12/7 Piken/Baruch/Jade Sea
That awkward moment when a guild that runs up to 86 guys in WvW is talking about blobbing.
And to GH. Last night, you blobbed us at times, we blobbed you at times.
We helped out DsD at times, DsD came into our fights against you.
You brought members of Vii/SPRT/XT and all of WIC to fights vs us. Remember longview? We were having a nice, relatively even numbered fight vs FG (surprising to not find FG running 70 guys these days) and you added on.We offered you some organised, even numbered fights last night, and you declined. If the blobbing was that bad, and we dwarfed you by that much, why would a top guild decline even numbered organised fights?
Instead you just chose to get GH members to spam abuse at the people offering you fair fights. I think at one point, one of your members even accused our raid leader of being into kids.I hope it was maybe a language barrier between our members and yours. But if we find each other again, and you want some organised, even numbers, unofficial fights, we’re probably up for it. Lets leave the blobs, and the trolling at home.
Last night as I recall you were never alone. From a guild that talks about roaming solo and is against blobbing so much you are pretty much double standard. No one is complaining about blobbing here from FG, all I see here is a bunch of upset fanboys shedding their tears because there is nothing they can do about it.
I’m not really sure what you’re talking about, it’s like you stuck a load of words in a sentence in random order expecting them to make sense. I don’t see how we’re “upset fanboys”, fanboys of who?
IRONFG?Wild fanclub member #3 appears!
Since were on the topic of blobbing, this is rich coming from an ex-iron member. Good job I quoted that one before it got thrown in the trash-can.
The video was just a response to you telling us that we never run alone. Well, this proves we do. That’s what you wanted, no? You can rewatch stream if you want. I like to think we try to run alone as much as possible. Despite us showing respect and saying that we appreciate you guys running alone all you do is giving provoking comments.
Also, you expect us to run into 45+ FG (granted you have ~50% of your total numbers online across to night) + some randoms with 22 scnd all night? Our general rule is to not add to fights when it’s 2 guilds. When we see 20-25 DsD engaging 50 of your guys, we are usually not gonna run from it, excuse us.
I’m disappointed that a leader of a guild shows so little respect towards other guilds and tries to answer to everthing with as much trashtalk as possible.
I’ll show as much respect as you give. Funny how the stem of the conversation is from your guild, not ours. Yet you feel the need to take the time to go onto our website and screenshot our attendance? (lol) and then post about values your clearly know nothing about. At the end of the day If you were not looking for trouble you wouldn’t call us out. It doesn’t just stem from the forums either infact. Let’s rewind afew months ago when Felerina Dalure was raid leader and you transferred, your members constantly sending the raid leaders of FG your tears and complaints and you still do it from this day. You talk about respect but all you give is public face. Respect is not earned from public face.
No, I’m disappointed with the level of kitten. You should all go see the doctor about that one.
Actually, if you read up, you’ll find it wasn’t even our guild that first complained about FG, but yeah.
So that makes it right for you to jump on the bandwagon?
I’ve never had problems with you Scnd guys, you were a nice guild and one I wanted to play with on our map setups, since you transferred I have no clue what has gone on but you have completely gone the opposite. If you want respect, don’t call us out.
I don’t think any member of Second has problems with FG either.
We know u are a way bigger guild then ours and u bring more numbers.
But anyway a guild who can run more then 50 people in raid is in my eyes a Blob guild(but that’s a personal opinion)
We Always try to “engage” alone as guild but if a other guild add’s in that fight! its not our choice! it’s a choice they make we cannot blame them for that.
We always prefer to fight alone if u watch our streams u will see we run mostly alone as a guild and engage alone!
Keep or tower fights ipersonally dont mind if it gets blobby cause people try to defend what is theirs.
Mesmer: Purify Ur Senses
As leader of INC I need to say that we have never been blobed by scnd(they had some ads from pugs, we had some ads from pugs as it always is when organised group is running around, magnetic force is stronk!
), but it works in both sides. This is some kind of respect for others and we support such a behaviour as a guild. If you blob someone – expect to be blobbed by them too. Why not? If there is group of 100 baruch or 100 JS, why should one single squad of 25 people run in? Just for a rule? or if there is such group from Piken(making me feel embarassed of my server)? Sorry, we sometimes kite them and maybe even kill or just survive but it’s kamikadze attack, you won’t be able to clear all the conditions coming.
And from my experience here on Piken I’m sure FG is blobing as hell, you have a potencial to split your raid into two raids!(making it even better for the server, because you’re our new server points warriors) BUT! the preferable tactic of your guild is too have as much as possible, because it’s easier(deal with it). You get blobbed after blobing? or even not get blobbed but attacked by 2 oraganised groups who are both as much as you but just lose by lack of skill? Tbh you shouldn’t be so confident beacuse you’re far, far behind from the scnd in open field fights and WvW/GvG experience. And you won’t learn anything if you keep running in such a numbers. Sometimes you lose = learn something. Sometimes you win and it tastes great, because it was made by teamplay, skill of single people not numbers.Have a good blo… day!
P.S. great stuff Ogro, 100% support from our guild.
I was wondering how long it was going to be until you graced us with your presence on this matter. Let’s be honest, we know you are fanclub #1 for the guild anyway. You jockhang so much its hard to believe.
Your more than welcome to join our raids, from what you have said however it’s clear you also have no clue. FG splits their raids as much as we can, I’m sure when we’ve ran open raids the friendlies and ally guilds will support that fact and let’s be honest, the only reason you have chimed in is because you are hard for us like the reason you graced us with your presence yesterday on TS. Your fine with writing your junk on the forums but when your talking with your microphone you sure are quiet with not much to say there kiddo.
Keeping dragging [INC] into the ground Devitz.
Don’t usually post on these forums as 90% of posts are blobbers complaining of being blobbed, morons kittening and random generic lootbag trolling, but it’s good to see some considered views every now and then.
Props to SCND – we’ve seen you actively avoid fights where we’re fighting DSD etc, it’s nice to see you’ve continued on the traditions that once made Piken different. Does Sylas still play? I haven’t been rude to him in at least a month, it’s proabably about time to pop over to your TS to do so…
<3 Jal and the rest of HoB. Yes I’m still around, you’re welcome on our TS anytime so long as you give me prior warning, but we may need to upgrade from our 100 slot one, as we’re filling it up every night these days!
Second Law [Scnd] – Guild leader
Currently: Axiom – Necro
We offered you some organised, even numbered fights last night, and you declined. If the blobbing was that bad, and we dwarfed you by that much, why would a top guild decline even numbered organised fights?
Instead you just chose to get GH members to spam abuse at the people offering you fair fights. I think at one point, one of your members even accused our raid leader of being into kids.I hope it was maybe a language barrier between our members and yours. But if we find each other again, and you want some organised, even numbers, unofficial fights, we’re probably up for it. Lets leave the blobs, and the trolling at home.
First of all your commander it seemed more cursed than offered fair fights. Other thing is that we were less than 20 GH when he offered fight 20vs20. And finally, i offered GvG to your guild (as the most fair fight) on reset, day after reset and several times yesterday. You declined it with point that your commander (who always leaded Scnd) is not so good and he cant lead GvGs. But at the same time you played match vs Vii, why you declined GvG match from 1 guild on reset and playing GvG with other guld, who surely made an offer to you after mine one.
Golden Horde [GH]
I offered GH fair fights Rich, I never specified numbers, all I said were, ‘even numbered fights’. I wasn’t cursing at you, I never called you out for blobbing in the whispers, and all I wanted were some fun fair fights without lag, which you declined.
Regarding the GvG, we have 2 main raid leaders in the guild, me and Seth. Due to my connection at home, I cannot/will not lead GvG’s, as I get ping spikes every few minutes, leading to timeouts/delays. A copy of my speedtest is provided below to verify this claim. To the best of our knowledge, Seth was going to be away from Monday onwards(on holiday), so we scheduled the GvG vs VII on Sunday because of that reason. Vanz can verify that as well, as I explained to him why it had to be Sunday. That is why we declined the GvG, because we would have no GvG leaders online who could lead a GvG.
We as a guild do not dodge GvG’s without a valid reason, and the reason in this instance, was the lack of leadership.
My speedtest as proof^. Hope this resolves the matter.
Second Law [Scnd] – Guild leader
Currently: Axiom – Necro
(edited by Snowstorm.3897)
As leader of INC I need to say that we have never been blobed by scnd(they had some ads from pugs, we had some ads from pugs as it always is when organised group is running around, magnetic force is stronk!
), but it works in both sides. This is some kind of respect for others and we support such a behaviour as a guild. If you blob someone – expect to be blobbed by them too. Why not? If there is group of 100 baruch or 100 JS, why should one single squad of 25 people run in? Just for a rule? or if there is such group from Piken(making me feel embarassed of my server)? Sorry, we sometimes kite them and maybe even kill or just survive but it’s kamikadze attack, you won’t be able to clear all the conditions coming.
And from my experience here on Piken I’m sure FG is blobing as hell, you have a potencial to split your raid into two raids!(making it even better for the server, because you’re our new server points warriors) BUT! the preferable tactic of your guild is too have as much as possible, because it’s easier(deal with it). You get blobbed after blobing? or even not get blobbed but attacked by 2 oraganised groups who are both as much as you but just lose by lack of skill? Tbh you shouldn’t be so confident beacuse you’re far, far behind from the scnd in open field fights and WvW/GvG experience. And you won’t learn anything if you keep running in such a numbers. Sometimes you lose = learn something. Sometimes you win and it tastes great, because it was made by teamplay, skill of single people not numbers.Have a good blo… day!
P.S. great stuff Ogro, 100% support from our guild.
I was wondering how long it was going to be until you graced us with your presence on this matter. Let’s be honest, we know you are fanclub #1 for the guild anyway. You jockhang so much its hard to believe.
Your more than welcome to join our raids, from what you have said however it’s clear you also have no clue. FG splits their raids as much as we can, I’m sure when we’ve ran open raids the friendlies and ally guilds will support that fact and let’s be honest, the only reason you have chimed in is because you are hard for us like the reason you graced us with your presence yesterday on TS. Your fine with writing your junk on the forums but when your talking with your microphone you sure are quiet with not much to say there kiddo.
Keeping dragging [INC] into the ground Devitz.
Telling you the truth is dragging guild into a ground? You’re completly mad person, in every single week there is discussion about FG BLOB and you keep telling it’s not true? Face the truth, your group is only numbers and 0 teamplay/skill
I offered GH fair fights Rich, I never specified numbers, all I said were, ‘even numbered fights’. I wasn’t cursing at you, I never called you out for blobbing in the whispers, and all I wanted were some fun fair fights without lag, which you declined.
Regarding the GvG, we have 2 main raid leaders in the guild, me and Seth. Due to my connection at home, I cannot/will not lead GvG’s, as I get ping spikes every few minutes, leading to timeouts/delays. A copy of my speedtest is provided below to verify this claim. To the best of our knowledge, Seth was going to be away from Monday onwards(on holiday), so we scheduled the GvG vs VII on Sunday because of that reason. Vanz can verify that as well, as I explained to him why it had to be Sunday. That is why we declined the GvG, because we would have no GvG leaders online who could lead a GvG.
We as a guild do not dodge GvG’s without a valid reason, and the reason in this instance, was the lack of leadership.
My speedtest^ as proof. Hope this resolves the matter.
Even although Sylas sports his favoured homobow, I can confirm that we contacted scnd as soon as the matchup reset and were told that Sunday was the only option as Seth went on holiday as of Monday.
As leader of INC I need to say that we have never been blobed by scnd(they had some ads from pugs, we had some ads from pugs as it always is when organised group is running around, magnetic force is stronk!
), but it works in both sides. This is some kind of respect for others and we support such a behaviour as a guild. If you blob someone – expect to be blobbed by them too. Why not? If there is group of 100 baruch or 100 JS, why should one single squad of 25 people run in? Just for a rule? or if there is such group from Piken(making me feel embarassed of my server)? Sorry, we sometimes kite them and maybe even kill or just survive but it’s kamikadze attack, you won’t be able to clear all the conditions coming.
And from my experience here on Piken I’m sure FG is blobing as hell, you have a potencial to split your raid into two raids!(making it even better for the server, because you’re our new server points warriors) BUT! the preferable tactic of your guild is too have as much as possible, because it’s easier(deal with it). You get blobbed after blobing? or even not get blobbed but attacked by 2 oraganised groups who are both as much as you but just lose by lack of skill? Tbh you shouldn’t be so confident beacuse you’re far, far behind from the scnd in open field fights and WvW/GvG experience. And you won’t learn anything if you keep running in such a numbers. Sometimes you lose = learn something. Sometimes you win and it tastes great, because it was made by teamplay, skill of single people not numbers.Have a good blo… day!
P.S. great stuff Ogro, 100% support from our guild.
I was wondering how long it was going to be until you graced us with your presence on this matter. Let’s be honest, we know you are fanclub #1 for the guild anyway. You jockhang so much its hard to believe.
Your more than welcome to join our raids, from what you have said however it’s clear you also have no clue. FG splits their raids as much as we can, I’m sure when we’ve ran open raids the friendlies and ally guilds will support that fact and let’s be honest, the only reason you have chimed in is because you are hard for us like the reason you graced us with your presence yesterday on TS. Your fine with writing your junk on the forums but when your talking with your microphone you sure are quiet with not much to say there kiddo.
Keeping dragging [INC] into the ground Devitz.
Telling you the truth is dragging guild into a ground? You’re completly mad person, in every single week there is discussion about FG BLOB and you keep telling it’s not true? Face the truth, your group is only numbers and 0 teamplay/skill
Here is the cup of care Devitz \_/
As leader of INC I need to say that we have never been blobed by scnd(they had some ads from pugs, we had some ads from pugs as it always is when organised group is running around, magnetic force is stronk!
), but it works in both sides. This is some kind of respect for others and we support such a behaviour as a guild. If you blob someone – expect to be blobbed by them too. Why not? If there is group of 100 baruch or 100 JS, why should one single squad of 25 people run in? Just for a rule? or if there is such group from Piken(making me feel embarassed of my server)? Sorry, we sometimes kite them and maybe even kill or just survive but it’s kamikadze attack, you won’t be able to clear all the conditions coming.
And from my experience here on Piken I’m sure FG is blobing as hell, you have a potencial to split your raid into two raids!(making it even better for the server, because you’re our new server points warriors) BUT! the preferable tactic of your guild is too have as much as possible, because it’s easier(deal with it). You get blobbed after blobing? or even not get blobbed but attacked by 2 oraganised groups who are both as much as you but just lose by lack of skill? Tbh you shouldn’t be so confident beacuse you’re far, far behind from the scnd in open field fights and WvW/GvG experience. And you won’t learn anything if you keep running in such a numbers. Sometimes you lose = learn something. Sometimes you win and it tastes great, because it was made by teamplay, skill of single people not numbers.Have a good blo… day!
P.S. great stuff Ogro, 100% support from our guild.
I was wondering how long it was going to be until you graced us with your presence on this matter. Let’s be honest, we know you are fanclub #1 for the guild anyway. You jockhang so much its hard to believe.
Your more than welcome to join our raids, from what you have said however it’s clear you also have no clue. FG splits their raids as much as we can, I’m sure when we’ve ran open raids the friendlies and ally guilds will support that fact and let’s be honest, the only reason you have chimed in is because you are hard for us like the reason you graced us with your presence yesterday on TS. Your fine with writing your junk on the forums but when your talking with your microphone you sure are quiet with not much to say there kiddo.
Keeping dragging [INC] into the ground Devitz.
Telling you the truth is dragging guild into a ground? You’re completly mad person, in every single week there is discussion about FG BLOB and you keep telling it’s not true? Face the truth, your group is only numbers and 0 teamplay/skill
Here is the cup of care Devitz \_/
Idd it looks like you don’t care because the gamestyle of your guild didn’t change for last 5 months as I far as I know from talking with ex-deso members. If you love playing this way – np! but stop crying about someone gathering equal numbers and smashing you! get BIGGER BLOB! (probably you already know this “strategy”).
Devitz, the proud hater of blobs
As leader of INC I need to say that we have never been blobed by scnd(they had some ads from pugs, we had some ads from pugs as it always is when organised group is running around, magnetic force is stronk!
), but it works in both sides. This is some kind of respect for others and we support such a behaviour as a guild. If you blob someone – expect to be blobbed by them too. Why not? If there is group of 100 baruch or 100 JS, why should one single squad of 25 people run in? Just for a rule? or if there is such group from Piken(making me feel embarassed of my server)? Sorry, we sometimes kite them and maybe even kill or just survive but it’s kamikadze attack, you won’t be able to clear all the conditions coming.
And from my experience here on Piken I’m sure FG is blobing as hell, you have a potencial to split your raid into two raids!(making it even better for the server, because you’re our new server points warriors) BUT! the preferable tactic of your guild is too have as much as possible, because it’s easier(deal with it). You get blobbed after blobing? or even not get blobbed but attacked by 2 oraganised groups who are both as much as you but just lose by lack of skill? Tbh you shouldn’t be so confident beacuse you’re far, far behind from the scnd in open field fights and WvW/GvG experience. And you won’t learn anything if you keep running in such a numbers. Sometimes you lose = learn something. Sometimes you win and it tastes great, because it was made by teamplay, skill of single people not numbers.Have a good blo… day!
P.S. great stuff Ogro, 100% support from our guild.
I was wondering how long it was going to be until you graced us with your presence on this matter. Let’s be honest, we know you are fanclub #1 for the guild anyway. You jockhang so much its hard to believe.
Your more than welcome to join our raids, from what you have said however it’s clear you also have no clue. FG splits their raids as much as we can, I’m sure when we’ve ran open raids the friendlies and ally guilds will support that fact and let’s be honest, the only reason you have chimed in is because you are hard for us like the reason you graced us with your presence yesterday on TS. Your fine with writing your junk on the forums but when your talking with your microphone you sure are quiet with not much to say there kiddo.
Keeping dragging [INC] into the ground Devitz.
Telling you the truth is dragging guild into a ground? You’re completly mad person, in every single week there is discussion about FG BLOB and you keep telling it’s not true? Face the truth, your group is only numbers and 0 teamplay/skill
Here is the cup of care Devitz \_/
Idd it looks like you don’t care because the gamestyle of your guild didn’t change for last 5 months as I far as I know from talking with ex-deso members. If you love playing this way – np! but stop crying about someone gathering equal numbers and smashing you! get BIGGER BLOB! (probably you already know this “strategy”).
Devitz, the proud hater of blobs
No one is crying. Just more popcorn entertainment than anything. Ex-desolation members? we were never more than 30 at a given time on raids on desolation. Funny how much you spew. Let’s go back to December infact: http://www.forsakengamers.com/gw2attendance
(That’s page 7 for the incompetent)
I would suggest you take a look at: http://www.goodreads.com/shelf/show/learning-english to help you understand the situation more.
Ah the beauty of players who know nothing, just whispers. Nice try though.
Jeezus, I’m so late with this, but will go ahead and add my opinion to this anyway.
And to GH. Last night, you blobbed us at times, we blobbed you at times.
We helped out DsD at times, DsD came into our fights against you.
If that was it, I’d wholeheartedly agree and we’d move on. But the rest followed:
You brought members of Vii/SPRT/XT and all of WIC to fights vs us. Remember longview? We were having a nice, relatively even numbered fight vs FG (surprising to not find FG running 70 guys these days) and you added on.
No, I don’t remember this fight but I remember another one.
Before I go into describing it, I gotta first point out: We do not “bring” anyone with us. Whoever from friendlies decides to follow us, that’s their decision. We, unlike many organized guild raids, do not ask any friendlies to leave us alone. And will not. The whole premise of separation from the rest of map seems so be completely alien to WvW realities. That’s not to say we actively promote and knowingly lead pug blobs of course. We’d love to run alone, just not at expence of being elitist kitten.bags.
We don’t ask a commander to look another way when we are fighting with any raids of yours. If he or any other raid decides to join, well it’s unfortunate but that’s WvW for you.
TL:DR: We won’t be getting out of the way to try and “run strictly alone” by imposing out view of WvW on others and generally saying people to gtfo. That’s insane, horribly elitist and just plain wrong. Wanna clean fight in controlled environment? GvG.
Now, to the “other” fight. That was at Arah. Here’s the disposition: [BuLL] are at worm, we are below on the road to worm. Fire fields and blasts are going off, everyone’s ready, we make several false pushes, the battle is about to commence. Now all of a sudden [Scnd] comes at us from behind from NE entrance to camp. We turn around and do an emergency charge. What do you know, [BuLL] comes from above and shuts the sandwich firm. Did we start to spam any of these guilds PMs after this battle? No. All we did we said to ourselves:
“Well, that was a good sandwich. [Scnd] coming in maybe weren’t aware of what was going on but if we were [BuLL] we’d probably stay at the worm allowing [Scnd] to sort it out on their own. Anyway, nevermind, on to the next fight.”
Instead you just chose to get GH members to spam abuse at the people offering you fair fights. I think at one point, one of your members even accused our raid leader of being into kids.
Now, you to the contrary, at some point started to spam Rich’ PM with all kinds of “you wiped us you blob, we wiped you we cool” nonsense. It gone so bad that Rich wasn’t able to actually lead the raid, he was silent for minutes and was bumping into the corners. No surprise that eventually he had to end these conversations “forcibly”.
Finny how different situation may look from opposite sides, right?
We offered you some organised, even numbered fights last night, and you declined. If the blobbing was that bad, and we dwarfed you by that much, why would a top guild decline even numbered organised fights?
I can only answer by quoting someone else:
We as a guild do not dodge GvG’s without a valid reason, and the reason in this instance, was the lack of leadership.
So yeah, we had our reasons to. And the reason was, our numbers were dwindling down at that moment.
I hope it was maybe a language barrier between our members and yours.
I’m sure that was partially the case.
But if we find each other again, and you want some organised, even numbers, unofficial fights, we’re probably up for it. Lets leave the blobs…
We cannot guarantee that in the open, it’s simple as that. And won’t try to isolate ourselves from the rest of the map.
…and the trolling at home
I don’t have any trolling to leave anywhere
(edited by Yaro.3251)
[BuLL] is off in summer. We are running alone with 10-15 maybe, getting blobbed several times. If you see a [BuLL] blob change ur drugs.
I didn’t say “blob” if you was addressing me.
I think it would be more amusing if people started fighting over who has the bigger blob.
NO! My blob is bigger!
No! MINE is!
I mean isn’t that what boys do anyhow?
Own your blob. /nod
Also this, with <3 (I hope someone gets it )
Apologies for an off-topic during the kittened blob conversations and petty guild disputes.
Is this something you plan to do on a weekly basis Ogre? Expect a lot of new subs if this becomes a regular feature. A place to check all the scores and see some matches from the week is just what the GvG community needs to keep up to date and raise the profile. Very impressed with this idea.
It may even be a step toward Anet doing something about a pvp format that is sorely missing from GW2.
There seems to be a demand, so yeah, “ready to serve!” :P Feed me a stray cat and lots of GvG matches plz.
Piken Square new server Blober??? gh +70 in your map…..
yes sir! we only blob because your five man groups (look at the screen below) are to skilled for us to take on with less then 70 ppl.
maybe if you guys run without armor we have a chance but dont know…your 5 man groups are kinda hard to kill (look again at the screen)
Hey men look your friends, yesterday was 25
Thank you Disidentes [DsD] for GvG tonight!
At last we’ve got GvG action we were trying to get going for several weeks.
And sorry for what happened during first fight, It wasn’t really anything that was targeted against you, someone just decided to “protest” us ignoring the schedule. Which is true and I take full responsibility here, but that kind of reaction was totally uncalled for.
(edited by Yaro.3251)
Thank you for the hard fight and cold shower. It will help us to keep improving.
We don´t GvG as much as we´d like, either, so we have a long way to go. We will clash again for sure, both on organized matches and on the open battleground. You are hard to crack on any situation…
Just don´t worry about the initial issue. We took it as it was… a nice warm up xD
Tons of chars. If only one day I manage to guess how to play any of them, I will post it here
Nice Blob on Piken bl
Thanks DsD guys for tough fights, for me (and many my friends) this degree of toughness was little bit unexpected. Thumbs up for that! All the best for your next GvGs, you are doing good job.
Shame for KA guild who came with commander badges to our GvG spot and rushed DsD guys in the beggiing of our first round. My feelings were much more then a mere facepalm. Some people should learn more about fairplay spirit.
Golden Horde [GH]
Piken Square
Nice Blob on Piken bl
well we dont want to come third :P so just gtfo out and let us catch up to JS
(edited by Balzamon.1396)
First off, thanks to the three BB earlier in the night who came to enjoy a nice swim with me near garrison on BBBL. Massive difference from last week’s match when they wouldn’t even come into the water when they saw me Big kudos you kept coming back. Was fun! I owe you three some cookies.
Next up. Oh my god. Second on EB. lol. The chaos. Thanks for the fun fights! You guys are tough.
Thanks DsD guys for tough fights, for me (and many my friends) this degree of toughness was little bit unexpected. Thumbs up for that! All the best for your next GvGs, you are doing good job.
Shame for KA guild who came with commander badges to our GvG spot and rushed DsD guys in the beggiing of our first round. My feelings were much more then a mere facepalm. Some people should learn more about fairplay spirit.
ty guys, hard figths tonigth. A pleasure for us. np about the KA member adds flavor XD
First off, thanks to the three BB earlier in the night who came to enjoy a nice swim with me near garrison on BBBL. Massive difference from last week’s match when they wouldn’t even come into the water when they saw me
Big kudos you kept coming back. Was fun! I owe you three some cookies.
Next up. Oh my god. Second on EB. lol. The chaos. Thanks for the fun fights!
You guys are tough.
Thank you was really nice to see VII there too, lots of fun
I’m sure we all gonna miss this matchup, in this week we have blobed action, guild action and even roaming action, thats a thing you can’t say when other servers are involved (Viz…cof,cof .p).
I can’t name all the guilds but i wanna say that I appreciate all the action that you have gave us to improve on the road making and finding new motivations to keep up.
/ respect to all and cya soon
I agree, a fine matchup, enough battles for everyone’s taste, plus there’s been some excellent entertainment on the forums for when we’re not in game.
Go Piken, less than 2k to catch up to JS! This is the most interesting match ending in quite some time for me. Thanks all for the fun.
And @Jayne: Ouch, rickrolled
It’s been a nice week, a good mixture of roaming guilds and pug zergs to fight. With gvgs and getting to play in the BL’s and EB, I cant really ask for anything more. Piken has had a good roll for 2 weeks now, hopefully we get placed highly for a 3rd week.
Seriously do not want a lower tier match at reset.
BB and JS
Thank you for hard and nice week
INC&Garaz Runkaraki
Ele from Piken Square
Dear BB guilds, can you have a word with your roamers please and maybe get them to install a bit of a backbone? Really every single 1v1 I attempted last night involved my opponent running away practically before the fight had started! Also to the Ele for whom I waited patiently while you got the Gods vista on PS Borders, why would you start a fight when you were in such a terrible position … and then decide to run away instead?
That being said, kudos to the two thieves who kept five of us busy hunting you down in the keep for so long … perma-stealth is a headache but isn’t a faceroll, well played.
Piken Square
And @Jayne: Ouch, rickrolled
You sir get a gold star!
1k only difference between Piken and Jade, will you resign yourselves to that Piken? C’mon one last push
- forgive myself Jade, but Piken has a place reserved in my heart
You Baruch fellows need to go take a nice nap then
C’mon, I know you’re sleepy.
Was nice to see old familiar tags in the maps as I’m getting back into the game.
<3 VII. Sad I missed the GvG. I’m sure there’s gonna be a rematch in the future. And gl to HoB on future endeavours!
Second Law.
1k only difference between Piken and Jade, will you resign yourselves to that Piken? C’mon one last push
Is there a point really in finishing at particular place in a match-up? What I was always looking at after matchup system changed was “New rating” and/or “Evolution” columns. We are in the black there.
So, now that the match up is almost over, I’d like to ask you if it really feel like :
Piken is a medium Pop. Server while Baruch and Jade Sea are Very High Pop. yet ppl still pull the – Piken Blop joke lol.
Do JS really feel like a Very High pop server?
Is there a point to winning a football match when you play with your friends? Do you just stand around and let them score free goals or hold the ball forever cause it’s more fun than running around waiting for a pass? WvW is a competition, and while it’s not the end of the world if you lose and you should by no means turn it into serious business, it gives everyone a common goal to pursue in their own way and makes people feel like a part of the team. So while there may be no point in finishing in a certain position, there is definitely a point in trying your best.
The merits of victory is exactly what am I talking about. What is it in finishing first in particular matchup when the system is randomized so match-up is probably unbalanced from the get go?
I’m not talking about standing still doing nothing because of it, I’m talking about the value of placement at the end of match-up. What evolution shows is that Piken, considering difference in ranking with JS and BB, was doing kitten good this week as opposed to how it should have been doing if rankings were a solid representation of server strength.
Do JS really feel like a Very High pop server?
We don’t have statistics regarding “WvW pop” and “server pop” is pretty useless in general on any side of WvW argument.
(edited by Yaro.3251)
It was a pleasant week, Piken have still some guild of 10/15ppl always fun to fight. I hope we recross soon.
Jade Quarry
Thx for this week.
sure we will meet again soon xD
Thumbs up for everyone who made it possible to close the gap to the 2nd place
Thanks to every one for good fights this week.
GJ and Thanks to all Piken players for last day push, great job!
As, I promised, one more message for JS (the defeated one server):
no need to taunt, without the help of Barush on the last day, Piken wouldn’t have the second place
Awasome Fight !!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRwKJgxk1GA