 25 at 6pm central…
And go call kid your little buddy between your legs, you are nothing but a bad troller and one of the worst commanders I ever see.
See you in the field.
You called TG’s commander the worst commanders you have ever seen. Yet, you lost to them? Are you claiming, your commander is worse?
See GabGar, please think before you open your mouth. That way you won’t make a fool out of yourself
LOL of course you were there, even if not commanding you had your tag on, I Know you, I followed you many times.
And also I met Serebus in Dragonbrand when he called me a spy with out evidence, I saw how bad his commanding in the field is, so I know what Im talking about. And I repeat in case you missed it, was our third GvG we are still training, so do yourself a favor and really go and prepare for your next match up, get over it, good luck.
Cool you were TG’s 4th gvg great job man!
Homeworld = Home Borderland!
Gab, just stop man…. STOPPPPPPP
No let GabGar keep going. He is just making a fool of himself in front of everyone. Even some YBs are embarrassed of him lol.
It is funny I said you were one of the commanders I respect from DB, and all you do is demonstrate how much I’m right about the back-hole-hurting issue
Anyhow, this week is ending, get over it, plan for the reset tonight.
Again good luck to all you guys DB and NSP, was a blast figthing you.
See you around.
Sorry, I do not follow your logic. I have nothing against YB winning . You guys have many good WvW guilds. Especially [One] guild, they sure know how to fight. They have all the respect they deserve because they can back up their bragging rights and put up good fights. They don’t go on the forum brag about ppts then loses GvG and being a hypocrite. No offense to MEX, but if GabGar is going to go around forums and be bragging at least back up your words.
GabGar, hopefully the quote below will benefit you.
When you are content to be simply yourself and don’t compare or compete, everybody will respect you.
You are misinformed We won 1 GvG of the 2 GvGs we had agaisnt DB guilds, besides we never boast about our PVT skills
, those were our second and third GvG, we are still at training. We backup our words with results in the field, wining points for the server, period.
You are just back hurt because you were commanding monday, and you lost all DB stuff in eternal, period.
Again have a good week end, and get over it, good luck in your next match David.
This guy has a lot of periods.
Daklap Elementalist|Man Crushin Thighs Warrior
TG vs MEX http://youtu.be/0KzbePfMzSo
Homeworld = Home Borderland!
Stop it guys, I think GabGar learned his lesson. Shouldn’t be making fun of him now.
David Sage’s Pug Commander Guide
Cool you were TG’s 4th gvg great job man!
See it wasn’t that our members are better or our commander is better, we only won 3-0 (should have been 5-0) because we gvged one more time then they have.
Officer of TERROR [TG]
I dunno, i think it may be a combination of English not being GabGar’s first language, being 12yo, having a misguided aggression towards the current version of DB, and possibly being a textbook example of someone with a superiority complex.
He’s barking at the “unloyal guilds” who, by the way GabGar, are no longer on this server – they can’t hear you – nor can what you say here affect them in their matchups. Calling commanders bad even after he clearly can’t match them on the field, hallucinating seeing and beating up David Sage on Monday, complimenting us then immediately changing face to insults in the same sentence, complaining about our SEA presence when he PvDoors just the same against a “dying server in ruins” and brags about it incessantly — yeah . . . textbook example.
(edited by FrankieBonez.8361)
TG vs MEX http://youtu.be/0KzbePfMzSo
Really fine match, thanks again for the opportunity to face you guys, and just a few notes to throw out there
We arent a WvW oriented guild, since we recruit by our nationality, we are still trying to learn from other’s and get better with practice, and this was an excellent experience for our whole guild, and i take responsability on the whole GvG strategy thank you again for this experience and i hope to be able to match you guys in the future so we can put up a proper fight, see you in the field
They made the grenadier sit out one :sadface:
Yak’s Bend
Ir Regardless – Engineer
They made the grenadier sit out one :sadface:
he had to afk for a sec so we substituted him for a s/d ele
Homeworld = Home Borderland!
Good fights all the way around this week all. Good luck on your next matchup and Bags for all!
Or any of the Wingnut family.
(One) Yaks Bend.
Thanks for the fun week! See ya NSP next and good luck DB with the rest of your matchups :o)
Yak’s Bend
YB’s siege skills are too stronk.
what fight are you talking about, if I may ask?
House of Dion (HoD)